Friday, June 28, 2024

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 6/27/2024 Episode #70

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 6/27/2024 Episode #70

Last week's show is here:

Athena, Billie Starkz and Lexy Nair talk. Athena says she doesn't feel safe at work anymore. She says she's safe for 8-12 months. She says she now has two people being their private security from now on. Lexy says these hussies really need to learn who runs ROH. Athena says they need to get Lexy a championship. 

Thoughts: I was hoping we'd find out what's going on with the Women's Title here, but there were no updates.

Alex Reynolds vs Lee Johnson

Lee rolls out of a wristlock, kips up and down and reverses it. Alex snapmares him and Lee hammerlocks him. Alex headscissors him and Lee kips up and stares him down. Lee sweeps him then is rolled up. Lee goes for the backslide then hits armdrags. Lee dropkicks him for 1.

They shove each other and Alex says he's sorry. Alex is lariated over the top then Lee tope con hilos him. Alex throws him into the steps outside. They go back in and Lee is thrown out again. Evil Uno throws Lee into the steps. Alex cravateplexes him.

Alex misses a top rope moonsault then is popped up into the buckles. Lee hits clotheslines then neckbreakers him. Lee kips up and standing moonsaults him for 2. Alex pop-up knees him then Lee hits a hurricanrana off a tiger driver. Alex facekicks him and is superkicked. Alex spinning forearms him in the face and the neck for 2.

Alex tiger drivers him then piledrivers him for 2. They trade cradles. Lee lawn darts him into the buckles and superkicks Uno off the apron. Lee lifts him with a reverse ddt and wins.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here with no real issues. The Dark Order switch between face and heel on this show constantly. Nobody watches it so people cheer them when they aren't supposed to. It makes things confusing and I just don't get what they are doing here. I also don't understand the logic behind having Lee lose last week and going back to pushing him in singles here. 

Marina Shafir vs Erica Leigh

They shake hands and MS takes her down off of it. MS  wristlocks her then takes her down by the arm. MS hits mounted palm strikes then chokes her. Erica rolls her over and hits some shots. MS hits big face kick then hits strikes in the corner.

MS drops her with a kick then does an interesting 619 variation. MS Takes her down and submits her with a reverse choke.

Thoughts: As usual, MS had a decent squash here. She came off like a threat and this went about as well as it could have. I'd like to see more of what
Leigh can do.

The Undisputed Kingdom are interviewed. Taven doesn't believe the interviewers name is what it is. Mike gets down on his knees and prays for competition. Mike says when you get in the ring with them, you are stepping in the ring with the best in the world. He tells teams to come talk to them.

The Undisputed Kingdom vs Metalik and Komander in a Proving Ground Match is made for next week.

The Righteous and Lance Archer vs Victor Benjamin, Duke Davis and Ganon Jones Jr.

Lance and Duke trade forearms. Duke may even be taller than he is. Lance forearm flurries him down then Duke corner splashes him. Duke hits headbutts to the gut. Jones is sent over the top and Lance crossbodies Duke.

VB hits shots on Lance then Vincent running back elbows him. VB jumping knees him, legsweeps him and corkscrew kicks him. Vincent throws VB into the steps outside. Vincent does a backdrop variation to him and Dutch legdrops VB.

Duch uppercuts VB. Dutch lariats him then hits a mean running forearm. Jones hits shots on Dutch then dropkicks him. Jones catches Vincent's top rope crossbody then Lance facekicks Jones over. Vincent hits a top rope swanton on Jones for 2. Dutch black hole slams Duke and Vincent hits orange sunshine on Jones to win.

It was a squash but the jobbers did get some offense in here. The jobbers all had a good showing and it was nice to see a little heavyweight action here for a change.

Lance hits blackout on VB after. 

Taya Valkyrie vs Trish Adora

Trish yells 'hoo rah" and Taya tells her to shut up. Taya forearms her off the handshake and hits chops. Trish throws her down by the arm and hits chops. Trish pulls Taya's arms back and splits on her. Taya slides out and is dropkicked through the ropes. Trish bangs Taya's head off the apron then Taya returns the favor. Trish gets her head banged off the steps.

Taya hits high kicks on Trish then meteora's her in the corner. Taya pulls Trish's arms back. Trish armdrags her and Taya lariats her for 2. Trish hits forearms then crossbodies her. Trish corner splashes her then suplexes her for 2.

Taya gets on her back and chinlocks her. Taya armdrags her and curbstomps her to win.

Thoughts: The finish didn't work at all and it was just not a real interesting match. The pace was slow and it was submission focused.

Leyla Hirsch is interviewed. She said Diamante has pushed her to her limit every time but she beat her. every time. She says Dia can't beat her. Dia comes in. She says no one remembers her beating her. Dia says she was beaten in a wrestling match and not a fight. Leyla challenges her to a no holds barred match.

ROH Women's TV Title Proving Ground Match - Billie Starkz (c) vs Angelica Risk

BS pretends she can't see her since she's so much shorter. They shake hands and pieface each other. BS chokes her with both hands then running facekicks her. BS corner forearms her then hits facewash kicks.

BS slaps her and hits boots in the corner. BS drops her onto the apron. Risk hits punches and is thrown into the rails. BS basement dropkicks her against the rails.

BS slaps her around and does Red Velvet's stirring taunt. BS misses on the ropes, Risk slaps her around and meteora's her on the ropes. BS spinning high kicks her then taps her out with a hammerlock + fish hook.

It was basically a squash. Risk didn't get a lot in as usual but made what she did get in count. 

ROH World Title - Mark Briscoe (c) vs Kyle Fletcher

This is Mark's first ROH TV match in a while.

They argue over a handshake and Kyle boots his hand away.  Mark gets his crane kick blocked and he armdrags him. Mark side headlocks him. Mark shoulders and chops him then is shouldered over. The ytrade shots and Kyle superkicks him. Kyle takes a palm strike on the buckles then Mark tope con hilos him through the ropes. Mark then puts a fan's hat on outside.

Mark is kicked off the apron then Kyle backdrops him on the apron. Kyle PK's him. Mark is thrown over the rails. Kyle suplexes him on the floor. Kyle running back elbows him.

Mark starts to hulk up and they trade forearms. Mark uppercuts him and flying forearms him. Mark corner lariats him then fisherman busters him for 2. Mark pele kicks him and is kicked while on the buckles. Mark fisherman superplexes him.

Kyle superkicks him on the apron and Mark big boots him. Mark elbow drops him onto the floor. Kyle gets his knees up on a top rope elbow drop. Kyle spinning tombstones him for 2. Kyle leg lariats him on the ropes and superkicks him. Mark rolling death valley drivers him then hits a top rope elbow drop for 2.

Mark forearms him then Kyle flying knees him. Kyle hits superkicks then is lariated. Mark hits a jay driller and wins it.

Thoughts: It had the usual Kyle Fletcher big match issues with too many kickouts and limited selling. I really though the top rope elbow drop would have been enough to end this one but it kept going. I'm really not sure what the point of this was. Kyle just got a big main event win over Lee Johnson and follows it up with a loss to Mark.

Overall thoughts: It was your usual flawed ROH show. There were no real storylines going on here and nothing was really built for the future. We still have no idea what Athena's health status is and nobody really seems to care that the Women's Title may not be defended for a year. ROH/AEW still hasn't figured out whether The Dark Order are heels or faces either. The main had the usual issues Kyle Fletcher has in longer matches with him doing too much and not selling much. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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