WOW Women of Wrestling 3/15/2025 Season 5, Episode 27
Last week's show is here:
Paola Mayfield and Abilene Maverick come out. Ab say sshe's a former WOW champ and demands a title shot for Paola. She says she's mad as Santana Garrett got a title match even though Paola beat her weeks ago. Ab asks Dave McLane to explain.
Dave says Ab has amnesia. He says Paola beat Santana 6 weeks ago but Santana beat her 3 weeks ago.
Catalina Speed vs Paola Mayfield
Sophia Lopez is with Speed. This is her WOW debut I think and the first time we have seen Lopez in a while.
PM hits Speed from behind. She misses a corner charge. Speed does fireman's carry takeovers. Speed shoulders her over. PM basement dropkicks her for 2. Speed's head is banged off the buckles. Speed back elbows her and hits lariats. Speed dropkicks her.
Speed hits a corner spear and belly to belly suplexes her for 2. Lopez and Maverick argue outside then PM hits a mcgillicutter on her for the win.
Thoughts: It was short and not too bad. They kept the action moving here. Paola didn't hit her finish clean. I don't like Speed losing though as this was either her debut or she hasn't been around in a while.
Abilene tells McLane to have his people get a hold of theirs or they will have their people contact McLane.
Ashley Blaze and Kara Kai vs Miranda Mirage and Fury
Kai hits leg kicks on MM then front kicks her. Kai high kicks Fury then is lifted into a headscissors on her. Blaze does enzugiri's on both opponents. Fury backhands Blaze then corner splashes her. MM boots Blaze in the corner then bangs her head off the buckles. MM then foot chokes her.
MM snapmares her then boots her over. Fury running knees Blaze on the ropes then rides her there. Fury pumping knees Blaze. Blaze tags out. Kai gets in and hits kicks on MM. Kai throws fury out then Blaze TKO's MM for the win.
Thoughts: It was fast paced and I was alright with it. I don't think it was anything great but they kept it moving enough to ignore some of the rougher moments.
Top Tier jumps Kai and Blaze as they go to leave. Krush and Coash then do stereo sharpshooters on the ramp. The refs then try to break it up.
Scout Parker vs Xena Phoenix
Xena takes her down and has back control. Xena sweeps her then jack knifes her. Xena suplexes her for 2. Scout flatliners her and splashes her for 2. Scout works on the arm and armdrags her. Scout catapults her into the ropes then pulls her arm around the ropes.
Scout trips her and armbars her. Scout misses a kick and goes down. Xena boots her out of the corner then codebreakers her arm. Xena hits an armdrag and Japanese armdrag. Xena legdrops the arm. Xena fireman's carry takeovers her into an armbar. Xena then wins it via submission.
Thoughts: I liked it. This was an arm vs arm battle here with both girls trying to work the arm. Xena ended up winning and her finish of the fireman's carry into an armbar looked good.
Sibley Scoles interviews Xena Phoenix in the back. Xena says she feels tired but good. She said she brought her experiencing and grappling game to the ring. She said we saw years of hard work, experience and training. Xena says grappling is her background and says without jiu jitsu she wouldn't be here. She says she sets high expectations for herself and wants the respect of the fans. She says she wants the WOW Title as well. She wants her legacy to be one of strength and respect.
Jessie Jones and Big Rig Betty come out. Betty wants a singles match with Holly Swag. She says she wants to spank her tail and send her back to Tennessee. She says she will find her and drag her out then beat her if she doesn't get the match. McLane says Holly needs to show her mom some respect and says we will get the match.
The Classmaster and Samantha Smart talk in the back. Sam says Santana Garrett and her fans convinced themselves of her greatness. She says she needs to get a warp machine so she can live in a reality where she will be great. She says they will reduce her ego the old fashioned way, by beating her in the ring.
Santana Garrett does a promo. She says we all know what they are about. She says she's been on top and didn't have to do underhanded tactics to get there like them. She says she will fight for herself and her dad who taught her to compete with honor. She tells them to bring their tricks as she will bring everything to be WOW champ.
Genesis comes down to commentary for the main.
Next week's show has Holly Swag vs Big Rig Betty.
WOW Title - The Classmaster (c) vs Santana Garrett
They lock up. SG is backed up into the corner. SG tries to headscissors her out of the corner but is blocked. Class misses a butt drop on her and is booted over. SG backrolls her into a spinning headscissors. Samantha Smart distracts SG. Class pulls SG's throat down over the top.
SG boors and kicks SG. SG hits corner spears then kicks her in the back. SG leg drops her inner thighs. SG puts her in the scholar collar. Class sleepers her then stomps on her. Class suplexes her for 2. SG legdrops her over the back of the neck then legdrops her. Class boston crabs her.
SG trips her then gets on her back with a sleeper. SG headscissors her out of the corner then handspring back elbows her. SG headflips and hits a forearm. SG then superkicks her for 2. Samantha Smart distracts the ref, throws her book in and Class ddt's SG on the book. Class then pins her.
Thoughts: It was acceptable. There was nothing wrong with it and SG had one of her better outings here without any major botches or sloppy moments. I didn't expect SG to win and didn't really like her just asking for a title shot instead of earning it.
Overall thoughts: It was a decent episode of WOW. Xena/Scout was pretty good and the other matches were acceptable. I had no real issues with this one and would give it a 6 out of 10. It wasn't must see but it's probably one of the better WOW eps to check out.
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