Last week's show is here:
More pics and gifs will be up after the show ends. Hang tight!
Devon had a document involving Bully Ray and Brooke which was presumably divorce papers. D'Lo Brown had a red slip that fired him.
Angle came down and said he had something to tell D'Lo to his face and then double legged him. The TNA Army then came down and they all got into it an they announced a TNa vs Ace's 10-man tag.
Joey Ryan offered to be the knockouts ref and Brooke agreed. Joey Ryan also offered to show her his zebra thong.
Gail Kim and Tara vs Velvet Sky and Taryn Terrell
Gail Kim got the win here. It was all about Joey Ryan being sexual and touching the girls. Gail played along and got Joey to undressed while she was getting pinned, which meant he couldn't count. He then reversed Terrell and since Gail flirted with Joey, he fast counted a pin for her. He celebrated with Gail but got ditch after and tried to make up with the face girls. They teased him and low blowed him. There was little wrestling here but it was funny. Taz also brought up "Yambag Yahtzee" during this.
Bobby Roode and Austin Aries were getting ready for a contract signing.
The heels said Chavo and Henandez weren't in their league. Chavo said he's a Guerrero and Hernandez is strong.
Austin Aries asked for a fruit basket, green M&M's and more money for the winners. Both teams then added stipulations.
They agreed to 2/3 falls and if Chavo and Hernandez lose, they never team again.
Adam Pearce said he's been fighting alot of people in TNA and his son thinks he's the man. He wants a small crack in the door so he can open it. They failed to mention him being NWA champion here.
Magno said his name a lot in a package.
Adam Pearce vs Magno

We got a promo for Mayweather vs Guerrero. If I can remember to, I will probably cover that one here. I really loved the Floyd Mayweather vs The Big Show match. It may be my Match of the Year for that year.
Mr. Anderson gave AJ Styles an Ace's jacket and asked him to try it on and think about it.
Hulk Hogan said Sting wasn't here tonight and he needed to call a lawyer out. I was thinking that it may be Park since he wanted to see which side this lawyer is on.
Joseph Park said he was going to stand toe to toe with Angle against Ace's tonight. Angle told him if he sees an opportunity tonight, take it.
Hulk Hogan said he would lead, follow and make decisions with his gut. He said his gut was telling him to talk to AJ Styles, so he called him out.
Hulk said he understood what AJ's been going through and hoped AJ was going down the Ace's path. He said we needed the Dangerous AJ Styles and TNA is his family.
James Storm said him and AJ have been their since day 1 and said AJ has changed. He said, you better clock out or get knocked out.
Hulk said he was done sucking up to AJ and he better have an answer next week.
X-Division Qualifier - Mason Andrews vs Sonjay Dutt vs Petey Williams
Petey Williams got the win with a Canadian Destroyer. This was all action and go go go. It was alright but just a lot of spots. Loved seeing the Canadian Destroyer again.
Bully Ray was drinking with Ace's in the back and said once he hands Brooke his envelope, the problems will be behind them.
Ace's and 8's vs Team TNA
Todd Kenelly was pimping the B.E.T. Experience. Yeah, I'd like to see Todd go to that one.
Brooke said she was going to the ring and Hulk told her to bring a few people with her.
Bully Ray said his rematch with Jeff Hardy next week is the biggest rematch of all time. It's dumb to say that when The Rock/Cena II is this weekend and is set to be the biggest rematch of all time money wise. TNA might get a 1 million free viewers and WWE will get 1 million viewers at $50-$60 a pop. I'll leave it to you to figure out which one is bigger.
Bully Ray asked where Brooke's wedding ring was. Brooke thought the envelope had divorce papers in it but Bully said that was not the case. Bully instead gave her a front row ticket to next week's show.
Bully told Brooke "you kinda let yourself go" and she slapped him.
Bully and Jeff went at it to end the show when Hardy jumped in.
Overall thoughts: Nothing too great here. Skippable show for the most part with TNA saving everything for next week. There wasn't anything I really loved but the knockouts match was funny.
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