Thursday, March 6, 2025

AEW Dynamite 3/5/2025

AEW Dynamite 3/5/2025

Last week's show is here:

This is airing against WWE Evolve on Tubi.

We cut to MJF outside. He says Adam Page poked the devil. He says what he did to Daniels was light work. He says Page got him hungry and wanting to prove a point. He says he's in the streets if Page wants to find him. He says he has a bullet with his name on him. He says if he wants to shoot, saddle up and let's ride.

Tony Schiavone is in the ring to host a contract signing. Ricochet, Prince Nana and Swerve Strickland come out. 

Ricochet doesn't have Nana's robe on and says it is getting some upgrades for Sunday. Ric says Swerve's contract signings didn't go well before but at least his house isn't getting burned down. Ric says Swerve is lucky he's here as he should be done with him. Ric says Swerve is upset as he won.

Ric says he's one step closer to achieving his goal of being champ. He says he's one step closer to being who he was supposed to be - the AEW champ. He tell Swerve not to let Prince Nana down.

Swerve says Ric stole Nana's robe. He says the worst thing he did was let him be here and still breathing. He says he will breathe down his neck until he ends him. Swerve sends he will run him into the ground on his path to the title. He says people will remember Ric for his wife and that Swerve briefly revived his career. Ric gets up, they stare down and Ric tries to hit him with golden scissors. Swerve catches the scissors and hits Ric with his own scissors. Ric then gets busted open.

Thoughts: I liked this. Ric is doing good with this annoying heel character. 

Will Ospreay, Mark Briscoe, Powerhouse Hobbs and Orange Cassidy vs Lance Archer, Mark Davis, Brian Cage and Bryan Keith

BK = Bryan Keith , MB = Mark Briscoe, MD = Mark Davis

Will facekicks Cage. Cage catches his headscissors, does curls with him and hits a world's strongest slam on him. Cage hits corner lariats on Will then short arm clotheslines him. Will is popped up and hurricanrana's Cage. Will backdrops Cage.

MB and Cage go at it. MB hits uppercuts. MB flips out of a back body drop. MB back enzugiri's Cage. Will hits corner punches on Cage then Hobbs hits corner punches on Cage. OC then hits a single corner punches on Cage. Cage lariats OC over.

OC bangs Cage's head off the buckles. OC is caught on a slingshot and takes a jackhammer. Lance hit forearms on OC. Lance black hole slams OC. We go to PiP break and return. Don Callis stomps OC outside.

Lance suplex lifts OC and passes him to Cage then Cage is passed to MD for a suplex. OC suplexes BK. MD gets back in and OC stunners him. Hobbs is tagged in. He and MD trade. Hobbs shoulders MD over. Hobbs lariat battles with Cage and Lance at the same time. Cage and Lance lariat each other on accident and Hobbs double lariats both.

Hobbs exploders Mark. Mark then takes corner attacks. Will plancha's out onto Lance. MB tope con hilos through the ropes. OC gets on Hobbs' shoulders and elbow drops MD for 2. Mark powerbombs Hobbs. BK facekicks Hobbs. Hobbs lariats BK. Will springboard forearms BK. Will handspring corkscrew kicks Cage. Will superkicks BK's head into the buckles.

Everyone starts hitting a move. Cage rock bottoms Hobbs. OC spinning ddt's Cage. OC topes into a tornado ddt on Cage on the floor. OC goes up top and is headbutted. BK 2nd rope exploders him. BK and MB go at it. MB flying forearms him then exploders him. Lance lariats MB. MB shotei's a chair into Lance's face. MB jumps off a chair and flipdives Lance and Cage. Will os cutters BK then hits a hidden blade for the win.

Thoughts: It was a good tag match. It was fast paced with lots of people coming in and out as expected and the heels lost here as expected. This was all action.

Mark Davis sleepers Will after. Cage powerbombs OC on the apron edge. Lance chokeslams Briscoe on the apron. Hobbs takes a chokeslam + powerbomb combo on the side of the steps. 

Kyle Fletcher comes out after. Will is held as Kyle pounds and stomps on him. Mark Davis pulls Kyle off and Kyle yells at him. Kyle tells Mark to chair Will and Mark does. Mark is then told to leave. Kyle brainbusters Will on an open chair after.

Thoughts: I didn't get the Mark Davis stuff since he turned on Will already and shouldn't care.

We get a video on Takeshita vs Omega with Don Callis, Takeshita and Omega talking over it.

Wheeler Yuta vs Cope

Cope blocks a boot to the gut and takes Yuta down. Yuta takes him down by the wrist and bangs his leg off the mat. Yuta headflips out of a wristlock and Cope running lariats him.

Cope shoulders Yuta over. Yuta ankle locks him. Cope flips him with his feet then armdrags him. Yuta hits chops on Cope. Yuta hits armdrags and a dropkick. Cope slides out and pulls Yuta's face down on the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. Yuta chinlocks Cope. Yuta olympic slams Cope for 2. Cope clubs on Yuta on the buckles. Yuta top rope splashes Cope for 2. Cope crossfaces Yuta. Cope facekicks him then impaler ddt's him. Cope runs at Yuta and catches a flying knee. Yuta does cattle mutilation on Cope. Cope hits a jade end on Yuta. Cope hits a spear on Yuta for the win.

Thoughts: It was an acceptable match. There was anything too great or wrong with it and it was fine for what it was. Cope won as expected here.

Cope grabs the mic after. He shakes Yuta's hand and says this is what respect feels like. Mox comes out and asks Yuta what the handshaking stuff is about. He said he told  him to take him out. Yuta kind of pushes Mox aside and leaves. 

Yuta walks to the back and Mox follows him. Mox tells him to keep walking and threatens him. Mox congratulates Cope and said he's now all alone. Mox says he's defenseless and will be like a sheep. He says Cope got to him and wasted his time. He says Cope rattled his cage. He says the bars were there for Cope's safety. He says Cope will do nothing to him at Revolution and says he deserves to get his @ss beat because he deserves it and he wants to. Mox says there's no respect in this business and never has been. He says you only get respect if people know you are willing to pull the trigger. Mox says he only has to pull the trigger once.

We get an 80's style music video on The Outrunners.

MJF is still waiting for Page outside. Renee interviews him. MJF says Page is a gutless coward. He says he will prove he's not the main character and says he is instead. Page then drives a truck at him. Page chases him and MJF runs.

Page catches an MJF imposter backstage. He throws this guy into the rails. The guy says MJF made him do it. MJF nails Page from behind. Page goes for a buckshot lariat and MJF kicks him in the nuts. MJF hits a heatseeker ddt on Page. MJF then reveals his shirt which says, "MJF did nothing wrong". MJF beats up on Page. Security tries to help out and fails. Page takes down and pounds on MJF. MJF hits him with the Dynamite Diamond Ring.

MJF says the people love it when Page burns things and says let's see how they feel when he does it. MJF grabs lighter fluid. MJF pours it on Page and a whole bunch of security guards hold down MJF. MJF then gets carried out like a kid by security.

Lexy interviews the director of Queen of the Ring. He talks about it. Mariah May is brought in nd she says she's in it. She puts over the movie and says her nude scene was cut from it. May tells us to go see the movie and poses.

Thunder Rosa and Kris Statlander vs Megan Bayne and Penelope Ford

Kris throws Ford off the waistlock. Hart side headlocks her then Kris side headlock takeovers her. Ford takes shots in the corner then dropkicks Rosa's back against the ropes. All 4 girls get in. Meg catches Rosa off the buckles and throws her onto Kris outside. Meg then throws Ford onto opponents outside.

We go to PiP break and return. Meg chinlocks Rosa. Meg blocks Rosa's chop. Rosa hits leg kicks and a step up enzugiri. Kris gets in and top rope dropkicks Meg. She back body drops Ford. Ford handspring back elbows Meg on accident then Kris ki krushers Ford for 2.

Rosa jumps off Rosa's back and corner dropkicks Ford. Meg takes a double kick to the gut then takes a scissors kick from Kris. Rosa dropkicks Meg through the ropes. Rosa licks Ford's face and lariats her.

Rosa is driven into the corner. Rosa stunners Meg. Meg F-5's Rosa and pins her.

Thoughts: I was surprised by the ending here as Meg's team took most of the offense and didn't seem on the path to winning. There were a lot of weak looking shots here and I don't think this did a lot to put Meg over. It got better in the second half though. 

Renee interviews Mercedes Mone. She says beat Momo but says she's the greatest TBS champ of all time. She gets Renee to say that there's no stopping the money train. She's asked who will win between Momo and Deeb. She says she will be watching and says Deeb will break Momo for her. Mone tries to get Renee to say her lines but she says the wrong thing and Mone says money changes everything.

Max Caster comes out. He says we are looking at the best wrestler alive. He says he's the most talked about wrestler in AEW. Max tries to get a chant going for himself. Max calls the fans ballbags. Max says let's see who wants to step to the best wrestler alive.

Jay White vs Max Caster

Max charges at him and is hit with a bladerunner. Jay wins.

Thoughts: I don't like this Max character and don't get what making him look like a fool really accomplishes.

Jay gets on the mic after. He says since World's End, Cope and him have had each other's backs. Jay says Mox is now all alone and says he's waiting to see AEW champ Cope. 

Renee does a taped sitdown interview with Mariah May and Toni Storm. May immediately spits on Toni. Toni says it's nice to know she still cares. May says look what Toni made her do. Renee yells at her and says May started all of this. May says she will be the sickest b!tch Toni has ever seen. She says she's the woman from hell and will drag Toni down there with her. Toni says she sentences her to a life of mediocrity. She says her starpower will dwindle and she will be replaced and forgotten. May gets mad and throws her chair. They stare down.

Swerve Strickland and Brody King vs Ricochet and Kazuchika Okada

Swerve hammerlocks Okada. Okada reverses it. Okada taps on his chest to break in the corner. Swerve gets double teamed and goes down. Brody knocks Okada off the apron and pounds on him outside. Swerve hits shots on Ric in the corner then throws him over the top.

All 4 men fight outside and Okada goes into the rails. Swerve flying knees Ric then Okada facekicks Ric on accident. Ric and Okada are in a chair against the rail and Brody crossbodies both.

Okada and Ric are put on Brody's shoulders in the powerslam position outside and Swerve double stomps them. Ric takes a senton and a 2nd rope euro to the neck. Swerve rolls into Ric's codebreaker for 2. We go to PiP break and return. Swerve backbreakers Okada then dropkicks him. Brody gets back in and cleans house. He lariats Okada over twice. Ric hits chops on Brody and gets nowhere. Brody chops him down and slaps him on the head. Brody flapjacks Okada onto Ric then sentons both.

Brody death valley drivers Okada for 2. Okada dropkicks Brody. Ric springboard splashes Brody. Okada facekicks and euros Brody. Brody lariats him.

Swerve hits shots on Ric then hitposses him. Swerve suplexes Ric for 2. Ric flips off of him and spin kicks him. Swerve goes for a powerbomb but is ddt'd for 2.

Swerve ducks a spirit gun. Ric rolls up Swerve for 2. Swerve rolls into a flatliner on Ric. Swerve house call kicks Ric. Swerve top rope double stomps Ric. Okada comes off the top and elbow drops Swerve while he's on Ric.

Brody and Okada trade forearms. Brody facekicks him then corner splashes him. Brody misses a corner cannonball. Okada grabs his title belt. Swerve house call kicks him. Brody lariats Okada over the top and goes with him. Ric hits Swerve with the title and wins.

It was a good main with a lot of action. It's nothing you'd remember or anything but it was totally fine for what it was here. Ric got the win likely because Swerve will beat him at the PPV. 

Overall thoughts: It was a good show. It was very light on wrestling for AEW standards but the matches we got were fine. The storylines are fine enough and the promotion does seem like it has taken the advice of people like myself to try and get things going in the right direction. I'd give this one a 6 out of 10 and think most people would be fine with show.

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