CMLL on Mexiquense TV 3/20/2025
From 3/9/25:
Amira Blair and Zoe Lucas vs Hera and Olympia
Zoe and Olym go at it. Zoe hammerlocks her and Olym side headlocks her. Zoe wristlocks her then Olym side headlocks her. Olym armdrags her. Zoe does a bad armdrag on her. Olym legsweeps her and Zoe trips her.
Olym lariats her and boots her. Amira gets in then Hera gets in. Hera hits hard chest forearms and takes hard forearms and slaps back. Hera is backdropped. Amira corner hip attacks her then suplexes her for 2. Olym stomps on Amira.
Amira takes a corner lariat then a handstand corner bronco buster from Olym. Hera 619's Amira. Olym leg lariats Amira on the ropes. Amira takes a double boot to the gut then a double shot.
Zoe gets in and is sent into the corner. Hera elbow drops her then Zoe is chopped on the ropes. Amira is double stomped on. Amira spinning neckbreakers Olym then pendulum ddt's her. Hera takes a double gordbuster and a double facebuster for 2.
Hera springboard 180 twisting splashes Zoe for 2. Hera takes corner attacks then Zoe swinging facebusters her for 2. Hera and Olym take corner lariats then corner hip attacks for 2 counts.
Zoe spinning heel kicks Olym then axe kicks Hera. Amira knocks Hera over and pins her. Zoe scorpion kicks Olym and package piledrivers her to win.
Thoughts: It wasn't that good. Amira and Zoe aren't that good athletically and it was pretty rough early on. Hera got to do basically none of her flying here as well when that would have made the match better.
Atrapasuenos (Dulce Gardenia, Espiritu Negro & Rey Cometa) vs. Los Cancerberos del Infierno (Cancerbero, Luciferno & Virus)
1st Fall - Negro and Cancer go at it. Cancer takes him down and works the arm. Cancer shoulder throws him. Negro front facelocks him and Cancer wristlocks him. Negro headflips out and armdrags him. Cancer armdrags him and tries a pin on him.
Negro hits armdrags. Dulce and Luci get in. Dulce trips him and humps his back. Dulce headflips out of a wristlock and hits an armdrag. Luci chinlocks Dulce. Dulce armdrags Luci and taunts him. Rey and Virus get in. Rey handsprings off the ropes then is lariated by Virus. Virus chops Rey down then Rey is triple teamed in the corner.
Rey takes a triple boot out. Luci kicks Dulce in the leg. Dulce takes a double spinebuster then is elbow dropped in the butt by Luci. Negro is triple stomped on. then booted out. Virus back elbows Dulce then spinebusters him. Dulce's team hits triple cradles and wins the fall.
Virus and the heels beat up the faces as they celebrate the fall win.
2nd Fall - Rey takes a double back elbow. Cancer hair throws Rey. Virus yanks Rey's arm. Cancer baseball slides Rey. Rey takes a corner lariat then Rey takes a nasty high angle double team ddt. Rey is then pinned.
Negro takes corner attacks and is shotgun dropkicked by Cancer. Dulce takes a back elbow then is held for a kick from Cancer. Virus then does a single leg crab with an armlock to submit Dulce. Virus' team wins the fall.
3rd Fall - Negro is thrown on to the ramp. Negro is put on the 2nd rope, Virus dropkicks him in the butt and Negro lands on the ramp. Dule is held for shots from Virus then Virus running boots him. Virus pounds on Rey. Rey hits a handspring double back elbow. Negro hits a springboard crossbody then walks up the ropes and diving armdrags Virus down.
Negro hits a springboard double crossbody then does a double armdrag off the ropes, sending his opponents out. Dulce flying hip attacks Virus then flying headscissors him. Dulce 2nd rope diving headscissors Cancer. Dulce rope walk armdrags Luci (who's mouth on his mask is falling off). Rey hits a top rope crossbody on Cancer and tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him and Luci.
Virus knocks Rey over and lariats him. Rey 2nd rope diving headscissors Virus. Rey topes Virus outside. Cancer sentons Luci on accident. Dulce walks up the ropes and moonsaults Cancer. Dulce and Negro then pick up stereo pins to win the fall and match.
Thoughts: It was okay but wasn't anything too special. I liked Dulce's walk up the ropes moonsault at the end. The mouth on Luci's mask was falling off during this and looked really funny. This got more time than it needed.
Dragon Legendario, Dragon Rojo Jr. & Flip Gordon vs. Difunto, El Cobarde & El Hijo del Villano III
DL = Dragon Legendario, Dif = El Difunto, Cob = El Cobarde, V3 = El Hijo del Villano III
1st Fall - Rojo and Dif go at it. Rojo wristlocks him then Dif takes him down by the arm. Rojo trips him. Dif chinlocks him and Rojo front facelocks him. Dif northern lights suplexes him. Dif rolls him up for 2 then Rojo rolls him up for 2. They then stand off.
Rojo side headlock takeovers Dif. Rojo armdrags Dif. Dif trips Rojo and they stand off. Cob and DL go at it. DL arm and hip throws him. DL then armdrags him and is crucifixed. DL then crucifixes him. Cob arm throws him then crucifixes him. Cob armdrags him. DL does a neat drop down on the ropes into a pin attempt. They then stand off.
V3 and Flip go at it. Flip chops him and armdrags him. Flip kicks him from the apron and springboard crossbodies him. V3 fakes an injury then Flip is hit from behind by the heels. DL hits a top rope double dropkick. Flip then hits a springboard armdrag on V3. Flip topes V3. DL does la escalera to Cob and taps him out then DL 450's Dif off the top to pin him. Flip's team wins the fall.
2nd Fall - Flip 2nd rope slingblades V3. Flip flips over Dif, corner euros him and hits him up on the buckles. Flip flips over Cob then springboard dropkicks him. DL superkicks Cob in the gut. DL tilt-a-whirl headscissors Cob out then enzugiri's Dif. DL's top rope double crossbody is caught but he tilt-a-whirl armdrags Dif off of it. Dl does rope trips and armdrags V3 after a body springboard on the ropes.
Rojo gets stomped on by Dif and Cob. Rojo basement dropkicks Cob. Rojo top rope diving armdrags Dif out. Rojo flying headscissors V3 out. The rudos stomp the faces outside.
Dif lariats and back elbows Rojo. Cob corner lariats Flip then does a spinning cradle shock on him to pin him. Cobarde's team wins the fall.
3rd Fall - Dif beats up Rojo on the ramp. V3 legdrops Flip over the bottom rope. Flip is triple gorilla pressed from the ramp to the ring for 2. V3 stomps on Flip. Cob hits downward elbows on Flip. V3 chops on Flip. Flip stops a triple team and superkicks V3. Flip topes Flip into the rails. Rojo's top rope double crossbody is caught and DL dropkicks him over. Dif and Cob are dropkicked out then Rojo and DL do stereo tope con hilos on them outside. V3 reverses a hurricanrana from Flip for a 2 count.
Flip 2nd rope moonsaults V3 then top rope moonsaults him . Flip pins V3 and wins the fall and match.
Thoughts: Flip did his usual flying and did tons of flips here. Difunto did a nice job bumping as usual and V3 did fine as a rudo. Cobarde didn't bring much to this. I thought it was just okay overall and needed a bit more to it.
Overall thoughts: The women's match wasn't good. The 2nd and 3rd matches were okay and not that different from each other. There was nothing you need to see here and I'd give it a 5 out of 10 as it was a mostly average show.
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