Sunday, September 8, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 4/27/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 4/27/1991

Last week's show is here:

We're in Las Vegas and Vince, Randy Savage and Roddy Piper are our hosts. Vince says we have a real winner this with Jake Roberts vs Earthquake. Macho says Jake will have the losing hand tonight. He says he's playing against Quake and Quake has just called his bluff. He says he will get clubbed and spade'd. Piper says Jake has something up his sleeve that should rattle Quake (snake joke).

The Big Boss Man vs "Pistol" Pez Whatley

Pez is wearing some very pink tights here. He backs Boss up in the corner and hits shots to the gut. Boss throws him into the buckles, backrolls him for 2 then lariats him out of the ring.

The Mountie and Jimmy Hart do an inset promo. Mountie says he is a rep of international law enforcement and says he will show Boss how he treats local cops.

Boss boots and swinging neckbreakers Pez. Pez hits a headbutt then takes punches. Boss knocks him down with punches then hits a sidewalk slam. Boss then picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was a short squash. Boss had a good showing and Pez got a little in which was nice.

Boss handcuffs Pez to the ropes after and Savage correctly says this isn't much different than what The Mountie does. Vince claims Boss just uses psychological tactics while Mountie uses crowd control.

WWF Update

Gene says Andre the Giant is front page news again. We see Sensational Sherri go up to Andre in a bar. She says she wants to be his manager and promises anything. Andre grabs her arms, bends her over the bar and spanks her. He then laughs and says, "anything I want, right?".

I did not expect that one to go that way.

The Undertaker vs Larry Ludden

Taker and Paul Bearer do a promo. Paul asks if Warrior remembers being put in the casket with the lights and air going out. Taker asks Warrior if he's sure he wants some more of him.

Taker clubs on Larry then hits punches. Taker flying lariats Larry. Taker rope walks and clubs him. Taker then hits a tombstone and picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was a short squash as usual here with Taker looking fine. I liked Taker's inset promo.

Larry gets put in a body bag after and stomps him.

WWF Event Center

The Warlord and Slick do a promo. War flexes and says to take a good look at his body as it's the biggest body in the WWF. He says he will destroy whoever gets in the ring with him for good. Slick says they need a title belt as it takes a lot of money to keep his fine suits and hats on him.

Greg Valentine does a promo. He says he survived another Wrestlemania. He says his career is going on to bigger and better things. He says he's in the best shape of his life. He says his eye is on titles and says wouldn't he be a perfect opponent for Mr. Perfect? He says his career will go on and on because he's fighting and he's proud.

The Genius vs "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan

The Genius does a pre-match poem and says he will straighten out Jim Duggan's eyes with a 2x4. Jim swings the flag around at him. Genius is wearing a one strap singlet here. Col. Mustafa does an inset promo. He says Jim has to beat him before getting to Sarge and says it won't happen. Jim slams Genius and Vince says Mustafa is a former WWF champ. Jim running lariats Genius and wins.

Thoughts: This was a waste of time with Genius getting quickly jobbed out before it really even got going.

They advertise WWF Hot Ticket which is a PPV series that will have Wrestlemania History and Heroes, a highlight show of Wrestlemania. 

WWF Event Center

Power and Glory do a promo with Slick. Slick says every time he tries to call Jack Tunney, they won't answer the phone. Roma and Herc check out their muscles and Slick walks off in anger. Roma asks what's wrong with him. Herc says they are the best team in the WWF and says Slick will get over it but others won't get over the beatings they give them. Slick then comes back in and asks if they want to hear what he has to say. The promo then immediately ends.

The Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Hart said The Nasties showed what real champs are made up of at WM7. Saggs says they will face anyone, anytime and anyplace. Knobbs said he heard about two tough guys with big muscles and painted faces. He says they aren't scare of them.

Thoughts: Power and Glory's promo segment was really weird and I wonder what that was about.

Mr. Perfect vs Randy Taylor

Perfect backs up Randy in the corner. He hits chops and punches then pulls his neck forward. Perfect leapfrogs him and hits a nice dropkick. The British Bulldog does an inset promo with Winston. Vince asks how he likes his chances of winning the IC Title. Davey tells him to talk to Winston and says Winston says he has a perfect chance of winning the IC title.

Perfect kneelifts Randy then abuses him on the ropes. Heenan slaps Randy with a towel then Perfect hits a perfectplex for the win.

Thoughts: This was another quick squash here with Randy getting nothing in.

We go to Berry DeMey, a WBF bodybuilder. He's working out in the gym and says he has the perfect calves. He says that's what it takes to win the WBF Championship and hypes up the WBF's event. They then shill the Bodybuilding Lifestyles magazine.

The Funeral Parlor

Paul says his guest is a man with more guts than brains - Roddy Piper. Piper says sunset would be in order and brings up Gomez Adams. Piper says when Ted Dibiase was born, the limo was called and they changed his diaper. Piper said he only went to school if he walked and said nobody drove him. He said sandpaper was put in his diapers. He says Sherri is missing bolts coming out of her neck and asks how he defends herself against a witch.

Virgil shows up behind Paul Bearer and dares Paul to him him from behind. Paul asks if Piper is sure. Paul goes to hit him and Virgil grabs Paul's fist. Virgil says he's always in Roddy's corner and says he may need a friend in shaky situations with this.

Virgil brings out a Ted Dibiase wrestling buddy and some kind of female doll. They pretend the female doll is Sherri and have the dolls pretend to talk. Piper puts the two dolls in a coffin and says him and Virgil are coming to see Ted.

Thoughts: This the usual bizarre Piper segment that was all over the place.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs Earthquake

Quake hits Jake as he tries to get in. Jake kneelifts him and Jimmy Hart is still in the ring. Jake brings Damian out and Quake gets out of the ring. Quake then heads up the aisle and Quake/Hart argue with a second ref. Jake is told to put Damien in the bag and he does.

The argument over the snake continues in the ring. They insist Damien is put under the ring and Jake agrees. Hart distracts Jake and Quake nails Jake from behind. Quake grabs Damien's bag and puts it in the ring. Quake ties Jake up in the ropes. The ref tries to free Jake and but Quake pushes the ref and Hart wrestle the ref down. Quake punches Jake. Quake goes to butt drop Damien and we cut to Sean Mooney so they don't have to show it. Jake is losing his mind and Vince says he can't believe we just saw that.

Quake butt drops Damien again and we cut away. Sean says although we didn't see what happened, we can guess what happened. He says he we will return to ringside but go back to The Event Center if the carnage continues. Quake and Hart then run as Jake gets free from the ropes.

Jake tries to open up the bag and looks shocked at what he just saw.

Thoughts: The match never really got started here. This was another pretty wild angle following the angle where Warrior got locked in a casket. This is something that would not be aired in 2024. This segment lead to the infamous Quakeburgers segment on Primetime which I'll have to check out. 

The Rockers vs Bill Lucas and Barry O

Barry knees Shawn in the gut and hits some shots on him. Shawn goes up and over then gets hit. Vince says The Rockers face The Nasty Boys for the tag titles next week. Barry tries an up and over but takes an atomic drop. Shawn pounds on Barry then Barry takes a double back elbow. 

The Orient Express do an inset promo. They say The Rockers claim to be the tag team specialists of the 90's. They say to bring their teeny boppers when they lose against them as they will bring the towels for their tears. Bill takes a flying back elbow then Marty hits a rocker dropper. The Rockers hit double top rope fistdrops and win. 

Thoughts: It was another quick one here and they really didn't get much time for this one at all.

IRS does a promo. He says we have joined the list of tax evaders and hoodlums. He says not to give any excuses and says the people are as dishonest as the ledger sheet is long. He says some people are still honest and finds a sheet without a signature. He then stamps it with an "audit" stamp.

WWF Event Center

Sgt. Slaughter and General Adnan do a promo. Sarge says peace is for pansies. He says he wants what Hulk stole from him. He said they scarred Hulkamania and will destroy it.

The Legion of Doom does a promo. They say you become a top team by beating Demolition and Power and Glory and they did that. They say they are coming for the tag titles. Hawk says they are hungry. Hawk says they want blood from The Nasty Boys and they get what they want.

Vince runs down next week's show. The Nasty Boys talk about their tag title match with The Rockers. Hart says they need to nastysize The Rockers. Knobbs says next week is for real and it's nasty. Saggs says their long hair and pretty faces will get them nowhere. He says to get ready for the nastiest time of their lives.

Vince says there's another show this weekend with a 20 man battle royale and Sgt. Slaughter vs The Ultimate Warrior. That's Saturday Night's Main Event #29.

Overall Thoughts: Jake vs Quake was over as soon as it started and really only served to have Quake squash Damien in a wild angle. Piper did his usual bizarre antics here, this time in The Funeral Parlor. Power and Glory also did a weird promo making it seem like they were having problems with Slick.There was nothing really to see wrestling wise on this one. I can't help but feel the WWF knew business was going down at this time and was resorting to wilder angles to try and increase interest. I wouldn't recommend this.

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