Thursday, September 5, 2024

Pro Wrestling NOAH 9/1/2024 N-1 Victory 2024 Day 9

Pro Wrestling NOAH 9/1/2024 N-1 Victory 2024 Day 9

Day 8 is here:

Super Crazy vs. Hajime Ohara vs. Tadasuke vs. Alejandro

Ale takes a double boot then an armdrag. Crazy hits a double armdrag then Ale armdrags him. Ale tilt-a-whirl armdrags Ohara then spinning bodyscissors Tada out. Ale gets triple teamed by his opponents and takes corner attacks.

Ale takes a double hiptoss for 2 then Tada does as well. Crazy slams Ohara. Crazy hits corkscrew elbows on Ale and Ohara. Tada flying euros Ohara then spinning toe holds him. Ale flies him and headscissors Tada out. Ale then plancha's Tada.

Ale slingshot splashes Ohara then tope con hilos Crazy. Ohara tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Tada then Ale rolls into a ddt on Crazy. Ale tornillos Crazy off the top and wins.

Thoughts: It was a short one. It was not anyone's best work and they didn't get much time. It was okay for what it was though and Ale really was the only one doing flying here.

Masa Kitamiya vs. Junta Miyawaki

Masa shoulders him over to start and side headlocks him. Jun running forearms and dropkicks him. Masa is pulled over the top and Jun triangle plancha's him. Jun hits dropkicks to the knee. Masa catches a plancha and rams Jun into he apron.

Masa back elbows him for 2 then slams him. Masa samoan drops him for 2. Masa rams him into the buckles. Jun corner dropkicks him and running back elbows him. Jun hits a top rope dropkick for 2. Jun hits a diamond dust. Masa misses a corner spear and is rolled up. Masa drops him on his knees and facebusters him. Masa then sentons him for 2.

Masa backdrops him and wins.

Thoughts: It was short and just average for the most part. Jun did some flying and Masa thwarted some of it before putting him down.

Kai Fujimura, Ryohei Oiwa & Titus Alexander vs. Jack Morris, Ulka Sasaki & Yu Owada

Ulka and Oiwa trade hammerlocks. Oiwa shoulders him over then is tripped. Ulka sunset flips him and ties his legs up. They stand off. Oiwa and Jack shoulderbattle. Jack shoulders him over then Oiwa germans him. Jack shoulders over Titus and poses then Titus poses back. Titus dropkicks Jack.

Jack top rope dropkicks TitusYu gets in and spin kicks Titus. Yu 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him then dropkicks him. Titus suplexes him. Kai gets in and hiptosses Yu. Kai side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Kai rolls over Yu's back and armdrags him then flipping sentons him.

Yu rolls Kai into a dropkick. Ulka hits kicks to Kai's back. Ulka slams Kai then Jack chops Kai down. Jack gets the buckles on a corner splash and takes a 2nd rope dropkick from Kai. Oiwa gets in. He gets offense in all 3 opponents. Oiwa suplexes and falling splashes Jack. Jack pump kicks him and hits a flying knee.

Ulka flying knees Oiwa in the back of the head for 2. Ulka cutters Oiwa then does a nice deadlift suplex on him. Kai hits corner attacks on Ulka then dropkicks him. Ulka facekicks Kai then high kicks him. Kai cradles Ulka then suplexes him out of it.

Yu and Titus get in. Yu dropkicks him twice then suplexes him for 2. Titus superkicks him then Yu does a suplex on him. Yu hits forearms on Titus then Titus does an attitude adjustment neckbreaker for 2. Kai dropkicks Jack out then Titus tope con hilos onto everyone outside. Titus gets back in, goes for a chaos theory and is rolled up for 2. Titus hits a pumping knee on Yu for 2. Titus hits a chaos theory german on Yu and wins it.

Thoughts: It was just a match for the most part. They got too much time for what they did but not enough time for it to be much more. There were some nice dropkicks here though and the rookies got to do more than usual. 

Kazuyuki Fujita & Yoshitatsu vs. Manabu Soya & Tavion Heights

Soya and Yoshi go at it. Yoshi wristlocks him. Yoshi flips out of Soya's wristlock. Soya side headlocks him then they shoulder battle. Soya shoulders him over then Yoshi hits a dropkick. Kaz and Tav go at it. They do amateur wrestling as expected and Tav backs him up on the ropes.

Tav takes double boots in the corner from his opponents. Yoshi works Tav's arm then armbars him. Yoshi hammerlocks Tav then Tav does a nice hip throw. Tav pounds on Yoshi and lariats him on the ropes. Soya slams and knee drops Yoshi. Soya headscissors him.

Yoshi backcrackers Soya then Kaz shoulders over Soya. Kaz backdrops Soya for 2. Soya hits chops on Kaz then suplexes him. av hits lariats on Kaz. Kaz lariats him and they trade forearms. Kaz germans him. Yoshi hits kicks on Tav then fisherman suplexes him for 2.

Yoshi tornado ddt's Tav for 2. Yoshi corner lariats Tav then Tav takes a double suplex. Tav does a nice capture suplex on Yoshi for 2. Yoshi rolls up Tav then backslides him. Yoshi cradles Tav then Tav flying lariats him for 2. Tav hits a belly to belly suplex and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't much. They didn't get to do a ton here and Yoshi went down pretty easy.

Great Sakuya, Miyuki Takase, Sandra Moone & Takumi Iroha vs. Bozilla, Kizuna Tanaka, Kouki Amarei & Miku Aono

Kiz hits dropkicks on MT. Kiz hits chest forearms then MT chops her. MT throws Kiz down off of her back. Kiz crucifixes MT then cradles her for 2. Kiz sunset flips MT but MT gets a pin attempt out of it.

Moone takes forearms from Kouki. Moone forearms her over then Kouki chest kicks her. Iroha spin kicks Miku and they trade body kicks. Iroha kick combos her and PK's her before taking a dropkick. They do a bad looking kick spot where Miku doesn't really block it but doesn't sell it either.

Boz and Great get in. Great spits green mist and dances. Great spin kicks her then Boz throws her up. Boz slams Iroha then hits a double lariat. Kouki facekicks Great and jumping facekicks her. Kouki dominators Great for 2. Great slaps her and Boz knees great from the apron. Kouki nails Boz on accident then takes a dropkick from MT. Great boots Kouki then tiger feint armdrags her. Great superkicks Kouki then axe kicks her for 2. Moone takes a facekick from Kouki then she lariats Kouki. Kiz flying lariats Moone then holds her for a boot.

Kouki falling splashes Moone for 2. Miku corner dropkicks Moone then kicks her in the back. Moone back kicks Miku then blue thunders her for 2. MT top rope dropkicks Miku the corner lariats her. MT flying forearms her. MT hits chops on Miku then MT takes attacks from her opponents. Miku twisting slams MT then germans her. MT hits a big lariat on Miku.

Kiz dropkicks Iroha when they get in. Iroha spinning forearms her then high kicks her. Boz then picks up Iroha and germans her. Miku lariats Iroha then Boz vader bombs Iroha. Kouki top rope 180 splashes Iroha. Kiz hits a fisherman's suplex on Iroha for 2.

MT lariats Kiz on the ropes and Moone backdrops Kiz. Kiz rolls up Iroha then Iroha rolls her up while doing a german to Miku. Boz hits a double suplex then Great poisonrana's Boz. Great green mists Boz and Iroha head kicks Boz. Great top rope rmoonsaults Boz. Iroha hits two headkicks on Kiz then sliding knees her for the win.

Thoughts: It didn't get a lot of time and had a lot of people in it. Iroha ended up winning here which was a surprise. It was just average.

Boz and Iroha fight after.

Josh Briggs vs. Yoshiki Inamura

Thye lock up and let off. Josh backs him up in the corner and YI side headlocks him. They shoulder battle and Josh shoves him. YI takes a boot then Josh shoulders him over. YI shoulders him over then corner splashes him. YI goes for the victory splash and Josh gets his feet up. Josh pounds on him and hits forearms.

Josh hits back elbows. They go out and Josh goes to sit in the front row, telling the fans to move for him. Josh elbow drops him in the ring. Josh side slams and splashes him for 2. Josh bangs YI's arm off the mat then throws him hard into the buckles.

YI slams him and corner splashes him. YI hits his victory splash then brainbusters him. Josh hits a sidewalk slam for 2. Josh hits a big chokeslam for 2. YI hits a big lariat for 2 then hits a spear/battering ram. They trade forearms. YI misses a corner splash and Josh pins him with a lariat.

Thoughts: It was shorter, condensed version of what they could have done together. It needed about 10 more minutes. What we got was good with them doing hoss stuff. They have styles that naturally click together and it's a shame we didn't get to see what they could do with no restraints.

El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr., Galeno Del Mal & Luis Mante vs. Alpha Wolf, Dragon Bane & Shun Skywalker

Shun and Hijo start us off. Hijo is back I suppose from his injury that took him out of the N-1. Shun wipes his feet on the Noah logo and pushes him. Hijo eye pokes him and shoulders him over. Shun jumps in the air and is caught. Shun boots him out of the corner then they legsweep each other and stand off.

LM and Wolf go at it. LM takes a kick from Shun and is knocked down. LM then forearms Shun off the apron. Wolf bites LM's hand then LM dropkicks him. Galeno and Bane go at it. Bane spin kicks him and pumping knees him. Bane kips down out of a lariat and superkicks him. Bane pumping knees him then Galeno shoulders him over. Shun hurricanrana's Galeno.

Galeno hits a double lariat on his opponents then he pops up LM into a headscissors on Wolf. Galeno's team do triple tope con hilos outside. Galeno's team then poses in the ring. LM comes off of Galeno's shoulders to splash Wolf then Galeno splashes wolf. Hijo gets on Galeno's shoulders and splashes Wolf for 2.

Shun ends up against all 3 opponents and hits forearms on them. they then take turns chopping him. Shun is lariated over the top by LM. Bane gets in and does a handspring double back elbow. Shun superkicks Galeno then Bane headscissors Galeno off the ropes. LM takes a double team. LM springboards and Shun dropkicks him in mid-air.

Hijo top rope moonsaults LM then Bane is popped up, gets on Hijo's shoulders and moonsaults LM. Hijo and Galeno hit stereo chest headbutts then do the rowboat/star. Bane flying headscissors LM into the middle of it. LM hits soul foot on Bane then Bane standing ssp's him. Everyone starts hitting a move.

Shun fights of Hijo and Galeno. Shun pump kicks Galeno and then Shun and Wolf do stereo tope con hilos outside. Bane hurricanrana's and pumping knees LM. LM does a tilt-a-whirl drop on Bane. Bane ki krushers LM for 2. Bane pumping knees LM. LM germans him then LM pop-up powerbombs him for the win.

Thoughts: It was fine. It oddly did have some slow points here and there weren't exactly any real face/heel alignments. They weren't allowed to go all out here which was a benefit as they couldn't turn this one into a super indy style match. Having 6 people in there hid some of the weaknesses of these guys.

GHC Tag Team Title Match - Naomichi Marufuji & Takashi Sugiura (c) vs. Akitoshi Saito & Mohammed Yone

Yone and Sugi start us off. They shoulder battle and Yone slams him. Yone misses a legdrop. Maru and Saito get in. Maru chops him Saito chops back. Saito shoulders him over and Maru hits kicks on the apron. Sugi then facekicks Saito from the side off the apron. Saito's head is banged off the post.

Sugi boots Saito and they trade forearms. Maru chops Saito then Saito forearms him.  Sugi hits forearms on Saito then Saito uranages him. Yone corner lariats Sugi. Maru tries to help out and gets a double throat thrust from Yone. Yone 2nd rope legdrops Sugi.

Yone kicks him in the back then Sugi spears him. Maru chops Yone and hits Kawada kicks. Yone no sells it and Maru hits 2 kick combos. Maru knocks him down with a pumping knee then knees him in the back for 2. Maru hits a shiranui for 2. Maru hook kicks Yone then Yone lariats him down.

Yone corner lariats him and hits a muscle buster for 2. Yone slams Maru then Sugi 2nd rope superplexes Yone. Yone no sells it then takes a pumping knee from Maru. Saito knees Sugi in the gut several times. Sugi facekicks Saito then running knees him. Sugi hits forearms on Saito. Saito powers up and forearm flurries Sugi.

Saito running forearms Sugi. Sugi takes forearms from both and is lifted into a powerbomb. Saito uranages Sugi four times for 2. Maru jumps off Sugi's back with a pumping knee on Saito. Maru knees Yone in the gut. Saito takes a superkick + forearm combo. Saito fights off the double team with lariats and fires up.

Saito and Sugi trade forearms. Sugi forearm combos him and knocks him down with a punch. Sugi hits more forearms then Saito enzugiri's him. Saito running enzugiri's him for 2. Saito goes for a move and is put in a grounded guillotine choke. Sugi makes him pass out and wins.

Thoughts: It was a good but not great tag as expected. This was pretty much all about Saito here. It was almost all strikes but the strikes looked good so it was fine. I would have liked a little better finish than guillotine choke though.

Harada and Tadasuke get in the ring after. Harada says he knew Yo and Haya would win. He says he has high expectations when they team up.  He wishes them a long reign. Harada nominates an indy wrestler named Yuto Kikuchi to join them

GHC Junior Heavyweight Title Match - AMAKUSA (c) vs. Daga

Daga boots him on the handshake attempt. Ama rolls him up twice then hits a pair of armdraga. Daga goes out. They get back in and test strength. Ama bodyscissors takeovers him then misses a plancha. Daga powerbombs him on the apron from the floor.

Ama slides through the ropes and tries to powerbomb him off the apron but Daga double stomps him. Daga then tope con hilos him through the ropes. Ama is sent into the rails shoulder first then Daga rams Ama's arm into the post. Daga wraps the arm around the top rope and bites it. Daga pulls him down by the arm off a leapfrog then lifts and drops him by the arm.

Ama tilt-a-whirl headscissors him then is popped up and facebustered. Daga hammerlocks Ama and Ama ropebreaks. Daga lifts him by the arm and Ama headscissors him out of it. Ama spinning headscissors him out then tornillo topes him into the rails.

Ama runs the apron and sunset bombs Daga into the rails. Ama springboard back elbows him in the back of the neck for 2. Ama hits shots to the spine. Daga boots him out of the corner and pulls him into the buckles with his feet. Ama 450 splashes Daga's back for 2. Dags superkicks him  in the head and reverse sitout slams him.

They trade chops. Ama rolls him up then Daga flying kicks him. Daga cross-legged michinoku drivers him for 2. Daga rolls him but gets basement dropkicked in the back. Daga lariats him then elbow slices him down for 2. Daga armbars him and Ama ropebreaks.

Ama hits a top rope hurricanrana then toyota rolls him into a sunset flip for 2. Ama tries a seatbelt pin for 2. Ama figure fours his legs and germans him. Ama misses a spiral tap and cradles him. Ama goes for a pin and takes a sitout powerbomb for 2. Daga hits a big forearm then does a double underhook codebreaker and wins.

Thoughts: It was fine with Daga working the arms and Ama working the back. Daga then ended up winning with a double underhook codebreaker that I guess you could say involved the arms. We got some flying here and they didn't overdo it, so I was fine with this overall.

GHC Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Title Match - Eita & Shuji Kondo (c) vs. HAYATA & YO-HEY

Eita and Yo trade wristlocks. Eita headsicssors him and they go face to face. Shuji and Haya get in. Haya double stomps Shuji's back then throws him into the buckles. Haya flying kicks Shuji in the head. Yo gets in and basement dropkicks Shuji.

Shuji takes a double facebuster and a double basement dropkick. Shuji hits a flying lariat + bulldog. Eita sweeps Yo off the buckles, making him dropkick Haya. Kondo chinlocks Haya on the ropes. Haya is sent into the rails.

Shuji throws Haya out then Eita throws Haya into the rails. Tadasuke gets in Eita's face about it and is thrown into the rails. Haya and Shuji trade forearms. Shuji pops him up and Haya hits a reverse ddt out of it. Haya flying headscissors Shuji. 

Yo hits a double dropkick on his opponents. He hits kicks on Shuji then top rope dropkicks Shuji for 2. Shuji takes a twist of fate then a high/low. Shuji takes a double superkick for 2. Haya handsprings and gets hit then Shuji kubiange's Yo onto Haya.

Haya is sent into the buckles then Eita back body drops him for 2. Shuji hits a lanzarse on Haya for 2. Eita camel clutches Haya. Shuji 2nd rope powerbombs Yo. Haya takes a double back elbow then a double basement dropkick. Shuji lariats Eita on accident then Haya enzugiri's Shuji.

Eita criss-cross facekicks Haya then Yo double knees Eita on the ropes. Shuji hits a big lariat on Yo by surprise. Haya is popped up into an Eita superkick for 2. Haya headlock takeovers Eita out of nowhere for 2. Yo dropkicks Eita then Haya hits an elevated ddt on Eita for 2. Haya short hurricanrana spike's Eita and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was okay but not really worthy of a semi-main spot. I didn't like the 2nd rope powerbomb not meaning much, but you can hide that stuff in tag matches a little better than singles matches. They had some nice double teams here but it could have been better.

GHC Heavyweight Title / N-1 Victory 2024 Final Match - Kaito Kiyomiya (c) vs. Kenoh

They trade fast forearms to start then facekick each other. KK hits a facekick flurry then dragon screws him. KK hits a shining wizard for 2. KK figure fours him. Ken goes out then KK bangs Ken's leg off the post. KK bangs Ken's knee off the mat and dragon screws him. Ken pulls over him out and dropkicks him through the ropes.

Ken kicks him against the rail outside and drops him gut first on it. Ken then dropkicks him from the apron while he's laying on the rail. Ken double knee drops his back for 2 and hits kicks to the back. Ken footchokes KK on the ropes then stands on his gut.

Ken spin kicks him in the gut then KK flying lariats him. KK hits some shots and Ken hits a dropkick. Both kip up and KK dropkicks him. KK hits corner punches then dragon screws him. KK misses a shining wizard and Ken ends up hitting a german after an ankle lock attempt. Ken sweeps him into a double stomp then flying knees him in the back.

Ken hits chest kicks and Ken hits euros. KK hits a dropkick, Ken no sells it and PK's him then KK shining wizards him. KK dropkicks him in the knee then does a top rope dropkick to the knee. KK figure fours him and Ken rope breaks.

KK slides uner him and takes a double footstomp. Ken facekicks him then blocks KK's hurricanrana, turning it into an ankle lock. Ken then kicks him in the gut off of it. Ken PK's him for 2. KK jumps over the top rope and flying hurricanrana's him down to the floor from the apron.

KK tiger suplexes him. Ken blocks a shining wizard and dragon suplexes him. Ken release top rope dragon suplexes him for 2. KK hurricanrana's Ken for 2. Ken spinning high kicks him and Ken hits a flying knee. KK does a single underhook bomb for 2.

KK walks up the buckles and shining wizards Ken for 2. Ken blocks a shining wizard and crossfaces him. KK ropebreaks. Ken hit a top rope double footstomp for 2 then basically sentons him off of it. Ken misses a top rope moonsault and KK shining wizards him for 2.

Ken blocks a shining wizard then takes one. Ken high kicks him then KK armdrags him for the win.

Thoughts: This sucked. Kaito did a bunch of legwork that ultimately meant nothing here. Ken did a top rope dragon suplex that also really meant nothing. The finish was bad (and likely botched) with Kaito basically winning with an armdrag of all things. This was very disappointing.

They pound fists after and Kaito talks on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: It was a long show as these big Noah shows are. They had too many matches so nothing on the undercard got much time. The main wasn't good, with potentially a botched count on the finish and the semi-main should not have been the semi-main. The junior title match and the tag title matches were good and I liked what we got of Briggs vs Inamura. I would not recommend this one though and I didn't think it was a great show.

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