Monday, February 24, 2025

WWE LFG 2/23/2025 Episode 2

WWE LFG 2/23/2025 Episode 2

Last week's show is here:

We are in front of a live crowd for matches.

Shiloh Hill and Dani Sekelsky vs Anthony Luke and Tyra Mae Steele

Tyra pulls Dani down off the lock-up. Tyra takes her down by the leg then by the waist. Dani yells at her and Tyra tags out.

Luke side headlocks Hill. Luke shoulders him over then short arm lariats him for 2. Hill shoulders him over then hits a spinning neckbreaker. Dani gets in and throws Tyra in. Dani 2nd rope sunset flips her then hits armdrags. Dani flying headcissors her.

Hill hits armdrags on Luke. Luke tries to have Tyra hit Hill's arm but she nails Luke. Hill gorilla presses Dani ontoyra. Tyra pulls Dani's hair and hits mounted shots. Tyra does a bow and arrow variation on Dani.

Dani jawbreakers Tyra. Hill comes in and lariats Luke. He then flying shoulders him. Hill hits a corner spear and a bulldog for 2. Tyra spears Luke on accident then Dani spears Tyra. Hill then does a double underhook twisting drop on Luke and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like the men and the women being able to do stuff to each other. That should have been an immediate DQ. Dani had two sloppy moments here but it wasn't bad for someone who was in her TV debut here. They hyped up Luke on the show but I didn't see anything too great here from his. He didn't botch anything though in his debut and did fine.

Here's who each person got for their coach:

Zena Sterling - Bubba Ray Dudley

Chris Island - Mickie James

Troy Yearwood - Mickie James

Punina Tuilaepa - Booker T

Drake Morreaux - Bubba Ray Dudley

Shiloh Hill - The Undertaker

Jasper Troy - Booker T

Leigh Laurel - Booker T

Tatyanna Dumas - Bubba Ray Dudley

Dani Sekelsky - Mickie James

Bayley Humphrey - The Undertaker

Sirena Linton - Mickie James

Braden "BJ" Ray - Bubba Ray Dudley

Elijah Holyfield - The Undertaker

Bubba and Taker discuss who the final two should get of BJ Ray and Elijah Holyfield. Bubba asks if he should make BJ Ray earn it or ride him every step of the way. BJ says he wants Bubba behind the scenes and gets him. Bubba says BJ will earn everything he gets and doesn't shake his hand. Bubba says BJ has more personality and potential than anyone else here. But he wants to know if he can take his attitude into making him the biggest star he can be. BJ then puts on Dudley style glasses behind the scenes.

Elijah is excited to work with The Undertaker. He's 26 and a former NFL running back for the Philadelphia Eagles. He said he got to meet a lot of the stars at age 5 when he went to Wrestlemania. He said no one else has taken the next step to carry on the family name so that's his goal.

The coaches get to meet the trainees. Booker says wrestling can't look sloppy. Taker tells his crew not to be afraid to turn punching segments into a yay/boo. Mickie shows her crew the lock-up. Bubba tells his crew it's all about emotions.

We get some info on Tatyanna. She's from Australia and was on Australian gladiators and Ninja Warrior. She says she's a perfectionist. Tatyanna cries during training. She said she got in her own head.

Bubba tells Zena there's 2 huge personalities in the group and Zena is one of them. She has hyper-hydrosis and her hands are always sweaty. Bubba is grossed out by it. She says Zena is easy to mold. Zena is 20 years old from Ukraine, though she doesn't have much of an accent. She has done ironman marathons.

Shawn Michaels talks to everyone. He says it's about charisma and energy. Shawn says we will have 4 matches tonight and the coaches have to choose people for them.

Booker T and Taker ask if Jasper Troy is ready, even though he's had multiple televised matches already. Taker tells Hill to be a vicious heel even though he's been a face on TV. BJ Ray tells Bubba he should do a match.

Bubba tells everyone BJ thinks he should rep the team. Bubba's team all does promo's on each other.

Tatyanna is chosen first. Bubba wants to get rid of her anxiety and picks her first. She fights Leigh and Booker compares her to Bruce Lee.

Jasper Troy is in the next match. Booker says he has nothing but good vibes. Troy says he has a duaghter and is fighting for her. He fights Chris Island. Chris says he's got the biggest and baddest fish in the sea. Mickie says Chris will be the underdog and says she wants him to not be afraid to be vulnerable.

Shiloh Hill is in another match vs Troy Yearwood. Mickie says Troy has star all over him. BJ Ray doesn't get called. Hill pushes Chris when Chris claps and they get in each others face. Chris says he smiled in Hill's face to show there's no fear. Hill said he did that to show he's a heel. Taker says he thinks it is real. 

Zena Sterling says she wanted to blow raspberries in BJ Ray's face. She faces Penina. Penina says she won't underestimate her and has the power and strength. 

Bubba asks BJ if he feels like he threw them under the bus. He was told he ripped his teammates and brought them down. Bubba says BJ's smirk is weird to him and he doesn't get it. BJ says Bubba has an old grumpy face all the time. Bubba says BJ's face will get him in trouble in this industry.

Booker T tells Penina not to get caught up in the BS. Bubba tells Zena she wants to entertain. Bubba says her character what you see and get.

Punina Tuilaepa vs Zena Sterling

This is another behind the scenes match with no legit fans. This is the debut for both girls. Zena has a tennis style dress on.

Zena rolls out of a lock-up and slaps herself. PT pushes her over. Zena side headlocks her then PT reverses it. PT side headlock takeovers her. Zena side headlocks her. Zena shoulders her and takes a samoan drop. PT bangs Zena's face off the mat and stomps on her.

PT corner splashes her then hits a slam for 2. Zena back elbows her out of the corner then rolls her up for the win.

Zena was the face here and PT was the monster heel. They didn't do much but the basics but they had the right idea. PT looked pretty good and they definitely got Zena's innocent underdog character right.

Bubba asks Zena what she's doing and fist pounds Bubba. Bubba says good job and she says her hands are sweaty. PT was told she needs to show more emotion.

Terry Taylor tells Chris Island that he needs some fire and selling. Booker tells Jasper he's in MSG tonight in the main event.

Jasper Troy vs Chris Island

They say Chris is a college wrestler and football player. They lock up and Chris is backed up then pulled down on the lock up. Chris side headlocks him and is thrown off. Chris jumps at him and side headlock takeovers him. Chris tries to shoulder him over and is lariated. Troy slams him then hits a jumping splash for 2. Troy clubs on Chris .

Chris' head is banged off the buckles. Troy does an arm and chin lock. Chris hits shots on Troy then flying shoulders him. Chris then crossbodies him for the win.

Thoughts: These are basically worked exhibition matches but I liked what they did here. Troy did good as the big heel and Chris did good as the fiery underdog. Chris showed a lot of energy here.

Mickie didn't like the way Chris got out of a hold. Booker says Chris' comeback was rushed. Booker says Troy did his job and has star potential. They say Troy lead the match and Chris complains about it. He says Troy didn't lead. Troy says Chris didn't do this long enough to call the shots and says he hopes he can back up his words when it's his time.

Taker tells Shiloh he needs aggression tonight. Mickie tells Troy to kick his @ss.

Shiloh Hill vs Troy Yearwood

Troy did the hammer throw in college. The two lock up and Troy pushes him over. Troy waistlock takedowns him then armdrags him. We go to break and return. Troy slips on the buckles then is pulled down. Hill hits shots on him in the corner.

Hill hits a running corner spear then he slams him. Troy rolls him up for 2. Hill hits a nice lariat for 2. Hill does a grounded armlock and the coaches say Hill needs to get his hair out of his face. Troy wristlocks him and forearms him over. Troy dropkicks Hill for the win.

Thoughts: Even though this is some kind of weird exhibition, I'm still surprised Troy won. Hill looked okay here and Troy got some height on a dropkick. Troy does still look green though.

Taker says they picked the intensity up from the start. Booker says they need to work on the small things with their coaches. Mickie wants them to slow down and Bubba agrees. Bubba tells them they did a great job.

Leigh Laurel talks. She says she was in bodybuilding, powerlifting and did cosplay. She said she liked the idea of wrestling and said she would see if she liked it. She said it's something amazing. Booker tells Leigh she's the star and will win it. Bubba tells Tatyanna not to get in her own head and do the best of her abilities.

Leigh Laurel vs Tatyanna Dumas

They lock up and we go to break. We return and LL side headlock takeovers her. Tat reverses the wristlock then shoulders her over. Tat hits a back elbow. Tat slams her. LL ends up winning with a cradle.

Thoughts: This exhibition was short and not much. There wasn't a lot to take away from this one as they really couldn't have had more of a basic match than what they did. 

Taker says Dumas was in control and looked like an athlete. Taker says they should pat themselves on the back. Taker says both have star written on their backs. Mickie puts over LL for carrying Dumas in her first match here. She says it was great and both should be proud.

LL says she thought she was going to be told negative things and said he didn't know she had the ability to lead a good match. Booker tells Dumas to be proud of herself. Bubba says the people in the crowd were feeling it.

Dumas says you gotta learn to make mistakes and it's only up from here.

Shawn Michaels talks to everyone after. He says it was hard for the coaches to come up with winners. Booker gives Jasper Troy a point tonight. Mickie gives Yearwood a point. Taker gives Yearwood a point. Bubba picks Jasper and makes Shawn Michaels do the tiebreaker. Shawn says starpower sometimes trumps in-ring work and gives Troy the win here, saying he has starpower.

Jasper says he didn't come here to be the biggest star, her came here to be the best.

Bubba says they had a hardtime picking the winner for the girls. Bubba picks Leigh. Mickie picks Leigh. Taker picks Leigh.

Team Booker and Team Mickie are tied in the standings at 1 point a piece.

Bubba wonders if they can get BJ Ray on the right track. BJ says he tried to put his team first and is focused on himself now. 

Booker says he's building something special. Taker says he's not playing for 2nd place.

Overall thoughts: As usual, it's hard to know what to really make of this. It's a worked version of something that is already worked. It's something different, but if you are looking for a Tough Enough type of show or a wrestling show, it's not really either one. I wouldn't really recommend this one and don't find it to be that interesting other than seeing what some of the rookies look like.

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