Thursday, September 12, 2024

WWE Main Event 9/11/2024

WWE Main Event 9/11/2024

Last week's show is here:

Dante Chen vs Uriah Connors

They say UC takes the coaches parking spots at the Performance Center. They lock up here. Chen wristlocks him and armlocks him. UC side headlocks him and grabs the hair to keep the hold on. Chen the grabs the hair. Chen hits armdrags and backfists him. Chen russian legsweeps him for 2.

Chen back elbows him then is rolled through the ropes to the floor. UC kicks him in the back outside. Chen sentons him and UC hits chops. Chen misses a corner charge. UC enzugiri's him from the apron then slingshot spears him for 2.

UC hits chops and is tripped into the buckles. Chen hits punches then lariats UC. Chen pump kicks UC then hits a side effect style move. Chen double chops him and gets the pin.

Thoughts: It was the usual Chen match. There wasn't a lot but the basics here but Chen can do them well enough and it was fine. Chen won here which isn't something he does a lot.

OTM (Lucien Price and Bronco Nima) vs Alpha Academy (Otis and Akira Tozawa

Max is basically in a bikini here with a see-thru dress over it. Nima still has the face protector on.

Nima and Otis lock-up. Nima is backed up in the corner and piefaces Otis. Otis shoves him. They roll on the ropes and Price hits shots to the gut of Otis. Otis runs through a double clothesline and hits a double shoulderblock. Otis swings Akira around into his opponnets. Otis then throws Akira onto OTM outside.

We go to break and return. Otis hits a corner lariat on Nima. Akira hits chest kicks on Price. Price uranages Nima the ncorner lariats him. Akira takes a knee to the gut then an M. Bison stomp.

Nima hits forearms on Akira. Akira hits punches on Price then Price hits a nice lariat. Nima chokes Akira on the ropes then foot chokes him on the ropes. Nima cranks Akira's head. Nima pops him up and Akira hits a ddt.

Otis and Price are tagged in. Oits hits lariats then spinning back elbows him. Otis lariats Nima over then hits a big powerslam. Otis running back elbows Price. Otis does a caterpilla elbow drop on Price for 2. Akira top rope dropkicks Nima. Otis vader bombs Price then Akira top rope sentons Price for the win.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here. Price had some nice lariats and OTM didn't look out of place at all here. Otis was good as usual and him and Akira are a pretty good team for NXT teams like this. OTM's fine at what they do but sadly with NXT's giant roster, they haven't gotten to do much.

Alpha Academy dances after.

Overall thoughts: There were only two new matches here as usual. Both were decent matches but nothing must see. It's not a bad way to spend 20 minutes but not something worth hunting down.

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