TNA Impact 3/6/2025
Last week's show is here:
Elijah vs Brian Myers
Eli flying lariats him then boots him around. They go out and BM sends him into the apron edge. Eli's head is banged off the apron. Eli chops him outside and sends him into the post. BM's face is banged off the apron. Eli running hip attacks him as he hangs off the apron.
Eli walks the top rope and clubs BM. Alisha Edwards distracts Eli. BM backdrops Eli. BM hits mounted punches. Alisha chokes Eli on the ropes. BM chinlocks him. Eli hits a suplex.
BM jumps into an atomic drop then Eli running facekicks him. Eli hits a corner splash and twisting brainbusters him for 2. BM ddt's him for 2. Eddie Edwards comes out an ddistracts Eli. BM is sent into Eddie then Eli tombstones BM to win.
Thoughts: It was an average match as expected and Eli got the win here. There wasn't too much of note here.
Eddie and JDC beat up Elijah after. Joe Hendry comes out and the heels run.
The Rascalz and Ace Austin are interviewed. Ace says tonight is their first real test against The Northern Armory. He says we will see if they can trust each other. Ace said he did bad things on Trey in the past but never stabbed him in the back. Wentz says The Armory will get the heat that is too sweet and says Wes' crew will learn to keep their noses out of their businesses.
First Class Penthouse
AJ Francis and KC Navarro come out with 2 girls and say thank you a bunch of times. AJ says lots of people talked about their first show and htye need to do another big show this time. AJ teases bringing out Kevin Owens but says it's KC Navarro.
Steve Maclin comes out. KC talks and Steve tells him to shut up. He says they talk too much and don't fight enough. He calls KC "Scrappy Doo" and calls AJ "Temu Suge Knight". AJ says they can go right now if he wants to fight. AJ says his shoes cost more than his life and says he will whoop him in 30 minutes. Steve says he will give him 30 minutes.
Savannah Evans vs Xia Brookside
Evans misses a charge before the bell. Xia hits chest forearms and side headlocks her. Evans blocks her sunset flip. Xia low dropkicks her. Evans catches her crossbody.
Evans samoan drops her. We see Rosemary watching in the seats. Evans clubs on her then chokes her on the ropes. Xia is thrown hard into the corner. Evans chinlocks her. Evans bearhugs her.
Xia boots her out of the corner. Xia hits chest forearms. Xia christo's her. Xia top rope crossbodies her for 2. Evans lifts her up by the throat and throws her in the corner. Evans misses a corner charge. Evans misse sa knee drop. Xia talks to the ref to see if Evans is okay then is nailed from behind with a lariat. Evans then wins.
Thoughts: It was passable. It wasn't anything great but Evans muscled her around and Xia took some abuse.
We see more clips of The Elegance's being the concierge's of Spitfire. Spitfire wakes them p in the middle of the night and scares them with their beauty masks on and curlers in their hair. They then make them dress up like goths and give Ash a fake mohawk. The Elegance's say they are hungry. They give them chicken and rice in a bag.
John Skyler gets on the mic before his hand. He says Mike Santana wanted him to relay a message to Ali. John says in response, Ali gave him free reign to take care of the Mike Santana problem himself. He says he will take him out like the street trash he is. He says he will do it with these great hands (His team is now called The Great Hands).
Mike Santana vs John Skyler
Mike chases John around the ring. John boots and clubs him as he gets in. John hits corner spears. Mike is thrown hard into the corner. John russian legsweeps him.
Mike lariats him then suplexes him. John slingshots in and is hit with a knee. Mike corner cannonballs him. Mike sitout powerbombs John for the win.
Thoughts: John lost as expected here. It was kind of a waste of time with how short it was but it was what it needed to be.
Jason Hotch goes after Mike but misses and is spinning lariated.
Mustafa Ali does a promo on Mike. He calls him unhinged. He says he spoke with the bosses at Anthem and Mike has been randomly selected for a urine sample. Someone in a suit then gives Mike a cup to pee in.
Thoughts: Well that's a new one.
Steve Maclin vs AJ Francis
They lock up and Steve is backed up in the corner. Steve hits chops then hits a big forearm. AJ is pushed into the buckles. Steve lariats him from behind. Steve is on the buckles, gets distracted by KC Navarro, and is thrown down.
AJ corner splashes Steve and sends him hard into the buckles. AJ hits his running knee in the corner and does his "money, money, money" line with KC outside. Steve jawbreakers AJ.
AJ is put in tree of woe and Steve does his crosshairs spear. AJ spears Steve for 2. AJ goes for a chikeslam. Williams and Icarus of The Northern Armory distract AJ. Steve backdrops AJ then hits a low tope on him.
Steve asks The Armory (EY has come) what they are doing and says he doesn't need their help. KC gets on the apron and Steve goes after him. AJ hits a big chokeslam on Steve and wins.
Thoughts: It was just average here with lots of shenanigans going on outside. I was surprised to see AJ win this but I guess he' gotta get the win sometimes.
We see Elijah, Joe Hendry, Matt Hardy, Leon Slater and Ryan Nemeth talk. Ryan says he wants to team with them at Sacrifice. They tell Ryan he's not on the team. Ryan says Nice told him he is. Matt Hardy video calls Nic Nemeth. Matt says he wants Nic as their partner at Sacrifice. Nic thinks Ryan is going to team with them too. Matt says Ryan is not teaming with them. Nic asks why. Matt says no one likes Ryan.
Nic says people make mistakes but Ryan is still his younger brother. Matt says no one trusts Ryan. Nic says to let him be the one to tell Ryan. Matt tells Nic that Ryan is in the room. Ryan gets upset, says he hates them and leaves.
Steve Maclin is in the back and goes at The Northern Armory. Eric Young says thye are doing this for him. Eric says sometimes things don't go your way though. Eric tells him to open his eyes. Steve says he trusts EY but not The Armory. Eric says he knows what's best and knows what is better for Steve than Steve does. He tells Steve to open his eyes and let the truth guide him.
Steve then runs into Kazarian who takes shots at him. Kaz says he's enjoying watching him crash and burn. Steve says not to do this right now and leaves.
Oba Femi comes out to talk with Moose. Moose comes out with The System. Moose brings out security to stand between them. Oba when he was on his way to becoming the longest reigning WWE NXT N-A champ, there were rumblings about a man named Moose. He says people wanted to see them fight. Oba wonders why now though?
Moose says he's a prize fighter and fights for the biggest prize in the game. He says he waited for Moose to become champ so he could pick his spot and cross the line. Oba puts over Moose and says he took out some names but says none of those names are Oba Femi. He says he will be the one to walk out of Roadblock as champ.
Moose says he has been the face of TNA for the last 10 years but will beat The Ruler and be the face of Oba's franchise. He says there's nothing Oba can do about it. Oba tells him to tell security to leave so they can settle this face to face. Moose says he told JDC they would say this. JDC says the first person who jumps OBa is in The System tonight. The guards all jump on Oba together but he pushes them off. Oba throws them out and beats up The System. The System eventually get the edge. Moose rolling spears Oba and puts him down. Moose then poses over him with the titles.
Fraxiom do a promo. They say they will say goodbyes to the greatest tag team of all time. They say they will beat The Hardy's and take their titles. Frazer thanks them for everything but says if they won't pass them the torch, they will take them from them. Axiom says they will watch closely when they face The Colon's.
The Northern Armory (Eric Young, Judas Icarus and Travis Williams) vs Ace Austin and The Rascalz (Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz)
Zach armdrags Judas off a wristlock then 2nd rope corkscrew crossbodies him. Judas knees him in the gut. Zach takes a kick + knee combo. Trav is tripped into a basement dropkick. Judas is back body dropped outside. Ace's team does triple topes outside.
Trav takes a double superkick on the outside. Judas dropkicks Zach and Trey through the ropes. Eric hits Zach on the apron. Eric punches Zach. Trav ear claps and urakens Zach. Zach handspring jumping knees Trav. Trav dropkicks Zack in the corner.
Trav ties up Zach's arm and cravates him. Trav basement dropkicks Zach. Judas slams Zach for 2. Ace gets tagged in. He russian legsweeps Judas then legdrops him. Ace uses Trav to kick Judas. Eric running back elbows Ace.
Eric misses a top rope moonsault on Ace. Trey hits a top rope dropkick on Eric and hurricanrana's him. Trey kips down and up to enzugiri Eric. Eric takes kicks and a double stomp from The Rascalz for 2. Eric take an atomic drop and is held for a baseball slide.
Ace helicopter kicks Trav then takes a high TKO from Eric. Zach running neckbreakers Eric. Wes Lee comes out with his crew. Wes' buddies get dived on. Trey is distracted by Wes and eventually is piledriven by Eric. Eric pins Trey.
Thoughts: It was a fast paced match here with lots of action. It wasn't anything great or memorable but was one of the better showings of The Armory so far. I like the Ace and Rascalz team and feel like they are natural partners.
Mike Santana goes up to Santino Marella and asks about the pee test. He asks if we are really going to do this. Santino says it's ridiculous and says they went above his head. Santino says to do it and shut them up once and for all.
Tasha Steelz yells at a guard for not getting Ali's coffee right. Mike tells the guard not to let anyone talk to him that way. Mike then takes the coffee and the pee cup and goes in the bathroom, implying he's going to pee in it.
We see the Elegance brand with Spitfire. Jody Threat trains MMA with them and Dani makes them lift weights. Elegance then has to hold the body pads and tahe shots. George Iceman is then dressed like a janitor and nails Spitfire then the Elegance brand joins in. Their 24 hours are finally up.
Masha Slamovich comes out to talk. She says it's another day and another name on the list. She says being the champ means you have a target on your back. She says she's built for that though. She says Cora Jade isn't stepping into a fight but a fight. She says Cora won't be walking out.
Cora Jade comes out. She says she sees a champ who knows their days are numbered. She says the belt is coming home with her. She says Masha isn't a ruthless champ, just the most overhyped. She says her weaknesses will be exposed.
Masha says Cora will be exposed for not being able to hang with a real fighter. She says she will find out why she's the most ruthless knockout in TNA history. Tessa Blanchard then jumps Masha from behind. Cora joins in. Lei Ying Lee then comes out and hits bad shots on the heels, clearing them off.
Mustafa Ali is given his coffee by Tasha. Tasha says Mike passed his pee test. Ali says they gotta get him another drug test. Ali goes to drink the coffee. He makes faces and then looks like he will go vomit.
Thoughts: Yeah this was gross and I didn't need to see this.
Ryan Nemeth comes out. He says his brother returns to TNA in 8 days at Sacrifice.
The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff Hardy) vs Eddie and Orlando Colon
OC = Orlando Colon
OC and Matt go at it. Matt bcks him up in the corner. OC wristlocks him. Matt armbreakers OC off of his shoulder. OC takes a double team then Eddie takes a double hiptoss. Eddie then slips out. We go to break and return.
Matt bangs Eddie's head off the buckles. OC pulls Eddie out of the way of a corner charge. Eddie foot chokes Matt. Eddie drops down and OC dropkicks Matt for 2.
OC hits mounted punches on Matt. Eddie legsweeps Mattfor 2. Fraxiom are watching this in the back. Jeff gets in and hits shots on The Colon's. Jeff legdrops Eddie in the crotch and basement dropkicks him. Matt hits a side effect on OC. Eddie takes a stunner into a neckbreaker. The System then run down and interfere for the DQ.
Thoughts: This was short and not much of note. It was pretty average wrestling all around and didn't even go 10 minutes.
Joe Hendry, Elijah and Leon Slater then come out to help. The System get out of the ring.
Santino Marella comes out. He says this madness has to come to an end. He says they must restore order. He says there will be no more running or hiding or interference as the Sacrifice 10-man tag will take place in a cage.
Overall thoughts: It was the usual Impact show. There was absolutely nothing you needed to see on this one, but it all made sense and was tolerable. The Elegance/Spitfire skits were entertaining and I'd say the 6-man tag was the best thing on here. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 and wouldn't recommend this.
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