Thursday, September 12, 2024

NWA Powerrr 9/10/2024

NWA Powerrr 9/10/2024

Last week's show is here:

Thom Latimer says he's been wrestling all his life. He says he has to do this. He said he never thought he would be in this position and be the person, man and champ he should be. He says to be the champ is everything. He says he busts his butt everyday and eats stuff he doesn't want to everyday because he needs to. He says he feels he's a leader but is still figuring things out.

Joe Galli and Danny Dealz welcome us to the show. Joe is pouring out shots.

Kyle Davis and Matt Cardona are in the ring with wrestlers. They say the next Mid-America champ will be crowned here. Matt says he'd be the new Mid-America champ if he could wrestle now. He tells whoever wins to never forget that he's always ready. 

NWA Mid-America Title Elimination Match - Jeremiah Plunkett vs Dante Casanova vs Hunter Drake vs Mario Pardua

JP = Jeremiah Plunkett

JP beats up someone in the corner then takes a dropkick. Drake goes to dive but takes a claw slam from Dante. Dante hits a big lariat for 2. Dante runs the ropes and runs into a back elbow from Mario. Dante hits punches on Mario then Mario russian legsweeps him.

Dante is thrown over the top. JP pushes Mario into the apron edge. DRake hits kicks to JP's head then jumps off of JP's back to tope con hilo Dante. Drake is on JP's back and sunset flips him off of it for 2. Drake hits a 450 on JP then Dante forearms Drake in the back of the head and pins Drake. Drake is eliminated.

Mario hits punches on Drake. Mario dropkicks him then la magistral's him for 2. Mario blocks JP's backslide then lariats him over the top. Mario hits punhes on Dante. Mario boots Dante out of the corner and Dante fireman's carry slams him. JP gets a 2 count on Mario.

Mario uranages Dante and pins him. Dante Casanova is eliminated. JP rolls up Mario for 2. Mario hits punches and JP gets dropped with one. Mario back body drops him. JP eye pokes Mario then piledrivers him. JP then pins him and wins.

Thoughts: This was totally random. There was no announcements about this one and I've never seen 2 of these guys on the show before. The last thing this company needs is another title. It was a four-way and had the usual limits those matches have. It wasn't anything too great but I liked Drake's dive off of JP's back.

Kyle Davis interviews Father James Mitchell. He said Natalya Markova screwed herself by getting into a match that would not be for the TV Title. He says they are moving on to better things. He says they are coming for Kenzie Page's Women's Title and are coming now. He says they will send her back to a trailer in a body bag.

Carson Drake vs Bryan Idol

Drake shoves him and Idol shoves him back. Idol side headlock takeovers him then headlock takeovers him. Idol side headlocks him. Idol drops him with punches. Idol lariats him from behind and sends him out of the ring. Idol goes to do something on the ropes, but slips and gets caught.

They fight outside. Idol flying knees him and hits chops. Idol double underhook suplexes him. Drake pulls Idol's throat down over the top then stun guns him. Drake stomps him. They trade punches. Idol sunset flips him but Drake blocks it.

Drake chinlocks him then abdominal stretches him. Idol sharpshooters him and Drake ropebreaks. Idol slingblades him. Drake hits punches then Idol superkicks him. Idol double jump moonsaults him for 2. Idol top rope crossbodies him for 2. Drake eye pokes him and rolls him up with his feet on the ropes and wins.

Thoughts: It didn't really work. They just didn't get the flow of it right and the spot with Idol not being able to get to the outside was poorly done.

NWA National Heavyweight Title Match - Thom Latimer (c) vs. Steve Boz

I've never seen Boz before and I don't know how he earned this shot as he has not been on TV.

They trade wristlocks and Thom hits armdrags. Thom armlocks him. Thom shoulders him over then armdrags him again. Boz slaps and eye rakes him. Thom goes up and over then Boz eye rakes him again. Boz springboard kicks him. Boz hits a fameasser for 2.

Thom pop-up atomic drops him and lariats him. Thom corner lariats him then backdrops him. Thom hits a rolling spear for 2. Boz hits a flatliner for variation for 2. Thom pop-up powerbombs Boz and wins.

Thoughts: It was a shorter one here. No one did anything wrong and it was an average match. Thom won here as expected.

Kyle Davis interviews Thom in the ring after. Thom says at NWA 76 in Philadelphia, it's a day he marked on his calendar. He says it's the most important day of his life as he faces EC3 for the NWA World Title. He says he has to close a chapter on being the NWA National champ and says he wants the fans to be proud of him. He says he has to do this for him and seemingly vacates the belt.

Street Fight - Miss Starr and Ella Envy vs Pretty Empowered (Kylie and Kenzie Paige)

We have records, cookie sheets, a chair and a baseball bat in the ring. The Paige Sisters hit stereo topes to start. Ella's head is banged off the apron and Starr's head is banged off the steps. Kylie and Ella fight in the bleachers with Ella getting her head banged off the rail.

Ella stomps Kenzie outside and bangs her head off the merch table. Ella grabs a banner/flag and chokes Kenzie with it. Starr's wrestling with a neckbrace on and has her head banged off the post. Ella is tripped into a chair then Kenzie hits Ella with a cookie sheet.

We go to break and return. Kenzie gets hit with a lego set. Starr camel clutches Kylie and then Kylie's head is banged off a chair in the corner. Ella hits Kenzie with a bat then chokes her with it.

Kylie uses the bat on Starr. The two teams tug of war over a flag. Ella and Starr get clotheslined with the flag. Ella is thrown out. Kenzie gets pulled out hard and is pounded on. Kylie hits Starr with a bat.

Starr samoan drops Kylie. Starr is clapped with cookie sheets. Starr gets busted open and the screen goes black and white. Kylie goes to use a pizza cutter but Ella stops it. Kylie superkicks Ella then pours thumbtacks out.

Kylie and Ella get on the 2nd rope and both fall down onto tacks and legos. Kylie hits shots on Starr, who is really bleeding. Kylie codebreakers Starr. Kylie basement dropkicks Starr in the corner wins.

Thoughts: It was a hardcore tag here mostly focused around weapons usage. They did a good job with it and Starr did a big blade job for it. I had no issues with this one and enjoyed it. I just wish they would have done a better job with this feud as it didn't get featured the way it should have.

Overall thoughts: It had the usual issues NWA has with random matches and random wrestlers. I liked the main and thought it was the only real thing of note here. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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