WWE NXT 3/18/2025
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/03/wwe-nxt-3112025-nxt-roadblock-2025.html
Vic Joseph and Booker T are on commentary.
We see various wrestlers arrive.
WWE Women's United States Title - Chelsea Green (c) vs Sol Ruca
Green knees her in the gut and yanks on her arm. Sol cartwheels out of the wristlock and water wheel drops her as the fans do the pledge of allegiance. Green headscissors Sol and poses. Sol handstands out of the headscissors.
Sol facebusters her. Sol is sent into the corner and takes boots to the gut. Green tries to monkey flip her but Sol rolls out. Sol spins her and drops her on her chest. Sol then surfs on her back and superkicks her.
Sol ducks a lariat, Alba Fyre distracts the ref and Piper tries to trip Sol. Green legsweeps Sol. We go to PiP break and return. Green bangs Sol's leg off her shoulder. Sol hits a top rope dropkick on Green.
They trade and Sol kicks her in the gut. Sol hits chops and flying shoulders her. Sol slips on a springboard due to her injured knee. Sol hits a springboard shot. Green hits a leg lariat for 2.
Green goes up top and is thrown down. Sol cartwheels on the top rope into a ddt on her for 2. Zaria spears Alba for interfering then gets hit by Piper. Sol then moonsaults off the 2nd rope onto Piper outside. Sol is codebreakered while coming through the ropes. Sol sunset flips her for 2. Sol gets tripped up on a sol snatcher attempt. Green then hits an unprettier and wins.
Thoughts: I liked this one. Green worked the leg and Sol sold it while still doing some of her flying offense. Sol had a decent showing and the two matched up pretty well. I had no issues with this.
Je'Von Evans goes up to Trick Williams in the back. He says he knows what Trick means now as he got jumped by the new heel group. Evans says no one is safe and this is their NXT. Trick says this is no "we" thing. He says Evans isn't him and won't be him. He says he's not champ and won't ever be champ.
Lexis King comes in. He says Evans has to see his point. He says Evans will never be Heritage Cup champ or world champ. He says at least his jaw is healed. Evans then punches him in the jaw.
Thoughts: I'm not a fan of this thing they are doing with Trick at all. He was the most over guy in NXT last year and they are slowly chipping away at that. They are playing with fire and they will get burned.
We see Tony D's crew talking. Stacks says they will make Tony proud tonight. Stacks tells Tony to stay in the back as they need him 100% for his rematch. Tony says now Stacks is thinking. He says he's good if they are good.
Stephanie Vaquer comes out. She says English isn't her first language but wrestling is. She says she chose NXT as she wants to make history. She says having 2 titles makes her the best. She says she is waiting for her next opponent.
Jordynne Graces comes out. She says Steph is a trailblazer but isn't the only one who accomplished something last week. She says she beat Roxanne Perez. Jaida Parker then knocks Grace her and running hip attacks her.
Jaida grabs the mic. She says Grace isn't first in anything here and says the line starts behind her. She says she's taking her shot. She says Steph needs to maximize having the title as it won't last long. She says she will make her reap what she sows and says not to play with her.
Hank and Tank talk in the back. They say they need to take it to the extreme and the next level. They say they hit first and last and say "extreme".
Josh Briggs and Yoshiki Inamura vs Hank and Tank (Hank Walker and Tank Ledger)
JB and YI hit their opponents to start. Tank's head is banged off the apron. Hank's head is banged off the top buckle. JB flying lariats Hank. JB chokeslams him for 2. Tank misses a corner splash. YI forearm and chop combos him. YI is sent out as is JB. Hank and Tank miss vader bombs to the outside.
YI spinning slams Tank. Tank's head is banged off the buckles. YI corner splashes Tank and Tank is whipped into JB's facekick. Tank hits a corner lariat on JB.
Hank comes in and hits shots on JB. Hank corner splashes him and back splashes him. Hank hits a bulldog then pounces YI into the commentary table and rail. Hank black hole slams JB. JB takes a double body block then a backdrop + powerbomb combo. Hank tope con hilos YI for 2.
Tank misses a top rope swanton. JB hits a big lariat on Tank. YI top rope splashes Tank and wins.
Thoughts: It was a good match as expected. You knew going in was going to be a hard hitting power match and that's what it was. They also kept up a very fast pace here which was impressive. I liked this.
Eddy Thorpe goes in the men's locker room. Everyone leaves as he comes in. He talks to Ridge Holland. Eddy says him and Ridge got things in common and says no one accepts them .Eddy says screw them. Ridge says he's right and he likes his attitude. They complain about Ricky Saints and Eddy calls Ricky a sports entertainer. Ridge says he will deal with his sports entertainer and tells Eddy to deal with his.
The Culling (Izzi Dame, Niko Vance and Brooks Jensen) vs The D'Angelo Family (Adrianna Rizzo, Stacks and Luca Crusafino)
The Family rushes their opponents as they enter. Rizz dropkicks Izzi then hits corner punches. Rizz 2nd rope lariats her. Stacks takes down Jensen and pounds on him. Brooks hits Stacks in the throat. Stacks and Niko trade htne Niko throws him out.
Izzi diving codebreakers Rizzo. Rizzo codebreakers her. Stacks forearms Niko and facekicks him. Stacks springboard forearms Niko. Luca cannonballs Stacks off the apron then Stacks tope con hilos Niko. Izzi then dives out off the top onto the men. Rizzo topes Izzi.
We go to PiP break and return. Stacks is on Niko's back and is chopped. He then takes a flying facebuster. Brooks scissors kicks Stacks for 2. Izzi hits Stacks whil the ref isn't looking. Niko hits mounted shots on Stacks then sleepers him. Stacks cutters him and hits upkicks.
Jensen misses a top rope elbow on Stacks. Rizzo jumps off of the back of a guy and nails Izzi. Luca hits shots on Niko and Jensen. He hits a big lariat on Niko then a flying double shoulder. Luca slingshot shoulderblocks Niko. Izzi breaks the count up and Rizzo jumps on Izzi. Jensen takes a shatter machine. Tony then gets jumped in the back by the new heel group and is group powerbombed into something.
The Family is knocked out of the ring and Niko does a burning hammer on Luca and wins it.
Thoughts: It was a good tag here with tons of action. The girls diving on the guys should have caused a DQ though. This was fast paced with no real boring moments. Luca got to do a fiery comeback for a change and did well with it.
Ava tells Steph Vaquer she fights Jaida Parker next week. Fallon Henley walks in and asks when her rematch is. Steph says to give Fallon the rematch. Fallon says she wants it next week. Ava says she can't as she has a match. Fallon says she can as she's double champ. Fallon gets her to agree to a match after her match next week.
We see clips of Tony D'Angelo getting jumped in the back by the new heel group.
Karmen Petrovic vs Jacy Jayne
Jacy boots her in the corner off the break and foot chokes her. KP rolls her and sliding lariats her for 2. KP basement dropkicks her. Jacy forearms her and is kicked in stomach. Jacy kicks her in the stomach.
Jacy stomps on KP then sentons her. Jacy corner cannonballs KP for 2. Jacy chinlocks her. They trade shots. Jacy superkicks her in the gut. They then double clothesline each other. Ashantee Adonis slides a chair in and hte ref sees it. Adonis tells her to hit Jacy with it.
KP gives him the chair back. KP hits shots on Jacy. Jacy hits a nice spinning forearm on KP and wins.
Thoughts: It was short with a lot of strikes. I hope this is the beginning of the end for Karmen and Adonis but who knows. Jacy's spinning forearm was nice here.
Hank and Tank talk in the back. Tank says they came up short and he doesn't know what to do. Hank says they need to talk to another team. Wes Lee, Dupont and Igwe walk in. Wes says if you don't go it, you don't go it. Igwe tells them to stick with what they are good at and says it's eating contests.
Jaida Parker does a promo. She says her match vs Vaquer is set next week. She says Jordynne Grace messed around and found out. We see Petrovic get mad at Adonis in the back and walk away. Jaida says she wants to walk to Stand and Deliver as champ. She says we are getting a new women's champ next week.
Ricky Saints vs Ridge Holland
RH eye rakes him and clubs his back. RH headbutts him in the gut. RS hits punches then a dropkick. Ridge asks the ref to check on him then hits RS. He hits corner spears. RH slams him down for 2. RH chokes him on the ropes.
RH suplexes him. RS sunset flips him for 2. RH running back elbows him then hits hard crossface shots. We see Trick Williams getting ready in the back. RS flying shoulders RH. RS is pulled off the buckles. RH lifts him like a backdrop but backbreakers him. RH rams RS' back into the apron edge.
RH suplexes RS over the top. We go to PiP break and return. RH bearhugs RS. RS rolls him up out of a full nelson slam attempt. RH forearms him in the spine. RH spinning gutbusters RS on his shoulder.
RH waistlocks him. RS back body drops him. RS hits punches and an enzugiri. RS hits a twisting neckbreaker. RH goes out.
RS hits chops and punches on RH outside. They fight on the buckles. RH is pulled down face first on the buckles. RS hits a kick to the face and tornado ddt's him. RS waistlocks him, lifts him and twisting drops him to win.
Thoughts: It went a little longer than it needed to and the finish didn't look good. They shouldn't have done that finish with Ridge though. I thought both guys did what thye should have here but this overstayed its welcome some.
The new heel group are interviewed in the parking lot. Dion Lennox says waiting around got them nowhere. They say they are resurrecting NXT they way they want it. Shugars says when they strike, nobody is safe and the chaos will continue. Shugars says he doesn't feel like they made their statement yet tonight and says they want to go to get it. They said their name was The Dark State during this.
Rick Saints is interviewed in the back. He says every win and moment matters. He says he will deliver on his promises. The Culling walks in. Niko says the revolution Ricky talks about is happening before their eyes. Izzi says he has some of the best charisma and star power but it doesn't seem to measure up. He says he always measures up in the right places.
NXT Underground - Trick Williams vs Eddy Thorpe
Some people from Evolve and LFG are at ringside for this like Anthony Luke, Drake Morreaux and Braxton Cole.
Trick side headlocks Eddy. Eddy trips him and hits mounted shots. They roll to the outside. Eddy is sent into the steps. Eddy is punched and falls out onto the people outside. Trick dives off the ring and misses, landing on the floor.
Eddy flying pumping knees him out. Trick is back body dropped through the commentary table. Trick hits punches on Eddy then slams him twice. Eddy triangles him. Trick powerbombs him to get out but Eddy puts it on again. Eddy is then thrown into the wrestlers outside.
Trick hits a flying pumping knee and pounds on Eddy with hammerfists. Trick then wins via knockout.
Thoughts: This was short and not that much. There was a lot of smoke and mirrors and the wrestlers spent as much time outside as they did inside. This was easily the weakest NXT Underground match yet.
Trick gets on the mic after. He says Eddy better learn how to squabble. He tells Oba Femi to bring his punk @ss out here with his title. Oba comes out. They stare down and talk in the ring. The lights then go out and the new heel faction appears. Je'Von Evans gets between Trick and Oba and is thrown down by Trick. The three then fight.
The people around the ring try to break the fight up and Booker says "let the bodies hit the floor". Trick and Oba clear off the other guys then Evans cutters Oba. Evans stares down Trick. The heel group likes what they see.
Thoughts: It was clear to me that the only main for Stand and Deliver this year could be Trick vs Oba. We appear to maybe be getting a three way with Trick vs Oba vs Evans. I'm fine with that as well. I liked this segment though Eddy got buried six feet deep here.
Overall thoughts: I thought it was a good show We got some good in-ring action though the main didn't deliver. Thankfully, the segment after the main did. That segment may have set the stage for the NXT Stand and Deliver main, but we will have to wait and see. Ricky Saints had a decent showing as a face on this show. Something's probably going down with Steph Vaquer being in two title matches next week but we will have to see. Giulia was oddly not on this show and I'm curious as to what they do with her going forward. I'd give this one a 7 out of 10 and would recommend it as I think it will be important for Stand and Deliver.
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