WOW Women of Wrestling 2/22/2025 Season 5, Episode 24
Last week's show is here:
Miami's Sweet Heat (Lindsay and Laurie Carlson) vs Tormenta and Princess Aussie
Lana Star is not with MSH. Laur shoulders over Aussie then Aussie armdrags her. Aussie throws Linds out and la magistral's Laur for 2. Tor and Linds go at it. Tor running back elbows her then corner meteora's her. Linds takes a double back elbow then Aussie is lifted into a legdrop on Linds.
Aussie superkicks Linds and Laur pump kicks Aussie. Linds hits a shot on Aussie's gut then Aussie is double crabbed. Linds leg locks Aussie. Laur dropkicks Aussie against the ropes. Aussie is put on the 2nd rope and codebreakered.
Linds foot chokes Aussie. Aussie takes a side slam + reverse ddt combo for 2. Aussie escapes a double suplex and Tor top rope double dropkicks MSH. Tor spinning headscissors Linds into Laur. Linds running lariats Tor. Aussie cutters Linds then Laur takes a powerbomb + neckbreaker combo. Tor pins Laur.
Thoughts: It was about average. It got a little more time than it needed and wasn't anything too special. Lana not being out there took away a little from this one. I was surprised to MSH get the win.
Chainsaw and Pep Riley vs The Mighty Mights (Sugar and Spice)
I'm curious if Pep will be a heel here or if Chain will be a face. Angelica Dante is not with Chain. Pep has some dark lipstick and eye shadow on. Chain yells at Sugar and backs her off. Pep and Spice fight. Spice flips Pep then armdrags her. Spice legsweeps her for 2. Pep armdrags Spice and rolls her up for 2. Pep pulls her into the mat by the arm. Pep gets on Spice's back and bites her ear.
Chain and Sugar get in. Chain claws Sugar and hits a bad lariat. Chain hits corner spears. Chain stomach claws Sugar on the ropes. Pep grabs Spice's leg on the apron as Chain chokes Sugar. Chain misses a corner splash. Spice gets in and Pep botches a spot with her. Chain drops Sugar onto Spice then drops Pep onto both for a splash. Chain swings Pep around onto Spice and Pep pins spice.
Thoughts: Well, Pep was a heel here. Chain threw her around onto opponents and Pep even mocked The Mights after. There were some sloppy moments and it was average.
Pep says she has taken a backseat. She says Chainsaw showed her the light and she says she can be who she really is. She says the cheerleader that could just couldn't. She says her name now is Daisy Lane.
Miami's Sweet Heat argue in the back and ask where Lana Star is.
Penelope Pink and Holly Swag vs Roxxy Fierce and Chantilly Chella
Chella hits armdrags on Holly then dropkicks her. Chella 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her. Chella back elbows Holly in the corner then splashes her. Rox corner splashes Holly and throws her. Chella running knees Holly in the corner for 2. Holly backcrackers Chella. Pink boot flurries Chella in the corner then foot chokes her. The heels pose on Chella on the ropes. Pink backdrops Chella.
Holly kicks Chella in the back and hits knees to the gut. Pink slams Chella then handspring elbow drops her. Chella chops Holly then crossbodies her.
Rox gets in and hits lariats and a backdrop on Pink. Holly jumps at Rox and is fallaway slammed. Holly hits Rox with the sock filled with rocks and Pink wins.
Thoughts: It was on the shorter end of things and wasn't that much in all. There just wasn't enough time and the ending was dirty which didn't help.
Lana Starr, Holly and Pink get in the ring after. Lana says to feast your eyes on the rising tag team stars. She says they got the win tonight. She said Holly and Pink aren't just contenders but are the future tag champs. Holly says something is missing in the group and says the gold is coming back to The Fab Four.
Sibley Scoles interviews Chainsaw and Daisy Lane. Lane says she feels great and looks different. She says she's Diasy Lane now and said Chain helped her find her true personality. She says no one will overlook them.
Next week has Spring Break 24/7 vs Top Tier. 24/7 has added Brittany Bay to their team.
Paola Mayfield vs Santana Garrett
Abilene Maverick is banned from ringside yet comes out. David McLane tells her she is banned. McLane says she will be fined $5,000 if she doesn't leave and has to be carried out by the ref.
PM stalls before this starts. They lock up and SG drags her over. PM trips SG into the steps outside. PM hits corner punches. SG hits her in the gut. PM flying forearms her then bangs SG's head off the mat. PM snapmares her and pulls her arms back.
PM misses a running knee in the corner. They trade forearms. SG's head is banged off the buckles. PM pulls SG's arms back. They trade forearms. PM spinning swinging facebusters her.
SG hits soul foot then handspring back elbows PM in the corner. SG headflips into a forearm then she superkicks her. SG handspring moonsaults her and wins.
Thoughts: It wasn't good. PM is really limited and stuck to the absolute basics here. SG's offense wasn't that much better with her headflip into the forearm not looking good and her handspring moonsault also not looking good.
Overall thoughts: There was nothing that good in-ring wise here. We did get some storyline stuff with Pep Riley becoming Daisy Lane and turning heel. Spring Break 24/7 appears to have a new member in Brittany Bay. Lana Star didn't come out with MSH, but did come out with Swag/Pink, who also want the tag titles. It was a pretty average ep overall due to the in-ring work bringing things down and I'd only give it a 5 out of 10.
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