Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Stardom 8/31/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 12

Stardom 8/31/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 12

Day 11 is here:

STARS (Hazuki & Koguma) vs. Cosmic Angels (Aya Sakura & Sayaka Kurara)

SK and Kog do Kog's taunt. Kog high fives her, tells her arigato and they both tag out. Haz side headlock takeovers her and Aya dropkicks her. Haz dropkicks her and facewash kicks her on the ropes. Kog slams Aya then stands on her gut. Kog slams her then Haz slingshot double stomps Aya. Haz slams Aya for 2. Haz forearms her down and Aya hits a forearm flurry. Haz forearms her down.

Aya high kicks her and SK gets in. SK dropkicks Haz and spinning neckbreakers her. SK hits a chest forearm flurry on Haz. All 4 girls get in and Haz's team is thrown off the buckles together. SK dropkicks Kog and Aya spinning heel kicks Kog for 2. Aya triangles Kog then Kog grounded sleepers her.

Kog takes a double dropkick then Aya slams her. Kog ddt's Aya then top rope dropkicks her for 2. SK spears Kog then Aya northern lights suplexes Kog for 2. Aya high kicks Kog down for 2. Kog hits a double codebreaker on her opponents. Aya takes a double team neckbreaker for 2. Kog top rope splashes Aya and wins.

Thoughts: It was your usual rookies vs vets match. It went a little long for my liking and just was average.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Semi Final Match - Mayu Iwatani vs. Maika

Mayu wristlocks her and Maika side headlocks her. Maika shoulders her over. Maika blocks an armdrag then takes a dropkick. Maika misses a corner charge, is rolled up then Maika slams Mayu. Mayu hits chops and Maika forearms her down. Maika shoulders her over. Mayu flying headscissors her then slingblades her.

Mayu superkicks her in the back of the head then germans her for 2. Mayu sits on the top rope and is lariated down. Mayu dragon suplexes her on the apron and Maika rolls down to the floor. Mayu topes her outside. Mayu hits a top rope splash inside. Maika hits a big lariat then does an STO for 2.

Mayu superplexes her. Maika superplexes her and holds on for more suplexes. Maika enka otoshi's her. Mayu dragon suplexes her then superkicks her. Maika michinoku drivers her. Mayu hits kicks to the head. Mayu misses a top rope moonsault then Maika spinning lariats her. Maika michinoku drivers her three times and wins.

It was total garbage. Nobody sold anything and it was just people doing big moves at a fast pace.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Semi Final Match - Hanan vs. Saya Kamitani

They forearm flurry each other to start. Han really lets them fly on her. Han armdrags her and takes a basement dropkick. Saya pulls her down by the hair then stomps on her. Saya foot chokes her then slaps her around. Saya footchokes Han on the ropes.

Saya axe kicks her over the middle rope then crossbodies her off the apron. Han then fameassers her off the apron. Han headscissors her while pulling on the arm then leg lariats her on the ropes for 2. Saya basement dropkicks her. Han running euros her then Saya pump kicks her. Han then leg lariats her.

Han ducks spin kicks then Han pop-up euros her. Saya spinning heel kicks her. Saya springboard crossbodies her for 2. Saya backslides her into a push kick. Han cuty specials her for 2 then hits another fameasser. Saya 2nd rope dropkicks her for 2. Saya northern lights suplexes her multiple times for 2. 

Han euros Saya on the buckles then backdrops her down. Saya pump kicks her then Han tries a pin for 2. Han backdrops her. Saya blocks a backdrop and rolls her onto her. They roll around with pins then Saya hurricanrana's her and wins.

Thoughts: It was nothing of note. There was barely any face/heel stuff here. They each got about the same amount of offense in and no one had control for any long periods of time. The finish was also weak.

Saya slaps her after.

Momo Kohgo vs. Anna Jay

They lock up and Anna pushes her back.Mo wristlocks her then Anna upkicks her. Momo armdrags her twice then dropkicks her. Momo yanks on the arm then knee drops it. Anna neckbreakers her over the middle rope then bangs her head off the buckles. Anna footchokes her.

Momo dropkicks her then 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her. Momo springboard crossbodies her and 619's her arm for 2. Momo armbars her then Anna spinning heel kicks her in the corner. Anna throws her off the ropes and pulls her neck forward for her.

Momo does a 619 ddt for 2 then Anna backcrackers her. Anna side kicks her then Momo superkicks her. Anna backdrops her then does a grounded sleeper and Momo taps out.

Thoughts: Momo was trying to work the arm some here but Anna ended up getting most of the offense in the second half and negated any of it. Anna also doesn't really have a lot of logic in her moveset or matches and added nothing to this.

Xena vs. Saya Iida

Xena backs her up on the ropes then Saya does it back to her. Xena snapmares her and they evde each others attacks. They trade armdrags then try to armdrag each other at the same time. They kip up together and stand off.

They shoulderblock each other and Saya hits elbow drops. Saya goes for a grounded dragon sleeper. Saya suplexes her from the buckles then 2nd rope diving shoulderblocks her. Xena spinning side slams Saya. Xena superkicks her and they trade chest slaps.

Saya hits a chop flurry then northern lights suplexes her. Xena release suplexes her and they trade more chops. Xena chop flurries her then double chops her. Xena hits a double underhook suplex. They run at each other and Saya lariats her.

Xena germans her for 2 then hits a pumphandle gutbuster to win.

Thoughts: It was a shorter one here that didn't get enough time to be anything special. It was okay for a midcard throwaway match and they did what they could to make it interesting.

Xena says she's the new challenger for Mei Seira's high speed belt after.

God's Eye & Risa Sera (Lady C, Ranna Yagami, Saki Kashima & Syuri) vs. Neo Genesis (AZM, Mei Seira, Miyu Amasaki, Starlight Kid & Suzu Suzuki)

C has a new costume with white chaps. She side headlocks Miyu. Miyu side headlocks her then Miyu dropkicks her. C shoulders her over. C goes for a move and Kid stops her. Kid and Miyu then take stereo giant swings from C and Risa. C slams Miyu then bangs her head off the buckles. Risa swinging drops her from her back.

Syu stomps on Miyu and kicks her in the back. Syu running knees her in the corner for 2. Miyu swinging facebusters Syu off the ropes. Suzu gets in and running knees Syu in the corner. Syu takes a kick into a roll-up then a double dropkick.

Suzu and Syu trade forearms. Syu armbars Suzu. Syu dropkicks her then knees her in the corner. Syu underhook suplexes her. Saki gets in and flying headscissors Suzu. AZM then rolls up Saki from behind and then reverses her pin attempt. AZM crucifixes Saki then Saki rolls her up for 2. Saki and AZM high kick each other down at the same time.

Ranna kicks her in the corner then dropkicks her. Kid drives Ranna's knee into the mat. Kid moonsaults Ranna's knee then stretch mufflers her. Ranna takes corner attacks then takes a 5 person basement dropkick. Kid takes a top rope guillotine legdrop.

Kid hits a jumping kick on Ranna then Ranan chest kicks her. Ranna leg lariats her for 2. Miyu hits a springboard double dropkick then Mei dropkicks her. Mei runs up the buckles and plancha's outside. Miyu pendulum ddt's Ranna then Kid double knees Ranna in the back for 2. Kid hits a top rope moonsault on Ranna and wins.

Thoughts: They didn't get a ton of time here and it was rushed. It was just mostly people coming in, getting a section in and leaving before everyone getting some final offense in at the end.

Cosmic Angels (Natsupoi, Saori Anou & Yuna Mizumori) vs. HATE (Konami, Ruaka & Thekla)

Thek and Poi start things off fast. They roll off the ropes together and Poi ducks a shot. Poi is double teamed by the heels. Poi cartwheels on Thek and dropkicks her. Anou comes in and top rope dropkicks Thek. Ruaka then shoulders Anou over.

Anou fends off the heels then does an indian deathlock + fisherman suplex combo. Thek limbos out of a facekick and spears Anou. Poi stomps on Ruaka. Kon top rope dropkicks Anou then Anou germans her.

Yuna gets in and hits lariats and a flying shoulder on Kon. Kon PK's her for 2. Ruaka corner lariats and sentons Yuna for 2. Ruaka fisherman suplexes Yuna then they shoulder battle. 

Ruaka takes a double dropkick in the corner then Yuna lariats her for 2. Ruaka takes a double kick then Yuna hits a big lariat for 2. Poi is thrown out then Yuna takes a double suplex. Ruaka low crossbodies Yuna for 2. Ruaka suplexes Yuna for 2. Yuna then pins Ruaka with a simple shotgun dropkick.

Thoughts: It was too quick for how many people involved and wasn't anything special. The finish was also very weak here. 

Future Of Stardom Title Match - Rina (c) vs. Hina

They trade chest forearms. Hina forearm flurries her then Rina pulls her down backwards by the hair. Hina slaps Rina and slams her.  Hina is tripped into the ropes and takes a facekick. Rina basement dropkicks her. Rina hair throws Hina then foot chokes her on the ropes.

Rina kneels on her on the ropes then headkicks her. Hina dropkicks Rina. Hina backdrops her for 2 then crabs her. Hina hits facekicks. Rina hip throws her then hits a facekick. Hina neckbreakers her. Rina northern lights suplexes her then Hina suplexes her. Rina hits a suplex for 2.

Rina misses a double stomp off the ropes then Hina hip throws her. Hina wristclutch uranages her for 2. Rina does a grounded octopus to Hina. Hina rolls her up for 2 then basically sits on her for 2. Rina gori bombs her. Hina wrist clutch uranages her. Hina drops her from her shoulder for 2. Rina backslides her into a pin attempt for 2. Hina hits a jackhammer for 2.

Rina does a grounded octopus with a leg pull and taps her out.

Thoughts: This wasn't that good. It was just a match for the most part with few highlights and nobody really doing anything special despite being on a bigger stage than usual. These girls are just not higher level workers and don't bring a lot except being able to do their moves without botching.

They both talk on the mic after.

World Of Stardom Title Match - Natsuko Tora (c) vs. Tam Nakano

Tam takes her down and Tora front facelocks her. They trade some basic holds and headlocks. Tam is pulled over the top and Tora slams her. Tora sends Tam into the seats. They go into the aisle near the ramp. Tam dropkicks her. Tam runs down the ramp and is laritated on it. Tora then throws her down the ramp.

Tora elbow drops her then splashes her leg. Tora misses a butt drop and is basement dropkicked in the back of the head. Tam spin kicks her and kicks her in the leg. Tam then top rope plancha's her outside. Tam dragon screws her.

Tam figure fours her. Tora clips Tam in the leg. Tora suplexes her then sentons her. Tora misses a top rope splash and Tam legsweeps her. Tam pumping knees her. They fight on the apron and trade forearms. Tora suplexes her on the apron. Tam dragon screws Tora off the apron to the floor.

They get back in. Tam headbutts and spin kicks her. Tora leglocks her. Tora running lariats her for 2. Tora then leglocks Tam. Tam ropebreaks. Tora hits a corner cannonball then misses a top rope swanton. Tam superkicks her then hits a tiger suplex for 2. Tam hits headkicks then kicks her in the chest. Tam germans her for 2.

Tora's budides beat up on Tam outside then Poi and Yuna help her out. Tora death valley drivers Tam for 2. Tora hits a top rope swanton for 2. Konami gets in the ring as does Ruaka and they end up nailing Tora. Yuna thwarts them then Poi does a top rope plancha onto everyone outside. Tam running knees Tora, spin kicks her in the head and germans her to win. Tam somehow got her chin bloodied up near the end of this.

Thoughts: I wasn't a big fan of it. They did brawling on the ramp and into the seats early. Tora worked the leg some but mostly forgot about it. The girls' seconds got involved and even got in the ring. Tam then made her comeback and won soon after.

Tam talks to Tora on the mic after. Tora responds then Tam talks more. Poi and Anou get in the ring with Tam after and pose with her. 

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Final Match - Maika vs. Saya Kamitani

Saya avoids the lock up and Maika takes her down. They go on the mat and Saya hammerlocks her. Maika hooks the leg and side headlocks her. Saya headlock takeovers her, they stand off and Maika shoulders her out. Saya gets in and slides back out.

Saya dropkicks Maika then throws her into the seats. Maika lariats the post when Saya moves. Saya then brings a chair in and sits on it. Maika is tripped into the chair and takes a basement dropkick. Saya stomps her and kneels on her neck. Saya snapmares her then chinlocks her. Maika is tied up in the ropes and Saya puts her foot on her head.

Saya stomps her then Maika hits chest forearms. Saya slaps her. Saya 2nd rope dropkicks her for 2. Maika powerslams her then sliding lariats her on the ropes. Maika misses a corner lariat and Saya bangs Maika's head off the buckles. Saya pulls the ref in Maika's way then dropkicks her. Maika backdrops Saya over the top to the apron then lariats her off the apron.

Maika diving lariats her off the apron. They fight on the ramp. Maika is pump kicked off of it. Saya crossbodies her off the stage along with her own partners. They get back in the ring. Saya hits forearms on her knees and stomps Maika. Saya basement dropkicks her in the back and spinning heel kicks her. Maika then lariats her.

Maika hits short arm lariats. Saya backslide rolls her into a boot then hits another boot to the face. Saya dropkicks her then hits a top rope dropkick for 2. Maika superplexes her. Maika hits a string of suplexes and enka otoshi's her for 2.

Saya hurricanrana's her then pump kicks her. Saya spinning heel kicks her. Saya hits a ki krusher for 2. They go up top and Maika hits a michinoku driver off the 2nd rope. Saya hits another ki krusher for 2. Maika hits a lariat and a spinning lariat. Maika michinoku drivers her for 2. 

Maika wrist clutch michinoku drivers her and wins.

It was just a match really. I kept waiting for something big and special but we didn't get it. They didn't overdo it too much here and the finishing stretch wasn't even that strong in this one. There was no great story, blood or anything either. We got a dive off the stage and that was probably the biggest spot in this one. This is kind of what a heel Saya match looks like without her flying and it's not as good as her face style match is.

They both talk on the mic after. Saya taunts her when she asks for a handshake. Tam comes out after and they seem to set up a match.

Overall thoughts: I didn't like this show. The big matches didn't deliver and the undercard wasn't that good. I can't even say they really overdid it either aside from one match. It was just not Stardom's best work.

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