Monday, March 17, 2025

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 1/11/1992

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 1/11/1992

Last week's show is here:

We are in Austin, TX.

Vince McMahon and Mr. Perfect are our hosts. Vince says it's National Eye Care Month. Perfect says all eyes will be on The Funeral Parlor as Ric Flair is the guest. Perfect says Ric is a pupil of the game and has his eyes set on the title. 

Jim Duggan & Sgt. Slaughter vs Barry Horowitz & Jesse Hernandez

Barry eye pokes Sarge then Sarge does it back to him. Sarge elbows him in the head and bangs his head off the buckles. Sarge shoulders Barry over. Barry drops down and gets booted. Barry takes a double back elbow.

Barry eye pokes Duggan. Jesse gets in and Duggan bangs his head off the buckles. The Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart do an inset promo. Saggs says they will bang their heads soon and Knobbs says let's finish it once and for all at The Rumble. Duggan back body drops Jesse.

Barry hits Duggan from behind then Duggan hits a double clothesline. Duggan slams Barry and Jesse around. Duggan throws Barry over the top. Duggan hammerlocks Jesse. Sarge clubs on Jesse's chest. Jesse is whipped into a running lariat from Duggan. Duggan then picks up the pin.

Thoughts: Barry got a little bit of offense in here but his team was squashed as expected. Duggan and Sarge aren't exactly the prototypical face team and kind of do more heel looking offense.

WWF Update

Mean Gene Okerlund shows us footage from Wrestling Challenge with Sid Justice. Sid is at The Barber Shop and says he has the advantage at The Rumble. He says he has always stood alone and says justice will be served at The Rumble. Brutus asks if he's arm is ready. Sid said he asked himself the same question and said his arms are at 100%. He said it means good things for him and bad for the others. He says justice will be served.

We get various quick promos for The Rumble with The Warlord, Big Boss Man and Rick Martel. 

Irwin R. Schyster vs. Robert Taylor

IRS gets on the mic beforehand. He says new tax laws are coming in 1992. He says he won't cut the tax cheats any slack.

IRS sends Rob's head into the buckles and hits a back elbow. IRS slams him then hits elbow drops. Rob rolls him up for 2. Rob is thrown out and take a hard ride. Rob gets stomped in the ring. IRS hits a samoan drop and wins.

It wasn't a bad squash. Rob did a good job getting beaten up here and took a nice bump outside. IRS' offense was simple but good.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney hypes up the 1/18/1992 Boston Garden Show. Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect do a promo with Flair's title blurred out. Perfect says the 3 greatest names in wrestling will be in the ring at the same time with them and Hulk. Ric says he's the real world's champ and tells Hulk he's waiting.

Hulk Hogan says Ric and Perfect are in a lot of trouble. Hulk says Ric will be an endangered species. He says it won't be styling and profiling. He says he will be in war mode. Hulk says he's dangerous as he doesn't have the title or anything to lose. He says he will hold onto the figure four on Ric until there's a snap, crackle and pop.

We see clips of Macho vs Jake at This Tuesday in Texas.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney hypes up the 1/18/1992 Boston Garden Show. The LOD and Bret Hart do a promo. Animal says they will see how big and bad The Natural Disasters are and will see how long the yellow stripe is down Mountie's back. Hart says The Mountie came close to attempted murder and will have nowhere to hide. Hawk says he will knock The ND's and The Mountie's teeth down their throat.

The Mountie and The Natural Disasters do a promo. Mountie says he has the two baddest men in the WWF. Mountie says he only tickled Bret but will show him what it's all about this time. Typhoon says The LOD should put the titles on the line. Quake says they can't win a title but can beat them from post to post.

El Matador vs. Brian Donahue

Brian backs up Tito in the corner. He misses a shot and takes some in return. Tito dropkicks him then armdrags him. Tito armlocks him. Texas Tornado does an inset promo. He says Tito is his friend but friendships are out in The Rumble. Tito stomps Brian's gut.

Brian hit some punches and takes a nice back body drop. Tito hits shots on Brian then flying forearms him in the back of the neck. Tito then wins.

Thoughts: It was a short one but it was nice to see Brian get some offense in before going down.

Perfect leaves before the replay to go to The Funeral Parlor.

We get more on the WBF Personal Fitness Weekend.

The Funeral Parlor

Paul Bearer brings out Mr. Perfect and Ric Flair. Paul talks about The Royal Rumble and says The Undertaker is in it. Perfect says Taker is big but he's not perfect or the real world's champion. Ric says he's already the real world's champ and says the WWF Title is secondary to his main mission - the total disgrace of Hulk Hogan. He says he has the greatest ring technician of all time with him in Mr. Perfect. He says we already know Flair is going to the hall of fame. Flair says The Rumble is the most difficult match in wrestling but he says he has nothing to lose. He says everyone will say he's the greatest of all time after The Rumble. He says Tunney won't be able to blur out his WWF Title and says the whole world will have to stand up and notice he's the real world's champ. He says Hulk will have to walk the earth as #2. Perfect says, "no, no, as #3".

Royal Rumble Report

Gene talks about the wrestlers in The Rumble. The British Bulldog says there's no friends at The Rumble. He says he's coming to take the gold. The Repo Man says The Rumble will be interesting. He says what the wrestlers think is theirs will be his and it's the WWF Title. Roddy Piper says you have to dare to dream. He says he knows someone will blindside him as there's 29 people who want to become champ. Jake Roberts says 30 men get a shot at the title. He said him and Taker agreed they'd be better champs than the other 28. Jake asks Macho how's Elizabeth? Hulk Hogan says the timing couldn't be better. He says he can cage up Taker and Flair all at the same time in The Rumble. He says he can handle the family business in one day. He says Don Corleone Hogan will find a place to deposit them. He says he will take a walk on the wildside and throw it in their faces.

Gene then talks about the other matches.

We get another video on Chris Chavis. He's watching an Indian dance at a bonfire. He says it's important to do this dance to hold onto the traditions of their ancestors. He says he has found his place and says with the help of his people, he vows to bring the wisdom of the Indian nation to it's rightful place. He says he will be a leader of the new Indian nation and does his yell.

The Natural Disasters (Earthquake & Typhoon) vs Bobby Jones & Ken Johnson

Jones dropkicks Quake but just flips off of him. Quake clubs on him then rams him into the corner. Quake hits a belly to belly suplex then elbow drops him in the back. The Legion of Doom do a promo. Animal tells The ND's to get ready to fight in The Rumble. Hawk says he's fond of the gold and isn't giving it up.

Typh suplexes Jones then backbreakers him. Typh walks on Jones. Typh hits a corner lariat and a corner splash. Quake then splashes Typh's back while he's on Jones. The jobbers get squashed together in the corner. Quake hits a power slam on Jones then butt drops him. Typh then hits a big splash on Jones and pins him.

Thoughts: It was all squash as usual with the jobbers getting crushed by the fat guys.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney hypes up the 1/18/1992 Boston Garden Show. Virgil does a promo on The Repo Man. He says Repo is a punk, a liar and a thief. He says he will prove Repo is a coward. He says Repo whacking him in the face knocked him into reality. He says Repo will go down 1-2-3.

Ted Dibiase and Sensational Sherri do a promo. Ted laughs about Tito being a hero to his people. He says he showed what kind of hero Tito is. Ted says Tito fights the kind of bulls they milk. 

Overall thoughts: There wasn't much of note in this one. Barbarian vs Macho Man was supposed to be on this but it was bumped to next week's sow. This was all Royal Rumble hype with no real news or star vs star matches. It was totally forgettable and I wouldn't recommend this at all.

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