Tuesday, September 10, 2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 9/9/2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 9/9/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/09/wwe-monday-night-raw-922024.html

We see various wrestlers arrive.

Joe Tessitore and Wade Barrett are our hosts and are outside the ring.

We see a Wyatt Sick6 vs American Made video.

Mixed Gender Street Fight - Wyatt Sick6 vs American Made

Nikki Cross goes after Ivy to start and everyone fights outside. The Creed's are sent into the rails and Ivy takes a ddt on the floor. Ivy has a garbage can put on her head and Nikki hits kendo stick shots. Nikki basement dropkicks the can into her head. Gacy hits a uplex on the apron then Lumis bubba bombs Chad.

Nikki gets dropped on the commentary table then she is thrown over it. Gacy mudhole stomps Brutus in the corner. Chad hits Lumis with a kendo stick. Rowan double suplexes The Creed's on the floor. Ivy sprays Rowan with a fire extinguisher. Rowan takes a chair shot then a double spinebuster through a table. Lumis is tripped into a chair, head first. Lumis gets hit with kendo sticks then is choked with one. Lumis backdrops Chad then legdrops him. Gacy hits a handspring double lariat on The Creed's. Creed chairs Gacy. Gacy has a trash can put on his head and is hit with kendo sticks.

Nikki hits Ivy with a kendo stick then bangs her head off the commentary table. She then crossbodies her over it and both roll off. Rowan powers up on the outside nd starts running over his opponents. He knocks a barricade over and rams it into American Made. Rowan dropkicks Brutus then hits a side effect for 2.

Roawn is tripped into a chair then double clotheslines over the top. Rowan takes a german into the rail edge then Brutus hits a brutusball on him from the top to the floor. Julius bangs the steps into Rowan's head then Lumis and Gacy do dives.

Rowan and Gacy hit stereo uranage's. Lumis is powerbombed onto Julius. Lumis jumps off the top with a legdrop through a table on Julius. Gacy hits a rebound lariat on Chad. Chad top rope olympic slams Gacy through a table. Gacy is put in an ankle lock then hit with a kendo stick. Nikki germans Chad to break it up. Nikki magic screws Ivy onto chairs outside.

Rowan crossbodies Chad outside while he stares at Howdy. Chad claw slams Chad onto the steps. Uncle Howdy hits a sister abigail on Chad. Lumis top rope splashes Julius and gets the pin.

Thoughts: I hated the intergender parts of this. It didn't make much sense why the boys would let the girls hit them but not do anything in return. Especially since neither group are exactly heroic faces. I didn't get why Howdy sat out for most of the match either while his buddies took whoopings. Other than that, it was pretty much all hardcore weapons shots here with little wrestling. The crowd liked it but the issues were too much to make up for the good parts it had.

Finn Balor comes out to talk. Finn said it didn't have to be this way and said Priest screwed Judgment Day. He said he tried to help him up but Priest held him down. He said he helped him be champ even though it should have been him who was champ. He said Priest screwed him and told him to come out.

Priest comes out and said he's been trying to get his hands on him. He said he will let him say what he wants to say, then he will drop him. Finn says Priest doesn't get to tell him what to do anymore and isn't his sidekick. He says he's not a sidekick. Finn says he wants Priest 1v1 at Bad Blood. He said Priest forgot The Judgment Day playbook and Priest said he wrote it. Judgment Day then attacks Priest.

Rhea comes out and so does Liv. Liv gets hit with a crutch then Rhea hits Dom with a punch and the crutch. Liv hits Rhea with the crutch in the injured leg. Priest then gets hit with it. Jey Uso then comes out and makes the save.

Braun Strowman is interviewed in the locker room. He says he's banged up but knows he needed to step up to Bronson Reed. He said he has shown it takes more than than to keep him down. He says a wounded monster is even more dangerous. Bron Breakker comes up to him. Bron says Braun is a monster but says he's here to prove that you don't need to be tall or 900lbs to be a monster. He says Braun is standing here as he has never gotten in the ring with him. He says he hopes he wins and will see him around.

WWE Women's Tag Titles - Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair (c) vs Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn

BB shoulders over Alba and taunts her. BB slams her. Alba and Isla take double shoulderblocks. Alba is double clotheslines over the top. Jade slams both opponents. Isla takes an atomic drop and Jade takes a head kick.

Alba gets in and then BB gets in. BB hits shoulders and a dropkick. BB suplexes Alba then hits corner punches on Isla. BB hits a top rope double crossbody then handspring backflips onto Isla for 2. 

Alba gets crotched on the top rope. BB takes a double powerbomb. Alba superkicks Jade then BB rolls up Alba for 2. BB takes a gori bomb + flatliner combo for 2. Jade pump kicks Alba. Alba takes a double team ddt into a german for the pin.

It wasn't anything too special but there was nothing bad about it. They kept it moving and really limited Jade here. The heels losing was no surprise.

The LWO are interviewed. Dragon Lee says he's always ready and says Judgment Day can't do anything alone. Lee says he has backup tonight. The Judgment Day come in. Finn says if they get in the win, it'll be one of them next. Rey calls them thugs who runaway. Dom calls Rey a deadbeat. Dom has an injured eye. Rey challenges Finn for a match tonight.

Bret Hart heads to the ring.

Joe Tessitore and Wade Barrett are in the ring and they bring out Bret Hart. 

Bret said nobody took more pride in being a champ or a Canadian champ than him. He says Canadian champs take on anyone and he proved he was the best there ever was and will be. Gunther comes out. He says it's a passing of the torch moment as Bret was the best there was, but he's looking at the best there is and ever will be.

Gunther says Bret will always be a close second to his all-time favorite, Bill Goldberg. Sami Zayn comes out in a Calgary Flames jersey. He says Gunther has a lot of nerve to talk to Bret the way he did. Sami says Bret is a hero. Sami says Bret set the tone for what it means to be champ. He said Gunther ran away from Sami's challenge. Sami tells him to prove it if he's the best there is and challenges him to a rematch.

Gunther says Sami isn't in Bret's league and says he still says no to Sami's challenge. Bret says Gunther doesn't look like a champ but a coward to him. Sami and Gunther have words when Gunther tries to go after Bret. Sami blocks Gunther's punch then throws him into the post. Gunther then leaves.

Thoughts: It was a decent segment here but I was surprised it didn't lead to Gunther accepting the match with Sami. I'm sure he will though, but not tonight.

Pete Dunne and Bron Breakker talk in the back. Bron asks him what he used to call himself. Pete says not to call him that name. Pete says he will beat up Trick and come closer to the IC Title, then smash him. Bron wishes him luck then Sheamus comes in and nails Pete. He swings a shillelagh at him, it gets broken up and Pete leaves.

Dragon Lee vs Dominik Mysterio

They lock up and go into the corner.

Dom hits a big chop and Lee takes him down. Lee rolling death valley drivers him then Dom dropkicks him as he comes off the top. We go to PiP break and return. Dom stomps Lee. Lee flying headscissors him. Lee hits combinacion cabron in the corner then corner basement dropkicks him for 2.

Dom michinoku drivers him for 2. Lee sitout powerbombs him for 2. Dom gets stuck in tree of woe and Lee top rope double stomps him. JD puts Dom's foot on the ropes then The LWO and Judgment Day fight. Wilde jumps off the rails onto everyone and refs break up the outside fighting. Liv clips Lee then Dom 619's Lee. Dom top rope splashes Lee and wins.

It was on the shorter end of things and filled with shenanigans. It was average for the most part.

Lee gets stomped on after and sent out of the ring.

Bianca and Jade talk to Damage Ctrl in the back. They say not to get used to having the tag titles.

A hockey player passed away recently and the announcers brought it up and showed some of the tributes at the arena for him.

Pure Fusion Collective interrupt Lyra Valkyria's entrance. Sonya jokes about Vega and Lyra having a mystery tag partner. She says the three of them will destroy them and tells them to shoot their shot. Natalya is the mystery partner.

Pure Fusion Collective vs Natalya, Zelina Vega and Lyra Valkyria

Vega flying headscissors Zoey then Vega is pulled out. SB kicks Vega from the apron. Zoey plancha's Vega outside. We go to PiP break and return. SB is thrown out. Zoey suplexes Vega. SB and Vega botch a spot outside, sending SB into the side of the apron.

Nat gets in and hits big forearms on Zoey. Zoey misses a splash and Nat drops her on her butt. Nat then basement dropkicks her. Lyra hits a dropkick through the ropes and Vega hits a metoera outside. Zoey slingshot sunset flips Nat then the faces do a triple submission spot. Zoey taps out and the faces win.

Thoughts: This was pretty much just to get Nat a win at home and not much else. It was short and Vega had a bad night here.

Drew McIntrye walks past Alpha Academy in the back and shakes his head at them. 

Drew McIntyre comes out. The crowd chants for CM Punk and Drew joins in. Drew says they aren't moving on just because Punk touched four corners at Bash in Berlin. Drew says he's the one that ended Punk's career and says he wants to talk about the future and what matters, which is him. Drew says he will be in his first movie called The Killer's Game with Batista.

Drew says he has bad news that involves Wade Barrett. Drew asks why Wade got in his way when he was trying to end Punk. He says he's not mad but disappointed. He says he will be angry if Wade does it again and will do something about it. They stare down and Adam Pearce comes out.

Adam says he has news for Drew. He said he spoke to CM Punk and said Punk says he's done with Drew. Drew says he doesn't believe him. Drew says Adam is signing Punk's death certificate. Adam says the fight has to end at Bad Blood and says it'll be them in a Hell in a Cell match.

Thoughts: I'm not too surprised by this but I do think we kind of saw enough of the feud. I'm sure it'll be a decent match though and it'll be nice to see the cell again.

Karrion Kross talks to The Miz in the back. He says Miz is in a rut. Xavier Woods comes in and asks what his "Kurt" is. Kross asks what it is and Woods says "his angle". Kross brings up the Kofi situation. Woods says he will tell Miz what he wants to hear and isn't his friend. Miz says he knows but everyone thinks he will get destroyed by Reed. Miz says he won't understand. Kofi comes in and points out that he has some Bret Hart attire. Kofi says he got them a shot at the tag titles. Woods says he thought they were going for singles titles but he's up for more gold. Woods says they can go into October as the best there ever will be and says it's 10 years of The New Day:

Thoughts: Odyssey Jones appears to be fired but they still seem to be having Kross tell Woods he can't trust Kofi.

Finn Balor vs Rey Mysterio

Finn hits knees to the gut and wristlocks him. Rey uses the ropes and hits kicks and forearms on him. Finn flying back elbows him. Finn chokes him on the ropes. Rey hits punches and Finn drives Rey into the corner. Finn hits corner spears.

Finn hits corner punches then Rey flying headscissors him. Rey dropkicks him out then plancha's him. We go to break and return. Finn is knocked off the apron and Rey slides into a splash on Finn on the floor. Rey hits a top rope la silla then springboard crossbodies him. Rey 619's him in the body then slingshot headscissors him. Finn blocks a 619 then catapults Rey's necks into the ropes.

Finn single leg crabs him in the ropes. Finn doesn't let go and the ref DQ's him.

Finn dropkicks him into the post after then dropkicks him into the apron LED boards.

Thoughts: The match was okay but the finish was lame. We haven't really seen someone DQ'd for not breaking a hold in a while and there wasn't much of a reason for this finish. A Judgment Day run in would have made more sense.

Ilja Dragunov is interviewed. He said he almost missed the IC Title qualifier match tonight because of Judgment Day. He says he needs to dig deep to survive and wants the shot at the IC Title. He says he wants to finish unfinished business with Bron.

Bron comes in and says they don't have unfinished business because he beat him. He says if he wants, he can win tonight and he'll beat him again. Jey Uso then walks in and stares down Bron. He then says to hit his music.

The Judgment Day do a video. Finn says tonight was a message to the locker room. He says anyone can get it any time. Liv says life as Rhea knows it is over. JD says The New Day's time is up and the division belongs to Judgment Day.

#1 Contenders to the Intercontinental Title - Braun Strowman vs Ilja Dragunov vs Jey Uso vs Pete Dunne

They pair off and fight. Braun drops Jey with a punch. Braun throws Pete out then runs into the rails when Pete moves. Jey suicide dives Braun. Ilja release germans Pete then flying knees him in the corner. Ilja hits a running facekick. Jey enzugiri's Ilja.

Braun lifts Pete then Pete pulls on Braun's fingers. Braun then throws Pete out mainly with just his arms. We go to PiP break and return. Braun is getting triple teamed then he throws everyone off. Braun misses a corner spear and goes into the post. Ilja is pulled over the top and Pete rolls up Jey.

Jey uppercuts Pete. Jey enzugiri's Pete then Pete armbars him while pulling the fingers. Bron grabs Pete by the throat as he does this then Ilja top rope dropkicks Braun. Pete plancha's Braun. Jey superkicks Braun. Braun is then sent into the steps by 3 people. 

Jey is sent into the post. Pete release suplexes Ilja. Ilja enzugiri's Pete then springboards, catching Jey's superkick on the landing. We go to PiP break and return. Ilja and Jey trade. Ilja hits spinning chops then tiger feints into a spinning lariat. Ilja gets his fingers split. Braun shoulders Jey and Ilja over.

Braun corner splashes Jey and Ilja then lariats Ilja down.  Braun runs around the ring and hits shoulders on opponents. Pete is thrown into the rails. Bronson Reed then comes out of nowhere and splashes Braun into the commentary table.

Jey and Ilja trade. Jey hits a big spear. Pete throws Jey out and gets a 2 count on Ilja. Pete boots Ilja around then hits mounted forearms. Ilja jumping front kicks him, powerbombs him and hits an h-bomb. Jey superkicks Ilja then top rope splashes Pete to win.

It was good main here. They kept things moving, it got a lot of time, there was a lot of action and they did about the best you could with a multi-man match like this. I'm not shocked Jey won though I really did want to see Braun vs Bron. 

Bron comes down after and stares at Jey but the show immediately ends.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't bad but it wasn't a real exciting Raw. The main was the only thing that was really that good here and there's not a lot of exciting stories going on at the moment. It took me a while to get through this and I wouldn't recommend it.

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