Tuesday, September 3, 2024

WWE NXT 9/3/2024

WWE NXT 9/3/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/08/wwe-nxt-8272024.html

Trick Williams comes out to talk. He said Pete Dunne started this and he will finish it. He calls him out. Ethan Page then comes out. He says he's not Pete Dunne, but he's your NXT champ. Page makes jokes and says the champ gets to come out first after a PPV. Trick says he called his match right down the middle and is coming for his title. He said he has unfinished business first with Pete Dunne.

Page says he will be defending the title when they go to Chicago and says he'll be surprised if he makes it there. Pete Dunne tries to attack Trick and they fight. Security tries to break it up.

Hank and Tank talk. They said they called their shot and now they gotta deliver. Gallus walks up to them and says they will win tonight. They argue and refs break it up.

Jaida Parker walks in and Jacy's crew walks up to her. They mock her for losing. Nyx challengers her tonight and Jaida tells her to bring her mommy's with her tonight. 

#1 Contenders to the Tag Titles - Hank Walker and Tank Ledger vs Gallus (Wolfgang and Mark Coffey) vs The Rascalz (Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz)

Gallus pound on Hank and Tank. The Rascalz then go after Gallus. Trey is thrown into the buckles and Hank hits a running facekick. Wolf sentons Hank. Hank is thrown backwards by Gallus. Trey headsicssors Mark from the apron then meteora's Tank.

Trey flying headscissors Mark then dropkicks him in the back of the head. Wentz slingshot sunset flips Mark then Mark is held for a basement dropkick. Wentz chops Mark then Hank rams Mark with Wentz's body. The Rascalz take stereo world's strongest slams. Gallus take stereo atomic drops then are sandwich bodyblocked together.

We go to PiP break and return. Mark 2nd rope shoulderblocks Hank. Hank hits a double lariat. Tank lariats and backsplashes Gallus. Tank lariats Mark and drops him backwards for 2. Trey low dropkicks Mark and step up enzugiri's Tank. Trey neckbreakers Mark which causes him to ddt Tank. Joe Coffey gets on the apron and Je'Von Evans goes after him. Luke Gallos gets on the apron and lariats Hank. Mark and Tank double clothesline each other. Trey hits a top rope meteora and Wentz hits a top rope swanton. Trey pins Tank.

Thoughts: It was a chaotic and fast paced three-way. They squeezed a lot in here with Evans and The Good Brothers coming down. It was a decent match but nothing too memorable.

Axiom and Nathan Frazer are interviewed. NF is thrilled about keeping the titles. They say they know who their next challengers are. The Rascalz come in and say they will beat them next week, taking their titles to TNA. NF asks if a change of partner will change much with Wentz.

Trick Williams is interviewed. He said he's ready for war with Pete Dunne. Pete runs in and they fight. Ref separate them.

Oro Mensah vs Lexis King

King backs up Oro off the lock-up. He knocks his headband off. Oro hits mounted shots. King takes a euro then is thrown into the ropes with his head hitting the middle rope. Oro koppo kicks King. Oro throws King off the barricade. Oro step up enzugiri's him from the apron. Oro goes to springboard and King pushes him, making him take a hard bump to the floor.

King beats him up inside and kitchen sink's him in the back of the head. King says Oro's father should have burned to ashes. Oro slaps him and hits shots on him. Oro flurries on him then King uses the ropes and pins him.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything too great as usual. Oro took a hard bump to the outside and King went into the ropes with his face which had to hurt. King talking trash about Oro's dad and getting him fired up was interesting.

The D'Angelo Family talk minus Tony. Oba comes in and says their boss is no match for the ruler of NXT. Rizzo says he got lucky and says Tony isn't done with him. Oro says that's big words from a small woman and said the woman is meant to be seen and not heard in many cultures. Tony says you get smacked in the mouth if you talk to a woman that way. Oro asks if he wants to do something about it and Tony says Stacks will handle it. Tony tells Rizzo nobody talks to her like that and gets away with it.

We see the NQCC talking. Then we see Gallus getting mad about Evans costing them the tag titles. Joe says he wants to end Evans. Wren walks in and says Charles wants them to keep it down. She then says Evans is cool. Mark says after Evans, they are coming for the cup. Wren goes to track trash and Dempsey shuts her up. Dempsey says Wren can't keep issuing challenges to everyone. He says you make a decision once your head is clear.

We see clips of Roxanne Perez arriving.

Rosemary vs Tatum Paxley

Rose grabs her and backs her up. Tatum moonsaults over then then waistlock takedowns her. Tatum flips out a snapmare then is tripped into the ropes. Rose hanging headscissors her. Rose germans her then hits a big lariat for 2.

Rose cranks her head. Tatum dropkicks her. Tatum step up enzugir's her then crossbodies her. Tatum hits an elbow drop or 2. Rose fallaway slams her then exploders her. Tatum hits a tequila shot and wins.

Thoughts: It was short and wasn't much of note other than Rosemary getting a second match in here. 

Wendy Choo double throat thrusts Tatum after. Tatum throws her over then Rose spears Tatum. Tatum is then double teamed. Lyra Valkyria then comes to save Tatum in a surprise. Lyra spin kicks Wendy and they clear the heels off. Lyra hugs Tatum and Tatum is all happy and jumps in her arms.

Thoughts: This didn't really work though it seemed like a good moment. Tatum said she didn't like Lyra anymore because she didn't have the gold when they originally broke up. She still doesn't have the gold and now she likes her.

Pete Dunne is interviewed. He says Trick will figure out that actions have consequences. He says this isn't a music video it's real life. Trick then appears on the side and they fight. Ava breaks it up and tells them to get to the ring and do their match now. Ethan Page says things are falling apart with her as GM.

Jordynne Grace talks via Instagram. She says next week is WWE Week on the USA Network. She says she will defend her Knockouts Title in an open challenge match on NXT. 

Trick Williams vs Pete Dunne

They fight before it starts. Trick flying facekicks him then throws him into the rails. Trick chops him outside. Pete works the arm inside. Trick jumping neckbreakers him. Pete ddt's him. Pete bullies Trick around. Trick hits chops. Trick hits a pop-up uppercut. Trick hits a mcgillicutter.

They fight on the apron. Trick is caught in the ringskirt and takes a forearm and kick. Pete stomps Trick's head into the steps. We go to PiP break and return. Pete running forearms Trick then pump kicks him. Trick flying lariats him the leg lariats him. Trick hits a flapjack. Pete is caught off the buckles and takes a uranage.

Pete stomps Trick's fingers and boots him in the face. Pete powerbombs him. Trick hits a reverse suplex. Trick corkscrew kicks him. They fight on the rails and Pete russian legsweeps Trick through the commentary table, sending Vic Joseph's candy flying. The ref rules this one a double countout.

Trick pounds on Pete after. Security separates them and Pete flies off the steps and forearms him. Trick pump kicks him.

Thoughts: It was a solid and heated fight here. Pete bullied Trick around a lot here and I didn't think Trick got that much in on this one. I kind of figured there would be a screw finish of some sort in order to keep this thing going until the CW show.

Ridge Holland talks about Chase U. He talks about what Chase U did for him but says Chase U failed. He said Chase U did what they do - win the big one, but can't keep it. Ridge says he brought Chase U back to prominence and said Duke criticizes every move he made. He said Riley is no different. He says Chase U's destruction begins next week and he will love every second of it. We then see him stomp Duke's MVP trophy.

Brooks Jensen and Shawn Spears talk in the back. Dion Lennox is reading in the back. Shawn says it was like Brooks rescued him. He thanks him. Shawn says he's committed to this partnership and Brooks asks why everyone thinks he is manipulating him. Shawn says he only cares what Brooks thinks and asks him to think about it. Dion says it's psychological manipulation and says he's gaslighting Brooks.

Je'Von Evans vs Joe Coffey

Evans hits a flying forearm then Joe headbutts him in the chest. Joe hits punches then Evans flying headscissors him. Evans uses the ropes to do a seated headscissors then he topes him. Both of them go into the commentary table. Joe hits a finlay roll then vader bombs him for 2.

Evans superkicks him then corkscrew kicks him off the ropes. Evans germans him then Evans takes a back body drop. Gallus go to beat up Evans then Cedric Alexander helps out Evans. Joe argues with him then Evans suicide dives all of Gallus.

Evans hits a double jump tornillo on Joe and pins him.

Thoughts: It was a short one. Evans looked good here doing some cool high flying. 

Lyra and Tatum talk in the back. Lyra says she knew she would forgive her. Lyra says they didn't leave on the best of terms but she couldn't keep her eyes off of her. Tatum says it's been lonely without her. Lyra says she has backup now and says she'd rather be fighting with her than against her. She says let's show the weird girls how weird Tatum is. Tatum asks for a hug and they hug.

Ava is interviewed. She says there needs to be a winner between Pete and Trick. Ava says they will fight in a last man standing match with the winner facing Ethan Page on October 1st.

Oba Femi vs Stacks

Stacks gets some shots in and hits knees to the gut. Stacks is rammed hard into the buckles then is thrown high across the ring. Oba hits a big lariat then elbow drops Stacks. Stacks enzugiri's and dropkicks Oba. Stacks runs the apron and takes a big chop.

Oba hits hard lariats from behind. Oba slams Stacks into the ropes, hitting his leg off the ropes. Oba misses an elbow drop. Stacks hits some punches. Oba pops up Stacks and Stacks dropkicks him. Oba running euros him in the corner then throws him on a backdrop. Oba pop-up powerbombs him and get the win.

Oba looks at Tony after and Tony looks disappointed.

Thoughts: This went as expected with Stacks mostly getting destroyed by Oba. It was mostly a squash here.

Brinley Reece and maybe Karmen talk in the back. Ashante Adonis goes up to Brin with a rose and says he's here for him. Eddy Thorpe then walks in. Adonis tells him to let him handle his work before Eddy gets this work.

Je'Von Evans and Wren Sinclair talk in the back with Myles there. Evans says his name will be on the Heritage Cup someday. Wren asks why he thinks he should get a shot. Evans says he main evented Heatwave and went far in the Speed tournament. He said he also just beat Joe Coffey. Evans says this sounds like a job interview and he never had a job before. Wren says he deserves a Heritage Cup match next week. Dempsey walks in and asks her what she did. Wren said she did what Dempsey told her to do. Dempsey gets mad and says Myles stood there and did nothing. Myles asks what happened and Wren says Evans thinks she's cool.

Jaida Parker vs Jazmyn Nyx

Nyx side headlocks her. JP shoulders her over. Nyx hits kicks and knees. JP shoulders her over. JP running back elbows her then back body drops her. Nyx legsweeps her then PK's her. Nyx hits kicks.

JP hits shots to the gut then Nyx leg lariats her. Nyx rolling sentons her then does a grounded bodyscissors with a neckpull. JP gets up with Nyx on her back. Nyx forearms her in the spine then JP samoan drops her. JP shoulders her over then slams her.

JP hits corner spears and lays her on the 2nd rope. JP buttpresses her down. Nyx cradles her for 2. Nyx misses a low dropkick and JP running hip attacks her to win.

Nyx had a good showing here. She moves around the ring well even if she's not fully developed as a worker yet. JP also looked comfortable out there. It wasn't great or anything but they hit their stuff clean and did alright with what they were given.

Fatal Influence attack JP after. JP tries to fight back but gets thrown into a Nyx pele kick.  

A bunch of girls talk in the back. They wonder if Giulia is coming out. Fatal Influence come in and mock them. Jacy says Fatal Influence have all the aura. Lola says they are afraid of new competition. Kelani says she won't let them poison the locker room and says they have the best women's division because of what they let them do in the ring. Jacy says Kelani's days as champ are numbered.

Duke Hudson says Chase is still in the hospital. He says he will get revenge next week.

Roxanne Perez comes out to talk. She said Jaida slapped the taste out of her mouth but defeat tastes worse. She says she's second in PLE matches and wins and says she is smashing all of Iyo's and Asuka's records. She says the women of NXT dream of having the career she has had.

She says she's the most wanted woman in all of NXT. She says Giulia is trying to steal her shine and says it will be her holding the title in the air when the smoke clears.

The lights go out and Chelsea Green comes out. Green asks why the one section of fans smells like mildew and B.O. She says she is beloved by the WWE Universe. She says she will do anything for her fans. She says she's here and says no one will tell her she's not the #1 contender.

The lights go out again then Giulia comes out. Green tries to slap her but takes a forearm and a knee. Giulia stares down Perez and says, "Me, You, CW". Perez then holds the belt up at her.

Thoughts: Green coming out was random. I'm not real sure what that was about. I don't really like Giulia fighting Perez for the title in one of her first matches in as she should probably win and I don't know if that's the plan or what's really best for the NXT Women's Title right now. I thought they should have ran some packages to introduce Giulia to people who may not know her.

Overall thoughts: I just thought it was average. There wasn't anything must see wrestling wise. I thought they did a good job in preparing for their CW debut as multiple programs were set up for it. They also have no lack of programs or storylines going on with seemingly everyone involved in something here. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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