WWF Superstars of Wrestling 1/4/1992
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/03/wwf-superstars-of-wrestling-12281991.html
We are in Austin, TX. Vince says it's National Prune Breakfast Month.
Vince McMahon and Mr. Perfect are our hosts. We see Mr. Perfect eat prunes. He says you can expect to see things get sticky for the other wrestlers in The Rumble. He says Ric is the best wrestler any of them have been pitted against. He says he has a few new wrinkles and is the only regular guy. Vince then talks about today's show.
"Rowdy" Roddy Piper vs The Brooklyn Brawler
We see Ric Flair doing his hair on an inset promo. Ric says Piper's chances of winning The Rumble are astronomical. He says Piper may not even show up when he sees him walk the aisle.
Brawler grabs Piper's shirt and blows his nose in it. Piper bangs Brawler's head off the buckles. Brawler bends over then is lariated three times. Piper buts on Brawler's hat and punches him several times. Piper sleepers Brawler and pins him with it.
Thoughts: It was a short one. They made it entertaining by grabbing each other's clothes and it was fine for what it was.
WWF Update
This week's Update is sponsored by the WWF 1992 Merchandise Catalog.
Mean Gene Okerlund talks last week's Rockers vs LOD Tag Title match where the Rockers lost and fought after. The Legion of Doom will face The Natural Disasters for the tag titles at The Rumble.
The Natural Disasters and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Typhoon says The LOD barely got through The Rockers. Quake says they are coming for them and are fired up. Quake says they won't stop until they beat them.
The British Bulldog vs Louie Spicolli
Good to see Lou back. He has had some good showings in squashes. Davey shoulders Lou over twice then dropkicks him. Davey hits an armdrag and slams him off a crossbody attempt. Jim Duggan does an inset promo. He says he likes The bulldog as much as anyone. He says friendships go down the drain at The Rumble.
Davey suplexes Lou then back body drops him. Davey corner lariats Lou then powerslams him for the win.
Thoughts: It was a short squash with Lou not getting anything in before going down.
They talk about the latest issue of the WBF Magazine and advertise an upcoming personal fitness weekend.
WWF Event Center
Sean hypes up the 1/18/92 Boston Garden show with Flair vs Hogan. Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect do a promo. Perfect says Hulk has to face the real world's champ and deal with Perfect on the outside. Flair asks what Hulk will do when Flair and Perfect run wild on him. Flair says Hulk has to walk the long aisle to wrestle the real champ. He says Hulk will be his.
Hulk Hogan does a promo. He says there's always a rotten apple in the barrel. Hulk says everything is perfect as he can get rid of Flair before The Rumble, where he will win the title. Hulk says they aren't worried about anything but luring both Flair and Perfect into a trap. Hulk says they will get a double decker stretcher for Flair and Perfect.
The Mountie vs Rudi Gonzalez
That's Rudy Boy Gonzalez, who helped train Spanky and Paul London. Mountie boots and clubs on him. Mountie flying back elbows him. Bret Hart does an inset promo. He says he has the Royal Rumble on his mind and revenge on Mountie. Mountie bangs Rudi's head off the buckles then rakes his face. Mountie back body drops Rudi.
Mountie dropkicks Rudi. Mountie slams Rudi and knee drops him for the win.
Thoughts: It was the unusual unimpressive Mountie squash with Mountie winning as expected.
Mountie gets on the mic after. He says Rudi is under arrest and handcuffs him to the ropes. He reads him his rights and shock sticks him.
We see clips of Jake slapping Liz at This Tuesday in Texas.
Mean Gene Okerlund interviews "Macho Man" Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth on the stage. Macho says the grand prize at The Rumble is the WWF Title. He says he's been to the top of the mountain. He says he wants to go back to it as he can see better up there. He says there's no friends at The Rumble, just enemies. He says he doesn't care if it happens to be Sid, Hulk or Taker. He says he doesn't want anything as badly as he wants to become WWF champ except for Jake Roberts. He says it'll always be him until he brings him all the way down. He says Jake crossed the line and he's gonna get him. Macho says to trust him.
Miss Elizabeth talks. She says she almost feels sorry for Jake. Macho says he will be the winner at The Rumble. Liz says she wants to hear that Macho is the champ at the end of The Rumble.
The Beverly Brothers (Beau and Blake Beverly) vs Scott Bazio and Ken Johnson
Ken's in the red and Scott is in the blue. The Genius does a pre-match poem. Jamison is in the front row with Bushwhacker toys. Perfect says Jamison looks like he could be related to them. Blake boots Ken then powerslams him. Blake hits a stiff backdrop. Beau comes off the 2nd rope and pulls Ken's neck forward.
The Bushwhackers and Jamison do an inset promo. Butch says they will rip out The Bev's hair and make a new tie for Jamison. Jamison says he's not scared of The Bev's. Ken's bridged on the ropes and takes a butt drop to the back.
The Genius argues with Jamison outside. Blake headbutts Scott then belly to belly suplexes him. Blake drops Scott throat first on the ropes. Scott is bridged on the top rope and he takes a top rope double axe handle. Beau stomps Scott then hits a double underhook suplex. Scott takes a shaker heights spike and is pinned.
Thoughts: It got a little more time than usual. The Bev's had no problem getting the win and the jobbers got nothing in. A lot of the focus was on Jamison here.
Jamison eats a hot dog after.
We see Chris Chavis at a river. He says it has been his tribes home for hundreds of years. He says it's the lifeblood of his people. He says he will be the river and carry the sacred wisdom of the Indian nation to all nations. He then does his yell.
WWF Event Center
Sean hypes up the 1/18/92 Boston Garden show with Flair vs Hogan. Virgil does a promo on The Repo Man. He says Repo is always ducking and looking behind his back. Virg tells him to keep looking behind his back because he might hit him from the stands. He will track him down and beat him down into the ground.
The Repo Man does a promo. He says he's not a liar or a thief, he just does his job. He says Ted Dibiase hired him to repossess his belt back. He says he will put his hook on Virgil and drag him to the junkyard.
El Matador does a promo. He says Ted is upset as he didn't let him finish what he had planned for Virgil. Tito says Ted has to deal with him head on and says he has to find out what happens to people who handle him head on.
We get an ad for Wrestlemana VIII at The Hoosier Dome.
Royal Rumble Report
Gene says it's every man for themselves at The Rumble. He talks about some of the people in The Rumble. Virigl does a promo. he says he was a longshot but became Million Dollar Champ. He says he's an underdog at The Rumble but says to bet on the underdog. The Nasty Boys say it's The Nasty Tumble. Saggs says 28 people will get a nasty sensation. Knobbs says no one knows about a rumble better than them. Knobbs says the gold rainbow is the WWF Title and says it will be nasty.
Ted Dibiase and Sherri do a promo. Ted says you have no friends at The Rumble. He says all his friends are dead presidents. Ted says the cream always rises to the top and says he's the cream of the crop.
Sgt. Slaughter does a promo. He says the ring will be filled with 29 other men and he will win the WWF Title because he knows how to fight. He says he will win this one for his country.
Sid Justice does a promo. He said he has always stood alone. He says when the smoke clears, he will be the last man standing as he's the man superior, Sid Justice.
Gene then runs down the rest of the card at The Rumble.
The Undertaker vs Richie Garvin
Taker boots and clubs RG. Perfect says if RG is like the other Garvin's he wrestled around here, Taker will have no problem. Taker knocks RG over with a punch. Jake Roberts does an inset promo. He says everything is at stake at The rumble and tells Taker to beware of The Snake.
Taker flying lariats RG. Taker then hits a tombstone and gets the win.
Thoughts: It was the usual Taker quick squash with RG getting nothing in.
RG is put in a bodybag after and stomped.
WWF Event Center
The Natural Disasters and The Mountie do a promo. Quake says Jack Tunney is working with The LOD and The Harts to keep the tag titles on LOD. Mountie says Bret won't behind LOD all night and says his team will prevail.
The Legion of Doom and Bret Hart do a promo. Bret says Mountie went too far when he tried to electrocute them. Bret says he has two barracuda's and says they are going after two whales.
Thoughts: We already saw Bret's promo with LOD.
Vince hypes up next weeks show with El Matador, The Natural Disasters, Sgt. Slaughter and Duggan and Ric Flair and Perfect at The Funeral Parlor. The Barbarian faces The Macho Man as well.
Overall thoughts: There wasn't much of note on this one. It was all squashes and with The Rumble being set with 2 weeks to go, there wasn't a lot of news either. Next week's Barbarian vs Macho match could be nice but I expect it to be short. I feel like the Jake/Macho feud has lost a lot of its steam and it feels like a big mistake to not have them in their own match at The Rumble. I wouldn't recommend this one as there was nothing you need to see here.
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