Friday, March 14, 2025

WCW Main Event 3/14/1993

WCW Main Event 3/14/1993

Michael Hayes says the show is at Spring Training in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Michael Hayes is with a baseball player named Steve Avery. Hayes says The Braves are gonna win this year and Steve agrees. Steve says one of the players doesn't like Hayes as he has better hair than him.

Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko are on commentary here.

Johnny B. Badd vs Jeff Stone

Jeff has to be 6'3 or so and close to 260. Badd shoots off his confetti gun before the match.

Jeff misses charges and Badd legsweeps him. Bad does a spinning toe hold and pulls him off the ropes. Badd wristlocks him and water wheel drops him for 1. Jeff eye rakes him and clubs on him. Badd hiptosses him then armdrags him. Bad legsweeps him and hits a big left handed punch. Badd then gets the pin.

Thoughts: It was short and not that good. Badd was having issues putting basic holds on and Jeff couldn't move well.

Badd puts a lips sticker on Jeff's cheek after.

"The British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith vs Randy Sledge

Randy's taller than Davey is and is a youngster here. Davey shoves RS off the lock up twice. RS hits a knee to the gut then takes a hiptoss. Davey armdrags him then hits a delayed suplex. Davey hits a corner lariat then running powerslams RS for the win.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash here. It was somewhat impressive to see Davey lift and throws Randy.

We see clips of WCW Saturday Night with The Cole Brothers in action vs The Wrecking Crew. A Cole Brother falls out then cradles a Wrecking Crew member to win.

The Cole Twins (Keith and Kent Cole) vs Tex Slazenger & Shanghai Pierce

Tex and Shang do an inset promo. He says when you talk about teams, you talk about The James Boys. Shang says they are the two toughest Texans to walk into WCW and say they will know what Texans are all about soon.

A Cole side headlock takeovers Shang. They lock up and Shang knees and clubs him. Shang takes an armdrag. Shang grabs the hair of Keith. Keith crossbodies Tex for 2. Keith then armdrags him.

Shang is double flipped and takes a double legdrop on his arms. Kent works Shang's arm then tries to unmask him. Tex lariats Kent for it. 

Shang shoulderbreakers Kent. Tex works on Kent's shoulder and single arm ddt's him. Kent takes a 2nd rope stomp from Shang then one from Tex. Shang blocks Kent's tag then rolls him down.

Tex gets in and works Kent's arm. Tex clubs on it. Tex misses a corner attack and Keith gets in. Keith hits shots on Tex then hiptosses Shang. He then dropkicks Tex. The Cole's hit shots on the heels and send htem into each other. Keith dropkicks Shang out.

Keith takes a back body drop then Kent backrolls Tex to win.

The finish was dumb here with one of The Twins getting back body dropped so the other could get the roll up. I'm not sure how that would work in a real fight. I had no problem with the match other than the finish. The heels worked the arm of one of The Twins and The Twins made their comeback won. It was fine.

We are back with Michael Hayes who is now with John Smoltz, the Braves' pitcher. Hayes says Smoltz knows what to do to win and says they want to go to another world champion.

We then see Ric Flair return at Superbrawl III. Missy Hyatt tries to interview him but is pulled away. Flair says he's back to rock and roll. Flair puts the NWA Title around Barry Windham's waist when he wins. Barry gets mad as I guess Flair is too hands on with him and they stare down. We then see some clips from WCW Saturday Night with Flair. Missy tries to talk to Flair for the 3rd time and is shoved away. We then see Missy say she needs to tell Flair something 1v1. She says she will find him and says she can't tell anyone but Flair what it's about.

Tony Schiavone interviews Flair and Missy is ushered out. Flair talks about Big Van Vader.

Barry Windham vs Rick Hardrock

Rick looks like Warrior minus the paint. BW backs up Rick in the corner and hits a shot to the gut. BW snapmares him then misses an elbow drop. Rick hits shots to the gut. BW hangs on the ropes during an irish whip and punches him. BW then hits another punch. BW suplexes Rick then legdrops him for 2.

BW slams Rick then knee drops him. BW hits a dropkick then a punch to the face. Rick hits boots to the gut and  then forearms. Rick does a bad spot where he misses then BW punches him. BW impaler ddt's Rick and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't too good. BW was solid as usual but Rick looked awful here with multiple awkward moments.

Tony Schiavone interviews BW at ringside. BW says he has nothing to say about Ric Flair. He says people want his title. He says he chased it around the world and brought it home. He says Great Muta is one of the greats and he showed how good he is by beating him. He says Ricky "The Steamboat" Dragon (yes, he said it that way) wants it too along with Shane Douglas.

They talk about the "Mr. Wrestling II Conference" which is a tournament of some sort it seems. The next match is part of it.

Mr. Wrestling II Conference/WCW TV Title Tournament First Round - Cactus Jack vs "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff

Jack gets some pops here. They only have a 10 minute time limit for this.

The fans yell at Paull and he gets distracted. Jack drops Paul with a punch and stomps on him. Jack hits headbutts then hiptosses him. Jack knee lifts him and hits punches to the head. Jack chokes Paul then headbutts him.

Paul hangs over the bottom rope and is legdropped. Jack side headlock takeovers Paul and keeps the headlock on. Jack shoulders Paul over. Paul tries to drop down and upkick him but Jack stomps him. Jack back elbows Paul and Paul goes out.

Paul pulls out Jack with him. They fight on the floor and Paul's head is banged off the apron. Paul stomps Jack as he gets back in then Jack rolls out. Paul stomps Jack from the apron. Paul bangs Jack's knee off the cement floor.

Jack hits punches on Paul. Paul bangs Jack's knee off the mat. Paul stomps the knee. Jack cradles Paul off a figure four attempt. Paul hits punches on Jack. Jack eye rakes Paul then hits punches. Jack drops Paul with a punch.

Jack chokes Paul in the corner then slams him. Jack elbow drops Paul then swinging neckbreakers him for 2. Jack goes up top, Paul runs into the ropes and Jack falls off the top. Paul then pins Jack.

It wasn't that great. Paul worked the knee but then back off of it some. The finish was something different. This was all stomps and punches.

Michael Hayes is still at Spring Training. He says the Braves have the best pitching staff and says you can never get too good. We then see Leo Mazzone the Pitching Coach talk to Hayes. Hayes thinks he's on the pitching roster but is told he isn't. Hayes says that's not the right scene. He says we will hear from more Braves players next week and more from the TV Title Tournament.

Too Cold Scorpio and Marcus Bagwell vs Mike Thor and Fred Avery

MB wristlocks Mike then suplexes him. Mike hits forearms. MB boots him in the gut and hits a knee lift. MB armdrags Mike. Mike is tripped into a Scorp splash. Mike then backdrops Scorp.

Fred gets in and hits shots on Scorp. Fred tries to catch Scorp's crossbody but Scorp goes over. Scorp dropkicks him. Fred takes a double suplex. MB gets a 2 count on Fred.

Fred takes a double back elbow. Mike gets in and is back body dropped by Scorp. MB top rope crossbodies Fred. Fred and Mike are thrown into each other. MB dropkicks Fred out. Scrop backdrops Mike. Scorp then hits a 450 off the top and pins Mike.

It was a fast past squash with high workrate here. The jobbers got a decent big of offense in on this one which was surprising. Scorp really flew around here.

Tony Schiavone interviews Bagwell and Scorp after. Bagwell says he was Rookie of the Year but it's in the past. He says him and Scorp are the future. Bagwell says they can get the tag titles with the fans behind them. Scorp says there's a new team on the horizon and says they want to be tag champs.

Overall thoughts: The Cole Twins tag match was the best thing on here. Jack/Paul just had a lot of punches and stomps and wasn't as good as it should have been. It was nice to see the jobbers get some offense in during the last match. Rick Hardrock didn't have a good showing against Barry Windham. It was your typical show at the time and there was nothing you really need to see on this one. It was easy to get through though.

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