Saturday, June 29, 2024

Ring of Honor TV 10/5/2013

Ring of Honor TV 10/5/2013 

Last week's show is here:

Mark Briscoe tells Jay Briscoe he has to surrender his title belt. He doesn't want to and Mark tells him to do it like a man and put his big boy drawers on.

Kevin Kelly says it's the most important 60 minutes of ROH history as we will crown a new champ.

We see clips of matches from the ROH Title Tournament.

Mark Briscoe tells Jay Briscoe to stay focused and not lose his cool. 

Jay Briscoe comes out to give up the ROH Title. He says you have to work hard to be successful in life and says the harder you work, the more successful will be (I disagree with this). He talks about the first ROH show at the Murphy Rec Center. He said he busted his @ss to make ROH the best company it could be. He says he stepped up to the plate and helped take down SCUM. He said he got a shoulder injury when he did that and said the ROH higher ups ruled him unable to defend his title.

Jay calls out Nigel McGuinness. He asks why Nigel could defend his title when his bicep was torn but he can't when his shoulder is hurt. He says he knows Nigel is just the messenger. He says he held the title like a man and will have to hand it over. The crowd chants "no" and says he will be in line for a shot as soon as he is cleared to wrestle. He then leaves.

We get a video for Outlaw Inc. The video has sirens, Eddie Kingston and a clown mask logo.

Nigel says we will crown a new ROH champ soon. He says judges will decide who wins if there is not a winner after 60 minutes. Cary Silkin, Joe Koff and Prince Nana are the judges.

Larry Mercer hypes up upcoming shows. Roderick Strong talks about his match with Mike Mondo next week. He says they will finally settle their issues and asks where he has been. He says he has been looking for him. He says he has never left though and says he will show him why he is Mr. Ring of Honor.

ROH Title Tournament Final - Adam Cole vs Michael Elgin

Mike is still holding his neck after the Steen match. They shake hands and Mike shoves him back. Cole side headlocks him and Mike shoulders him over. Cole goes out and gets back in. Mike back elbows him then powerslams him for 2. Cole back body drops him then Mike sends him out.

Mike trips him and front facelocks him. Cole reverses it. Cole rolls out of a wristlock and puts one on. Mike rolls, cartwheels and dropkicks out of the wristlock. Mike gorilla press slams Cole for 2.

Mike goes for a delay suplex but Cole gets out and neckbreakers him. Cole snapmares him and knees him in the back. Cole basement dropkicks him and cravates him.

We go to break. Outlaw Inc and Taven vs Lethal in a TV Title match will be on next week's show. Jay Lethal says he's excited and says he has beaten Taven before. He says he has got the solution and it's a three count after a lethal injection.

We return from break. Mike backdrops him then Cole ddt's him. Cole chinlocks him then jumps on his back with a sleeper. They trade pump kicks then Mike spinning forearms him. Mike corner uranage's him.

Mike hits lariats to the front and back of the neck.  Mike black hole slams him for 2. Cole enzugiri's him and boom knees him for 2. Cole is on the apron and deadlift german suplexed in. Mike hits another german then germans him into the buckles.

Cole hits an attitude adjustment. They trade forearms. Cole pump kicks him and Mike hits lariats on the ropes. Mike rebound germans him then hits a big lariat for 2. Mike flips him with a lariat for 2.

We go to break and return with both men down. Cole sunset bombs him and hits a boom knee for 2. Mike hits a pendulum side slam for 2. Cole goes to springboard and takes a dropkick. Mike deadlift super falcon arrows him for 2. Mike buckle bombs him and backfists him out of the ring. Cole ends up laying underneath the judge's table.

Mike goes for a backdrop off the apron through a table but Cole rolls on him and both go through it. Cole superkicks him and germans him for 2. Cole takes a 2nd rope powerbomb and a buckle bomb. Cole no sells it and rolls him up for 2.

Mike hits spinning shots then buckle bombs him. Mike doctor bombs him but nails the ref with Cole's boot on accident. We go to break and return. Cole is laying on the floor. They get in and Cole dropkicks him, getting Mike's leg stuck in the ropes. Cole figure fours him and Mike ropebreaks.

Cole facebusters him on the apron and kind of falcon arrows him on the floor. Cole hits a panama sunrise for 2. Cole then nearly hits the ref for only counting two.

Cole's panama sunrise attempt is blocked then Mike crossfaces him. Mike spinning forearms him. Cole hits pump kicks then Cole germans him for 2. Cole straightjacket germans him and wins.

The first half was okay but then it just broke down. Cole hit a falcon arrow on the floor that meant nothing. They kicked out of a panama sunrise. Mike's leg got caught in the ropes and Cole figure four'd him, then completely forgot about it. The ref got hit and Cole took powerbombs and didn't sell them. The finish was also kind of weak as it was hard to buy the straightjacket german putting down Mike when suplexes on the apron and such couldn't.

Jay Briscoe comes out and gives Cole the title after. Cole superkicks him in the back of the head then hits Mike with the title.

Overall thoughts: There was only one match here and I wasn't a fan of it. There wasn't much else going on during this one and I wouldn't recommend it.

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