Sunday, March 2, 2025

WOW Women of Wrestling 3/1/2025 Season 5, Episode 25

WOW Women of Wrestling 3/1/2025 Season 5, Episode 25

Last week's show is here:

The Fab Four come out. Lana Star says they come out and dominate every night. She says anyone who messes with Miami's sweet heat gets steamrolled. Lana says they aren't asking for a tag title match, they are demanding it. Big Rig Betty and Jessie Jones come out. Jones says they want a title shot. She says there's only one team that has the titles but there's two teams in the ring. Betty asks who will be challenging and asks Lana to pick. Lana says Holly Swag and Penelope Pink deserve it most. Jones says Miami's Sweet Heat may have a problem with it but that's fine with them. Betty says they like a fight.

Thoughts: It was simple but I liked it.  

BK Rhythm does a rap before her match.

BK Rhythm vs Xena Phoenix

Xena fireman's carries her and goes for the armbar. Xena waistlock takedowns BK and gets a 2 count on her. Gigi Gianni trips Xena up from the outside and BK lariats Xena. BK corner back elbows Xena and bangs her head off the buckles. BK hits spears to the back. BK backdrops Xena.

BK chokes Xena on the ropes and Gigi chokes Xena on the ropes. Xena rolls up BK for 2. BK side slams Xena. BK elbow drops her then straightjacket chokes Xena. Xena monkey flips her and hits mounted shots. Xena armdrags her and japanese armdrags her. Xena suplexes her for 2.

Xena kimura's BK and Gigi helps BK ropebreak. Xena is pulled into the ropes. Gigi gets on the apron and is booted by Xena. Xena then armbars BK and submits her for the win.

It wasn't that good. Gigi's interference wasn't done that well here. Xena did mostly focus on the arm though to her credit before winning with an arm submission.

Gigi and BK beat up Xena after and throw her out.

Animal Instinct (Katarina Jinx and Goldie Collins) come out. Goldie says it's a privilege and an honor for the fans to see them. Goldie says they were told they were facing The Dojo Defenders but Tara Strike has struck out. Goldie asks who Ashley Blaze is. Jinx asks how their opponents can trust each other after the debacle with Tara. Jinx says injuries like Tara's have a long and stretched out recovery process. Goldie asks who cares if Tara returns?

Animal Instinct (Katarina Jinx and Goldie Collins) vs Kara Kai and Ashley Blaze

Ash and Kai run down and beat up the heels before it starts for the remarks about Tara. The heels end up going out. Ash bangs Jinx's head off her knee. Kai misses kicks on Jinx and Jinx kicks her. Kai takes a double suplex.

Kai is on the 2nd rope and Goldie hits her as she rocks back and forth. Goldie blocks Kai's cradle then bangs Kai's head off the buckles. Jinx foot chokes Kai. Jinx boots Kai in the corner. Jinx throws Kai by the head. Jinx pulls on Kai's arms and chin then curbstomps her.

Goldie pulls Kai's arms back. Kai hits jawbreakers on Goldie. Ash is tagged in as is Jinx. Ash knocks over Jinx. She chest kicks her and leg sweeps her. Ash sentons Jinx. Ash TKO's Jinx and wins.

It was an average match here. Kai got worked on during most of this one before tagging out and having Ash pick up the win. I don't really like Animal Instinct losing again here especially to a makeshift team.

Dave McLane interviews Kai and Ash after. Kai says her and Tara were kicking through the competition then Top Tier had to bully them and play the numbers game. Kai says they can't let what happened to Tara slide. Tara says they can't get away with what they did. Blaze says she got injured like Tara did and refuses to let her get injured like she did. Blaze says they will take this into their own hands and take down Top Tier.

We get a package on Chainsaw and Daisy Lane. Lane is in full Alexa Bliss mode here. We see her face on a flower and she is now wearing red and black with black lipstick and eye shadow. 

Chainsaw vs Tiki Chamorro

Chain pushes Tiki off the lock-up. Tiki goes between her legs and hits shots to the back of the leg. Chain pulls her down by the hair. Tiki hits chest forearms then corner splashes Chain. Chain sends her to the apron and is pulled throat first over the top rope. Tiki then takes a lariat.

Chain stomach claws Tiki and pulls on her hair. Chain pulls Tiki's arms around the ropes. Daisy Lane then pulls on Tiki's arms. Chain boots Tiki over then legdrops her. Chain grabs Tiki's nose. Tiki trips Chain into the ropes and 619's her.

Tiki hits headbutts on Chain. Daisy trips Tiki. Tiki bangs Daisy's head off the apron. Tiki gets distracted then takes a Chain chokeslam. Chain splashes Tiki andwins.

Thoughts: This was all about establishing Daisy's knew character as a heel. They did a decent job of that here. Tiki basically got squashed.

Chain throws Daisy onto Tiki after and they boot Tiki out of the ring. Daisy grabs her doll. Kalaki the Island Girl comes out to help Tiki. Daisy says she's not Chain's pet, she says Chainsaw belongs to her. 

Sibley Scopes interviews Xena Phoenix. She said she had an armbar on BK and Gigi broke the moment up. She says she respects Gigi but says she wants her legacy to be a legacy of strength and respect. She thanks everyone for supporting her and says her dream is coming true because of them.

Next week's show has Swag and Pink vs Betty and Jones for the WOW Tag Titles.

Coach Campanelli talks on the mic before the match. Coach says you have to have Top Tier if you want to get the most people watching. Coach introduces herself and says she's the brains of the operation. She says Kandi Krush is the heavy hitter and says Gloria is the queen of cardio. Krush rants and says they are the greatest team in wrestling. Coach says they will fight everyone and says it's time we all took notes. Coach says they will wrestle another team and show why they are the greatest team in all of wrestling.

Top Tier (Coach Campanelli, Kandi Krush and Gloria Glitter) vs Spring Break 24/7 (Crystal Waters, Brittany Bay and Sandy Shore)

This is actually the first time 24/7 is teaming up as a trio or to be honest, even appearing as a trio. Dave says Sandy was in college so that's why we didn't see them.

Krush knees Bay in the gut. Bay rolls her up then armdrags her. Krush takes a double back elbow and Waters basement dropkicks Krush. Waters flying headscissors Glitter. Sandy step up enzugiri's Glitter for 2. Sandy hits a skull crushing finale on Glitter. Glitter codebreakers Sandy.

Top Tier jump off each others backs onto Sandy in the corner. Sandy takes a double hiptoss for 2. Krush hits corner spears on Sandy. Krush flips Sandy over by the arm then elbow drops her. Shore takes a double team drop on her back for 2.

Shore rolls up Glitter for 2. Shoe spin kicks her and does a neckbreaker on Glitter. Bay gets tagged in. She hits dropkicks on Coach and Krush. She then double dropkicks them. Bay crossbodies Coach for 2. Bay takes an ushigoroshi from Glitter. Bay then takes a double pendulum drop onto her cheat and is pinned.

I was fine with this. This was the best showing 24/7 has had so far and they did good with the offense they got before losing as expected. There was nothing wrong with this.

Overall thoughts: There was a lot going on here which was good. The wrestling was average though. However, they built some stuff up for future shows and generally did what they were supposed to outside of the ring. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 as it was fine but there was nothing must here. The show was fine overall.

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