Wednesday, March 12, 2025

WWE Evolve 3/12/2025

WWE Evolve 3/12/2025

Last week's show is here:

This ran against AEW Dynamite.

Pete Rosenberg and Robert Stone are on commentary.

Stevie Turner has a mic and is in the entrance area. She says she's here on behalf of Ava and says tonight's main event features two men who are now officially on the Evolve roster - Riley Osborne and Oro Mensah. She says we will have Kylie Rae vs Zara Zakher and says we never know who else might show up.

It's Gal, Carlee Bright and Kendal Grey are in the VIP Lounge.

Harlem Lewis does a video. He says he's been all about aggression and was in a lot of fights. He says he was a team player in football. He says he can't stand lazy people, people who don't want to work hard and people who are soft. He says he's mentality is all about hard work that pays off. He says he was a champ in football and will be one in WWE.

Braxton Cole does a video. He's from a small town in New Hampshire. He played college football. He said he was shocked when WWE asked him to debut and says here he is. He says he has a stronger mind than others and says it will set him apart from the rest. He's from Brown University.

Harlem Lewis vs Braxton Cole

This is Braxton Cole's TV debut. HL lariats him then throws him off of his shoulders. HL talks trash. Cole hits chops and HL drops him with a forearm.

Cole slaps him then is dropped with another forearm. HL catches him on a crossbody and hits a powerslam for the win.

This was short. Cole didn't get much in but a few shots and was used as a jobber here. Lewis looked fine and continues to look the like a big tough guy. Cole has a good look as he's tall and decent looking.

Harlem Lewis is interviewed after. He says no one here can talk him. He says he knocked out a blue chip athlete in under a minute. Keanu Carver comes out and the two argue. The refs try to stop it.

It's Gal gets in the ring with a mic. He says he has arrived. He says he has a brief and ferocious message. He says it's him vs the big dummy Keanu Carver. He says when you are in mint condition, there's no competition.

Keanu Carver vs It's Gal

Gal hits forearms. Carver hits a big lariat. Carver ramps him in the corner and hits corner spears. Gal is caught off the 2nd rope and takes a fallaway slam from Carver.

Gal hits elbows to the head and step up enzugiri's him. Carver lifts him up and drops him. Carver then picks him up and does a double chokeslam/sky high variation.

Thoughts: It was quick and Carver looked fine out there. Gal was just used as a jobber here but is definitely going to be more of a character. Him vs Harlem should be fun.

Kylie Rae does a video. She says she's a big ball of positive energy. She says she was raised on WWE and never thought she would be here. She says because she took the long road, she appreciates it more.

Rosenberg is in the VIP Section. Bright and Grey are interviewed. Bright says she has some battle wounds but says it's an honor to be here. She says she wants to see what the competition has in store. Grey says there's no competition as she wants to show everyone how good she is. Zayda Steele walks in. She asks why she doesn't have a match then sits down in the VIP Section.

We get a video on Zara Zakher. She says she's the petite powerhouse. She says she has had to challenge expectations her whole life. She says she was a dancer, gymnast and cheerleader. She says when she gets in the ring, she shows up and says we will see it. 

Kylie Rae vs Zara Zakher

Both are from the indies. Kylie was in AEW for a brief spell. They lock up and Rae takes her over. Zara headscissors her. Rae shoulders her over and crucifixes her. Rae then goes for the crossface but Zara ropebreaks.

Rae side headlocks her. Zara shoulders her over and crucifixes her. They mention Zara wrestling for TJPW. Rae wristlocks her. Zara does it back then takes a headscissors takeover. Zara corner lariats her then hits back elbows. Zara basement dropkicks her in the back for 1.

Rae back elbows her. Rae corner euros her. Rae cannonballs her in the corner for 2. Rae chinlocks her. Zayda Steele complains and says she should be in the ring now. Zara hits forearms and lariats. Rae goes over her and is spinebustered for 2. 

They trade forearms. Zara jumping knees her. Rae rolls her up. Zara flips out of a lariat and Rae does a headscissors into a crossface. Zara gets a 2 count off of it. Rae superkicks her. Zara then sunset flips her for the win.

Thoughts: It was average. Zara didn't do as much flying as you would expect. Rae's more of a traditional style worker and might have done better against someone more heelish.

Chuey Martinez interviews Zara after. He says this was an upset. Zara says it was an upset. She says se just beat one of the best indy wrestlers there is. She says next time it won't be an upset, it will be a straight W. She shakes her hand, says she respects hr and hugs her.

Zayda Steele comes over to them and Zara tells her to back up.

Wendy Choo comes out and Zayda runs away. Zayda gives a sutffed toy with a note to Rae.

Aria Bennett does a video. She says she's a mom and from Atlanta. She says she's strong, determined and was a college gymnast. She says she was on WOW and said she should try out with WWE. She says she's excited to be part of the process.

Wendy Choo vs Aria Bennett

Aria does a front flip in the ring and dances to her entrance music. Choo waistlock takedowns her. Cho grabs the leg and Aria backs off. Aria goes over her in the corner then moonsaults over her. Aria handstands and is speared in the back while doing it. Choo hits corner spears.

Choo twists Aria's head with her feet. Choo handspring cartwheel forearms her. Choo then corner facekicks her. Aria hits forearms then step up enzugiri's her. Aria swinging armdrags her fro mthe back. Choo hits a nasty full nelson slam. Choo then does a grounded million dollar dream varation and wins.

This worked out well. Aria sold big for Choo and made her look good here. The full nelson slam near the end was rough. Aria is athletic and seems like she has some potential.

Choo throws a blanket on her after.

Brinley Reece comes out after to the VIP Section. She says she wants to show Gray and Bright what she is all about.

We get an Evolve Face-Off with Luca Crusifino and Javier Bernal. JB says he lost his cool last week. He says he has no problem with Luca or The Family and wanted to be part of Evolve. He says it was hard watching people like his dream while he was sidelined. He says Evolve is supposed to be a brand new start for him. He says how can he move forward if he's being judged by his past?

JB says he couldn't let Luca's message from last week go. Luca says he wasn't talking about him because he doesn't think of him. He says he can't get out of his own way. He says he doesn't need to take out JB as he will take himself out. JB says he will fight to show the world he has changed. Luca says actions speak louder than words and says his words are useless without it.

JB then challenges him to a match one on one and Luca agrees. Luca tells him to remember that he asked for this. They then shake hands.

Cappuccino Jones, Jack Cartwheel and Sean Legacy are in the VIP Section. Kali Armstrong comes out and ells at them.

Riley Osborne vs Oro Mensah

They say Riley's a former member of Chase U. Riley has new gear that looks like it's more suited for a female wrestler with a heart on the crotch and holes in the legs.

They lock up. Oro hip throws him. Riley hip throws him. Oro waistlock takedowns him. Oro rolls him into a pin attempt. Riley front facelocks him. Oro flips him by the arm. Riley wristlocks him then Oro upkicks him.

Oro hits armdrags then rolls him up for 2. Oro armdrags him into an armlock. Riley cartwheels out of it then rolls him up for 2. Riley sunset flips him then crucifixes him. Oro pushes him and Riley shoves him back. Oro boots him in the gut. Oro flying headscissors him. Riley rolls over his back and dropkicks him. Oro pulls his neck over the top rope and springboard rider kicks him.

We go to break and return. Oro slams him for 2. Riley stunners him. Oro exploders him. Riley is caught on a slingshot. Riley rolls into a hurricanrana on him for 2. Riley hits some boots. Oro spin kicks him in the face then does a nasty dragon suplex on the neck. 

Riley hits shots and is dropped with one. Oro goes to springboard but is dropkicked in the leg. Riley springboard plancha's him outside. Riley michinoku drivers him. Riley rolls him up for 2. Oro alley oops him for 2. They trade forearms. Oro knees him in the gut and spin kicks him in the gut. Riley corkscrew kicks him in the back of the head.

Riley goes up top and Oro jumps off the 2nd rope and flip kicks him. Oro ripcord koppo kicks him and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't as good as it should have been. Both are flyers and while we got some of it, I thought they should have done more of it. It's not like the work was bad or anything but I didn't think it was the best they could do.

Swipe Right run to the ring as Oro poses. Gallus are in the back and are throwing stuff around and yelling.  

Overall thoughts: It was a better show than last week as we got intro videos for some of the newer wrestlers and we got more outside of the ring segments. The wrestlers are over-acting a bit but you can tell they are letting them have the freedom to do so. I thought Choo/Bennett was the best thing on here. The main event should have been better than it was as it went a bit longer and was just missing some things. Braxton Cole debuted but didn't get to do much but hit a few shots. Kyle/Zara was average. I didn't like the Bernal/Luca stuff that much. They also are planting the seeds for a Harlem Lewis vs Keanu Carver match that should be good. I liked the show and thought it was much better than last week's show. However, they are still figuring out what they want to do with this show and at times it can come off a bit raw. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 and would recommend it if for nothing else than just to see WWE wrestling done a different way.

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