Sunday, September 8, 2024

AEW All Out 2024 9/7/2024

AEW All Out 2024 9/7/2024

MJF vs Daniel Garcia

MJF ended up winning here with a low blow and cradle. DG started this off by attacking MJF from behind by surprise. They did a suplex over the top rope spot with MJF taking a rough fall. DG got busted open here early and a bunch of snot kept coming out of his nose during this which was unusual and gross. I felt they had the right idea did way too much here and this went longer than it needed to. They also needed a better finish than a cradle since this was more about revenge than winning.

They shook hands after. MJF tried to kick him low but DG kicked him low instead. DG then spit on him and hit a 2nd rope piledriver. DG then kissed him after.

AEW Tag Titles - The Young Bucks (c) vs Blackpool Combat Club (Wheeler Yuta and Claudio Castagnoli)

The Bucks got the win after Yuta took a rocket launcher and landed on Matt's knees. It was a just a normal tag match for the most part with The Bucks doing their usual offense and no real story or logic behind it. The Bucks ended up getting the win here as expected.

AEW International Title - Will Ospreay (c) vs PAC

Will won with a styles clash and a hidden blade. They did way too much here as expected with poisonrana's and germans on the apron meaning very little. They did lots of flying here as expected. We had flying space tiger drops and corkscrew moonsaults off the top to the floor. Both of them took some stiff neck bumps in this one. Some people loved it but I thought it was indy garbage.

Street Fight - Willow Nightingale vs Kris Statlander

Willow got powerbombed through the commentary table early. Kris top rope swantoned a table when Willow moved. Willow pounced Kris through a rail. Willow got suplexed on the stage and hit Kris with light tubes. Willow took a top rope spanish fly. They eventually connected each other via a chain and turned it into a chain match. Kris ended up winning with a camel clutch where a chain was used to pull Willow's head. I liked the idea of it but they did too much here.

Will Ospreay is interviewed after. He said it was his first PPV defense and said Pac can get a rematch if he wants. He then invited Ricochet to set up a match with him. Will tells him to stop sitting in the back and to rack up wins to fight him.

AEW Continental Title - Kazuchika Okada (c) vs. Mark Briscoe vs. Orange Cassidy vs. Konosuke Takeshita

I missed a lot of this and will check it out tomorrow.

AEW TBS Title - Mercedes Mone (c) vs Hikaru Shida

It wasn't good. They had a lot of sloppy moments and they totally outlived their welcome here. The crowd wasn't that into it and Mone working Shida's knee wasn't done that well. Tazz and Tony Schiavone argued throughout the first half of this which didn't help things either.

AEW World Title - Bryan Danielson (c) vs Jack Perry

Jack Perry arrived in his scapegoat bus for this and had people in soldier helmets and face coverings. Bryan came out to The Final Countdown.

Bryan won as expected with a flying knee. This really went long when it didn't need to. The crowd didn't like Jack at all. Jack controlled things for a while and then Bryan controlled things for a while. The ref got knocked down and The Young Bucks came out to beat up Bryan. Claudio and Yuta made the save. We got back to the match and had another 5-10 minutes before Bryan picked up the win. I didn't think this was that good and should have focused more on Bryan's injured neck.

Byan celebrated with the title after and Killswitch attacked him. Christian comes out and teases cashing in his casino gauntlet title show but Jon Moxley appears in his way. Claudio, Yuta and Pac then joined Mox and Christian's crew backed off. The BCC then got in the ring and turned on Mox. CC euro'd Bryan then Mox put a plastic bag around Bryan's head. Pac held Yuta back while this happened and Yuta checked on Bryan after as Bryan was given oxygen.

Thoughts: Well, I didn't see that coming. The turn really wasn't well built to at all and there's not a lot of obvious reasons for it. We'll have to see what comes of this but why would Mox prevent Christian from cashing in when he was going to turn on Bryan anyway? And why wouldn't Christian come out once Mox left?

Lights Out Steel Cage Match - "Hangman" Adam Page vs Swerve Strickland

Swerve started the match with a jacket on and the match started before the cage even lowered. Nana threw a bunch of stuff in the cage before the cage lowered and they both tried to get the cage to lower on the other in a cool spot. There was no camera inside the cage or holes where the camera could get a clean shot.

Swerve no sold staple gun shots then stapled Page with it. Swerve then stapled pictures of his family onto Page. Page couldn't hit a buckshot lariat due to the cage stopping him from slingshotting in. Swerve did a bad buckshot on Page over the ref's back. Swerve then later lawn darted Page into a chair between the buckles. Page took a kudo driver with his back hitting a cement block.

Page was in tree of woe and Swerve double stomped him through a table. Page got a piece of burnt wood from Swerve's house and Swerve ended up stabbing Page with it. Swerve got powerbombed on a cement block then was powerbombed off the buckles. Page took Swerve's gold grill off of his teeth and stuck a needle through Swerve's mouth. Page then hit an unprotected chair shot on Swerve, denting the chair and the ref stopped it.

It was a longer, slower and drawn out match. I thought they did a good job of pushing how much they hated each other. They did way too much here as usual though and the crowd wasn't great. I watch a lot of Big Japan, so needles and stuff aren't new to me, but that stuff is not going to go over well with a lot of fans and is not going to do much to shred the "outlaw indy" rep AEW gets. I didn't love the finish as there wasn't a lot of momentum behind it and it was a real sudden and fast ending that hushed the crowd. I was surprised to see Page win this as that makes two losses in two weeks for Swerve. 

Overall thoughts: It was a long show that went about 5.5 hours if you watched the pre-show. Everything got more than enough time and it wasn't for the best. As usual, they did too much in almost every match and that brought down some of the more logical matches like Garcia/MJF and Swerve/Page. The Bucks' match and Mone's match were the low points of the night. I'm not sure if I'd say there was a best match of the night but Swerve/Page or MJF/Garcia had the least faults and came the closest. The BCC essentially breaking up was a surprise and we'll have to see where it goes. I didn't like this show that much and would not recommend it.

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