Sunday, September 1, 2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 8/25/2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 8/25/2024

Last week's show is here:

Pegasso, Guerrero Maya Jr. and Stigma vs Dark Magic, Okumura and Espanto Jr.

1st Fall - Oku waistlocks Stig then Stig wristlocks him. Stig flips out of it using the ropes and armdrags him.  Stig spinning headstand headscissors Oku from the mat. Oku hiptosses him. Stig hits some kicks then Peg and Esp get in.

Peg armdrags Esp out and 4 guys fight outside. Dark stomps on Maya inside and poses on him in a weak pin attempt. Stig takes corner attacks then Dark kicks him in the inner thigh. The heels hit corner lariats at the same time then do triple submissions together and submit their opponents. Okumura's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Dark and Maya fight on the ramp. Maya gets stomped by the heels inside then he is thrown out. Peg takes a triple team then a triple boot. Peg's mask is pulled on in the corner and he is choked there. Oku jawbreakers Peg then elbows him in the head. Maya takes a triple stomp from the heels then takes corner attcks. Maya is back body dropped by Oku and Oku kicks him in the back.

Oku suplexes Maya. Maya tilt-a-whirl backbreakers all 3 opponents. Oku spin kicks Maya in the gut. Maya hits a triple slingshot splash on the heels then Stig hits a triple top rope splash. Stigma's team gets the triple pin and wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Stig flying headscissors Oku then 2nd rope double stomps him. Stig superkicks Dark. Stig uses the ropes, flips and armdrags Esp out. Maya arm throws Dark then reverse topes him. Maya 2nd rope diving headscissors Oku. Maya uses the ropes and springboard armdrags Esp. 

Peg does armdrags and a dropkick on Oku. Peg flying headscissors Dark and Esp then 2 of the faces hit topes outside. Peg flips in and armdrags Oku. Peg then does a crab on Oku that Dark breaks up. The faces all hit roll-ups together for 2. Esp and Dark are thgrown into each other and then get put in the rowboat. Stig hurricanrana's Oku in the middle for 2.

Maya flying headscissors Esp out. Oku slams Maya then Dark hits a top rope elbow drop on Maya. Dark pins Maya. Oku kicks Peg in the leg. Peg is held up in the air but rolls up Dark by surprise and pins him while the heels aren't looking. Stig springboard double dropkicks in then Peg hits a tope.

Stig sunset flips Esp then is caught with a sitout powerbomb. Espanto's team win's the fall and match.

It was average for the most part. It went a little longer than it needed to. There was nothing wrong with it.

Mansoor, Akira and Ikuro Kwon vs Rugido, Magnus and Volador Jr.

1st Fall - Akira side headlock takeovers Rug then backrolls into a trip on him. They trade a bunch of quick holds as they chain wrestle. The faces all get beat up on as the heels get in the ring. Akira twists Rug's neck with his feet. Mansoor corner lariats Mag and Vol is sent into the post.

Rug takes a double back elbow then a double elbow drop. Rug takes shots from the heels and a double back elbow. Akira then poses with Mansoor. Akira snapmares Mag then ties him up on the mat to submit him. Mansoor falcon arrows Rug and pins him. Mansoor's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Vol is triple teamed then takes corner attacks. Vol is thrown into the ropes and does a handspring double back elbow. Vol flying headscissors Akira. Mansoor takes a corner meteora from Mag then Kwon is pinned by Rug with a german. Mag pins Mansoor as well and Rugido's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Mag 619's Akira. Vol superkicks Akira and Rug dropkicks Akira. Mag slingshots and rolls into a cutter on Akira. Mansoor poses and Vol laughs at him. Vol stops the heels on a double team and headscissors Mansoor and Akira out. Kwon is thrown into the post and a fan grabs Akira by the hair as Vol tries to hit him.

Mansoor takes corner lariats then a superkick by Vol. Vol kicks Mansoor then Rug topes two opponents outside. Vol backcrackers Mansoor and pins him to win the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was an average tag for the most part. I didn't think this one got enough time. Vol was really having trouble moving around here. Mansoor had a good time posing for the fans. Kwon got nothing in here really.

Robbie X, Rocky Romero and Kyle Fletcher vs Atlantis Jr., Templario and Mistico

1st Fall - Mist headscissors Rob out. Rocky drops Mist with a punch and takes a top rope diving armdrag from Temp. Kyle forearms Temp over then superkicks Atlantis. Rob and Kyle pose as Rocky beats up Temp out. Rob hits forearms on Atlantis in the corner and pushes him out. Mist gets his legs split then takes a double boot.

Temp takes a double back elbow then takes a standing moonsault from Rob. Temp is thrown out. Atlantis gets triple teamed by the heels then is triple stomped on. Rocky hits and stomps Mist on the ramp. Rob finlay rolls Temp then spiral taps him. Kyle brainbusters Atlantis. Rob and Kyle get pins to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Atlantis takes corner lariats then Rocky lariats Atlantis. Mist and Rocky trade forearms then Rob forearms Mist from the side. Kyle boots Mist and Rocky foot slaps Mist. Rob stomps Mist's fingers then Mist takes a triple boot. Kyle then does monkey poses at Mist.

Atlantis is held by the heels. He superkicks Kyle then Mist springboard double crossbodies the heels. Temp is popped up into a double dropkick on the heels then Temp and Mist hit topes outside. Atlantis package tombstones Kyle and pins him to win the fall.

3rd Fall - Mist kicks Rob in the back then stomps his hand. Rocky is held by the faces and Mist superkicks him down. Temp and Rob trade forearms. Rob spin kicks him in the gut then Temp shoulders him over. Rob kips up and Temp splashes him. They try to dropkick each other at the same time and Temp powerslams him. Temp goes up and over Rocky then headscissors him. Kyle superkicks Temp then Mist springboard diving headscissors Kyle.

Mist flying headscissors Rocky and then Rob. Mist walks up the buckles and corkscrew springboard armdrags Kyle. Atlantis headscissors Kyle then monkey flips Rocky. Atlantis tilt-a-whirl backbreakers all 3 heels then topes Kyle outside.

Temp boots Rob in the gut then powerbomb backbeakers him. Mist hits la mistica on Rocky and taps him out as Temp pins Rocky. Mistico's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was mostly an average match with the heels controlling things for the first fall then the faces taking the last two falls and winning. It was fine for what it was but nothing too special.

Overall thoughts: All 3 matches were fine but none were must see. I'd almost say we saw the same match three times in a row with how similar they were, though the heels did win the first fall. Maybe the main was the best thing on here. I thought the semi-main didn't get enough time.

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