Sunday, September 22, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 9/21/2024 Season 5, Episode 2

WOW Women of Wrestling 9/21/2024 Season 5, Episode 2

Last week's show is here:

 Lana Starr and Miami's Sweet Heat come out. Lana wants us to stand up for them and puts them over as the 4x champs. Lana says she won't rest until her crew has all the titles. Lana says The Mother Truckers owe her a lot of money and she intends to collect. She says this will be the greatest tag title reign in history.

The Mother Trucks are in their locker room. Holly doesn't know how they will pay up the money. She says they have never seen that much money. Betty says maybe they can borrow from Mr. McClane. Betty says she will gets them out of it.

The Brat Pack (BK Rhythm and Gigi Gianni) vs The Dojo Defenders (Kara Kai and Tara Strike)

BK saps about Tara and says she will demote them back to white belts. She brought up Tara breaking her jaw.

Tara hits a kick to the leg of BK then BK rolls her up for 1. Tara hits a shotei palm strike combo then la mistica drops her. BK takes double kicks.

Kara hits kicks on Gigi then boots her out of the corner. Kara then headscissors her down. Gigi over the back neckbreakers Kara for 2. Gigi walks on Kara. Kara is laying on the 2nd rope and Gigi double knee presses her down. BK elbow drops Kara then armlocks her.

Kara is double tripped and Gigi does a rolling senton on her. Kara handstand kicks Gigi. Tara gets in and hits knees and kicks on BK. Kara PK's her for 2. BK blocks a Tara sunset flip then Tara enzugiri's her and pins her.

It was fine for what it was but wasn't that great. The Defenders got a rare win here. I was surprised they didn't build up more on the angle of Tara hurting BK.

We get a video on Roxxy and Foxxy Fierce. They talk about growing up together. They say they were apart in high school and talk about going to college. Roxxy says Foxxy inspired her to follow in her footsteps. She said she had to help her when Chainsaw went after her. 

Roxxy Fierce vs The Classmaster

They say this is Roxxy's singles debut. Class wristlocks her then Rox puts an armlock on. Class side headlocks her and they shoulderblock battle. Class is tripped into the buckles and takes a hip attack on the ropes. Rox corner splashes Class and dropkicks her. Class bangs Rox's head off the buckles and hits corner spears.

Class legdrops Rox's inner thighs then does a scholar collar. Rox hits lariats and Class hits two bad looking moves in a row. Samantha Smart gets on the apron to distract the ref. Class misses splashes then Rox dropkicks her. Rox lariats her then Class throws her by the hair. Class hits a big facekick then legdrops her for 2.

Rox shoulders and clotheslines her. Rox hits a flying shoulder for 2. Class hits an air raid crash (the detention driver) and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good. The two didn't work that well together and there were a lot of moments where they either forgot spots or got confused. Rox loses in her singles debut here.

Samantha Smart gets on the mic after. She says a parade of wrestlers want a shot at her title. She says they don't beg for matches, they earn them. She says to bow down to the rightful owner of the WOW Title if you want to be on the right side of history.

Sylvia Sanchez vs Tormenta

Tor has new red hair. They shove each other and trade forearms. Tor armdrags her. SS top rope crossbodies her. Tor catches a crossbody and does a swinging slam down. Tor misses a corner splash and takes a tarantula on the ropes. SS running boots her for 2.

SS hits chops and forearms. They fight on the buckles and SS is pushed off. Tor hits a top rope dropkick while SS is down and wins.

I liked this one. Sanchez was aggressive here (as she should have been as they are tied together in storyline) and showed some fire. They made the most of the little time they had.

WOW Tag Titles - Miami's Sweet Heat (c) vs The All American Girls

The Mother Truckers come out before this starts. Holly says they gotta get in the ring with Heat to settle their bills. Betty makes a plea to Americana and says they have got to pay this bill back. Betty asks them to let them have this match. Betty says they don't have the money and this is the only way to get it. Santana agrees under one condition and says they get the next tile match. Holly agrees to it.

Lana tries to take the mic and Betty says this is the only way they can get the money. Lana says this is their match. Betty asks for it to be made double or nothing. Lana accepts as she says it's easy money.

The Beast will be on the next episode of WOW.

WOW Tag Titles - The Truckers pay double if they lose - Miami's Sweet Heat (c) vs The Mother Truckers

Lindsay and Holly push each other. Holly hits corner spears then flurries on her with forearms. Holly flips out of an irish whip in the corner. Holly facekicks her then trips Lori. Holly meteora's Lori in the back of the neck.

Betty headbutts Lori then running corner back elbows her. Betty facebusters her. Lori takes a changing lanes double team. Holly misses a dropkick and gets catapulted into Lindsay's forearm. Holly takes double boots and a double footchoke in the corner.

Holly is choked on the ropes. Lindsay does a slow and weak Oklahoma stampede variation. Lori knee drops Holly. Holly's head is banged off the buckles. Holly is bridged on the top rope and Lori top rope double knee drops her.

Lindsay chinlocks Holly. Holly sunset flips Lori from the 2nd rope. Betty running lariats and back elbows Lori. Betty hits a russian legsweep for 2. Betty germans Lori. Lan Strr gets on the apron and Penelope Pink hits Betty in the back of the head with the title belt. Lori picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was a decent match as always with these two teams. This one is clearly not over and I'm interested to see where the story goes from here as The Truckers don't have the money and will have to get it somehow. 

Overall thoughts: There was nothing must see here. But I liked the main and what we got of Tormenta vs Sanchez was good. Roxxy Fierece's singles debut was not a big success as her and Classmaster didn't work that well together and The Defenders vs The Brat Pack was okay. It was a decent episode overall.

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