Wednesday, August 3, 2022

AEW Dynamite 8/3/2022

AEW Dynamite 8/3/2022 

Orange Cassidy vs Jay Lethal

OC rolls him up early and hits armdrags. Jay tries one and OC lifts his arm up. They flip around and OC dropkicks him in the back which sends him out. OC then topes him. Jay goes up the ramp and Satnam Singh walks out. Jay then throws OC down the ramp. Best Friends then come out with one sitting on top of the otherto mock Singh. Dutt stops Singh from pushing them over for some reason. OC throws Lethai n the ring and top rope crossbodies him then takes a dragon screew. Lethal kicks OC's knee/calf on the steps. Lethal then dropkicks the steps into OC's leg which is near the post.

Back from break and Lethal works OC's leg. Lethal avalanche dragon screws him then figure fours him, but OC gets to the ropes. OC reverses a suplex with a sunnter then he tries a torando ddt like moves but takes an STO. They fight up top then OC diving ddt's him from the top. OC then hit a satellite into a ddt for 2. OC hits a beach break for 2. Jay then kicks him in the leg and does his handspring cutter lethal injection and wins it.

They had to take this the comedic route which counter-acted what work they did in the ring.

Sonjay Dutt cames out with Satnam Singh. Dutt calls OC a hippie then interviews him about Wardlow. Jay says Wardlow got involved as he wanted to protect his friend, OC. Jay then said he should come out now becuase he's going to break his leg with the figure four. Best Friends then come out and make the save, as does Wardlow. Lethal and crew leave. Dutt challenges Wardlow to face Lethal at Battle of the Belts for the TV title. Wardlow gets on the mic and says welcome to Wardlow's World. Wardlow accepts and says he doesn't care when or where because "Wardlow's gonna whoop that @ss".

The Undisputed Elite come out with Cole, Kyle, Fish and The Bucks. There's a great sign that says Kyle still fears Von Wagner. Cole says he is still not cleared to wrestle and says he found things they could work on. Cole says loyalty is everything. Cole talks about the trios tournament and says the Bucks can't do it since they can't choose any of UE. Fish then chokes one of the Bucks and Kyle clips the other. Fish high kicks a Buck then Cole superkicks the other. Brandon Cutler gets in and is run over. Cole goes to pillmanize a Buck's knee then Adam Page makes the save with a pipe and the UE run off. Page is wearing silly looking jeans with butterflies on them. I'm really not interested in an Elite vs UE feud.

Jon Moxley does a promo. He said he doesn't care who wins between Jericho and Yuta tonight. He said he has no respect for anyone when the bell rings and he is trying to hurt his opponents.

We see a clip from earlier of Tony Schiavone interviewing Christian. Christian says Jungle Boy was raised by terrible human beings. JB then drives a car in fast and maybe tries to hit him before security pulls him off. Christian yells for him to be arrested.

Thunder Rosa and Toni Storm vs Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter

Rosa throws a shirt at Britt and pounds on her then Jamie throws Toni out. Britt rolls up Rosa into a rings of saturn like hold then a crossface. Rosa dropkicks Jamie as she is on the ropes then dropkicks her through the ropes. Rosa chops Jamie then jumps off of Toni's back for a dropkick in the corner on her. Jamie then is double suplexed. Rosa takes double knees in the corner from Bitt and we go to break. We return and Rosa hits a step up enzugiri on Britt. Rosa stunners Jamie then Toni top rope crossbodies Jamie. Toni pushes Rebel over outside then then top rope crossbodies Jamie. Toni hits a bad alabama slam on Jamie then Jamie suplexes both Rosa and Toni.

Britt spinning forearms Rosa then takes a death valley driver from her. Rebel interrupts Toni up top and then Toni takes a top rope schwein from Britt. Jamie sliding lariats Toni then Britt cubr stomps Toni. Rosa breaks up the pin attempt. Rosa and Britt slap and face shove each other then Rosa forearms her. Britt hits a back body drop on her then Toni tornado ddt's her. Jamie then chokeslams Toni over her knee. Rosa and Toni hit stereo germans on their opponents then Toni hip attacks both opponents in the corner. Jamie then hits a rainmaker on Toni and wins it.

It was high impact and there wasn't too much wrong with it, though I though they did way too much here for this throwaway tag.

Tay Conti and Sammy Guevara are in Paris and say they are getting married. Eddie Kingston calls for it to be cut off and says this is a wrestling show. Eddie says congratulations, nobody cares. He said Sammy has a receipt coming and tells him to sign the contract to fight.

We see clips of Hobbs turning on Starks. He says he didn't know about that or about Hook going for the FTW Title. Taz says Team Taz is now broken up and he is done with this. That's one way to break up Team Taz.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs Ren Jones

Hobbs corner splashes him to start and hits an oklahoma stampede on him. Hobbs hits a stiff lariat and wins with a knee on the chest in maybe a minute.

Ricky Starks runs down and flurries him then Hobbs spinebusters him.

Miro does another vignette and talks about Malakai Black. As usual, it was tough to understand, which killed any effectiveness it may have had. 

Darby Allyn does a promo on Brody King. Darby said he went to Tony Khan to hire Brody. Darby said Brody needs his respect and needs everything from him. Darby is doing a tattoo on himself as he talks and says he wants Brody to know he asked for this match. Darby's tattoo says "the coffin drops on Brody King".  Brody and Darby meet in a coffin match next week.

Christian Cage vs Matt Hardy 

Matt chases him to start and takes him down and pounds on him. Matt hits corner spears and Christian hits slaps/punches. Christian hits more punches and Matt hits punches and headbutts. Matt pulls Christian off the ropes and powerbombs him. Christian pushes him into the steps outside then running knees him against the steps.

We go to break and return. Matt superplexes him off the top. Matt back bodydrops him then 2nd rope elbows him. Matt back body drops Christian off the 2nd buckle then elbows him off the 2nd buckle. Christian pulls down the back of his head over the top rope then top rope diving headbutts him for 2. JR says he hadn't seen that in years to make for an unintentionally akward moment. Matt hits a side effect on Christian for 2. Matt then side effects Christian on the apron. Matt puts Christian on a table and misses an elbow off the apron which puts him through the table. Christian hits an unprettier on Matt and wins it.

This wasn't anything too special and Matt tries but he's basically done.

Christian grabs a chair after then Jurassic Express go after him. Christian escapes.

Daniel Garcia is interviewed. He said beating Bryan Danielson was the biggest upset in AEW history and calls himself the Dragon Slayer and the best "technical sports entertainer of all-time". Garcia says he has Bryan's number and tells him to come back when his head is better so he can slay the dragon again.

We see clips of a Pac All-Atlantic title defense. Kip Sabian had words with Pac there while wearing a box over his head.

Ethan Page did a promo in the ring. He wants to know why he isn't on TV each week and why he doesn't have an action figure. Stokeley Hathaway comes into the ring as Page says he deserves better. He rips the crowd for agreeing with him when they aren't buying his shirts. He says every week he isn't on TV, means the company is leaving money on the table. Stokeley says something in his ear and gives him his card. Page walks out with him.

Menard, Parker and Anna Jay are interviewed by Tony. Menard said Jericho will become champ next week and Tony says that's if he beats Yuta. Anna says she is the sexiest and toughest and threatens to choke out various people. Anna then grabs some guy chokes him.

Dumpster Match - The Acclaimed vs The Gunn Club

Austin Gunn is wearing garbage man style suspenders. Bowens hits Billy with a trash can during his entrance then Billy is thrown into the dumpster by Max. Bowens hits both Gunns with the trash can and Max asks for his music to start. Max raps and says he will make the Gunns retire like Vince McMahon amongst other things. Austin nails Bowens during his line then Max goes into the dumpster. Bowens reverses a double suplex and suplexes both the Gunns on the floor. Bowens superkicks Austin and Colten slams the lid on Bowens. Bowens is powerbombed off the apron into the dumpster. Max is back body dropped into the dumpster then hits both of his opponents with a cookie sheet from there.

Colten dropkicks Max then is hit with a trash can lid. Austin then hits Bowens with the trash can lid. Austin does punches with dances in between on Bowens. They all go back to the floor. Colten tries to splash Max but just goes into the rails outside. Bowens and Austin fight on the dumpster and Bowens is thrown off of it onto trash cans. Max is thrown into the dumpster and suplexed onto the stage. Bowens then takes a twisting double underhook onto the stage which looked like it hurt.

Austin climbs on top of the entrance then Max gets up there. Max throws him into the dumpster then elbow drops Colten through a table. Colten is put in the dumpster and The Acclaimed win. They then ziptie the dumpster.

This was entertaining and fun with some big bumps here.

Bowens wants to send the dumpster off the stage after and then they push it off. The dumpster flips off the landing and unless they got out of there, someone may have gotten hurt.

They then say Mance Warner and Madison Rayne will debut in AEW in the next week.

Claudio and Takeshita each do promos on each other in a taped video. Takeshita says he will win his first big match in AEW against him and Claudio says he will win his first tile defense against him. 

Yuta gets Jericho's title shot if he wins - Chris Jericho vs Wheeler Yuta

Claudio Castagnoli comes out after intros to keep an eye on Parker and Menard. Jericho slaps Yuta and Yuta flicks him in the nose, which Jericho has bandaged. Yuta hits punches on Jericho outside and throws him into the rails. Parker grabs Yuta's foot and the ref sees it and kicks them out and does a stupid motion for it. Cesaro leaves with them. Yuta is crotched on the top then Jericho backdrops him. Jericho slaps Yuta around then hits a senton.

Yuta drops him off from the top rope then Jericho dropkicks him as Yuta comes off the top. They collide in mid-air with crossbodies then slap each other on their knees then standing. Yuta germans him then JEricho boston crabs him. Yuta back body drops Jericho over the top then topes him. Yuta blocks a lionsault with his knees then Jericho codebreaker counters him as he comes off top. Yuta STF's Jericho. Jericho grabs the bat, the ref takes it away then Jericho low blows him. Yuta rolls him up off a judas effect attempt then Jericho puts him in a lion tamer and wins it as expected.

It was a decent to good match but nothing super special and Jericho won as expected.

Mox comes out to save Yuta after. Jericho says Mox unleased the demon and tells him he has Lionheart Chris Jericho next week.

Overall thoughts: I thought it decent with 3 decent matches and 2 matches that weren't that good. I enjoyed the dumpster match though the Gunn's almost got killed during it. I didn't care for Christian vs Matt Hardy or Lethal/OC. Adam Page looked like a goof here in teenager jeans with butterflies on them. I don't expect a great rating for this one with a lot of stars out and a card that was weak.

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