Friday, September 13, 2024

WWE NXT Level Up 9/13/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 9/13/2024

Last week's show is here:

This aired at 10:40PM due to SmackdownLowdown starting at 10PM. I hope this isn't a permanent thing as 10PM is late enough as is. They also picked a bad night do to it as there's a TNA PPV on and a big CMLL show with a 4-way mask match tonight.

Cutler James and Shiloh Hill vs Uriah Connors and Kale Dixon

UC = Uriah Connors, CJ = Cutler James

Kale shoulders Hill over. Kale flies at Hill and is caught and put in the corner. Hill hits corner spears then Kale takes a double back elbow. UC is tagged in and gets slammed by CJ. Hill tilt-a-whirl slamns UC then Kale nails Hill from behind. Kale backbreakers Hill. UC slingshot swantons Hill's back. Kale slingshot splashes Hill's back then UC does his slingshot swanton again.

Kale hits a nice corner lariat on Hill. UC trips Hill then sentons his back. Kale boots and kicks Hill. Kale knee drops Hill's back and pulls on his chin. Kale and Hill double clothesline each other. CJ and UC then get tagged in together.

CJ hits forearms on UC then corner spears him and Kale. CJ hits a double clothesline then wheelbarrow drops UC. Hill hits a twisting double underhook slam on Kale. UC is caught on a slingshot twisting crossbody and CJ slams him down to win it.

Thoughts: There was nothing wrong with this. It wasn't great or anything but everyone did what they were supposed to and there were no botches. I'd watch this one again.

Kendal Grey and Carlee Bright talk in the back. Grey says she's been down on herself and has to face an olympic gold medalist tonight. Bright tells her how good she is and says she has got this. Gre says she will use her amateur wrestling skills.

Tyra Mae Steele vs Kendal Grey

Tyra gives a fake medal to a fan. She then shows off her medal and two amateur wrestling titles. This should be a good amateur style match as both are amateur wrestlers.

Tyra rolls her then waistlock takedowns her. Tyra rolls her around then waistlock takedowns her. Grey takes her down then Tyra hits a nice fireamn's carry. Grey cartwheels out of a fireman's carry and gives Tyra one. Grey does a nice rolling armbar.

Tyra deadlifts her from the armbar and slams her down. Tyra hits boots to the gut and suplexes her for 2. Tyra does a bow and arrow variation on her. Tyra then rolls her into an stf variation. Grey takes Tyra down with an arm across the throat and belly to belly suplexes her for 2.

Grey is caught off the 2nd rope then takes snake eyes. Tyra pounces/throws her for 2. Tyra does a nasty looking dragon sleeper. Grey flips out of it and pins her.

Thoughts: The ending was nice here. The two matched up pretty well and their amateur wrestling was good. I wish they would have focused on that more as we don't see the women do that a lot. This went pretty well and both girls looked decent.

Niko Vance aka Skylar Clinton is interviewed. He said his debut is long overdo. He says he's been quiet for too long and it ends now. He says he was a former D1 football player until he got kicked off the team for fighting. He says he doesn't care about Luca Crusifino having his family in the corner. He says he's tired of wasting his time talking and says he will just show us.

Luca Crusifino vs Niko Vance

Niko debuted last week on WWE Main Event as Skylor Clinton, so this is not his TV debut.

Niko side headlocks him. Luca crossbodies him then arm throws him. Luca bangs Niko's hand off the mat and Niko hits corner spears. Luca crossbodies him and Niko rolls through it. Niko rams his back into the buckles then Niko hits knees in the corner.

Niko lariats him for 2. Niko hits knees to the gut and germans him for 2. Niko headcranks him. Niko hits a flying headbutt to the chest. Luca cradles him then hits a stunner. Luca neckbreakers him.

They trade punches and Luca hits running forearms. Luca hits a running shoulerblock then running euros him in the corner. Luca superkicks him. Niko goes for a flying headbutt and runs into a codebreaker. Luca gets the win.

Thoughts: The match was just average but I like Niko. He's big. He looks and acts tough and he's alright in the ring. He reminds me of Bron Breakker and I wouldn't be shocked to see them go at it someday if Niko sticks around.

Overall thoughts: There was nothing must see here. The women's match was the best thing on the shower. The opener and main were both average but both were unoffensive. I wouldn't recommend this.

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