Wednesday, March 5, 2025

WWE Speed 3/5/2025

WWE Speed 3/5/2025

Last week's show is here:

WWE Speed Title #1 Contender's Tournament Quarterfinals - Ivar vs Yoshiki Inamura

They shoulder battle and flurry each other with forearms.  Ivar facekicks him then germans him. YI no sells it then delay germans him for 2. YI does sumo palm strikes and does a chop and forearm flurry. Ivar hits a bunch of back elbows. Ivar rolls over YI's back and spin kicks him for 2. YI catches Ivar on a crossbody and spinning slams him for 2.

YI charges at him and YI presses him down. Ivar goes up top and is chopped. Ivar 2nd rope slams him and wins.

: This was a contender for one of the best Speed matches so far. It was all sprint with the big boys doing lots of heavyweight stuff and strikes here. It was exactly what you would want and hope for and this couldn't have gone much better. The crowd loved it as well.

Overall thoughts: There was only one new match as usual but it was a good 2:21 minutes of wrestling. We got a fun heavyweight sprint here that got over with the crowd. It's not must see but it's about as good as you will get on this show and maybe worth a look for that reason.

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