Friday, March 21, 2025

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 1/18/1992

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 1/18/1992

Last week's show is here:

We are in Austin, TX.

Vince McMahon and Mr. Perfect are our hosts. Vince says The Royal Rumble is this weekend. Mr. Perfect dares Tunney to distort the WWF Title when Flair wins it.

"Macho Man" Randy Savage vs The Barbarian

Vince announced that Bret Hart lost the IC Title to The Mountie on a house show. Macho side headlocks him and is shouldered over. Macho hits shots to the gut and flying knees him. Macho eye rakes him then bac elbows him. The Undertaker and Paul Bearer do an inset promo. Paul says there's 29 hearses being loaded at his funeral parlor after The Royal Rumble and says the belt will be around The Undertaker.

Barb backbreakers Macho and clubs on him. Barb bites him. then clubs on him more. Barb slams Macho and Perfect says it doesn't make sense for either guy to be in this with The Royal Rumble coming. Barb goes up top and misses a top rope diving headbutt. Macho then goes up top and top rope elbow drops him for the win.

Thoughts: It was short but fine. They did what they were supposed to here before Macho got the win as expected. Macho had really cool zebra style gear on. 

WWF Update

Gene says every match on This Tuesday in Texas will be on Supertape '92. Gene tells us The Mountie is the new Intercontinental champ. Gene says Bret went into the match against doctor's orders with a 104 degree fever. Gene then says The Mountie attacked him after, Piper came out for the save and those two fought. Gene then said Piper will be fighting The Mountie for the Intercontinental Title at The Royal Rumble.

The Mountie and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Mountie tells Bret to eat his heart out. He tells Piper is bring his skirt out to The Royal Rumble as that is the only thing he will leave the ring with. Roddy Piper does a promo. He says he's been a dreamer all his life and the first man in history to go after the WWF World Title and the WWF Intercontinental Title. He says Mountie is one of The Village People. He says he has a kilt and not a skirt. He says he will keep his kilt up with the title

Thoughts: That's an absolute shocker about Bret and Mountie.  I would love to know all the details about that one as it it's completely out of nowhere and didn't make much sense. I have no idea what they were talking about in regards to Piper being the first double champ possibly as The Ultimate Warrior already did that at Wrestlemania VI.

Virgil vs B.A. Dalton

Virg side headlock takeovers BA. Virg shoulders him over then backslides him. Virg running lariats him. Virg then hits punches. BA grabs Virg's leg then Virg step up enzugiri's him. Virg bangs BA's head off the mat. Virg does an inset promo. He says Repo Man is in the mood for taking and he's in the mood for giving - giving him the whooping he deserves.

Virg bangs BA's head off the buckles. Virg russian legsweeps BA then puts him in a million dollar dream.

It was a squash as expected but BA got a few things in at least so it wasn't unwatchable.

WWF Event Center

Sean says Bret Hart will miss his match tonight at The Boston Garden but Piper will take his place.

Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect do a promo. Perfect says every airport they go in, people point at them and says they are the two greatest athletes ever produced. Flair says when Hulk walks through airports, everyone says that used to be the man. Ric tells him to come down and do something about it if he doesn't like it.

Hulk Hogan does a promo. He says the fans tell him to get rid of the two biggest big mouths in the WWF in Perfect and Flair. He says he can sucker Perfect in on this one. He asks what they will do when him and The Hulkamaniacs wipe out both of them.

The Nasty Boys vs Robert Taylor and Dale Wolfe

Knobbs knees Rob in the gut and hits forearms. Knobbs double axe handles him on the back. Rob takes a double back elbow. Rob takes a pit stop/pity city. Saggs back body drops Rob then Knobbs hits elbow drops on Rob.

Saggs bangs Rob's head off the buckles then Knobbs is whipped into a splash on him. Knobbs powerslams Rob then Saggs hits a top rope elbow drop. Saggs picks up the win.

It was all squash here with Dale never even getting tagged in.

Dale then gets beaten up after by The Nasty's then is thrown over the top.

We see a clip of Mean Gene interviewing Hulk Hogan on a stage from earlier in the week. Hulk says he wants everyone to see things the way him and The Hulkamaniacs see things. Hulk talks about going up against Andre, The Macho Man, Earthquake, Sgt. Slaughter and The Undertaker. He says Tunney didn't see things the way he saw them and that's why The Rumble is so important. Hulk says he will make the people see things the way The Hulkamaniacs do. Hulk says when things are done, the title will be on his waist and says Hulkamania will live forever.

The Berzerker vs Scott Baizo

Berz swings his belt at Scott. He flying shoulders him then chops him down. Berz hits a knee drop. Mr. Fuji does an inset promo. He says Berz will win The Rumble and become champ. Berz ties up Scott in the ropes and boots him.

Berz powerslams him then throws him out of the ring. Berz gets a countout win.

It was the usual Berzerker squash. The crowd chanted "Huss" here with Berz.

WWF Event Center

Virgil says he went from rags to riches and riches to rags when The Repo Man hit him with the belt. He says Repo is ducking and dodging and he may just jump on him from anywhere.

The Repo Man says he's not a liar or a thief, he just does his job. He said Dibiase hired him to repossess his belt back. He says he will drag Virgil back to the junkyard.

The New Foundation do a promo. Jim says everyone wants a piece of them. Owen says it's okay as they will take on anyone no matter how big and strong they are. Owen says they have the power and speed to get them to the top.

We see clips of Shawn Michaels turning on Marty Jannetty on The Barber Shop.

Royal Rumble Report

Mean Gene says Marty is out of The Royal Rumble. Shawn Michaels does a promo. He says The Rockers are dead. He said he was sick and tired of carrying Marty and he got what he deserved. He says the whole world will find out what Shawn is really like.

Gene runs down the people in The Rumble. Flair and Perfect do a promo. Perfect says there's few people in this world who know what it is like to be champ. Flair says he's been called champ his whole life. Flair says he will take the title against all odds at The Rumble.

Jake Roberts does a promo. He says it's 30 men going for the gold at The Rumble. Jake says there's more to him and Savage that meets the eye. Jake says he did horrible things to Macho and it should make him wonder what he will do next. Jake says he will find out at The Rumble.

Macho Man Randy Savage does a promo. He asks if Jake is watching him now. He says if he touches Jake he will get it done then says he will be champ at The Rumble. He says a lot of things will happen that Jake doesn't want so get used to it.

The Undertaker and Paul Bearer do a promo. Paul says 29 fresh graves are opened at his cemetery and all will be filled. Taker says there's 29 souls that need put to rest and then they will claim what is rightfully theirs. 

The Natural Disasters and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Quake says they promised Hart they will beat them up and take the belts. Typhoon says they will be history.

The Legion of Doom do a promo. Hawk says they can forget history and need to eat more salad. Hawk says they don't have a prayer.

Jake “The Snake” Roberts vs Sean Spencer

They lock up. Jack puts him in the corner and hits back elbows. Jake snapmares him then steps on his throat. Jake pulls on Sean's arm and chin. Sid Justice does an inset promo. He says if Jake gets in his way at The Rumble, he will fall to his feet like the rest. He says he will leave WWF champ.

Jake knee drops Sean's arm. Jake hits punches on him then does a short arm clothesline. Jake hits a ddt and wins.

Thoughts: It was all squash here with Sean getting nothing in before being put down.

WWF Event Center

Sean talks tonight's Boston Garden show. El Matador says Ted Dibiase says everyone has a price. He says Dibiase insulted his heritage and people. Tito says it's not a joke to him. He says the people can't do something about it but he can. He says he will put a stop to it.

Ted Dibiase and Sensational Sherri do a promo. Ted says it must take no brains to be a bullfighter because Tito hasn't show any at all. Ted says when you climb in the ring with him, you will pay a price. He says Tito won't need to wave the red flag as he's live from the bell. 

Overall thoughts: We had one star vs star match here at least. It was fine, just short. Other than that, we got clips of Shawn Michaels turning on Marty Jannetty, news about Bret Hart losing the IC Title to The Mountie and lots of Royal Rumble hype. There was nothing must see here but it was an important Superstars ep and you should probably see it if you are watching this show. 

1 comment :

  1. Growing up, I always heard people talk about where they were when they heard about major historical events, like Pearl Harbor, JFK, 9/11, etc. and it seemed so odd to me as a kid, to remember exactly where you were. But, I promise you, any youngster who was a Rockers fan knows exactly where they were when it happened. Me? I was nine years old at my grandparents house, watching on the little 16 inch black and white TV in the spare room. My older sister was watching something on the main TV, and my grandfather never liked the fact that I watched "that rasslin."
