Thursday, March 20, 2025

WWE Evolve 3/19/2025

WWE Evolve 3/19/2025

Last week's show is here:

Robert Stone and Pete Rosenberg are on commentary.

We get a video on Brinley Reece. She says she's excited to evolve on this show. She's a former cheerleader and works out a lot. She says there's more to her than what we have seen. she says she is a bubbly fitness coach but there's more on the inside. She says Evolve will be perfect to show it.

Masyn Holiday does a video. She's from Georgia. She broke records in the hurdles event. 

Brinley Reece vs Masyn Holiday

This is Masyn Holiday's WWE TV debut.

They lock up. MH wristlocks her. BR tries to roll through but is thrown down. MH armlocks her. Brin backrolls then forward cartwheels out. Brin arm throws her.

Brin yanks on her arm then shoulders her over. Brin forward cartwheels over her and armdrags her. Brin hits a corner lariat. MH throws her down by the hair and hits stomps in the corner. MH stomps down on her back.

MH backbreakers her for 2. MH bodyscissors her. Brin shoulders her over then slams her. Brin forward cartwheel lariats her. Brin then hits a TKO and wins it.

: Masyn just did basic stuff here. Some of her stomps could have been a little better but she didn't botch anything or look foolish and that's something to be happy about when you debut. Brin looked good here and I thought her offense flowed well together.

Brin is interviewed after. She says she feels good and that was a Brin active mindset. She said "it should have been me" during the match. Chuey Martinez asked what that meant and she said the match speaks for itself.

Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont are in the VIP Section. Rosenberg interviews them. They say they aren't going to wait their turn and say they want someone to step up and catch a beatdown as they are here for checks and championships.

We get a video on Jordan Oasis and Sam Holloway. Oasis is "The Global Nomad". He's from Tacoma Washington. He trained wiht Rikishi and has wrestled for 10 years. He says he looked in the mirror and didn't know who he was so he takes a backpack with him. He says now that he's in Evolve, he's closer to figuring out who he is.

Sam "Hardway" Holloway is from Akron, OH. He says he had to deal with bullies and now he shows everyone what he had to deal with for years. He says he came up the hardway. He says he played football but didn't love it. He says he likes causing fear in people's eyes and says in this sport, everyone is afraid of him.

Gallus (Mark and Joe Coffey) vs Jordan Oasis and Sam Holloway

Gallus has words for Dupont and Igwe as they enter. Sam shoves Jordan aside as he enters. Sam tells Jordan he's getting in. Sam locks up with Joe and side headlocks him. They trade forearms and Joe headbutts him. Mark euros Sam then hits a big facekick.

JO is force tagged in and he doesn't like it. Mark armdrags Jordan but Jordan holds on and headlocks him. Mark side headlocks him then Jordan flying elbows him. Jordan and Mark trade forearms. Sam slingshots in with a shoulderblock on Mark.

Sam stomps Mark and knocks Joe off the apron. Sam knees Mark in the gut and clubs his back. Sam slams him for 2.  Sam chinlocks him. Sam force tags Jordan in.

Mark backrolls Jordan. Jordan cannonballs Mark while Mark is against the 2nd rope. Sam force tags himself in. Jordan shoves him and asks what his problem is. Jordan then force tags himself in. Mark pushes Jordan into Sam then gamengiri's him.

Joe is tagged in and hits shots on Jordan. Joe shoulders over Jordan then flying shoulders him. Joe double jump twisting crossbodies Jordan for 2. Sam throws Mark into the post. Wolfgang comes out and argues with Sam. Joe gets distracted but drops Jordan with a punch. JO is knocked out and Gallus wins via knockout. 

Thoughts: That was a weird ending with Joe getting distracted yet just casually knocking out Jordan. That didn't make Jordan look good. Sam was the big standout here. His tough bully persona really stuck out here and he easily the best person in this match. This guy looks like main roster material already and got the story right. I didn't like the finish but they put over that Jordan and Sam couldn't get along and it was a decent heavyweight match.

Jack Cartwheel and Cappuccino Jones help out Oasis after. Oasis grabs his backpack as Gallus has words for him. 

We get a video on Layla Diggs. She's from Fresno. She says she struggles with self confidence and doesn't believe in herself. She says she was a gymnast and track athlete. She says she was offered a contract at a Hollywood tryout and is here to conquer her fears.

We get a video on Chantel Monroe. CM is from Sarasota, FL. She's a gymnast and went to Auburn. she says she's  diva and says fashion is everything to her. She says she wants to wrestle her best and look her best. She says she knew she was made to perform. 

Chantel Monroe vs Layla Diggs

CM has a hand mirror with her. CM backs her up in the corner and takes a side headlock takeover. CM knees her in the gut then shoulders her over. CM throws her down backwards then stomps on her gut. LD sunset flips her for 2. LD is whipped into the ropes but does a flip to the apron. She then flips over her and hits a side kick.

LD spinning slams her and standing moonsaults her for 2.  CM spears her in the knee then wraps the leg around the ropes and pulls. LD's leg is on the ropes and CM stomps it down. CM cartwheel double knee drops her for 2.

CM half crabs her. LD rolls her up for 2. LD jumping side kicks her. CM hits a forearm and dropkicks LD in the knee. LD back elbows her. LD 2nd rope sunset flips her but CM uses the ropes and holds herself on her. CM then pins her.

It was a good debut for Monroe. She didn't do anything too crazy but she did fine working the knee. LD looked good here and added some new stuff to her arsenal since we last saw her.

We get a video on Haze Jameson. She says she's new, a rookie and was a college volleyball player. She's from Rockford, Illinois. Her nickname is "The Wild Child". She says she's the life of the party and was inspired by Dennis Rodman. Kali Armstrong interrupts the video and grabs Stone's headset. She says she's not waiting, she's taking that match because she's different.

Kali Armstrong vs Haze Jameson

This is Haze Jameson's TV debut. Haze has jean shorts on and a belly shirt. Kali corner spears her then hits punches in the corner. Kali powerslams her. Kali runs the ropes fast and shoulders her over. Kali then pins her.

: It was a quick squash with Haze getting nothing in before being put down. I have absolutely nothing to say about Haze as the only thing we saw her do was get run over.

Kali says "I told you" after. She says she means everything she says and says she's different. 

Rosenberg asks Kylie Rae to come out to tell us what was in Wendy Choo's note that she gave her. Rae says she never met Choo and doesn't know if she wants to get to know her. She says Choo scares her. She says she has a lot of talented women to focus on and not this. She then throws down the note.

Choo's music hits but she doesn't come out. Zara Zhaker comes out to help out Rae.

We get a video on Drako Knox. He is from Georgia. He's from a blue collar family. He says he played college football and has always been a fan of WWE. He says WWE is his lottery ticket. He says the difference between WWE and a lottery ticket is that there's no hope involved. He says he's chasing greatness.

Tate Wilder does a video. He's from Arizona and a 5th generation cowboy. He says he grew up with 5 brother sand they were rowdy as could be. He played football at Arizona State and is now here with WWE. He says he's a mix between Matthew McConaughey and a bull rider. He says there's no one who can stop him from doing what he does in the ring.

Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe vs Drako Knox and Tate Wilder

So, I believe this is actually Tate and Drako's 2nd WWE TV match as I think they appeared on WWE LFG a few weeks ago. But that wasn't a real match in front of a true crowd so it's hard to say whether that counts or not.

Tyson and Drako go at it. Tyson hits a big forearm on him then shoulders him over. Drako hits forearms and side headlocks him. Drako hits a nice flying shoulder. Drako drops down and Tate dropkicks Tyson in mid-air.

Igwe and Tate go at it. Igwe bangs Tate's face off his knee. Tate diving armdrags him off the buckles. Igwe hits snake eyes on Tate. Tyson euros Tate. Tate is held for shots from Igwe then takes a full-nelson slam for 2.

Swipe Right and Zayda Steele come out. Zayda grabs Choo's note. Igwe running back elbows Tate in the corner. Tate walks up the buckles and flips over Igwe. He rolls him up for 2. Drako gets in and hits forearms. Drako slams Igwe and misses a pumping knee. Igwe kicks him in the side of the face. Drako then takes a press + backdrop and is pinned.

Thoughts: Tate and Drako didn't get a ton in here or the chance to do anything too special but they were fine in this. Igwe and Dupont looked fine as usual. I had no issues with this.

Tate and Drako argue with Swipe Right and Zayda after and someone new is with glasses and long hair.

Oro Mensah is in the VIP Section.

Luca Crusifino vs Javier Bernal

Luca side headlock takeovers him then JB does the same using the buckles. Luca wristlocks him then takes him down by it. Luca la magistrals him. Luca then does a slingshot shoulderblock.

Luca hits a corner lariat. JB armdrags him from the 2nd rope then flying headscissors him. JB takes a backdrop on the apron then is rammed back first into the apron edge. Luca legdrops him on the apron.

JB is thrown into the buckles. Luca misses a corner charge and is rolled up for 2. Luca basement dropkicks him for 2. Luca front facelocks him and JB back body drops him. They trade forearms. JB hits a boot to the face then suplexes him. JB does a tornado ddt variation for 2.

JB comes off the 2nd rope and eats a codebreaker. Luca then hits a suplex over his own knee and pins JB.

Thoughts: It was average. It should have been a little better with how long these guys have been in NXT. They tried to push that Luca was working JB's foot, but he didn't follow up on it. 

Luca says this is his show and challenges anyone to come out who thinks they can handle him.

Keanu Carver comes out then Harlem Lewis comes out too. They have words with Luca to close the show.

Overall thoughts: It was a fun edition of Evolve. We had a record 7 TV debuts here, though it meant people like It's Gal and Kendal Grey didn't make the show. There was nothing must see here but nothing awful either. Sam Holloway was the highlight of this one and he impressed in his debut. I'd give it a 6 out of 10 overall.

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