Tuesday, February 25, 2025

TNA Xplosion 2/21/2025

TNA Xplosion 2/21/2025

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/02/tna-xplosion-2142025.html

Mance Warner vs Chandler Hopkins

Mance pushes Chan over and hits punches in the corner. Mnc chops him and throws him out. Mance belly to belly suplexes him on the floor. Mance chops and bites him outside. Chan is sent into the steps. Mance stomps Chan's hand onto the steps.

Mance hits chops. Chan boots him out of the corner then handspring enzugiri's him. Chan spin kicks him in the gut then Mance flips him with a lariat. Mance then wins with a running knee.

Thoughts: It was all squash here with Chan getting roughed up and losing as expected. There wasn't a lot of note here.

Around the Ring with Gia Miller

Matthew Rehwoldt is this week's guest. Gia says she's too nice to Matt and Matt takes digs at her during commentary. Gia asks for tips on drinking Bourbon. Matt says you need to find something you can drink as it can be strong. Matt says he likes Wild Turkey 101.

Gia says she liked to drink Fireball in college. She says she can drink that and Wild Turkey all day long. 

Steve Maclin vs Brian Myers

BM is out here alone. BM side headlock takeovers him. Steve headscissors him and BM kips up. Steve back elbows him then hits lariats to the back of the neck. BM pulls Steve's neck into the ropes on the break then he stomps on Steve. BM chokes him on the ropes.

BM kicks him in the back for 2. Steve hits punches and BM flying knees him. BM side russian legsweeps him. BM knocks him over. BM chinlocks him. BM supekricks him in the gut then Steve hits a uranage backbreaker. Steve thesz presses him and hits punches. Steve hits a corner lariat and olympic slams him for 2.

BM boots him out of the corner and hits a spear for 2. BM is crotched up top. Steve hits his crosshairs spear on BM while he's in the tree of woe. Steve lifting double underhook ddt's him and wins.

Thoughts: They had about 6 minutes here and pretty much mailed in it. I don't blame them but it was a really generic and average match that was not either guys best work. No one did anything too crazy or stiff here.

Overall thoughts: We had 2 new matches and a new interview segment here. None of them were that interesting and I really wouldn't recommend this one.

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