Friday, March 7, 2025

Stardom 3/3/2025 Nighter in Korakuen

Stardom 3/3/2025 Nighter in Korakuen

HANAKO & Yuria Hime vs. Akira Kurogane & Aya Sakura


Hana's team is attacked before the bell. Aya snapmares Hime and kicks her in the back for 2. Akira low dropkicks Hime for 2 then crossfaces her. They trade forearms and Hime hits a nice dropkick off of it.

Hana comes in and shoulders over Akira. Hana hits corner splashes on her opponents. Hana then hits a double dropkick. Akira hits low dropkicks on Hana then Aya dropkicks Hana. Aya running boots Hana. Aya hits leg kicks and takes forearms. Hana forearm flurries her.

Hana hits a nice lariat on Aya then suplexes her for 2. Hime comes in and dropkicks Aya. Hime hits chest forearms  then Aya slams Hime for 2. Hime slams Aya for 2. Hime takes corner attacks for 2.

Hime rolls up Aya off a high kick attempt. Hime cradles Aya for 2. Aya chest kicks Hime down for 2. Hana samoan drops Aya. Hime legdrops Aya for 2. Hana takes a double dropkick and Hime facekicks Aya over. 

Hime hits a step up leg drop on Aya for 2. Hime and Aya trade forearms. Aya superkicks her. Aya knocks her down with kicks and wins.

Thoughts: It was a good opener. Aya's looking more confident and Hime/Akira brought some fire in their sections. Hana also got a little fiesty here as well. This was a lot better than it should have been and I liked it. 

Hana shoves her title in Aya's face after and Akira chokes Hime on the ropes.

Lluvia, Suzu Suzuki & Tabata vs. STARS (Hazuki, Koguma & Momo Kohgo)

L = Lluvia

Tab and Kog shake hands and make friends. Kog tries to get Tab to do her taunt but Tab just kicks her. Tab splits out of a lariat and back kicks her. Tab springboard diving armdrags Kog for 2.

Kog poses and tries to make Tab go her pose. Tab gets on her back and pulls her arms back. L and Suzu then put the same holds on Haz and Momo.

Suzu driveby kicks Kog. Suzu boots Kog in the gut and Kog cutters her. Haz codebreakrs Suzu then hits facewash kicks on her. Suzu flying headscissors Haz. L lariats Haz overL pulls Haz down by the hair and basement dropkicks her.

Haz dropkicks L off the buckles. Momo 619's L then L is held for a double bulldog. Tab jumps off L's back into Momo on the ropes. Momo does an armdrag on L for 2. Suzu does a headlock + headscissors takeover on Haz and Kog. Tab takes a double lariat then seated moonsaults off the ropes into a double armdrag.

Suzu tries a tope but stops herself then Tab topes outside. L lariats Momo. Momo is tied up in the ropes and dropkicked. L does a gori bomb on Momo and wins.

: It was a decent match. They kept this one moving with lots of action. The lucha girls also had good showings.

Cosmic Angels (Natsupoi, Saori Anou, Sayaka Kurara & Yuna Mizumori) vs. HATE (Azusa Inaba, Konami, Rina & Ruaka)

HATE attacks the faces before the bell. Poi takes corner attacks and is kicked in the leg several times. Ruaka splashes Poi's legs for 2. Ruaka stands on the leg. Kon continues the legwork on Poi then kicks her in the back. Kon pulls Poi's leg around the ropes.

Inaba elbow drops Poi's leg. Inaba boots her around then forearms her down. Inaba kicks her in the back. Yuna shoulders over Inaba. Rina hair throws Poi for 2. Anou helps out and hits a top rope dropkicks on Rina. Saya and Yuna then dropkick the heels together.

Anou's team misses a triple axe kick spot. Sayaka dropkicks Rina. Rina hip throws her. Sayaka twisting fisherman's neckbreakers Rina. Sayaka takes corner attacks then Inaba suplexes her. Rina 2nd rope double knee drops Sayaka for 2.

Rina misses a top rope double stomp and is lariated by Yuna. Rina takes a triple axe kick and Sayaka hits a nice spear on Rina for 2. Ruaka lariats Anou then Rina does a grounded octopus to Sayaka.

Rina hits a top rope double knee drop on Sayaka for 2. Kon hits Poi with an umbrella. Sayaka rolls up Rina for 2. Rina gori bombs Sayaka for the win.

I don't like limb work in these kinds of matches because there's too many people involved to follow up on it. Poi got her leg worked on, tagged out and wasn't really seen much again, making half the match pointless.

Poi's leg is pillmanized after by Konami. Kon then hits Anou with the chair in the gut.

STARS (Hanan, Mayu Iwatani & Saya Iida) vs. God's Eye (Hina, Saki Kashima & Syuri)

Saki throws Hina into Hanan. Saki then crucifixes Hanan and pins her to win in seconds.

Empress Nexus Venus (Maika, Rian & Waka Tsukiyama) vs. HATE (Momo Watanabe, Natsuko Tora & Thekla)

Maika and Thek go at it. Thek slaps her and they hit shots on each other. Thek boots her. Momo foot chokes Waka in the corner then kicks her in the back. Momo kneels on her for 2. Momo slams her. Tora shoulders Waka over. Waka misses a hip attack on the ropes and Tora suplexes her.

Tora splashes Waka. Waka flying knees Tora then running dropkicks her. Waka hip attacks her on the ropes. Tora lariats Maika on the ropes. Maika blocks a double suplex and hits her own. Maika and Tora lariat battle. Tora crossbodies her then sentons her for 2. Thek boots Maika in the face then christo's her.

Maika hits corner lariats on Thek then corner forearm flurries her. Thek hits a big forearm on her then facekicks her. Thek top rope crossbodies Maika then armbars her. Thek stomps on her then Maika lariats her.

Rian gets in and corner dropkicks Thek. She hits another on her. Thek hair throws Rian then footchokes her. Rian's face is banged off the mat then Thek does a submission that is quickly broken up. Thek is thrown into a lariat from Maika then Rian crossbodies Thek for 2.

Rian takes corner attacks then is whipped into a Momo chest kick. Thek running spears Rian for 2. Maik takes a corner dropkick then Maika's team is sat in the corner for a Tora cannonball. Rian takes a double buzzsaw kick to the head. Thek twisting ddt's her and wins.

Thoughts: It was a one-sided match with the faces getting whooped most of the match and getting little offense in. It was not very interesting. 

The heels stomp on the faces after. Mina Shirakawa comes to save them. Thek pounds on Mina outside after.

High Speed Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls Match - Mei Seira (c) vs. Fukigen Death

1st fall - They miss dropkicks and Death pretends to smoke. Mei then pretends to smoke with her. They goof around and Mei rolls up Death to win the fall.

2nd fall - Death eye pokes her and cradles her. They trade pin attempts. Death backrolls Mei and pins her.

3rd fall - Mei dropkicks her for 2. Death hits Mei with a newspaper then superplexes her. Death misses a top rope moonsault. Death cradles her for 2 and running knees her.  Mei dropkicks her then sitout powerbombs her for the win.

Thoughts: It was a stupid match. 2/3 fall matches should exist to give you longer matches. Instead, this was over quicker than a regular match would have. I guess what we got was okay, but it was a waste of the 2/3 falls concept.

Artist Of Stardom Title Match - Neo Genesis (AZM, Miyu Amasaki & Starlight Kid) (c) vs. God's Eye (Lady C, Ranna Yagami & Tomoka Inaba)

C hits forearms on AZM. AZM side headlock takeovers her and they stand off after a missed kick. AZM is legswept and takes a triple basement dropkick. C takes a double basemnet dropkick and AZM kicks her in the back.

Kid hits chops and forearms on C. Kid dropkicks C against the ropes then basement dropkicks her. Kid basement dropkicks C. Miyu cones in and basement dropkicks C in the back for 2. C facekicks Miyu then shoulders her over.

Ran comes in and dropkicks Miyu. Ran then flying knees Miyu and AZM in the corner together. Miyu and Ran trade chest forearms. Ran chest kicks her down then PK's her for 2.

Miyu pendulum ddt's Ran for 2. Kid top rope crossbodies Ran then Ran dropkicks her. Inaba comes in and pump kicks Kid. Kid moonsaults Inaba's knee. Kid then stretch mufflers her but Inaba turns it into a crossface. Kid then does another stretch muffler and Inaba ropebreaks.

Inaba is tripped into a basement dropkick. Kid suplexes Inaba. Kid misses a top rope splash then dragon screws Inaba. Kid stretch mufflers her and grabs the arm. Inaba lifts Kid like a slam and knees her in the face. Inaba hits another kneelift for 2.

Inaba crossfaces Kid. Inaba sitout gordbusters her for 2.  Kid flying double knees Inaba in the back. C and AZM go at it. C giant swings her. C misses a corner charge and takes corner attacks. C takes a triple basement dropkick.

AZM top rope dropkicks C for 2. AZM is lifted, takes kicks to the chest and takes a drop onto her chest. C takes a tornado ddt from Miyu then AZM top rope double stomps C for 2.

AZM cranks C's arm back then buzzsaw kicks her. C running facekicks AZM. C chokeslams AZM for 2. Everyone starts hitting a move in sequence. C then chokeslams Kid while Kid is standing on the 2nd rope.

C helluva kicks AZM. AZM headscissors C from the buckles for 2. AZM tries to roll her up but C reverses it for 2. Inaba high kicks AZM and C running facekicks AZM for 2. AZM la mistica's C. Miyu does a top rope dive to the outside while she does this. AZM then pulls back hard on both of C's arms. C then taps out.

Thoughts: I didn't think this was as great as others did but it was alright. C had one of her better showings here and got a lot of time in this. We really didn't see much of Miyu in this one. It wasn't quite as fast as you would think it would be and I didn't think everyone went all out like they did at the last Korakuen show in the trios match.

AZM has words for C on the mic after. Kid has words for her as well. 

Loser Leaves Stardom Match - Tam Nakano vs. Saya Kamitani

They lock up and Saya headlock takeovers her. Tam rolls her and they duck spin kicks before standing off. Tam slaps her. Saya takes her down. Tam sleepers her then Saya chokes her. Tam hits mounted shots and goes for the armbar. Tam gets tripped by Tora on the outside and takes a basement dropkick. Tam is then whipped into the seats twice.

Saya hits Tam with an umbrella. Tam running knees Saya on the floor. Saya ties Tam up with a chain then hangs her over the top rope connector. Saya waits in the ring for Tam and the seconds fight with each other. Saya 2nd rope dropkicks Tam in the ring. Saya stomps her then kneels on her on the bottom rope. Saya snapmares her then chinlocks her. Saya poses on Tam on the ropes. Saya axe kicks Tam on the ropes.

Tam hits slaps and forearms. Saya forearms her over and Tam spinning high kicks her. Saya tries to rope hurricanrana Tam to the floor but Tam leglocks her as she hangs. Tam then dives on her off the top. Tam pumping knees her against the post. Tam then headlocks her as she hands from the 2nd rope connector.

Tam and Saya fight on the apron and Saya hurricanrana's her to the floor. They get back in and Saya top rope dropkicks Tam for 2. Saya northern lights suplexes her three times for 2. Tam germans Saya four times for 2.

Saya top rope hurricanrana's Tam for 2. Tam forearms Saya. They try to spin kick each other at the same time. They slap each other. Saya slap flurries her and takes a backdrop. Saya facekicks Tam then spinning high kicks her. Saya corkscrew kicks Tam in the back for 2.

Saya gets on the 2nd rope and takes a tiger suplex down. Tam slides under Saya and is double stomped. Saya spinning heel kicks Tam then Tam spinning hich kicks her. Tam backdrops her. Saya poisonrana's her for 2. Tam flips out of a backdrop and hits a tiger suplex. Saya ki krushers her for 2.

Tam superkicks her then hits flying double knees for 2. Tam pounds on Saya. Saya grabs the ref and Ruaka hits Tam with a box. Saya hurricanrana's Tam for 2. Anou comes in and helps then the girls other seconds come in to help. Tam hits a stiff falcon arrow on Saya for 2. Tam captures both of Saya's arms and Tora comes in to break the pin. Tora mists one of Tam's buddies and Saya's buddies knock Tam's buddies away.

Tora hits Tam with a stick then Saya chairs Tam. Saya spinning falcon arrows Tam. Saya kicks Tam in the face while holding her arms and pins her.

Thoughts: It started off well and the first half of this had the makings of a classic. I didn't like the blatant interference here. That took the match off focus in the second match. and hurt the flow of it. The ref didn't care and Tam's group were stupid for not being more prepared for it. They did a little too much here but it wasn't anything obscene. I have no idea why Tam would honor the stipulation in this one since she didn't lose clean and clearly nobody in charge cares about the rules.

Saya talks to Tam on the mic after. Tam runs in and forearms her. Tam yells at her on the mic. They talk more and Tam grabs her. They then each grab the red belt and stare down. I'm pretty sure they ended up setting up a retirement match between these two off of this. 

Overall thoughts: I liked the opener and the second match. The semi-main was okay as well. The main event looked like it was on its way to being a classic but didn't get anywhere close to it. The 2/3 falls match and the Saki Kashima match were wastes of time and the Waka Tsukiyama match wasn't that great either. I would give this a 6 out of 10 overall but I was disappointed the main didn't reach it's full potential.

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