Friday, April 1, 2022

AAA Invades Wrestlecon 3/31/2022

AAA Invades Wrestlecon 3/31/2022

Here's what I saw as of 4/1/22. I may come back and do more.

Octagon Jr, Aramis & Mr. Iguana vs. Arez, Absimo Negro Jr. & Fabi Apache

They didn't do too much comedy wrestling here nor did they try to push the intergender stuff hard. They all took turns beating up on Mr. Iguana's iguana at one point. Aramis poisonrana'd Arez to the side on the apron then Iguana did a dive on Abismo and armdragged him on it. Aramis walked the top rope a little and flipped onto Arez and Fabi then Octagon Jr. stood on the second rope, jumped up and moonsaulted to the outside. Iguana then spun on Abismo's shoulders from the electric chair position and hurricanrana'd him to win.

No DQ Match: Pagano, Drago Kid & Jack Cartwheel vs. Sam Adonis, Gringo Loco & Puma King

The stream cut out to start this. Jack did a cartwheel jump onto Gringo's shoulders then hurricanrana'd him. Drago did a handstand and tried for a cutter but it got blocked. Kid then hit a rotation headscissors and Kid was flipped up for a hurricanrana on Gringo. Sam popped up Kid and he hurricanrana'd him then did a tornillo springboard elbow. Kid then did a cool springboard headscissors.

Jack flipped out of a Puma lariat. Puma caught himself on a monkey flip. Jack did a one armed plank on the apron and legswept Puma. Pagano hit some horrible punches that didn't land on Puma. Kid was then popped up into a headscissors. Pagano tried to dive out but got hit with a chair. Kid then tried an asai moonsault on Sam but was caught and slammed on the steps.

Kid took a triple team then was catapulted into a superkick and a slingshot senton. Sam 450'd Pagano from the top. Kid was popped up onto Gringo's shoulders, then he jumped off and took down an opponent. He then got popped up by Gringo and took him down. Kid was then popped up over the top and headscisorred Gringo on the floor.

Jack did a 450 into a hurricanrana on Puma then did a triangle corkscrew moonsault to the outside. Pagano headscisorred Sam from the top then did a tope con hilo on him on the floor. Jack tried a running ssp but got nowhere and just ssp'd himself in a hilarious botch. Kid was held over top of Puma's head and he swung him down and got hurricanrana'd. Sam walked the ropes and did a blockbuster on Pagano then Jack did a top rope ssp on Pagano.

Kid did a springboard corkscrew moonsault to the outside then Jack did a flying space tiger drop to the outside. Gringo did a split legged moonsault but Pagano moved. Pagano then samurai drivered Gringo and won it.

This was a total spotfest with tons of dives and a hilarious Jack Cartwheel botched SSP. There was a lot of impressive flying moves but not much logic or anything else to this.

AAA Cruiserweight Title Match: Laredo Kid vs. Bandido vs. Flamita

Kid top rope headscissored Bandido then Bandido spinning headscissored him. Flamita torando ddt'd Bandido then dropkicked Kid, then triangle moonsaulted him outside. Flamita then frogsplashed Bandido from the top. Kid then springboard tornillo'd his opponents on the outside. Bandido and Flamita were stacked on each other then Kid 450'd both from the top. Kid went for a running dropkick in the corner on Bandido, but he got his feet up and dropkicked him. Bandido then put both guys on his shoulders and did a gori frop to one and an electricchair drop to another. Kid did a top rope moonsault ddt onto both opponents. Bandido got knocked off the top rope to the floor when he was standing then Kid hit a top rope spanish fly on Flamita for the win.

As expected it was a crazy high flying spot fest with a bunch of unique moves.

Psycho Clown vs. Black Taurus

They traded shoulders and hurricanrana's early then did a stand off. Clown tope'd Taurus then did a tope con hilo on him. Clown then sit down moonsaulted him off the top rope for 2. Clown gets hiptossed into the ropes and armdrags him then moonsaults him off the 2nd rope outside. Clown then facewash kicks Taurus.

Taurus pop-up samoan drops Clown then Clown code red's him for 2. Clown then tornillo's him on the outside. Taurus gorilla press backbreakers Clown then powerbomb backbreakers him before hitting a big lariat. A table is set up in the corner and Clown hits some strap shots. Clown then top rope hurricanrana's BT and spears him through a table for the win. 

I don't really like Clown that much, but this wasn't bad at all. Clown was not lazy here and they did a bunch of power moves and flips on each other. This was better than I expected.

Jeff Jarrett and La Empresa beat up Clown after. Jeff takes Superfan Vlad's cane and chokes Clown with it. Jarret says he is the brains and the money behind La Empresa. They then unmask Clown.

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