Wednesday, September 4, 2024

WWE Speed 9/4/2024

WWE Speed 9/4/2024

The last show is here:

WWE Speed Women's Championship Tournament First Round - Lyra Valkyria vs Iyo Sky

They lock up and trade side headlocks. Iyo cartwheels off the ropes and ducks a spin kick. Lyra forward cartwheels out of a headscissors and step up enzugiri's Iyo. Lyra dropkicks her through the ropes then spinning heel kicks her for 2. Iyo springboard dropkicks Lyra and poses.

Iyo corner meteora's her for 2. Iyo misses a top rope moonsault then sunset flips her. Lyra reverses it then Lyra rolls her into a pin for 2. Iyo rolls her up and Lyra bounces backwards off the ropes and pins her at 2:16.

It was a short one like all of these are. They did their best to keep a high pace but yeah, it was still a 2 minute match and hardly memorable. Iyo winning was no surprise but the finish was weak.

Overall thoughts: There was only one 2:16 long match here. It wasn't anything special but they made the best of it that they could. I think a women's Speed tournament is a horrible idea and I think it's going to lead to a lot of botches and awful matches, but maybe they will surprise me. I would not recommend this one.

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