Sunday, September 1, 2024

WWE Bash in Berlin 2024 8/31/2024

WWE Bash in Berlin 2024 8/31/2024

We see various wrestlers arrive.

WWE Undisputed Universal Title - Cody Rhodes (c) vs Kevin Owens

Cody armlocks him and KO breaks. Cody side headlocks him then KO shoulders him over. KO side headlocks him and shoulders hm over. KO catches a Cody cutter and waves his finger at him. Cody misses a disaster kick and takes a senton. They evade each others moves and butt heads. KO pushes him.

Cody topes KO outside. KO catches him and rams him into the apron. KO then hits a cannonball off the apron. Cody hits a disaster kick while KO is on the apron then he topes him. Cody beale throws him and keylocks him.

Cody hits a knee to the gut and dropkicks him. Cody then figure fours him. Cody is knocked off the apron into the rails then KO frogsplashes him on the floor off the apron.  

KO russian legsweeps him for 2. They double clothesline each other down. KO atomic drops him and Cody hits a flying forearm. Cody powerslams him and hits a disaster kick for 2.

KO catches a disaster kick and hits a german. KO superkicks him then Cody hits a cody cutter for 2. They trade forearms and KO hits oblivion on the knee. They fight on the buckles and KO hits a green bay plunge for 2. Cody gets out of a stunner and hits cross rhodes for 2. KO hits a 2nd rope twisting fisherman buster.

They trade slaps, punches and superkicks. Cody hits a drop down punch. Cody tries to walk up the buckles but his knee gives out. KO isn't sure whether to go after the knee or not and tells the ref to check on Cody. Cody rolls out. They fight outside and KO kicks him in the knee.  

KO teases an apron powerbomb, doesn't do it and Wade questions it. KO tells him to shut up. Cody cradles KO in the ring then KO hits a stunner. Cody hits cross rhodes twice then KO hits a stunner for 2. Cody gets his knees up on KO's top rope swanton.  Cody hits cross rhodes and wins.

They hug after and KO holds Cody's arm up.

I would have had Cody's knee be a problem earlier in the match and would have done more teasing about whether KO should attack it or not. I think I would have found a way to incorporate that into the finish as well. I liked that they did bring up the knee (which we were just informed about yesterday). I didn't think the match was that smart or good otherwise with selling not being a priority here. I don't really think they got as much out of the friend vs friend angle that they could have either.

WWE Women's Tag Titles - Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn (c) vs Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill

I give the heels about 1% chance of winning this one here. I only thought they got the belts due to them being in their home country and I basically thought it was a sympathy title reign.

Both heels get in the ring and the four girls start fighting texas tornado style. Jade backbreakers Isla then BB throws Alba around and gutbusters her. Alba takes boots in the corner then BB suplexes her.

BB hits a corner spear then corner punches. Isla interrupts it. BB and Alba tug of war over the hair and Alba knees BB in the gut. BB is then thrown into the post shoulder first. Alba blindside topes Jade then BB is sent into the rails. 

BB takes a sliding knee against the bottom rope. Isla chinlocks BB. Isla headbutts her in the gut. Isla meteora's BB and Alba gets a 2 count off of it. Alba pulls BB by the hair and BB is stomped in the corner. Alba ddt's BB for 2.

Isla gordbusters BB and misses a meteora. BB back body drops Alba over the top and backdrops Isla. Jade is tagged in and hits a double clothesline. Jade spinebusters alba then fallaway slams Alba.  

Jade hits corner attacks on her opponents and jackhammers Isla for 2. BB tries a cartwheel move but is caught by Alba. BB is on Alba's back and gets flatlinered for 2. Jade and BB take superkicks from Isla. Isla then takes a double gorilla press drop. Jade dominators BB onto Alba for 2.

Isla high kicks Jade. Alba headbutts BB. Alba top rope swantons Isla when Jade helps move BB. BB throws Alba out to Jade and Alba is thrown into the rails. Jade spinebusters Isla. Isla is double lifted into a ddt and a german. Jade then picks up the win.

Thoughts: It went a little longer than it needed to but it was fine with the heels being heels and the faces being faces. Jade and Bianca won as expected here. Alba and Isla really put in a strong effort in this one and took some bumps here.

Strap Match - Drew McIntyre vs CM Punk

Drew nails Punk before he even enters then throws him over the steps. Punk is then dropped onto the commentary table. Drew pounds on Punk then whips him. Drew hits chops and whips him with the belt. drew russian legsweeps him. Punk is then pulled into the apron edge with the strap.

Drew whips Punk with the strap and Punk hits a GTS. Punk whips Drew with the strap and neckbreakers him. Punk's head is banged off the commentary table. Punk back body drops Drew on the commentary table. Punk whips Drew with the strap.

Drew hits chops and eye rakes Punk. Drew slams Punk on a chair and Punk has a cut on his head. Punk bulldogs Drew then pulls him into the post with the strap. They set up a table and Drew claymore kicks Punk inside the ring. Punk pulls Drew into a chair between the ropes by using the strap. 

Punk hits a step up knee in the corner then Drew drops him over the top through a table. Punk is on Drew's shoulders and they each tap the buckles. They trade shots and Punk sharpshooters him. Drew taps out but there are no submissions in this one. Drew ropebreaks but that also doesn't count. Drew neckbreakers him.

Drew claymore kicks him. Punk hits three go to sleep's and has the match in hand but opts to do another go to sleep. Punk takes the bracelet from Drew and touches the last buckle to win.

Thoughts: It was a good match here as expected. Not a classic but it made sense and the work was good. I assume Punk getting the bracelet back means this feud is done with. Hopefully Punk made it out of this one without getting injured. I wish they didn't have to touch the corners here as it took away a bit from some of the hatred and a submission finish would have been better.

Mixed Tag Match - Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley vs Dominik Mysterio and Liv Morgan

Dom hits shots on DP and gets nowhere. DP then throws him into the corner and pounds on him. DP flying back elbows him. DP hits a facekick and the girls get in. Liv gets in DP's face then Rhea dropkicks Liv. Rhea fallaway slams Liv then throws her. Rhea corner spears her then hits mounted punches. Rhea suplexes her.

Liv goes out and Dom checks on her. DP throws Dom in by the hair then lariats him over the top to the floor. DP drops Dom face first on the apron. Liv trips up DP. DP is then knocked off the apron into the commentary table. Dom shoulderblocks DP into the steps. Dom slingshot swantons DP then Liv slaps DP.

DP hits forearms on Dom. Dom tornado ddt's him from the 2nd rope for 2. Dom chinlocks DP then DP falcon arrows Dom. Rhea gets in and hits lariats on Liv. Rhea basement dropkicks her then germans her. Rhea and Dom get in the ring together. Rhea hits short arm clotheslines in front of the ref and drops Dom on his face even though it's totally against the rules. Rhea then headscissors him as the ref refuses to do anything about it.

Rhea dropkicks Liv. Liv saves Dom from riptide and step up enzugiri's Rhea. Liv codebreakers Rhea then step up knees her. DP gets in. He hits kicks and forearms on Dom. DP lifting flatliners him then hits a big lariat. DP and Rhea each hit a razor's edge together. JD McDonaugh and Carlito interfere. Liv jumps off the steps and sunset bombs Rhea into the rails. Finn slingblades DP then Dom 619's DP. Liv topes Rhea outside.

JD gets on the apron. DP beats up judgment day outside. DP lariats Dom on the commentary table. Rhea headbutts Liv and hits riptide to pin her.

Thoughts: The girls beat up the guys as expected and the ref didn't care as expected. It was pretty much a circus with Judgment Day interfering and I didn't think very much of this one.  

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match - Gunther (c) vs. Randy Orton

Orton backs up Gunther in the corner. They do side headlock takeovers and stand off. Gunther just wraps around Orton's neck and arm. Gunther chops Orton down and hits some elbows on him. They trade punches and Gunther headlocks Orton around the post. Gunther is sent into the steps twice and totally knocks them over the 2nd time.

Orton backdrops Gunther on the commentary table. Orton blocks sleeper inside and armbreakers Gunther over the shoulder. Orton bangs Gunther's arm off the mat then kneels on his neck. Orton single arm ddt's Gunther. Orton puts an armlock on Gunther then fallaway slams him.

Gunther hits lariats and facekicks him. Orton swats a lariat away and then lariats him. Orton powerslams Gunther for 2. Gunther pulls Orton down backwards onto the top rope. Orton superplexes Gunther. Orton and Gunther trade. Gunther boots him in the gut and Orton eye pokes him.

Orton bridging ddt's Gunther. Gunther germans Orton then shotgun dropkicks him. Gunther hits a top rope splash. Gunther hits a big lariat then powerbombs him for 2. Orton RKO's Gunther for 2. Orton clears off the commentary table. Orton backdrops Gunther on the bottom half of the steps.

Orton bangs Gunther's head off the commentary table then off the steps. Orto then backdrops Gunther through the commentary table. They go back in and Gunther avoids an RKO. Gunther grounded sleepers him. Gunther sleepers him then hits downward elbows. Gunther puts another sleeper on. Orton breaks it then gets put in it again. Orton passes out and Gunther wins.

Thoughts: This didn't look like a real exciting match on paper and wasn't much better in reality. I didn't think Orton had a chance at winning here and they didn't change my mind here. It was long and slow paced without any real story and it was much more of an Orton match than a Gunther match. I couldn't wait for this to be over.

Overall thoughts: I wasn't a big fan of this show. Punk/Drew was the best match on here but not a classic. The main was your typical long and slow Orton match. Cody and KO had a lot to work with and got some of it in but didn't go all the way with it, bringing it down some. I didn't like the mixed tag match as expected. The women's tag title match was fine. The Bloodline and Roman Reigns were noticeably absent from this show. I would not recommend this one.

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