Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Marigold 8/24/2024 Summer Gold Shine Day 11

Marigold 8/24/2024 Summer Gold Shine Day 11 

Day 10 is here:

Chika Goto vs. Minami Yuuki

Yuuki arm throws her off the handshake and holds on for more. Chika boots her and hair throws her. Chika lays her on the 2nd rope and botches her buttpress move on her. Chika then hip attacks her on the ropes. Chika crabs her. Yuuki and Chika trade chest forearms. Yuuki hits dropkicks then Chika boots her in the head. Yuuki cradles her for 2 then rolls her up for 2. Yuuki backslides her and hits another dropkick for 2.

Yuuki slams Chika for 2 then Chika slams her. Chika giant swings Yuuki. Yuuki rolls Chika up into a pin attempt for 2. Chika lariats her then running lariats her for 2. Chika slams her and gets the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't good. Chika had a worse showing than Yuuki did here. They had some sloppy moments here and even if they had a good night, this was not going to be a classic due to the talent levels involved. 

Myla Grace vs. Zayda Steel vs. Komomo Minami

KM = Komomo Minami

This looks like a terrible idea on paper. Myla and Zay handshake and Zay refuses to handshake KM. KM is pushed into Zay. There's a double drop down and KM dropkicks Zay. Zay rolls up Myla then KM rolls up Zay. Zay throws Myla out then step up knees her in the corner. Zay dropkicks KM.

KM rolls Zay into an armbar. Myla hits forearms on KM and KM fires back with her own. Myla lariats KM and backdrops her. KM cradles her then Myla rolls her into a border city stretch. Zay chinlocks Myla and KM breaks it with a dropkick. KM dropkicks both opponents in the corner.

Zay pump kicks KM then gori bombs Myla. KM rolls on Zay's back and ddt's her. Myla hits a bad superkick on KM then twisting reverse ddt's her to win.

Thoughts: It was a short one and ended before it ran into any issues. I wouldn't call it good but this was about the best case scenario you were going to get with this one.

Misa Matsui & Natsumi Showzuki vs. Kizuna Tanaka & Victoria Yuzuki

Kiz = Kizuna Tanaka, Nat = Natsumi Showzuki, Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

Misa and Yuz start us off. Yuz side headlocks her. Yuz armdrags her then Misa armdrags her back. Misa trips her and they stand off. Nat rolls up Kiz and Kiz reverses it. Kiz fujiwara armbars her.

Nat fujiwara armbars Kiz. Yuz breaks it up and is thrown off. Nat kicks Kiz in the arm then Misa hair throws Kiz. Nat foot chokes Kiz on the ropes then running knees her while she's in the ropes. Misa snapmares Kiz then chinlocks her.

Kiz misses a dropkick on Misa then neckbreakers her down. Yuz gets in and dropkicks Misa. Yuz walks up the buckles and facebusters Misa. Yuz basement dropkicks her then is hit on the ropes by Nat. Yuz takes a double team then Misa basement dropkicks Yuz. Misa stretch mufflers Yuz.

Misa crossbodies Yuz on the ropes. Misa running knees Yuz in the corner then Nat meteora's Yuz for 2. Nat running knees Yuz for 2. They blow a stupid spot where Kiz is supposed to kick Yuz on accident.

Yuz hits chest forearms on Nat. Yuz hip throws her then hits a bad lightning spiral. Nat takes a double team sequence ending in a double basement dropkick. Yuz northern lights suplexes Nat. Yuz flying headscissors Nat and tags out.

Kiz dropkicks Nat. Kiz armbars Nat then Nat gets out. Kiz crossbodies Nat for 2. Kiz top rope dropkicks Nat for 2. Kiz rolling armbars Nat into a pin attempt for 2. Nat step up enzugiri's Kiz then Misa top rope dropkicks Kiz. Nat meteora's Kiz. Kiz sunset flips Nat. Nat high kicks Kiz then Nat fisherman suplexes Kiz. Nat top rope double knee drops Kiz and wins.

Thoughts: I wasn't a fan of it. There were too many botches and sloppy moments here. Kiz really did look like a rookie here. It felt rushed as well.

Yuz grabs Nat by the hair after. Nat holds her title up in Kiz's face and Kiz forearms her. 

Kouki Amarei, Miku Aono & Utami Hayashishita vs. Bozilla, CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki

NN = Nagisa Nozaki

Chi steps on Kouki's foot. Kouki hits chest forearms. Kouki gets tripped and takes a basement dropkick from Chi. Chi ties her up in the ropes and Kouki's opponents pose on her. NN hits her reverse pendulum kick on Kouki. Chi gets on Boz's back and they splash Kouki together.

Kouki facekicks Chi then slams her. Utami gets in and shoulders over Chi, then sends Boz into Chi. Utami gets double teamed and hits a double dropkick. Utami takes a big spear from Chi for 2. NN facekicks Utami on the ropes. NN and Utami trade forearms. Utami lariats her over. NN shotgun dropkicks Utami then facekicks her.

Utami and NN trade forearms. Utami spinebusters her then Kouki facekicks NN on the ropes. They trade facekicks. Kouki hits a flurry of them then NN facekicks her down. Kouki knocks her down with one then samoan drops her for 2. NN facekicks Kouki for 2.

Boz slingshots in and shoulders over Kouki. Boz slams her then hits a vader bomb for 2. Boz throws Kouki then dropkicks her off the buckles. Kouki cutters Boz for 2. Miku hits dropkicks on Boz then running kicks her in the ribs. Miku hits chest forearms on Boz then lariats her on the ropes. Boz hits a big lariat on her.

Boz F-5's Miku for 2. Utami samoan drops Boz then Miku sliding lariats Boz. Chi puts Miku on a chair and Miku takes a triple boot from her opponents. Boz short arm lariats Miku. Boz is lifted and takes a top rope dropkick from Miku. Miku headkicks her for 2. Miku sleepers Boz. Boz and Miku trade pin attempts as the time limit approaches.

Boz double clotheslines Miku and Utami. NN boots Miku over then Boz knees Miku in the gut. Boz powerslams Miku for 2. The time limit then expires.

Ah, another Marigold time limit draw. I thought it was obvious they were going to a draw once they started doing time announcements. The match was okay but we didn't get a real ending to it and we never really got to see what it could be. So it's hard to put it over that much.

Marigold Twin Star Title Match - Mai Sakurai & MIRAI (c) vs. The Passion Sisters (Nanae Takahashi & Nao Ishikawa)

NT and Nao attack at the bell. Nao does roll-ups on Mai then Mai takes a double shoulder and a double elbow drop. NT snapmares Mai. NT kicks her in the back and crossfaces her. Nao flying neckbreakers Mai then bangs her head off the buckles. Mai takes chops from both opponents then Mirai is chopped up too.

Mirai corner lariats Nao and Mai facekicks Nao. Nao's head is banged off the buckles several times. Mai facekicks Nao on the ropes. Mai boots Nao in the corner then slams her. Mirai hits forearms on Nao.

Mai back elbows Nao then elbow drops her for 2. Nao crossbodies Mai for 2. NT kicks Mai in the head for 2. Mai hits chest forearms on NT then NT chest forearms her back. Mai slaps her then NT slaps her back. NT hits knees to Mai's head and forearms her. Mai facekicks NT.

Mirai top rope dropkicks NT then corner running back elbows her. NT lariats her then they lariat each other at the same time. Mirai hits forearms then lariats NT over. NT lariats Mirai then rebound germans her. Mirai backdrops her, spins her and NT puts a sleeper on. NT then turns it into a chicken wing. 

NT backdrops her into a sitout bomb. Nao shoulders over Mirai then cartwheel splashes her. Nao butterfly suplexes Mirai for 2. Mirai backdrops Nao then Nao is lifted for a facebuster. Mai legslices Nao for 2 then gordbusters her for 2. Mai goes up top and is slapped then NT superplexes her. Nao does a spinning throw on Mai then Mai takes a backdrop + neckbreaker combo for 2.

NT and Nao shoulder their opponents over at the same time.  Nao then top rope double crossbodies her opponents outside. Nao sitout pedigrees Mai for 2. Mai takes a double pendulum slam. NT 2nd rope splashes Mai then Nao top rope splashes Mai. 

Mai facekicks Nao then STF's her. Mirai lariats Nao over then Mai pump kicks Nao for 2. Mirai lariats NT. Mai misses a top rope elbow drop and Nao germans Mai. We get a chant for Nao which is rare. Mirai and Mai are sent into each other then NT and Nao lariat each other on accident. NT and Nao are STO'd together. Mai germans Nao for 2 then glorious drivers her for the win.

Thoughts: Easily the best match Nao has ever been involved in and she got a chant for it. It was a good tag here with the girls all being fiery and Nao stepping up big. Nao busted her lip or something during this. Mirai really didn't even get a ton in here as Nao and Mai were the main focus. I'd really like to see this again at Korakuen.

Mai talks on the mic at Nanae after and they shove each other. Nanae talks to her then Kouki and Chika come down. They seem to want a crack at the tag titles and Mai maybe accepts. Mirai gets on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: The main was the only really good thing on here and had Nao's best performance to date. The semi-main was okay but there was nothing else worth seeing here. It was about average overall and I wouldn't really recommend it.

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