Monday, September 2, 2024

WWE NXT No Mercy 2024 9/1/2024

WWE NXT No Mercy 2024 9/1/2024


WWE NXT Tag Titles - Chase U (Andre Chase and Ridge Holland) (c) vs Axiom and Nathan Frazer

Ax headlock takeovers Chase then Chase knees him in the gut. Ax bridges out of a wristlock then dropkicks Chase. Chase is put in an octopus and NF dropkicks Chase while he's in it. NF goes up and over Chase in the corner then dropkicks him. Ridge pop-up drops NF then swinging front facelocks him. Ridge double underhook suplexes NF for 2.

Chase basement dropkicks NF. Ax ddt's Chase for 2. Chase takes a half-nelson suplex and a double superkick. NF running ssp's Chase for 2. Ax gets on Chase's back and is rammed into the corner. Ax ankle locks Chase. Chase rolls him off and they do a double clothesline. Ridge and NF get in. Ridge hits a big lariat and 2 overhead suplexes.

Ridge corner splashes NF then twisting ddt's him off the shoulder. Ax is caught on a top rope crossbody by Ridge then Ridge powerslams him. Ridge goes up top and top rope diving headbutts Ax. NF comes off the top and breaks the pin.

NF springboard double axe handles Ridge then Ridge takes a legsweep + top rope dropkick combo for 2. Ridge headbutts Nf in the chest. NF dropkicks Chase while he's on the top rope. Ax gets crotched on the top rope as NF runs the ropes. Chase top rope spanish flies Ax then hits a nice tiger driver for 2.

Ridge hits chops on Ax and Ax fires back. Ax superkicks Ridge then Ax topes Chase. NF topes Ridge and gets caught. Ax gets caught too on a dive. Both are driven into the apron edge then over the rail. Ax and NF then jump off the rail onto Ridge. 

Ax top rope splashes Chase then kicks Ridge off the apron. NF springboard 450's Chase for 2. NF armdrags Chase and enzugiri's him. Chase urakens him. NF takes a doomsday device for 2. NF takes a buckle bomb + kick to the head. Ridge northern lights bombs NF for 2. All four men are down.

Ax enzugiri's Ridge out. NF spinning enzugiri's Chase. NF runs up the buckles and superplexes Chase. Chase takes a superkick + brainbuster combo. Ax golden ratio kicks NF on accident. Ridge hits a big lariat on Ax then Ax takes a powerbomb + backcracker for 2.

NF springboard dropkicks Ridge and knocks Chase over with it. NF tope con hilos Ridge. Ax cradles Chase for 2. Chase spinning neckbreakers Ax. Chase takes an enzugiri on the buckles then Ax to prope spanish flies Chase. NF hits a top rope phoenix splash on Chase and wins.

Thoughts: They did too much here and sold very little of it. I wasn't a fan of that. It was a very fast paced match and the two teams worked well together. Chase kind of went back to his indy days here doing stuff he doesn't usually do. They teased issues with Ax and NF here.

Ridge nails Riley and Duke as they go to leave the ring. Ridge then nails Chase. Duke is sent into the rails and Riley is sent into the steps. Ridge gorilla press slams Chase out to the floor. Thea tries to stop Ridge but Ridge backs her up and she cries. Ridge elevated ddt's Chase on the commentary table. A stretcher is brought out for Chase and they go to put a neck brace on him.

Thoughts: People weren't buying Ridge as a face and they finally turned him here after he was starting to turn the corner some. I can't really fault them for turning him and we'll have to see if it helps him at all.

We get a video on Pete Dunne and Trick Williams.

We see Jaida Parker and Roxanne Perez arrive.

Wes Lee vs Zachary Wentz

Wes back elbows him and Wentz is pushed off a springboard attempt. Wes rolls him up for 2 then blocks a headkick. Wentz misses a pumping knee and they stare down. Wes hits Wentz. Wentz sweeps him into a basement dropkick. Wentz does a nice tornillo off the buckles. Wes goes out to avoid a kick.  

Wes sends Wentz into the post and kicks him against the LED ring skirt. Wentz is backdropped on the apron for 2. Wes hits knees to the gut of WentzWentz hits punches. Wes sends him into the middle buckle face first. Wes dropkicks him against the bottom buckle.

Wes armlocks Wentz. They hold hands and trade shots. Wes spin kicks him in the gut and Wentz handspring jumping knees him. Went hits running shots on Wes. Wes leapfrogs and is pulled down. Wentz germans Wes. Wentz step up knees Wes in the corner, rolling snapmares him and PK's him. 

Wentz PK's Wes from the apron and Wes backflips on the bump. Wentz corkscrew dives Wes off the 2nd rope then hits a top rope swanton for 2. Wentz superkicks Wes from behind. Wes rolls up Wentz. Wes does a meteora but Wentz backrolls through and crabs Wes. Wentz superkicks Wes.

Wentz is on the 2nd rope and Wes hurricanrana's him from the mat. Wes hits a phoenix splash for 2. Wes hits a cardiac kick on Wentz for 2. Wes hits a punch on Wentz. Wentz canadian destroyer ddt's Wes. Wes no sells it and meteora's him. Wes then rolls out.

Wes pulls Wentz out. Wentz is pushed into the steps. Wes running knees the steps when Wentz moves. Wes kicks Wentz against the table. Wentz barely sits on it with no pressure whatsoever and the table breaks in a really funny spot. Wes top rope double stomps Wes. Wentz is sent shoulder first into the post.

Wes goes to chair Wentz and Trey Miguel appears, taking the chair away. Wentz diving canadian destroyers Wes from the apron to the floor. Wentz hits a ufo cutter and wins.

Thoughts: I hated it. It was indy garbage with them doing way too much and not selling much at all. They also didn't do a good job of putting over their dislike for each other here as they had a normal flippy match. The table breaking spot was hilarious as Wentz could not have been more gentle with it and it just fell down. Wentz winning was a big surprise since he hadn't been used much since he got turned on.

We get some video replays.

Hank and Tank talk about the show via instagram. They can't believe Ridge turned on Chase. They say new NXT Tag champs mean new #1 contenders and tease challenging them.

Trick Williams goes up to Joe Hendry in the back. Trick says he will call it down the middle tonight. Joe says when he wins, Trick will be first in line for a title shot. Trick says he believes in Joe Hendry. 

NXT Women's North American Title - Kelani Jordan (c) vs Wendy Choo

Choo knees her in the gut then KJ throws her down backwards. KJ dropkicks her. KJ rolls, tiger feints and armdrags her. Choo stomps her fingers then monkey flips her. KJ hurricanrana's her and dropkicks her through the ropes. KJ tornillo plancha's her.

KJ hits another dropkick and high kicks her. KJ cartwheel moonsaults her for 2. KJ gets crotched up top. KJ is stuck in tree of woe on the outside of the ring then Choo dropkicks her.

Choo snapmares her and twists her neck. Choo running facekicks her for 2. KJ is catapulted into the buckles then Choo short flatliners her. KJ backrolls her then Choo double throat thrusts her. Choo axe kicks her then cartwheel splashes her in the corner. KJ cartwheels into a sunset flip for 2. 

KJ gets flipped over then Choo kicks her in the chest for 2. They double clotheslines each other down. KJ is caught on a cartwheel and takes a german suplex. KJ cartwheel back elbows her. KJ spinning heel kicks her. KJ hits two ddt's for 2 then low crossbodies her. KJ hits a boot flurry to the face then hits a top rope frogsplash for 2.

Choo suplexes her on the floor. They go back in and Choo powerbombs her. Choo full-nelson slams her for 2. KJ stunners Choo over the top rope. Choo runs up the buckles for an armdrag but slips and both fall down in a bad botch. Choo cobra clutches her.

KJ recovers and hits forearms. KJ handsprings then does a flatliner. KJ 450's Choo then hits a split-legged moonsault to win.

Thoughts: It went a little longer than it needed to. Other than the botch, it was better than expected. KJ moved around well here did a lot of athletic stuff. I mostly liked this one.

Tatum Paxley sneaks up behind Choo after and dragon sleepers her. Tatum then puts a dool on Choo's pillow.

We see Andre Chase getting put in an ambulance. 

Ridge Holland is interviewed but he has nothing to say.

WWE NXT North American Title - Oba Femi (c) vs Tony D'Angelo

Oba side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Tony takes him down then lariats him over the top rope to the floor. Oba sends Tony into the apron and Tony flying forearms him. Tony hits a german then lariats him over the top.

Oba rams Tony into the corner. Tony and Oba knock knees/Tony rolls his ankle and Tony goes down when he's not supposed to. Oba suplexes Tony. Tony hits corner spears and then northern lights suplexes him. Oba overhead suplexes him then running euros him. 

Oba lariats him from behind then slams him. Tony rolls up Oba then Oba hits a shoulderbeaker for 2. Tony drops Oba down on the apron then Ton does an overhead belly to belly suplex. Tony hits some shots and belly to belly suplexes him. Tony running boors him then fisherman suplexes him for 2.

Tony powerslams him then electric chair drops him for 2. Tony gets into it with Luca Crusafino as he tries to grab a crowbar. Stacks tries to take it from him and is thrown over the rail. Oba then spears the steps when Tony moves.

Tony hits a big spear for 2. Oba throws Tony on a backdrop. Oba lariats him over the top and goes with him. Tony gets chopped on the apron. Oba pop-up powerbombs him for 2.  

Tony spinebusters Oba. Oba corner euros him then hits a powerbomb. Oba hits a sitout powerbomb and wins.

It was a good heavyweight match. They pretty much stuck to suplexes, powerbombs, slams and spinebusters here and it worked out well. It was one of Tony's better performances and it exceeded my expectations.

Trick Williams and Ethan Page talk in the back. Trick says he will call this match down the middle. Page calls it a bigger joke than Trick being NXT champ. Trick says Page will abide by his rules. Page says he has something Trick wants and says Trick can't beat him for it (the title). He says Trick will do everything in his power to make sure Joe walks out with the title. Trick says it's not about Joe. He says if Page doesn't abide by his rules, he will whoop that trick tonight.

Wentz and Trey Miguel are interviewed. Wentz says he's excited to win but he won the match and lost a brother. He says it's time to put his former best friend in rear view and focus on the brother he has. Trey says he did what Wentz what he would have done for him. Trey says we got new tag champs and Wentz challenges Axiom/Frazer.

Jaida Parker talks on her way to the ring. She says Perez is a decorated women's champ but her titles comes home with Jaida. Jaida says she's on point and ready to be the next women's champ.

WWE NXT Women's Title - Roxanne Perez (c) vs Jaida Parker

Perez hammerlocks her and JP swings at her. JP throws her off then Perez hammerlocks her. Perez side headlock takeovers her then JP headscissors her. Perez headflips and bridges out of it then poses. Perez knees her in the gut then JP armdrags her and bows. Perez slaps her and JP throws her down by the hair.

JP hits short arm shoulderblocks. Perez goes out then shoulders Perez over. JP double underhook suplexes her. JP is pulled out and catches Perez's tope. JP is pulled down on the steps then thrown into them. JP is curb stomped into the steps.

Perez stomps her gut. JP hits some puches then backrolls her for 2. Perez shotgun dropkicks her. Pereez works the gut and pulls her over the 2nd rope connector. Perez abdominal stretches her. They trade forearms. JP gets stuck on the 2nd rope then Perez buttpresses her and dos JP's taunt with it. 

JP does a sitout powerbomb for 2. JP shoulders her over and slams her. JP spinebusters her for 2. JP puts her on the 2nd rope and top rope buttdrops her while she's there. JP hits a reverse suplex. JP goes for a hip attack and Perez rolls her up. Perez does a rings of saturn variation and JP samoan drops her out of it. 

JP misses a vader bomb and Perez puts her in la magistral. Perez spin kicks her in the gut then JP running hip attacks her out of the ring. JP hip attacks the rail and goes through it when Perez moves. Perez hits pop rocks on the rail. Perez hits pop rocks in the ring and wins it.

Thoughts: This was a really strong match here. Perez worked JP's injured ribs throughout the match and eventually won with a code red, which kind of affected the ribs. Parker came up big here in her showcase match and hit a cool buttdrop off the top rope, which she hasn't done before. I didn't expect that much out of it but they overdelivered and I liked this. Jaida Parker is the real deal, but I feel like she's more of a Bayley than a Tiffany Stratton who can produce but isn't the most flashy.

The lights go out and music hits. Giulia of Marigold/Stardom/Ice Ribbon comes out and looks totally different as she doesn't have her braids. They stare down.

Thoughts: I think I said it when she was first shown months ago, but I'm not a Giulia fan. She screwed over Ice Ribbon, after they invested lots of time and money into her. Her departure started Ice Ribbon's highway to hell to the point that I find it near unwatchable. She then joined Stardom, milked them for everything they were worth and ditched them for Marigold. Marigold and WWE are kind of working together but she has now left Marigold for WWE. I don't have a problem with people trying to improve their careers, but she did not leave Ice Ribbon and Stardom on positive notes after they treated her well. I always felt she got pushed because of her race and I just don't think she's a great wrestler. She's not real strong at English as far as I know and works more of a brawling style. She's also in a promotion that has the most athletic group of female wrestlers ever and I think it will be hard for her to impress.

Ava is interviewed. She says Chase will be in the hospital overnight for tests and doesn't know what got into Ridge Holland. Ava says there will be a Rascalz vs Gallus vs Hank and Tank triple threat for a tag title shot on 9/10. Ava says the winner of the main will also defend their title on the first CW show.

NXT Title - Special Ref: Trick Williams - Ethan Page (c) vs Joe Hendry

Ethan Page says he's tired of Joe's song and chant. He says he's the face of the brand and will do what he does best - win.

Page argues with Trick early and Trick gets between them on a lock-up break. Joe side headlock takeovers Page, Page headscissors him and Joe kips out of it. Joe fireman's carry takeovers him. Page wristlocks him. Joe headflips out and arm throws him. 

They shoulderblock battle and argue. Joe shoulders Page over then suplexes him. Joe sunset flips Page then rolls him up for 2. Page hits punches on Joe then Joe lariats him. Page back elbows Joe and front facelocks him. Joe jackhammers Page. Joe is sent into the post shoulder first then Page suplexes him.

Page 2nd rope powerslams Joe then Joe 2nd rope fallaway slams Page. Joe then high jump dives on Page outside. Page hits a razor's edge on the apron edge to Joe. Joe hits a razor's edge in the ring for 2.

They trade shots and Joe hits a standing ovation for 2 as Page's foot is under the rope. Page pushes Joe into Trick then Page chokeslams Joe. A second ref comes down and Page gets a 2 count. Page brings the title belt in the ring and Joe rolls him up. Page ddt's Joe on the title but Trick blocks the ref from counting 3. Trick says he's the ref and motions towards Page using the title. Page goes to hit Trick, Trick ducks and the other ref is hit. Trick checks on the ref and Page low blows Joe. Page then hits a razor's edge on Joe and wins.

Thoughts: I knew this was going to happen and I'm not happy about it. The match wasn't that great as expected. They didn't get much time because it wasn't going to be good and they used a bunch of shortcuts like big moves here to hide it. They didn't sell a lot but it was better than a true full length between them would have been. I don't like Page winning at all and I really don't like Joe losing here. Page has just not proven to be anything but a midcard talent and Joe winning the title would have been big for him. I really feel Joe has the potential to maybe be a main eventer in WWE if they play their cards right and him losing here risks how over he will be. This also means we get another Ethan Page main and I don't want to see that. Joe winning would have been a great feel good moment here.

Pete Dunne pulls Trick out after the match and hits a bitter end on the floor.

Overall thoughts: They did too much in the first two matches and brought those down. Ridge turning heel was likely the best move but the only direction the tag titles have been in is a circle over the last year and no one is better off from it. Wentz/Wes was indy crap and Wentz winning doesn't make much sense booking wise. Oba/Tony, Kelani/Choo and Jaida/Perez were better than expected and Jaida continues to solidify herself as a surprise breakout star. The main had issues but they used a lot of smoke and mirrors to make it look better than it was. Joe Hendry losing wasn't surprising but it was the wrong call and helps nobody. I had very low expectations for the card. It could have been a great card if some things had gone the other way but I would only say this one was average.

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