Friday, March 7, 2025

Reality of Wrestling 3/2/2025 Episode 431

Reality of Wrestling 3/2/2025 Episode 431

Booker T comes out with Edge Stone and Gaspar Hernandez. He says wisdom comes with time and it's something Zilla Fatu had to learn the hard way. He says Street Justice will put any man down. He thanks Edge Stone, AJ Francis and Gaspar Hernandez for doing a good job. He says it's time to move on to The Last Stand Rumble now.

Zilla Fatu comes out. Booker tells him to come in the ring if he thinks he's tough enough. He says he has some things to address tonight. He says Booker said the era of Zilla Fatu was dead last time he saw him. Zilla says it's just the beginning. He says he will win The Rumble next month (not The Royal Rumble) and says he will get his title back.

Booker says Zilla doesn't get it. He says he's not running anything. Booker says Zilla should be in The Rumble but needs to earn his shot. He says Zilla isn't so tough and so bad. He says Gaspar had him pinned and Booker says he pinned him too. He says he needs to beat Edge Stone to get in The Rumble tonight. He then says - can you dig that sucka?

Justin Corino is interviewed. He says he's the guy that Harlem Heat had to come out of retirement to take the tag titles from. He says Semsei will find out who he is tonight.

Justin Corino vs Semsei

Semsei comes out with a katana. They lock up and Sem is backed up in the corner. JC shoulders him over then side headlock takeovers him. Sem armlocks him then is forearmed hard. JC goes up and over and armdrags him. JC then dropkicks him. 

Sem hits chops on him. Sem step up boots him in the corner. Sem hits a top rope crossbody for 2. Sem pele kicks him. They fight on the apron and JC STO's him on the apron. JC knees him in the gut and sliding lariats him. JC hits chops and Sem hits him back.

JC hits a corner lariat then northern lights suplexes him. JC back elbows him then backdrops him. Sem throws him off the top. Sem hits punches and hits double chops. Sem does a nice spin kick to the mouth then powerslams him for 2. 

JC superkicks him out of the corner and backrolls him into the buckles, making his head hit off of them. JC michinoku drivers Sem for 2. Sem then backrolls him and wins.

Sem does a ninja/Ninja Warrior gimmick. He does a lot of chops but the chop don't look too powerful and definitely need some work. He can move well though. Sem also has an uncanny resemblance to Rocky Romero. The match was average but they didn't botch anything.

Nor "Phoenix" Diana vs Kalientita

Nor is Muslim and covers everything up but her face and hands. Nor wristlocks her and side headlock takeovers her. Kal headscissors her. Nor legsweeps her.

Nor hits armdrags then elbow slices her. Nor fisherman suplexes her for 2. Nor is nearly pushed into the ref and is backcrackered. Kal hits corner spears. Kal foot chokes her in the corner then stomps on her chest. Kal then corner hip attacks her. Nor takes a bad looking exploder on her head for 2.

Nor goes for a neckbreaker and Kal backslides her. Nor drops her with a forearm then does a neckbreaker on the knee for the win.

Thoughts: Nor is really small and kind of has to be worked with in a way that Kal wasn't really ready for. Nor can move though due to her size. This wasn't that good with multiple botched/sloppy moves.

Hank Walker and Tanke Ledger are interviewed. They are the ROH tag champs. Tank says it's not a coincidence that they are tag champs and brought their partnership here. Hank says it won't be a coincidence when they win either. Hank says it'll come down to who has more guts and Tank agrees. They say Fly Def will find out there's no coincidences and there's only two truths in this world - they hit first and last.

ROW Tag Titles - Hank Walker and Tank Leger (c) vs Fly-Def (Warren Johnson and Zack Mason)

War is the thinner one of the two and Zack has the headband on. Hank and Zack go at it. Zack hits forearms and boots in the corner. Zack goes up and over then Hank blocks his sunset flip. Hank spinning back elbows him. Zack jawbreakers him.

War's top rope crossbody is caught by Hank. War dropkicks him. War takes corner splashes from both opponents for 2. Tank misses a corner splash. Zack comes in and hits shots on Tank. Tank cartwheels out of an irish whip then hits a lariat. Zack suplexes Tank for 2.

Hank saves Tank from a double suplex. Fly Def hit forearms. The four end up fighting outside. Fly Def's backs are rammed into each other outside. Hank and Tank then run at them outside and bodyblock them into each other.

Zack pulls Tank's neck over the top rope. Tank is thrown chest first into the buckles. Tank is double stomped on by Fly Def. Zack stomps on Tank in the corner then camel clutches him in the ropes. War then drive by dropkicks Tank in the ropes.

War tries to stop Tank from making the tag. War 2nd rope crossbodies Tank for 2. Zack sleepers Tank. Tank jawbreakers War and goes for the tag but Zack pulls Hank down from the apron. Tank takes a dropkick to the butt + ddt combo for 2. Zack hits a flurry of shots on Tank.

Tank lariats Zack out of the corner. Hank is tagged in. He hits shots on War and drops Zack with a nice punch. Hank hits corner lariats on the two and hits snake eyes on Zack. Hank black hole slams War. War takes a powerslam + shot to the back combo. The faces have the pin but two wrestlers come out (Valu and Hoka) and break the pin up for the DQ.

The two wrestlers fight with Hank and Tank as the show ends.

Thoughts: Hank and Tank looked good here. You don't really get to see all of what they can do on NXT because there's not a lot of time and everything is more structured, but they have a bunch of energy and were clearly above everyone on this show. The match was fine. I wish we would have gotten a better finish but at least it seems to be going somewhere. I would have liked to have seen a big spot or two here to really get the crowd going.

Overall thoughts: ROW isn't a bad show. The production is good and the wrestlers work more a WWE style match than indy style match. I do wish they could just get some chyron graphics though as it takes some work to figure out the wrestlers without it. There wasn't anything must see here but there was nothing wrong with this show. I'd give it a 5 out of 10. I don't know if you'd love this if you are seeing ROW for the first time, but you won't hate it or be offended by it.

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