WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/14/1991
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/02/wwf-superstars-of-wrestling-1271991.html
We are in New Haven, CT, which is the birthplace of the rifle. Vince McMahon and Mr. Perfect are on commentary.
Vince talks about the WWF Title being vacated. They talk about Piper getting in the Rumble. Perfect says Flair will be in it too and not only be the real world champ but the WWF champ too.
The Bushwhackers vs Barry Hardy & Brian Donahue
Jamison has a Bushwhackers hat on in the front row and does their march. Thw BW's pull Jamison over the rail into ringside. Jamison is going to be their cornerman.
Butch hits shots on Brian. Brian gets a few shots in to the gut and is lariated over. Luke bangs Barry's head off the buckles. Luke hits him in the gut twice then hits fist drops. Luke back elbows Barry. Barry takes a battering ram then a double gutbuster. Barry is then pinned.
Thoughts: It was the usual Bushwhackers squash with Jamison acting like a total moron outside.
Jamison tries to get in the ring after and gets tied up in the ropes. He then does The BW's march with them.
WWF Update
Mean Gene Okerlund hypes up The Royal Rumble. The Macho Man Randy Savage is in The Royal Rumble. We see clips of This Tuesday In Texas' Savage vs Jake match which is only going to be released on Supertape '92. Why? No clue. Gene calls Jake slapping Elizabeth disgusting and says he will have to pay for his actions soon.
Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs. Russ Greenberg
Jake didn't come out with the snake due to Tunney's ruling. He backs up Russ on the ropes and shoves him over. Jake wristlocks Russ then shoulders him over. Russ leapfrogs him then hits shots to the gut. Russ misses a dropkick.
Jake slams Russ. Russ is nearly killed when he's thrown over the top and Russ nearly does a header. Jake short arm clotheslines Russ. Jake punches Russ down. The fans chant "ddt" and Jake hits it. Jake then picks the win up.
Thoughts: Russ' bump to the outside was super dangerous and he's lucky to be alive after that. Jake picked up the win here as expected.
WWF Event Center
IRS does a promo. He says Boss Man showed his true colors and exposed himself when he pulled the nightstick out. He says he won't sit down and take a beating from anyone. He said he told him he would audit him and he kept his word like he always does.
Bret Hart does a promo. He said he never expected Mountie to electrocute him to get a title shot. He says Mountie got his title shot but he's got The Excellence of Execution.
Virgil vs Von Krus
Von is the future Big Vito. Vito looked a lot bigger in the early 2000's than he did here where it was still a big man's world. Virg boots Von in the chest then backdrops him. Von takes a nice bump for it. Virg lariats Von over the top. Virg plancha's Von outside and hits mounted shots.
Virg neckbreakers Von then elbow drops him. Virg russian legsweeps him then hits a 2nd rope fist drop. The Repo Man does an inset promo. He says it's the holiday season and it's the time for giving. He says it's the time for taking though for him. He says he will repossess Virg's career. Virg hits a hard lariat then hits punches. Virg submits Von with the million dollar dream and wins.
Thoughts: It was a good squash with Von doing some great bumping for Virg.
WWF Event Center
Jake Roberts, Paul Bearer and The Undertaker do a promo. Jake says Macho is the sickest man available as he told his wife to come and watch him get his butt kicked. Paul says sometimes anticipation of death is worse than death itself. Taker says Duggan and Macho can't anticipate what's in store for them.
Macho Man and Jim Duggan do a promo. Macho says Jim is a friend of his. Jim says people ask him if he knows what he's getting into and he says he does.He says a man has to do what a man has to do. Macho says he remembers Jake slapping Liz. He says they will beat them up big time.
The Natural Disasters (Earthquake & Typhoon) vs Bill Pierce & Kevin Drake
Quake clubs one of the jobbers and hits a jumping boot. Quake hits a nice belly to belly suplex. Quake elbow drops the jobber's back then the jobber is sandwiched squashed between The ND's. Typh hits a suplex then throws the jobber into the corner. He hits a hard boot to the gut. Typh hits a corner lariat then hits a normal lariat.
The jobber's head is banged off the buckles and Typh kneels him his neck against the 2nd buckle. Typh hits a corner splash then Quake jumps on Typh's back. Quake hits a powerslam then a butt drop. Typh then hits a normal splash and picks up the win.
Thoughts: It was the usual ND's squash. They had some extra fun today doing more splashes and squashes than usual.
Bret "The Hitman" Hart comes out. He is a given a best wrestler of the year award from Freddie Blassie and gets a big trophy. Oddly, despite Mean Gene being there with a mic, Bret isn't interviewed.
Thoughts: Yeah, they are definitely trying to push Bret here. This was a waste with Blassie not even talking and I thought Taker should have been considered for best wrestler.
El Matador vs. Chris Duffy
Hey, Chris is back. He's one of the better jobbers they have. Tito hits armdrags to start and armlocks Chris. Chris hits shots to the gut then Tito hiptosses him. Tito 2nd rope double axe handles Chris.
Tito shoulders Chris over. Chris is then thrown out. Tito slams Chris. Tito hits a kneelift then a flying forearm to the back of the head. Tito picks up the win.
Thoughts: It was short and not that good. Tito's still doing goofy bullfighting motions here and he did little but strikes.
We see General Adnan and Col. Mustafa playing Wrestlemania Challenge on Nintendo.
Texas Tornado talks about The Rumble. He says the winner of the Rumble will be his champ. He says his goal will come through as he will walk out champ.
The Warlord and Harvey Wippleman talk. Harvey says the other wrestlers will bow to the size and power of The Warlord. Warlord says he will be the next champ.
Virgil says all friends go to the side at The Rumble. He says it's lights out for Piper if they end up being the last 2 as he wants to be champ.
IRS says he gets to audit 29 tax cheats and walk out champ.
The British Bulldog says the title is on the line at The Rumble. He says it will be tough but he will walk away the new champ.
Mr. Fuji and The Berzerker talk. Fuji says no one beats his man in The Rumble. Berz says this is his kind of match and says you will have a new champ.
Ric Flair talks with his title blurred out. He says The Rumble means more gold, recognition and notoriety. He says it means everything for him to be champ. He says whatcha gonna do when Ric Flair runs wild on you.
The Undertaker and Paul Bearer talk. Paul says they have a special fondness for mass burials. He says there are 29 fresh decomposing bodies and says with each one, Taker comes closer to the title. Taker calls what Tunney did a travesty and says it will be dealt with when 29 of the WWF's top stars are put in one mass grave.
The Beverly Brothers (Beau Beverly & Blake Beverly) vs. Jim Arnon & Sonny Blaze
Beau trips Blaze into a splash from Blake. Blake bangs Blaze's knee off the mat. Blaze's leg is held over the bottom rope as Beau stomps it. Jamison and The Genius have words outside. Beau throws Jim in. Beau hits a back elbow. Jim is bridged on the top rope for a butt drop on the back. Blake hits a nice belly to belly on Jim. Jim then takes a shake heights spike and is pinned.
Thoughts: I think they working on the knee here was a callback to them injuring Neidhart's leg. It was just a quick squash with the jobbers getting nothing in.
Jamison yells at The Bev's then The Bev's and The Genius tell him to sit down. They grab Jamison by the shirt and rough him up. The Bushwhackers then come down and back them off. The BW's then walk off with Jamison to the back.
WWF Event Center
Col. Mustafa and General Adnan do a promo. Mustafa says he thought Sarge was a good man but he double crossed them. Mustafa says they will make Sarge suffer in their handicap flag match.
Sgt. Slaughter puts them over as being mean and tough. Sarge says he will beat them in the handicap match and wave Old Glory.
Vince talks next week show which has The Rockers, Bret Hart, Duggan and Sarge in tag team action and The Undertaker. Vince says Perfect won't be at the booth next week.
Overall thoughts: Jamison joining up with The Bushwhackers and Bret getting a trophy for being the best wrestler was the big news here. That should tell you what kind of show this was. Other than that, everything is now focused on the 1992 Royal Rumble where it's every man for himself. Russ Greenburg took a deadly looking bump outside on this show and Von Krus did a nice job bumping for Virgil. This wasn't much of note and I wouldn't really recommend this one, though I didn't mind it.
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