Wednesday, March 12, 2025

AEW Dynamite 3/12/2025

AEW Dynamite 3/12/2025 

Last week's show is here:

This ran against WWE Evolve.

We are in Fresno, CA.

Kenny Omega comes out to talk. Kenny says he was happy to say he was just able to wrestle before. He says he's back and is excited to hold a singles title. He thanked Takeshita for pushing him hard at the PPV. He said he wouldn't have the belt without him. He said Tony had an idea for an eliminator tournament. He says he will pay close to attention to see who wins it. He says he wants to face the best.

The Ops come out as Kenny leaves. Shibata stares down Kenny.

The Ops (Samoa Joe, Hook and Katsuyori Shibata) vs Vinny Pacifico, Eli Theseus and Gabriel Aeros

Joe hits forearms and chops on one of the them and flurries him in the corner. Joe takes a back elbow then hits his own. Hook hip throws a jobber then overhead throws him. KS facekicks a jobber in the corner and hits chops. KS hits a corner dropkick. KS hits a PK and wins.

Thoughts: Like last time, it was all squash and wasn't much of note. I'm not really sure why we needed to see this.

Ricochet talks about Shibata after. He says his quest for gold isn't over and says he didn't want that ugly robe anyway. He says Omega's International Title looks pretty but would look prettier on him. He says that's why he entered the International Title tournament. He says he's giving Shibata the option not to show up. He says it's still his time and that's a promise.

Cope fights Mox in a street fight for the World Title next week. They say it's due to how Mox won at the PPV. I don't really get that one.

We see a Swerve interview from after the PPV. Cope goes up to him. He says he didn't lose tonight so it's possible he will be champ when Swerve gets a title shot. He says chances are Swerve will be looking at him. 

Jon Moxley does a promo. He says Cope used to be called the world's greatest opportunist and should appreciate the irony of what happened at the PPV. He says he should have beaten Cope before Christian got out there. He says he underestimated him. He said he knew he hurt him but Cope didn't care.

He says you can call the match a street fight or whatever he wants and he will take Cope's excuses. He says he underestimated his resolve and grit. He says there's a difference between amateurs and pros and it's that he never makes the same mistake twice.

Powerhouse Hobbs and Hologram vs Brian Cage and Dralistico

The Beast Mortos is out with Cage and Dral. Hobbs and Cage fight on the floor. Cage is sent into the rail. Hobbs misses a charge against the rail and takes shots. Hobbs is sent into the post.

Dral chops Holo. They trade armdrags and legsweeps. Dral chops him down. Dral rips at Holo's mask. Dral is thrown over the top by Holo. Cage is then hurricanrana'd out by Holo. Dral tries to tope Cage but ends up getting suplexed on the floor in a cool spot.

Cage fallaway slams Hol oon the apron edge. We go to PiP break and return. Holo is thrown out. Mort stomps on Holo outside. Harley Cameron tries to stop him and is dressed up in Holo's mask. She then dances to distract him.

Holo spin kicks Dral in the face. Dral jumping crucifix bombs him. Dral tries a crossbody and Holo flipping slams him out of it. Hobbs throws Dral on a slam. Cage and Hobbs lariat battle. Cage superkicks him. Hobbs bodyblocks him then powerslams him. Hobbs is superkicked into a german.

Holo is popped up into a dropkick on Cage. Holo flying headscissors Dral then Cage pop-up powerbombs Holo. Cage powerbombs Holo into Hobbs. Cage superplexes Hobbs in. Dral totally misses some kind of springboard on Hobbs.

Hobbs drops Dral on accident then powerslams him. Cage spinning lariats Hobbs. Hobbs spinebusters Cage on the apron. Holo moonsaults off of Hobbs onto Cage. Dral springboards into a spinebuster from Hobbs. Hobbs then gets the win.

It would have been a little better than it was. It got sloppy towards the end here and there wasn't a lot of selling. I thought it was so-so.

Lance Archer comes down after and has words for Hobbs. Mark Davis comes with him.

We see an interview post-Revolution. The Hurt syndicate are interviewed. Shelton wants to know whose @ss they will beat next. MVP says no one works harder and says they want to know who their next fight is. MVP says they are the baddest and it's time to be the chillest. MVP wants them to get some sun and take a week off. Bobby wants to go to Gold's Gym. Shelton says they will take time off but won't agree to the no gym thing. MVP says his boys don't want time off, they want to fight more and hurt people. 

We get a video on Toni Storm.

Toni Storm comes out. She says this tramp is still the champ. She says a chunk of her heart will be gone forever but the title was worth it. She says this is the most talented locker room in all of wrestling. She says there's so many champions. She says fighting with her is like fighting a zoo as she bleeds like a pig and will eat you like a lion. She says you will never hear her meow as she isn't a p*ssy. She tells the ladies to get this orgy started. She says it will be messy and sweaty and will always be timeless.

Megan Bayne then nails Toni from behind.

AEW International Title Eliminator 1st Round - The Beast Mortos vs "Speedball" Mike Bailey

Mike is debuting here and is a mystery competitor. He's like 100 other guys on the roster who can do cool moves and not much else.

Mike hits kicks to the leg then is slapped. Mike high kicks Mort down. Mike hits a kick combo. Mike misses a moonsault off the apron and is shouldered over. Mike hits chops outside then kicks him. Mort misses a flying knee and goes out. Mike then tope con hilos him.

We go to PiP break and return. Mike running ssp's Mort for 2. Mike triangle moonsaults him outside. Mort is stuck on the 2nd rope and is liger bombed down for 2. Mike misses a top rope ssp. Mort pop-up samoan drops Mike for 2.

Mort gets stuck up top. Mort hits a top rope gorilla press on Mike for 2. Mort headbutts Mike then backbreakers him. Mort spinning lariats him. Mike hurricanrana's him. Mike PK's him then standing moonsault double knee drops him. Mike does a hard spinning heel kick to the head and wins.

It was an indy style match as expected with Mike doing lots of dives here. Mort didn't go too far like he does sometimes but I feel that a top rope gorilla press slam should finish matches.

Renee interviews The Patriarchy in the back. Renee asked hwy Christian tried to cash in. Chirstian says Renee is related to Mox and he refuses to speak to anyone related to Mox. He tells her to get out of his sight. Christian says he's still the undisputed next AEW champ and demands his contract be returned to him. He said he told the ref that the contract was for a 1v1 match with Cope and the ref just thought he wanted to do a 3 way. Christian said he didn't tap out in the match.

Nick Wayne says Christian is making excuses and is lying to himself and all of them. Nick says if Christian stuck with the plan, he would be champ. Nick says he owes them an explanation and apology. Christian shoves him. Mother Wayne gets in the way. Christian tells her if she has something to say, she'll be back working the midnight shift at Waffle House. Christian asks who Nick is to question him. Christian asks Nick how many world titles he has won and asks how many titles his biological dad won. He says Nick could have ended up like a loser like his father. Christian says he will be AEW champ if it's the last thing he does. He tells him to shut up and keep riding his coat tails. He says the next time they have this convo will be the last time.

Thoughts: This one was out of nowhere. I wonder where they are going with this.

After Revolution, Lexy goes into MJF's locker room. We see MJF yell in the mirror and punch it. MJF then chases Lexy out.

MJF comes out. He says he has a headache and his hand and body hurt. He says he and the fans know that he had the match against Page won. He said the cowardly cowboy cheapshotted him. He says he's 10x smarter than Page and his fans. He says he will get his and says this thing isn't over.

MVP comes out and MJF is surprised. They hug and MJF asks how he's been. MVP says he has things to tell MJF and is proud of him. He says he's not the same 18 year old kid he met years ago. He said MJF volunteered to drive him somewhere as long as he could ask him questions. He says they got to meet again at a small indy company in Florida. He said he knew MJF would be a star then.

He said he's proud of MJF but not proud of what happened to him on Sunday. He asks what MJF is doing and why he's whining to these people about Sunday. He asks why MJF isn't angry, smashing people and hurting people. MVP says MJF has lost his edge. He says the people in the back don't respect or fear him. He says people fear The Hurt Syndicate.

MVP gives MJF one of his cards. He says it's a golden ticket to change his career. He says maybe it's time for them to talk business. MJF pushes the card away. He says there's few people he respects and MVP is one of them. He says he doesn't need MVP's help or advice. He says he was the champ for 406 days. MVP says to focus on the word "was" and gives him his card again. They stare at each other and MVP leaves.

Thoughts: We'll have to see where this one goes. The Hurt Business probably does need a third if MVP isn't going to be wrestling regularly, though MJF doesn't exactly fit the bill. 

Max Caster comes out. He says he has the most popular shirt on ShopAEW and says he always was and will be the top star of The Acclaimed. He says he has the most popular chant too and tries to get the crowd to chant, "Let's go Max, you're the best wrestler a-live". The crowd doesn't chant along. Max says the people are stupid. He says whoever answers his challenge is stupid as well.

Open Challenge - Max Caster vs Konosuke Takeshita

KT comes out alone. Max backs up in the corner with his mic. He says he's the best wrestler alive and says KT can't be here to fight him. He says maybe The Don Callis Family can help him main event The Tokyo Dome or get him a recording contract. He says maybe he could do what KT couldn't - beat Kenny.

KT forearms him down and picks him up on the pin attempt. He slaps him around and hits a raging fire to win.

Chris Jericho does a promo with Gravity's mask. He says that's the perfect word for Bandido. He says gravity has been introduced to their situation. He says He embarrassed Grav and stole his mask. He says he embarrassed him in front of his family and made Band's mom cry. He asks how Bandido can come back from that.

Willow Nightingale vs Penelope Ford

Ford misses slaps and Willow shoulders her over. Willow slams her. Willow crossbodies her. Ford's head is banged off the buckles. Willow suplexes her for 2. Willow is sent into the buckles. Ford dropkicks her against the buckles/ropes. Ford double knee drops her.

We go to PiP break and return. Willow hits lariats on Ford. Willow back splashes her in the corner then running boots her. Willow spinebusters her for 2. Willow does a gori special. Ford bites her to get out of it. Ford hanging triangles her. Ford hits a top rope crossbody.

Ford takes an oklahoma stampede for 2. Ford pump kicks her and hits a stunner off ducking a lariat. Willow pounces her for the win.

This wasn't too good. Willow hit a lot of weak shots here and neither girl was that great in this one.

Ford chairs Willow after. Kris Statlander comes out and saves Willow. Kris helps up Willow and Willow knocks her away. Megan Bayne then comes out and double lariats Kris and Willow. Meg then hits an F-5 on Kris.

Renee interviews Mercedes Mone. She says she got kicked in the throat and needs help doing her lines. Renee says Mone is 15-0 in TBS title matches. Billie Starkz is brought in. BS says she learned not get kicked in the throat like Mone did at Revolution. She said Mone accomplished a lot but she did here too. She said they both started early here and says wrestling is her life. She says she's looking to change into a champion next week. Mone says BS is out of her league. She says she will prove there's a price to pay when you mess with Mercedes Mone.

Tony Schiavone is in the ring to interview Will Ospreay. will is limping to the ring and probably just selling it. Will talks about his injuries. He said he was scared when on top of the cage. He says one day Kyle Fletcher will be a world champ. He says he hopes he's the better man some day.

Will says he's in trouble with his wife. He says he lied to her. His wife made him promise not to do anything stupid off the cage and he agreed. She then yelled at him for jumping off the cage. He said he charmed his way out of it. Will said Cope and Swerve got their title matches and he wonders when he should call his shot. He looks at the All In: Texas sign. He says he wants to be in the main event of that show. He says he can get there by main eventing The Owen Hart Tournament. He says he can't wait if it's Cope and can't wait for a rematch if it's Swerve. He says if its Mox, he's warning that an assassin is coming for the throne. He says he wants to be champ as they trust him. He says he wants to be champ as he is Will Ospreay and on another level.

Renee interviews Jay White. Jay says Will is on another level. He says they should see each other in the ring again some day soon. He congratulates him for winning at Revolution. He says they will have to keep Will from him if Will wants to be champ. Jay says everyone asks if he hit Cope with the briefcase on purpose. He said no as he told him he would have his back. He said he failed at that and said Cope gets redemption next week.

Jay says he had the title won at World's End and said he will be d@mned if he lets anyone else take his place as #1 contender to the AEW title.

Renee walks with Adam Page and interviews him. MJF runs into him. Page asks if he wants him to finish breaking his neck. Page says MJF tried to light him on fire but he doesn't believe him. Page says MJF let the match slip on Sunday and says MJF cares about what the fans think. MJF says it's good if Page thinks he was bluffing. He says he will call his bluff.

MJF says got a fluke win on him. MJF says he will go to be champ and says Page will scratch and claw his way to the top then go tumbling down. He says Page thinks he doesn't deserve the fans love and says he's right. MJF says he will win the title over and over again and laugh at him the entire way up the mountain.

AEW International Title Eliminator 1st Round - Orange Cassidy vs Hechicero

Hech does his pose at OC and then wristlocks him. Hech stops him from putting his hands in his pockets. OC wristlocks him, walks the top rope and doesn't get an attack off of it. OC puts his hands in his pockets then flying headscissors him. OC rolls him up with his hands in his pockets. OC then lays down in the ring and kips up.

We go to PiP break and return. Hech hits chops. OC goes up and over. Hech puts a hold on him over the ropes. Hech dragon screws him around the 2nd rope. Hech then pushes down the leg around the 2nd rope. OC top rope crossbodies him. Hech spinning hammerlock backbreakers him.

OC stunners him then hits a tornado ddt. OC comes off the top rope with an elbow drop but Hech catches him with an armbar. Hech does an armlock on him and OC ropebreaks. OC botches a satellite headscissors into a pin and pins him.

I didn't like it at all. It was the usual OC big stakes match where a title shot is on the line and he's screwing around by putting his hands in his pockets. I really don't get why they put this in the main.

Mike Bailey then comes out and bows to OC.

Overall thoughts: It was a different show than usual with tons of backstage segments. I wasn't a fan of the matches but they did a good job in creating and developing some programs they have going on for future matches. That should pay off in the future. It was notable that almost nobody who was in a major match on the PPV wrestled here, likely due to all the dangerous stunts they did and the injuries they got from them. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 overall.

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