Sunday, July 14, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 3/23/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 3/23/1991

Last week's show is here:

Roddy Piper and Vince McMahon welcome us to the show. They say Sarge/Hogan could be the greatest main event in Mania history. Piper is asked for the winner of that match. Piper runs down Sarge's bad deeds and said he will take on the red, white and blue and Hulkamania. He asks what Sarge will do now and suggests he should go to DisneyWorld.

The Legion of Doom vs Chris Sullivan and Keith Steinborn

Chris is the one who looks like a gym teacher. The jobbers get nailed as the bell rings and take stereo gorilla press slams. Hawk chops Keith then powerslams him. Hawk fist drops him. Power and Glory do an inset promo. Roma says not to get hurt before Mania 7 and Herc says to let them do it. Slick says The LOD will be remmebered as a couple of bums who had the nerve to fight P&G.

Keith is thrown into his corner. Animal clubs on Chris then hits a nice dropkick. Animal elbow drops Chris then Hawk gutwrench suplexes Chris. Hawk hits a big boot on Chris and stomps him. Chris then takes the doomsday device and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was the usual LOD squash with them not taking any offense and them getting the easy win.

WWF Update

Mean Gene Okerlund talks about Superstars and Stripes. We see clips of Hulk fighting General Adnan. Hulk's in control and Sarge comes in and hits Hulk with the WWF Title. We then see Hulk's beatdown. We see Sarge's promo after where he wants to hear unconditional surrender from Hulk. We then see Hulk's interview after with Mean Gene from that show.

Earthquake vs Scotty Williams

Piper says it could be trouble for Donald Trump if Earthquake has a crush on Marla Maples like Piper does. Quake and Scott lock up. Quake hits forearms to the gut. Quake misses a splash and Scott hits a nice dropkick. Quake dropkicks Scott over.

Quake hits a nice dropkick on Scott. Quake headbutts Scott in the chest then Quake powerslams him. Quake elbow drops him. Quake then hits the butt drop on Scott and wins.

Thoughts: Scott had a nice dropkick here and didn't really look like much of a jobber. Quake had no problems with him though and won quick.

Quake goes for an aftershock after then The Man With No Name attacks Quake. The Man hits headbutts and Quake falls out of the ring. Piper asks if that's Valentine. The Man then chases Jimmy Hart to the back.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney talks about Mania. The British Bulldog does a promo. He said he's excited and ready for Mania. He says Warlord better be ready for a big fight. He tells Warlord to put the full-nelson on if he thinks he can do it and says his powerslam will work if he tries it.

The Warlord and Slick do a promo. War says Bulldog thinks he's the strongest man in the WWF. War says it won't be so easy to powerslam him. He says he will put the full-nelson on him and put him out of wrestling once and for all.

The Undertaker and Paul Bearer do a promo. Paul says to climb the top rope and jump off it. Taker says you won't like where you land and opens up the urn.

The Viking vs Danny Brazil

Viking is now managed by Mr. Fuji after coming out alone last time. Piper does Viking's "huss" chant but says he doesn't understand it. Vik clubs on Dan then lariats him. Vik hits a knee drop then powerslams him. Mr. Fuji deso an inset promo. He said he looked far and wide and look at what he came up with. He says Vik is rugged and devious and only he can enjoy it.

Vik stomps on Dan and clubs him. Vik hits a dropkick then hits a nice big boot. Vik facekicks him while he's on the ropes twice. Vik picks him up for a backdrop and just dumps him outside. Vik then gets the countout win. Vik plancha's out and knee drops Dan.

Thoughts: This was pretty similar to what we saw last time with Viking. He had some nice facekicks here and Dan obviously stood no chance. Viking seems tailor made to be a Hogan foe but I don't recall them having a big feud.

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews The Ultimate Warrior on the stage. Gene says Mania could be the last time we see Warrior in the ring. Warrior says he hasn't taken so many steps to his destiny to leave it behind. He says Macho left pieces of his shattered kingdom in his head when he hit him with the crystal. He says the crystal is his past, present and future. He says he will destroy his career and his existence. Gene says Paul Bearer and The Undertaker will be present to sprinkle the ashes on Warrior's career.

Warrior says there will be no ashes to spread on his career. He says Macho King will need his services though as he will bury him.

Thoughts: I wondered why Taker was at the Macho/Warrior contract signing and now we know. This was a way to tease the Warrior/Taker feud which was going to be Warrior's next program.

"The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase vs Kevin Greeno

Piper says him and Virgil aren't underestimating Ted. He says Virgil's in for a tough night but he has confidence in him. Ted elbows Kevin in the neck and back elbows him. Ted hits chops in the corner. Ted then hits punches and stomps.

Ted fist drops him then powerslams him. Virgil comes down to ringside and Piper hints that it was planned. Ted goes out to confront Virgil and is counted out. KEVIN GREENO IS YOUR WINNER BY COUNTOUT!

Ted gets mad and throws a fit outside. Virgil challenges him to come in and fight.

It wasn't the cleanest win ever for Kevin Greeno, but I think he'll take it. It's always nice when we get an upset win here. I think he's the only person outside of Tom Stone who has beaten a superstar in any manner.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney talks Wrestlemania. The Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Saggs says the time has come and says they will take The Hart's to the streets. Saggs says they got their manager and will have the tag titles. Knobbs says when you break the foundation everything comes crumbling down. He says when the smoke clears, you will see them with the tag titles.

The Hart Foundation do a promo. Anvil asks if they have been various places and if they ever fought for the tag titles. The Hart's say Jimmy Hart's old nemesis are back for one last ride. They say they are like a tank and a Porsche - the best there is, was and ever will be.

Wrestlemania Report

Mean Gene Okerlund talks Wrestlemania. Macho King Randy Savage and Queen Sherri do a promo. Macho says he took his title and spirit. He said he doesn't want a piece of the pie, he wants the whole pie. He wants to take his spirit, his heart and his soul.

Jake Roberts does a promo. He says the darkness will set in on Rick Martel and he will have to live with what he lives with. He says Rick will be looking for a helping hand but it won't be his helping him.

He runs down the rest of the card. We hear from Willie Nelson. He says he'll be singing America the Beautiful while Macho sings "On the Ropes Again".

Gene calls Koji Kitao "Ka-tay-oh" again when talking about his tag match at Mania.

We get another quick Ricky Steamboat video.

"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan vs Alan Martin

Jim headbutts Alan then lariats him. Alan is thrown out. Jim does an inset promo. He tells Hulk Hogan to take down Sarge and bring the title back. Jim back body drops Alan then spinning slams him. Jim running lariats him and wins.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash and I was surprised that Jim's promo was about Hulk. Alan took a nice back body drop here.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney talks about Wrestlemania. Mr. Perfect and Bobby Heenan talk. Heenan brings up Boss Man's mom. He tells Boss Man to take her to brunch and then have her watch Boss Man make a fool of himself. Perfect says it's okay if Boss Man wants to make a fool of himself and says Boss will see why he calls himself Perfect.

The Big Boss Man does a promo. Boss says time is drawing closer until Perfect and Heenan have to face him at the greatest wrestling event at Mania 7. Boss asks why Perfect thinks he's perfect. He says we will find out if Perfect is half the man he thinks he is. He says we will find out what cold hard steel and a night stick feel like.

We then get another Mania ad to close the show.

Overall thoughts:
Like the last few weeks, the focus is solely on Mania. The Viking has a new manager in Mr. Fuji and The Man With No Name is still going after Earthquake while Quake doesn't even mention him. Kevin Greeno beat Ted Dibiase by countout in a huge upset. It wasn't must see like usual but it did indeed hype up Mania. I can't say I'd recommend it but I did like it.

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