Friday, January 8, 2021

WWE 205 Live 1/8/2021

 WWE 205 Live 1/8/2021

I reviewed last week's show with pics and gifs here:

 Ariya Daivari vs Ashantee "Thee" Adonis

Adonis takes a knee and kick in the gut to start. Adonis hits small corner spears in opposite corners then spinebusters him. Ariya goes on the apron and gets dropkicked to the floor. Daivari bangs Adonis' leg off the post after he spears the buckles then Ariya goes to work on the leg. He goes for a figure four but gets rolled up and stops the momentum with a knee dropkick. Ariya then does more kicks on the leg. Ariya goes for something and gets pushed out of the ring.

Back in and Adonis hits some punches and a lariat. He then wrap-around DDT's Ariya. Adonis hits a high cross body off the top but is hurting. Adonis does his pose into the arm drop/fist drop. He tries a superkick but his leg hurts and Ariya wraps it up with a figure four.

Adonis hulks up and turns over the figure four but Ariya gets out. Ariya ends up hitting a high rock bottom for 2. Ariya goes for a lariat but Adonis ducks it and lariats him for the surprise win. Not a bad little match at all with Adonis doing some good selling. 

Regal announces that 205 Live will join NXT for the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic next week.

Curt Stallion and August Grey vs The Bollywood Boyz

The Boyz make the announcers dance with them like usual.

Samir starts off with Grey. Samir flips over with the ropes and gets out of an arm hold, then puts his own on Grey. Grey gets out through and puts another armdrag on him. Curt gets in and Samir regains control. He puts down Curt's hands and sunset flips over him, but Curt gets out and dropkicks Samir. Samir takes a double chop from both in the corner and Stallion/Grey hit nice dropkicks.

Sunil taks a big hiptoss and goes to the outside then Samir helps out with a lariat. Quick tags from the BB's in and out on Grey. Grey takes a double suplex. Endless tags here from the BB's. and Sunil does a bulldog from the top on Grey. Sunil puts Grey over his knee and Samir comes off the top with an elbow, flipping Grey. Grey catapults Samir in the corner where he tags in Sunil, who misses a top rope elbow. Curt gets the hot tag in and hits a corner face kick on Samir then a delayed face dropkick. Grey does a reverse springboard onto Sunil then Curt dives on Sunil.

Grey suplexes Sunil and Curt comes off the top for a splash but Samir gets his feet up. Close 2 count. Curt hits a diving euro uppercut and Grey does a run up the ropes unprettier onto Samir for the win.

This wasn't anything special but wasn't bad or anything. I swear the BB's spent half this match tagging out.

Overall thoughts:  Nothing must see as usual but a real quick half hour of wrestling.

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