Sunday, September 15, 2024

All Japan Pro Wrestling 8/14/2024 Summer Action Wars 2024 Day 2

All Japan Pro Wrestling 8/14/2024 Summer Action Wars 2024 Day 2

GAORA TV Title Match - Fuminori Abe (c) vs. Seigo Tachibana

Abe headlock takeovers him and gets headscissored, then the same thing repeats with Seigo. They go head to head, slide under the bottom rope and headbutt each other. They trade forearms on the floor and Abe suplexes him on the floor. Abe slaps him then sends him into the rails. Seigo running facekicks him and they go head to again into the seats.

Seigo is sent into the wall in the lobby qand thye both walk up to the higher seating levels. They run at each other in the walkway and Seigo knocks him over. they then head back down and go to the ring. Seigo goes for a pin when Abe gets back in.

Abe punches him in the head and slaps him. Seigo eye pokes him. Abe hits an enzugiri then spin kicks him in the gut. Abe kicks him in the back. They snapmare each other and Abe kicks him in the back. Seigo blocks a PK then STO's him. Seigo atomic drops him then running facekicks him. Seigo then hits a tope con hilo. 

They fight on the buckles. Abe is knocked down then gets back up. Abe superplexes him then Seigo suplexes him. Abe hits a baseball punch. Seigo facekicks him then takes a dropkick. Abe backdrops him and hooks the leg on it for 2. Abe abdominal stretches him then Seigo hits a beachbreak for 2. They trade forearms and Seigo flurries him.

Abe back elbows him and takes a german. Seigo spears him for 2. Abe hits a hurricanrana and Seigo rolls him up off of it for 2. Abe then rolls him up and wins.

The spot with them going head to head around the arena was silly. It was a weird one with them going up into the seats in the very first match and them not being particularly serious. Then they came in the ring and had a normal match. I wasn't a fan of whatever they were trying to do here.

Naruki Doi & Senor Saito vs. Hikaru Sato & Masashi Takeda vs. Kuroshio TOKYO Japan & Shotaro Ashino

Saito is MAZADA. Saito takes a double leglock to start and ropebreaks. Satio has new MMA style shorts and Ashino rusia nlegsweeps him. Saito then tries to pin both at once. Saito is thrown out and Sato ankle locks Doi. Takeda basement dropkicks Doi in the head then Ashino overhead beally to belly suplexes Takeda. Ashino headscissors Saito. We get a multi-person headscissors spot and Takeda tries to stab Jiro's head with scissors while doing it.

Sato hits Saito outside and Doi chinlocks Ashino. Doi flipping sentons Ashino then boots him. Doi stomps on Ashino Ashino hits running euros on Doi and Saito in the corner. He then euros Sato and karelin's lifts Saito.

Jiro misses a top rope dropkick after several people just walk away. Jiro takes corner attacks then a doubel suplex for 2. Takeda shoulders Sato over then trades forearms with Doi. Sato overhead suplexes Doi then pulls out scissors. Jiro gets dropkicked by Ashino on accident then Takeda dropkicks Ashino. Takeda tries to use the scissors on Jiro. Jiro hits a jacket punch and is poked with the scissors in the gut. He treats it like he was stabbed with a sword. He then pulls out a Yuma Aoyagi card from his jacket pocket and says the card blocked  the stab. Doi then rolls out Jiro and pins him.

This was all comedy and wasn't that good. It's not that surprising as Japan tends to treat multi-person matches this way.

ELPIDA (Ren Ayabe, Rising HAYATO & Ryuki Honda) vs. Hokuto-gun (Hartley Jackson, Jack Kennedy & Kuma Arashi)

Honda wore a new mask out with his entrance outfit. Honda side headlocks Kuma and they trade forearms. They shoulder battle and Kuma shoulders him over. Honda chokes Kuma on the ropes with his knee while Rising casually lays underneath.

Hart and Rising go at it. A fan yells "JACKSONNNNNN" which I thought was funny. Hart side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Rising is caught on a jump and pulls Hart outside. Rising gets nowhere with a dropkick then Hart knocks him over with a dropkick. Jack shoulders Rising over for 2.

Kuma slams Rising then sentons him for 2. Hart suplexes Rising then elbow drops him for 2. Jack chops Rising down then fallaway slams him. Rising dropkicks Jack twice. Honda lariats and spinebusters Jack for 2.

Honda hits lariats and forearms on Jack. Jack then hits a big lariat. Hart corner splashes Honda. Hart bangs Honda's head off the mat then sentons him. Honda and Hart lariat battle then Honda hits a big lariat. Hart then lariats him down. 

Kuma and Ren fight. Ren facekicks him and they trade forearms. Ren facekicks him. Hart racks Ren then throws him onto his partners. Ren takes a double shoulderblock  then attacks from all 3 opponents for 2. Ren's team makes a comeback with Rising hitting a springboard dropkick and Honda hitting a pounce. Rising then does a springboard plancha on two people outside and Honda does his one arm running powerbomb on Akuma. Ren hits a raging fire/spinning sitout gordbuster and wins.

Thoughts: It was an okay tag. It could have been good maybe with a lot more time. Ren really didn't get in until the end here and Jack didn't get a ton in.

All Asia Tag Team Title Match - MUSASHI & Seiki Yoshioka (c) vs. Dan Tamura & Ryo Inoue

SY = Seiki Yoshioka, Mu = Musashi

Dan and Mu get off to a slow start and Mu dodges a lock-up. Mu plays to the crowd and is side headlocked. Mu trips him and basement dropkicks him. SY and Ryo go at it. Ryo hits boots and SY facekicks him. Ryo kicks him in the gut then they trade chest kicks. Ryo running facekicks him.

SY leg lariats Ryo. Ryo takes kicks from both opponents and a double basement dropkick. Dan pulls his opponents down by the hair. Dan hits forearms on Mu and rocks him good with one. Dan hits hard chest clubs. Dan slams him for 2.

Mu is double foot choked in the corner then Ryo slams him. Ryo snapmares him and kicks him in the back. Ryo chest kicks Mu down. Mu and Ryo trade forearms. Mu chops him him up then hits boot flurries him in the corner. Mu then sends Ryo into the rails outside.

Mu foot slaps Ryo then exploders him three times. SY hits corner attacks on Ryo then kicks him in the back. SY PK's him for 2. SY spin kicks Ryo then Ryo flying kicks him. Dan gets in and beats up on his opponents. He suplexes SY for 2. 

Dan corner splashes SY. SY is bridged on the 2nd rope for a top rope double stomp from Ryo. Dan chinlocks SY. SY knees Dan in the face then codebreakers him. Mu hits kicks on Dan then falcon arrows him. SY misses a top rope swanton and Dan lariats SY. Dan death valley drivers SY for 2. Dan powerbombs SY for 2. 

Ryo spinning enzugiri's Mu then they trade high kicks and go down. SY goes for a top rope hurricarana on Dan. Dan tries to block it but falls over. SY high kicks him down for 2. SY hits a top rope swanton on Dan for 2. SY superkicks Dan then takes a big lariat. SY does a la mistica drop on him then rolls him up to win.

Thoughts: It went long and the structure and flow of this one wasn't that good. It just didn't all connect together and keep you invested in the match. There was some decent work here and lots of stiff shots. It probably would have been better as a more compact match. It was okay but could have maybe been really good with more structure. I think the Dan and Ryo team has potential and I'd like to see more of it.

Abe and Seigo come out after with both holding the Gaora TV Title. They seem to challenge for the tag titles.

Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Kento Miyahara vs. Hokuto-gun (Cyrus & Hokuto Omori)

Davey and Cyrus go at it. Davey fornt facelocks him then Cy bangs Davey's arm off his shoulder. Davey hits euros then Cy returns euros. Cy clubs on his back and Davey blocks a chinlock. Davey hit forearms Cy slams him. Cy misses a legdrop then Davey misses one. They stand off.

Omori and Kento get in. Omori back him up on the ropes and clean breaks him. Ken is pulled down by the hair then facekicks Omori. Omori takes a boot to the gut then Ken facekicks Davey on a failed double team. Ken is thrown out and Omori chinlocks him inside.

Omori rolls up Ken and Davey accidentally boots Ken to try and break up the pin. Cy walks on Ken's gut thne headbutts him in the chest. Cy stands on Ken's gut then suplexes him.

Cy hits a world's strongest slam for 2. Ken rolls out of a lariat then dropkicks Cy in the knee. Cy avoids a dropkick to the head and lariats Ken. Cy misses a senton and Davey gets in. Davey boots and corner lariats Cy. Davey hits corner punches then Cy flying single leg dropkicks him.

Omori top rope dropkicks Davey then Ken facekicks Omori. Ken dropkicks Omori in the knee and the side of the head. Ken northern lights suplexes Omori for 2. Ken nails the ref on accident when Omori moves. Davey lariats Ken over on accident then Cy lariats Davey. Kuma Arashi, Hartley and Jack Kennedy get in the ring. They all hit corner attacks on Ken then Cy corner cannonballs Ken.

Omori tries to get Davey to join his crew. Davey agrees and poses with them. Omori talks trash to Ken then Davey hits backdrops on his opponents. Davey sitout powerbombs Omori then Ken straightjacket germans Omori to win.

Thoughts: It was about average. It was slower paced match here. They had Davey and Kento hit each other multiple times on accident then Omori tried to get them to turn on each other. They opted not to and that led to the finish. 

Cyrus throws ring steps in the ring after then teases throwing the bell in.

Kento gets on the mic after to talk to Davey. He presents him an XXL AJPW t-shirt. Davey gets on the mic. He says Kento is the hottest star and says he's the hottest and strongest gaijin of AJPW. Davey says they will get championship gold and says the sky is the limit. He then thanks him for the shirt and Kento says, "X-X-LARGE". Kento and Davey then dance around some after and pose.

AJPW World Tag Team Title Match - Saito Brothers (Jun Saito & Rei Saito) (c) vs. Hideki Suzuki & Suwama

HS = Hideki Suzuki

Rei and Suwama start us off. They lock up and shoulder battle. Suwama is knocked over. HS gets in and shoulder battles Rei. Jun gets in and clean breaks him. Jun shoulders him over. HS hits euros then takes him down by the arm.

Jun slams HS then HS pushes the brothers into each other. Jun takes an enzugiri and a Suwama ddt. Suwama hits back elbows on Jun in the corner then corner lariats him. Suwama belly to belly suplexes Jun for 2. Jun back body drops him and HS.

Rei shoulders over Suwama and chops him. Rei corner splashes Suwama for 2. Suwama flying shoulders Rei. HS headscissors Rei over the top rope. HS then abdominal stretches him and Rei hiptosses him. HS hits a dropkick on Rei then HS monkey flips him. Rei crossbodies HS.

Jun and Suwama get in and collide. Jun running facekicks him then Suwama suplexes him. Suwama throws HS into Jun. Rei is whipped into a corner splash on Suwama then Jun running back elbows Suwama. Rei splashes Suwama and Jun elbow drops him for 2. 

Suwama and Jun trade shots then Suwama hits a big lariat. Rei knocks Suwama over and HS enzugiri's Rei. HS hurricanrana's Suwama on a failed tower of doom spot and Jun top rope diving lariats HS. Suwama takes a double suplex. HS gets slapped then takes a flying knee from Jun.  Rei running forearms Suwama then Jun jackhammers Suwama and wins.

Thoughts: It was a longer and slower paced tag. Nothing was wrong with it but it was just an average match and nothing was too special about it. HS had a better showing than usual here and didn't really get to do his slower boring technical style which helped things. 

The Saito's get on the mic after and are given cookies for winning Ryuki Honda comes down with Ren Ayabe and steals some of the cookies. They appear to challenge for the tag titles then Honda steals the cookies.

Triple Crown Title Match - Yuma Anzai (c) vs. Yuma Aoyagi

Aoyagi is backed up in the ropes and then he reverses a wristlock. Aoyagi headlock takeovers him and Anzai headscissors him. Aoyagi shoulders him over then armdrags him. Anzai armdrags him back, is put in a headscissors and they stand off.

They each hit some shots and Aoyagi dropkicks him. Anzai is sent into the rails outside. He tries to springboard off them but is hit then Yuma guillotine legdrops him over the rail. Anzai's leg is wrapped around the rail then Aoyagi kicks it.

Aoyagi works Anzai's leg and bangs it off the mat. Aoyagi hits kicks to the leg then elbow drops him for 2. Aoyagi 2nd rope crossbodies him for 2. Anzai flips out of a lariat and hits a butterfly suplex. Aoyagi goes out.

Aoyagi is thrown into the rails. Anzai knees him as he hangs over the apron. Anzai stomps on him in the ring then dropkicks him for 2. Anzai hits a corner forearm then a belly to belly suplex for 2. Anzai sleepers him.

They trade forearms. Aoyagi hits a dropkick. Anzai flying forearms him then Aoyagi top rope crossbodies him for 2. Aoyago does a grounded guillotine. Anzai is sat on the top rope and Aoyagi dropkicks him down.

Anzai dragon suplexes him on the apron. They get back in and Anzai flying corner forearms him. Aoyagi then does it back. Aoyagi dragon screws the leg. Yuma backdrops him for 2. They both no sell release germans then both go down after Anzai hits one.

They trade forearms and Aoyagi hits a rock bottom for 2. Aoyagi hits a top rope elbow drop then grounded guillotines him with an armlock. Anzai back body drops him. Aoyagi springboards and takes a flying knee in mid-air.

Anzai germans him for 2. Aoyagi hits an air raid crash for 2 and a fisherman suplex for 2. Aoyagi hits another for 2. Anzai flying knees him then backdrops him. Aoyagi misses a spin kick and is dropped down into a knee to the face. Anzai flying knees him for 2.

Aoyagi is on his shoulders and crucifix bombs him. Anzai misses a knee and Aoyagi does a backroll with a bridge for 2. Aoyagi hits spin kicks and brainbusters him. Aoyagi hits another brainbuster for 2. Aoyagi spinning fisherman's suplexes him and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like this. Aoyagi's legwork went nowhere. A dragon suplex on the apron meant nothing. They no sold some german's and there was no real story here. I also didn't really get having Anzai get so many big wins prior to this only to lose to Aoyagi. The first half also had little of interest.

Aoyagi talks on the mic after and Kento Miyahara comes out to challenge him.

Overall thoughts: There was nothing must see here. The main wasn't good. The tag title match was just average as was the Kento tag. The opener was goofy and the 3-way tag was a joke. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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