Friday, February 28, 2025

TNA Impact 2/27/2025

TNA Impact 2/27/2025

Last week's show is here:

The System come out to talk. Alisha says The System is always 10 steps ahead. Eddie says they made an example and said JDC took out Leon Slater. Eddie said another future star found out what happens when you cross The System. JDC says you either get with The System or get run over and says Leon got run over. Moose says he went in Oba Femi's universe and shook his world up. He says Oba felt like he needed to do the same. He says Oba will find out there's a big difference from being the ruler of NXT than being the face of the franchise.

Moose says Jeff Hardy pinned him twice and it bothers him as he's not who he used to be. He says everyone knows it and says Jeff got lucky. He says Jeff's luck runs out tonight. Brian Myers says Leon and Oba aren't System material. He says Eddie and Orlando Colon may have what it takes to be System material.

The Colon's come out. Eddie says they aren't in this business because they like to wrestle, it's a way of life because of their last name. Eddie says he respects The System. Orlando says they aren't here just to be part of the roster but to show what it means to be a Colon. Orlando says why would they fight against The System to take over TNA when they can fight with The System. Orlando says if they have their backs, they have The System's backs.

Moose says he likes these guys and says things go a little easy if you trust The System. The Colon's then put their fists in with The System.

I'm not too sure what the play is on this one unless they want some people to take losses for The System.

Gia Miller interviews Spitfire. Dani says Ash and Heather By Elegance are too concerned with how they look. Dani says they are here to fight. Jody says they are used to doing things themselves but says who are thye to say no if they want to be their assistants for 24 hours? They discuss what they want to do to them and says they have a long list of things for them to do. They then chant "mohawk, mohawk, mohawk", implying they will give them a haircut.

The System argue with Leon Slater in the back. The Hardy's walk in then security breaks it up.

Mike Santana vs Oro Mensah

This is a bit of a random one. We haven't seen much of Oro period lately. Mike side headlocks him and they trade wristlocks. Oro armdrags him over. Mike headflips out and  throws him down. Oro upkicks him while on the mat. They each hit some shots and Oro flying headscissors him. Oro corner chops him.

Oro pulls Mike's throat down over the top rope then springboard rider kicks him. Mike catches Oro's plancha outside then drops him on the apron. Mike facekicks him outside.

Mike hits chops then enzugiri's him. Mike backrolls into a cutter on him for 2. Mike is up top and Oro uses the 2nd rope to backflip into a kick on him. Oro koppo kicks him for 2. Oro gets caught on another koppo kick attempt and is buckle bombed. Mike spinning lariats him and wins.

Thoughts: It was short and fine. Oro did his athletic offense and him and Mike figured out how to make this work. This was one of Mike's better efforts so far.

Mustafa Ali and his crew do a video asking who the real Mike Santana is. They say Mike is hiding something and say he's back on the sauce drinking alcohol. Ali says he approves this message at the end of it.

We go to break and when we return, Mike yells at Ali's crew. He wants Ali and asks where's he it. John Skyler asks if Mike thinks Ali has time for him. Mike says if Ali wants to play dumb, he can do it face to face like a man. Mike tells him to relay the message.

Tessa Blanchard vs Kelsey Heather

Tessa backs Kel up in the corner and then clubs on her. Kel flying headscissors her. Tess superkicks her in the knee and basement dropkicks her. Tess suplexes her into the buckles. We see Masha Slamovich watching in the back.

Tess dropkicks Kel in the corner then running forearms her there. Tess slaps her in the corner. Kel rolls her up for 2 twice. Tess cutters her then hits a hammerlock ddt to win.

Thoughts: It was a squash and wasn't much of note. The crowd wasn't as hard on Tessa as they were last time, likely because it wasn't going to get them anywhere.

Masha is interviewed in the back. Cora Jade nail Masha from behind. Cora says she doesn't know why Masha is worried about Tessa when she will be the one to take her title at Sacrifice.

Elijah talks to Joe Hendry in the back. He says their match with The Colon's was electric. He said he had a blast. Joe says it's all fun and games and then one day, the guitar is wrapped around his head. Elijah says he has every reason to believe that. Elijah says he has nothing to worry about and asks why he would do that when they can make fantastic music together. He says he has a friend. Joe says if he believes in Joe Hendry, he can walk with Elijah.

The System come in. JDC welcomes Elijah but says The System runs the show here.

Steve Maclin vs KC Navarro

SM side headlocks him. KC flips out of a back body drop. Steve hits a big chop. Steve lariats KC in the back of the head in the corner. Steve sliding lariats him for 2. Steve has words with AJ Francis outside then is pulled throat first down on the top rope. AJ drops Steve face first on the apron. Eric Young and The Northern Armory come out.

KC double stomps Steve. KC slingblades Steve for 2. KC clubs on Steve's back. Steve hits lariats on him. Steve hits a thesz press with mounted punches. Steve corner lariats Kc then olympic slams him for 2. KC superkicks him and facewash kicks him. KC hits a top rope frogsplash for 2.

Steve holds KC in the air and hits a flatliner. KC is put in tree of woe and Steve hits his crosshairs spear. Steve then hits a KIA and wins.

It was fine. They kept things moving and KC loss here as expected. It was basically just filler though.

The Northern Armory clap for Steve after on the ramp and say Steve has a decision to make with them.

Tessa Blanchard talks to Lei Ying Lee in the back. She asks if she has a staring problem. Lee says she talks too much. Tessa says Lee doesn't even deserve to breath the same air as her and isn't on her level. Santino comes in and says Tess can face Lee and see if she's on her level. Tessa says whatever and Lee says she can't wait.

George Iceman introduces Heather and Ash By Elegance. 

TNA Knockouts Tag Titles - Loser's become the winners personal concierge's for 24 hours - Heather and Ash By Elegance vs Spitfire (Jody Threat and Dani Luna)

The Elegance crew are dressed up in Minnie Mouse gear.

Jody and Ash go at it. Jody side headlock takeovers her. Jody waistlock takedowns her. Jody shoulders Heather over and back elbows her. Jody hits corner lariats on Heather. Dani slams Heather then slams Jody onto Heather for 2.

Heather takes dropkicks then a low crossbody from Jody for 2. Jody slams down Heather. She is pulled onto the 2nd buckle then takes a codebreaker. Ash stomps on Jody. Heather chinlocks Jody then Jody throws her over. Jody hits a step up enzugiri. Dani gets in and hits lariats on Ash.

Dani backbreakers Ash then jack knife powerbombs her for 2. Dani germans Ash.  Dani takes a backcracker + top rope double stomp combo for 2. Jody northern lights suplexes Ash. Jody michinoku drivers Ash for 2.

Jody misses an attack on the ropes. Jody kind of hits a stunner on Ash. Dani deadlift germans Heather in from the 2nd rope. Heather is then thrown into a stiout powerbomb and is pinned.

Thoughts: I was surprised to see Ash and Heather lose. I just don't get why they keep having them lose like this since it seems like Ash is sticking around. The match was average but they kept things moving. Heather took a wicked german from the 2nd rope.

Dani says she wants us to meet her personal concierge's as Ash, Heather and George scream.

Spitfire have The Elegance crew carrying their stuff. George offers to help out and Santino walks in and says no. The Elegance crew are disgusted by Spitfire's stuff.

Mance Warner vs Sami Callihan

Sami stunners Mance to start and sends him out. Sami chairs Mance in the gut and the back and is disqualified.

Mance lariats Sami on the floor then chairs him in the gut. Mance then chairs him in the gut. Security tries to break it up. Santino comes out. He says this is to be continued at Sacrifice in a street fight. They then fight more.

Frankie Kazarian vs Ace Austin

Wes Lee, Dupont and Igwe come out for commentary on this one. Kaz stalls as the match starts and tells the announcer (Mckenzie Mitchell, formerly of NXT) and tells her to say he's the king of TNA.

Ace side headlock takeovers Kaz then dropkicks him. Ace rolls, trips him and kicks him in the head. Ace then basement dropkicks him. Ace goes to springboard and Kaz knocks the rope out under him. Kaz stomps and clubs on him. Kaz spin kicks him, knee lifts him and lariats him. Kaz springboard legdrops him. Ace rolls him up for 2 then cradles him. Ace russian legsweeps him then legdrops him. Ace hits corner lariats. Ace helicopter kicks him.

Kaz goes out and goes near Wes' crew on commentary. Ace hits Kaz then Kaz sends him into the apron edge. Ace superkicks him from the apron. Ace argues with Dupont and Igwe outside. Ace goes to springboand and Wes gets near him. Kaz then slingshots Ace in and cutters him for the win.

Thoughts: It was a shorter match and not much. The finish was kind of weak here. I'm not a big fan of the slingshot cutter either. It seems fun in your head, but the move is silly.

Ace gets jumped by Wes' crew after. The Rascalz come out and make the save.

Spitfire are talking to The Elegance Crew in the back. They say one of them can carry their bags and one can walk the dog. Heather complains as the bag has dumbbells in it. Ash says the dog looks like a ratdog. Steph De Lander comes in and says it's her dog. She says if she talks trash about her dog, she will hit her face. We then see another, much bigger dog and that one is Jody's. Jody gives Ash poop bags and Ash says she pays people to do this. We cut ahead. Ash things they are done for the night but they say it hasn't been 24 hours. The Elegance Crew have to sit in the back of the car with the dog and complain.

These segments are always fun and this was no exception.

Ryan Nemeth comes out. He says Nic Nemeth returns to TNA in 15 days at Sacrifice. He then leaves.

Oba Femi and The Hardy Boys (Matt and Jeff Hardy) vs The System (Moose, Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards)

Moose avoids Oba early on. Moose drops Eddie after Edide pokes his chest. Oba gets hit from behind by Myers. Oba then hits a double lariat. Eddie and Myers are then sent over the top.

We go to break and return. Eddie is legdropped while laying on the bottom rope. Jeff jumps off of Matt's back onto Myers in the corner. Jeff hobbles around Moose pulls Jeff down by the hair. Moose hits mounted shots on Jeff. Myers stomps on Jeff's knee. Moose chops Jeff and Eddie chokes Jeff on the ropes. Alisha Edwards then does it as well. Jeff jawbreakers Eddie. Jeff htis a twist of fate on Moose nd gets Matt in.

Matt hits forearms on Moose. Matt bangs Moose's head off the buckles then 2nd rope tornado ddt's him. Matt hits a side effect on Moose for 2. Eddie topes Oba outside but is caught and chokeslammed on the apron. Myers sends Oba into the steps. Moose takes a twist of fate into a neckbreaker for 2.

Everyone starts getting in to a do a move. Moose pump kicks Oba. Oba powers up and spinebusters Moose.  JDC comes in and gets lariated. The Colon's then come in and get hit (the ref got knocked down earlier when Myers pushed Jeff onto the ref). Moose rolling spears Oba then Matt takes a rolling spear from Moose after help from Myers. Moose then pins Matt.

Thoughts: It was short main that didn't get enough time to develop into anything. Jeff looked like he hurt his knee here. The Moose/Oba section was fun but that was really it. There were just too many people involved for how little time it got.

The Colon's and The System pose after. Joe Hendry and Elijah then come down and the heels head to the ramp area. Santino comes on the ramp. He says at Sacrifice, it will be Jeff Hardy vs Moose in a ladder match for the X-Division Title. He also says we will have a 10 man tag next week with The System and The Colons vs Joe Hendry, Matt Hardy and 3 mystery partners. Jeff Hardy then gets into the ring after and is still hobbling, making me question if that ladder match actually happens. 

Overall thoughts: It was the usual average Impact. I know I say this every week, but it's the truth. They don't do a lot of long storylines to really get you invested into anything and because they often tape multiple shows in one night, they don't have longer and more dramatic matches where you might see something great. People are also usually missing because of the taping schedule and they have too many divisions, so they often have to set up things for those divisions last minute. The main should have been better than it was as should have the Spitfire tag. They didn't get the most out of either situation. Everything did mostly make sense though on the show so this wasn't awful. I'd give this a 5 out of 10 and wouldn't recommend it.

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