Monday, September 9, 2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 9/8/2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 9/8/2024

Last week's show is here:

Lluvia & Tessa Blanchard vs. Persephone & Zeuxis

L = Lluvia, Z = Zeuxis

1st Fall - Lluvia is in the red and Zeux is in the blue. Z's team gets worked on to start this and Pers dropkicks Z. Pers and L hit corner attacks on both opponents in the corner. L does a headlock + headscissors takeover combo. Tess bounces off the ropes with a double armdrag. Tess and L get pulled outside and L is sent into the wall. Pers hits a big spear on Tess.

L takes snapmares. Tess takes a double boot.  L takes kicks. Pers hits a pendulum double knee on Tess inthe corner and Z hits a meteora on L. Zeuxis' team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - L's team gets choked. L takes a corner lariat and kick to the head. Tess stomp flurries Pers then Z sends L into the post. Pers takes a double boot.Z is thrown by the hair. L is pounded on by her opponents then pushes her opponents into each other. L flying headscissors Z and tags out.

Pers limbos out of a Tess lariat and hits her. Pers is on the 2nd rope andtakes a codebreaker. Pers tries to spear Tess in the corner but just gets the post. Tess headscissors Z over then cutters her.

Pers fisherman suplexes Tess. Pers takes a dropkick into the butt then Z meteora's L. Tess and L try pins. L takes a double underhook codebreaker and Tess gets pinned with a suplex. Zeuxis' team wins the fall and match.

It went long and wasn't good. The execution wasn't good and there just wasn't a lot of highlights. It was also pretty one-sided which didn't help it.

Volador Jr. vs Atlantis Jr.

AJ = Atlantis Jr.

1st Fall - AJ double underhooks him then takes him down by the leg. Vol unties AJ's mask. They trade armdrags. AJ legsweeps him and they stand off. AJ hits a step up enzugiri then topes him outside. AJ top rope plancha's him. AJ goes for a hurricanrana and Vol sunset flips him to win the fall.

2nd Fall - AJ monkey flips him twice then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. AJ puts him in la atlantida and taps him out to win the fall.

3rd Fall - We start with Vol in control. Vol boots him and rips at his mask. Vol basement dropkicks him while he's in tree of woe for 2. AJ flying headscissors him out. Vol step up enzugiri's him from the apron. Vol hits a top rope plancha. AJ rolls him up for 2 then hurricanrana's him for 2. AJ argues with the ref and is rolled up.

Vol unties AJ's mask then Vol sunset flips him for 2. AJ blocks a codebreaker and hits a package tombstone for 2. Vol superkicks and backcrackers him to win the fall and match.

It was a pretty weak match to be honest. This was not either guy's best effort and they really didn't try that much. The 3rd fall was really boring in particular. It was real disappointing especially since I actually wanted to see this match.

Losers Advance Elimination Match - Valiente vs. Euforia vs. Esfinge vs Hechicero

Esf = Esfinge, Euf = Euforia

Leg 1 - Euf and Hech fight outside while Val chops Esf down. Val back elbows Esf then facekicks him. Val stomps on Esf and Hech is thrown into the side of the ramp. Esf splashes Val's leg. Euf and Hech get in and Euf corner lariats him. Val throws Esf out then Euf lariats Hech over several times. Euf rips at Hech's mask and Esf gets his head banged off a wall. Val his a big lariat on Esf outside and beats up on him.

Hech takes boots from Val and Euf. Val and Euf chop each other and Val dropkicks him. Val armdrags Esf. Hech umps on Val in the corner and takes a double boot. Hech step up knees Val. Euf spinebusters Hech then Hech 2nd rope dropkicks him. Esf topes Euf.

Val hits Hech from the outside then top rope diving headscissors him. Val splashes him for 2. Hech rips Val's mask up then Val hits a nice tope on Hech outside. Esf and Euf go at it. Esf monkey flips him twice then Esf springboard splashes Euf.

Val dropkicks Esf in the knee and goes for his mask. Hech step up enzugiri's Val. Hech pounds on Val in the corner. Hech walks up the buckles and hurricanrana' Euf. Esf topes Hech outside. Val misses a top rope swanton on Euf then Euf rips up Val's mask. Val fujiwara armbars Euf and submits him. Esf and Val trade chops after.

Leg 2 - Val is gone and the other three continue. Esf spinebusters Hech and Hech rolls Esf into a really weak submission with the leg tied up. Esf seems to tap out but the ref says no. Hech rolls up Esf and grabs the leg then Euf sentons Hech.

Esf sunset flips Hech. They all lariat each other over. Esf and Hech then rip Euf's mask together. Hech and Esf slap each other and Esf superkicks him. Esf cradles him for 2. Hech step up knees Esf. Hec rolls Esf into a double arm and double leg submission and taps him out. Hechicero now leaves and Esfinge/Euforia continue the match.

Leg 3 - Euforia and Esfinge are the last two left. Euf powerslams him then rips his mask up. Euf goes up and over then Esf corkscrew kicks him. Esf hits a tope con hilo. Esf springboard dropkicks Euf. Esf superkicks Hechicero on the ramp then Valiente comes back out. The ref is busy with Val and Euf pop-up low blows Esf. Euf then pins him and survives the match.

Thoughts: Like last week, you could really make a case for Euforia or Valiente being the winners. I guess Val would have the better case since he got the first pin. It was a longer match like it was last week and it wasn't their best work. If they went all out, they really could have made this great. The finish was not very strong here and Val ultimately returned at the end for nothing as he didn't even go after his opponents. It was watchable but nothing more and it wasn't much different than last week's match.

Overall thoughts: There were 3 matches and none of them were that great. Volador and Atlantis had a quick and disappointing showing. The main was long, slow and just not the good match it could have been. The women's match wasn't good. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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