Friday, September 13, 2024

CMLL on Mexiquense TV 9/5/2024

CMLL on Mexiquense TV 9/5/2024

Last week's show is here:

Angelito, Kaligua and Pequeno Magia vs Pequeno Olimpico, Pequeno Violecia and Pierrothito

Kal shoulder throws Vio. They wrestle on the mat and stare down when they get up. Vio armdrags him twice and poses. Kal trips Vio and pulls on his legs. Kal armdrag shim and they stand off again. Pier and Angel get in. Pier trips him and they roll on the mat. Angel does kip ups and kip downs. Piert wristlocks him, Angel flips through it and armdrags him. Angel tiger feints him on the ropes and handstand walks out of an armdrag. Angel standing moonsaults him and they stand off.

Magia and Olim go at it. Olim throws him then lariats him. Olim hits a running boot. Magia hiptosses him and dropkicks him out. Magi goes after him and gets triple teamed by the rudos outside. Back inside, Pier hits wasteland. Kal takes sentons from all 3 heels.

Angel gets triple teamed with boots and chops. Angel is bridged on the top rope and Vio dropkicks him in the butt. Magia gets hit from behind by the heels then is double hiptossed into a triple powerbomb.

Angelo chops Kal then Kal flying headscissors Pier. Kal goes up and over Olim then flips out of the corner. Kal kicks the buckle against Olim's head then flying headscissors him out. Magia and Pier go at it. Magia armdrags him off a hiptoss into the ropes. Vio and Angel get it. Angel flips over his back. Vio hits Pier on a fialed double team then Angel is popped up into a headscissors on Pier. Magia is popped up into a double dropkick then Magia and Angel hit stereo tope con hilos.

Kal springboard tornillos Pier then rolls him into a double armbar and leglock submission. Kal the gets the win.

Thoughts: It was average here with no one doing anything too wild. He really only 2 dives here and the finish was kind of sudden.

El Hijo de Pantera, Star Black and Volcano vs Akuma, Felino Jr. and Kraneo


1st Fall - Fel and Pant start us off. Pant walks the ropes then headflips away from Fel. Fel wristlocks him and turns it into a kimura. Pant back body drops him and Fel ties his arms up. Pant surfs Fel's back then Fel rolls Pant. Pant headstand headscissors him down twice. Pant armdrags him off the casador and they stand off.

Fel armlocks him and takes him down. Pant flips out of it using the ropes then is put back in it. Pant snapmares him then Fel back elbows him. Pant walks up to the 2nd rope then rolls off. Star and Akuma get in. Akuma slingshots in then headflips. Star hits a reverse headbutt then its two armdrags. Akuma armdrags him and trips him. Star armdrags him out then Kraneo and Vol get in.

Kraneo shoulders vol over then stomps him with Mije, the mascot. Krane hits spears to Vol's gut and Vol rolls him up. Vol rolls Krane intyo a pin attempt. Pant is thrown into the rails. Star gets double teamed in the ring. Akuma hits corner lariats on Star then Fel superkicks Star. Krane corner hip attacks Star.

Pant is held for a chop from Fel. Pant takes a double back elbow then is thrown into a Krane bodyblock. Krane splashes him then Fel la magistral's Pant and pins him.

Akuma strike combos Vol then Vol takes a double suplex. Krane butt drops Vol while holding Mije and pins Vol. Kraneo's team wins the 1st fall.

2nd Fall - Vol gets double teamed. Fel corner lariats Vol. Akuma slams down Vol then Krane splashes Vol for 2. Vol hits double boots out of the corner and is monkey flipped, then hits a double lariat off of it. Pant springboard headscissors Akuma then tope con hilos Fel. Star reverse tope's Akuma off the top and pins him. Star Black's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Vol hiptosses Akuma. Krane bodyblocks his partner out on accident then Vol armdrags Krane out. Vol slams Fel and elbow drops him. Vol legdrops Fel and Fel goes out. Pant and Akuma fight. Pant step up headscissors him then Fel superkicks Pant. Pant goes up and over Fel then tope con hilos Akuma through the ropes in the corner. Pant top rope crossbodies Fel then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him.

Star and Krane fight. Star side headlocks him, jumping shoulders him then flips over him when he's down. Star slides under his legs and dropkicks him. Star dropkicks Fel out. Star springboard tornillos Akuma then handsprings and backflips into a reverse headbutt on Akuma. Star tope con hilos Akuma outside.

Vol slams Krane. Fel misses an elbow drop then Pant springboard splashes Krane and Fel. Vol then splashes them all and Volcano's team gets a double pin to win the fall and match.

I didn't like Mije being allowed to be in the ring during the pin here (after being part of an attack) as that's obviously cheating. Other than that, it was a decent little match here. Vol impressed some as usual and Star did some nice flying.

Atlantis Jr. vs Davey Boy Smith Jr.

AJ = Atlantis Jr.

1st Fall - They lock up and DBS shoves him off. DBS wristlocks him and AJ trips him. DBS armbars him then takes him over by the arm. AJ snapmares him. They shoulderblock battle then AJ flying shoulders him over. They go out of the ring and DBS rams him into the apron. DBS slams AJ on the floor.

DBS stomps him then walks on him inside the ring. DBS slams him then sharpshooters him. AJ taps out and DBS wins the fall.

2nd Fall - DBS takes him down then bangs AJ's foot off the mat. DBS surfboards AJ. AJ does a pin off of it. AJ hits some shots then DBS boots him in the gut. DBS stf's him and AJ ropebreaks. DBS stomps him then goes to rip the mask. KeMalito jumps on DBS to try and break it. The ref doesn't care and DBS boots KeMalito out. AJ then rolls up DBS and pins him. Atlantis Jr. wins the fall.

3rd Fall - DBS bangs AJ's knees into the mat. AJ back body drops him then dropkicks him. AJ topes him outside. AJ top rope crossbodies him inside the ring for 2. DBS is back body dropped on the ramp into the ring. AJ dropkicks him off the buckles then KeMalito vader bombs DBS.

DBS ddt's him then AJ suplexes him for 2. DBS powerslams AJ for 2. DBS sitout powerbombs him for 2. AJ cradles him for 2. AJ goes up and over then powerslams DBS. AJ top rope splashes DBS on the chest then on the back. Atlantis Jr. then pins him and wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: I didn't like all the interference from KeMalito, especially with Atlantis being a face. It's one thing when heels do it, but he wasn't the heel here. It was an average match otherwise. It wasn't awful but it was certainly not some great main event match.

Overall thoughts: The 1st match was okay but basic. The 2nd match was good with Star Black and Volcano having good showings. The main was average. It was a decent show overall but not must see.

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