Wednesday, August 28, 2024

WWE NXT 8/27/2024

WWE NXT 8/27/2024

Last week's show is here:

Fatal Influence says they will show the world what they are about. Jakara and Lash say they are mssing with the wrong people and says they are NXT.

Fatal Influence (Fallon Henley and Jacy Jayne) vs Meta-Four (Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend)

Jacy and Jakara go at it. Jacy is taken down then Jacy hits a knee to the gut. Jakara hits a dropkick then Jacy i held for shots to the gut. Lash bangs Jacy's head off the mat and elbows her back as Booker T gets really mad on commentary at Vic. Lash catches Fallon in the air then Fallon gts her back.

Fallon hits forearms on Jakara then Jakara back elbows her and dropkicks her. Jacy comes in and flying headscissors Lash. Lash holds both opponents in the air and bangs their heads off the ropes. Lash lifts Jakara for double boots to her opponents then Jakara hits a double tope and nearly hurts herself.

We go to PiP break and return. Jakara and Jacy lariat each other down at the same time. Lash hits forearms on Fallon then swings her legs into Jacy. Lash fallaway slams Fallon. Lsh swinging backbreakers Jacy and chokeslams Fallon for 2. Lash holds Fallon up and Jakara lariats her off the buckles.

Jakara and Fallon trade forearms on their knees. Fallon swinging facebusters Jakara then Jacy running neckbreakers her. Jakara headbusters Jacy. Nyx distracts the ref and Jacy rolls up Lash for 2. Jacy superkicks Lash out.

Nyx gets caught on a kick on Lash outside and Lash pump kicks her. Jacy spinning forearms Lash. Lash is sandwiched with a shining wizard + pumping knee and is pinned.

This wasn't bad at all. Lash really showed how much she has improved here and Jakara had one of her better outings as well. This would have terrible a year ago but it ended up being a respectable outing.

We get video of Wes Lee's run in NXT.

Various girls talk to Eddy Thorpe in the back and see videos of one of his performances. Ashante Adonis says his music is dope. Ashante asks which one is his girl and he says they are his friend. Ashante laughs at the idea of him being friends with girls. Eddy says he's in it for the music only. We then see Brooks Jensen and Edris Enofe enter a room and Brooks hurts him.

Wendy Choo says she has a surprise for Kelani Jordan via a tweet.

Izzi Dame vs Karmen Petrovic

Izzi beat the crap out of KP in the parking lot last week which lead to this. KP hits leg kicks then side headlocks her. Izzi shoulders her over and blocks a trip. Izzi tilt-a-whirl backbreakers her.

KP takes a corner spear then Izzi backbreakers her. Izzi corner lariats her. KP boots her out of the corner and kicks her off the buckles. Izzi catches her with a sky high for 2. Izzi racks her. Izzi goes for a tilt-a-whirl and KP blocks it, landing on her.

KP spinning heel kicks her. KP lariats her down for 2. KP upkicks her and hits forearms. Izzi facekicks her. Izzi picks her up and KP rolls her up to win.

It wasn't great or anything, but I thought they moved well and did an okay job with each other here. Both girls seemed comfortable for this one.

NQCC works out in the back ahead of their mixed tag match. Wren wants in on Borne's and Dempsey's wrestling. Wren says to follow her lead. Dempsey says he's Heritage Cup champ so follow his lead. Wren says Dempsey couldn't be Heritage Cup champ without her.

Tony D's crew is in the locker room. Two mob guys go up to him and say they need to talk. Tony says after the match and the two guys look concerned.

Jaida Parker is interviewed. She says her journey has been fast and she signed with WWE only 2 years ago. She talks abut some of her career highlights and says she has a chance to win the women's title. She says she's wore from her match with Sol Ruca then they show Sol landing on her. She says Roxanne Perez is underestimating her. She says she's not scared of the spotlight. She says she's confident and cocky and says she's always on point. She says her actions speak for themselves and will speak louder at No Mercy.

Roxanne Perez comes in and kicks out Sarah the interviewer. She says congrats. She says JP is a future champ and says she has it all, but she's not the prodigy. She says she will find out that there's no one better than her. JP says she will slap the taste of out of her mouth. Perez says she's like to see it then JP slaps her out of the chap. She then asks what someone off camera is doing here and says she can get some too.

Thoughts: This was a good segment here with Jaida coming across well. I liked the slap.

Mixed Tag Match - No Quarter Catch Crew (Charlie Dempsey, Myles Brone and Wren Sinclair) vs The D'Angelo Family (Luca Crusifino, Stacks and Adrianna Rizzo)

Vic says the men and women don't fight each other here and I hope that stays true. Stacks hits a john woo on CD and pounds on him. CD chops him then backbreakers him. CD hits euros then takes a kick from Luca. Borne euros Luca then Luca euros him.

Luca backslides him for 2 and side headlocks him. Borne is whipped into double knees from Stacks. Borne backdrops Stacks. Wren tags herself in and Rizzo gets in. They trade and Wren bangs Riz's head off the mat. Riz hits a nice dropkick, kips up and flying forearms Wren out.

The two mob guys come up to Tony and Tony walks to the back with them. We go to PiP break, full break and then return. The Family hit triple legdrops to the crotch. Borne pulls Stacks' legs into the ropes. CD stomps Stacks' leg down into the mat.

CD ankle locks Stacks. CD indian deathlocks him. CD and Borne stomp on Stacks. CD rips at Stacks' leg brace. Stacks rolls up CD then CD germans him. Luca gets the hot tag in and cleans house. He hits a double flying shoulderblock then lariats CD over the top. Luca hits his hiptoss neckbreaker on Borne.

Wren breaks up the pin. Borne knees Luca out. Wren tries to hit Luca then Riz topes Wren. Riz hits an AA on CD in front of the ref and the ref doesn't care. Borne takes a shatter machine and is pinned.

Thoughts: Rizzo's team should have been DQ'd for her doing a move to CD, but as usual, the girls are allowed to hit the boys even when the rules say they aren't. It was just kind of a match with Stacks getting his knee worked on and it not really leading to anything.

Pete Dunne is interviewed. He says he will teach Trick a lesson and says when you mess with him, he will beat you within an inch of your life.

Ethan Page talks to Ava in the back. She says what he did was unacceptable when he puts his hands on the ref. Page says she should suspend him so he doesn't have to defend his title at No Mercy. She asks him to leave so she can figure things out.

We have a one on one talk session with Zachary Wentz and Wes Lee. Wentz says every team breaks up but not MSK. Wes rips him for yelling and screaming. Wentz says he p!ssed away 9 years because he's a huge star. Wes says he's a bigger star than he is. He says Wentz came back here for the NXT rub. Wes says they are on different levels.

Wentz says MSK was one of the best teams in NXT history. Wentz says Wes motivated him. Wes said the nostalgia would have been great if they won the tag titles, but it only would have lasted a few weeks as they are not on the same level.

Wentz talks about being there for Wes. Wes says they are on different levels again. Wentz says he will make sure Wes fails and says him and Trey they did something Wes couldn't do - become the TNA Tag champs. Wes says he will show why he is a superstar and Wentz is nothing but a TNA wrestler. Wentz says he will beat his @ss.

Thoughts: The segment wasn't anything too special. Wentz hasn't been featured much and Trey wasn't even here, leading me to believe Wentz has no chance of winning.

Joe Hendry talks to Trick Williams in the back. He thanks him for the help last week. Trick says he believes in Joe Hendry. Joe says when he beats Page, the next NXT Title match belongs to Trick. Trick says to whoop that trick Sunday and says good luck at his concert.

Kelani Jordan comes out to talk. She says she's not waiting any longer for Wendy. Wendy appears on the tron and tells someone to go out to the ring. 

Kelani Jordan vs Rosemary

Rosemary is from TNA and she's a spooky goth type of character, so this makes sense. Rose chokes her. KJ drops down and tiger feint armdrags her. KJ dropkicks her then low crossbodies her. Rose hanging chokes her over the ropes.

Rose samoan drops KJ for 2 then hits mounted shots. Rose does a grounded sleeper. They trade forearms. KJ steps over her leg and spinning heel kicks her RVD style.

KJ hits a cartwheel back elbow and kips up. KJ flatliners her then basement dropkicks her. Rose no sells it and stares her down. KJ handsrpings and is speared against the ropes on it.

KJ split-legged moonsaults her and wins.

Thoughts: They botched something near the finish as Rose was taken down in a weird way. They had a better match than expected and Rose lost as expected.  

KJ poses with her title and we hear Wendy Choo laughing. We then see her picture on the trons and Wendy chokes her out with a camel clutch variation. Rosemary then hands Wendy the NXT Women's N-A Title.

Meta-Four talks in the back. Oro tries to make Lasha and Jakara feel better after their loss. Oro brings up something his dad said. Lexis King comes in. He says no one wants to hear their sob stories or about Oro's dad. King says Noam Dar is the real daddy of Meta-Four. Oro says King lacks a father figure. King hits him and they fight before it gets broken up.

We go to Chase U. They celebrate the tag title win. Duke says he's sorry him and Riley didn't get the job done. Ridge says Chase U accepted him and he calls them family. He says he will never let anyone take the tag titles away. Thea says they will have the reign of all reigns.

Nathan Frazer and Axiom walk in. They say Chase U welcomes everyone with open arms. NF says he felt the school spirit when he was their flagbearer. Ax and NF said there isn't anyone who doesn't love Chase U, but says Chase U will crumble when they take the tag titles on Sunday.

Brooks Jensen vs Malik Blade

Blade tope con hilos BJ before he gets in then pounds on him. BJ is sent into the steps. Blade hits chops and a nice dropkick. Blade is pulled onto the apron. BJ knocks Blade off the buckles then stomps him.

BJ neckbreakers Blade. BJ takes a slingshot backbreaker. Blade hits a running headhunter. Blade goes up top and gets hit. Jensen is on the 2nd rope and Blade headhunters him off the buckles. BJ gets his knees up on a frogsplash then ddt's Blade. BJ top rope elbow drops Blade and wins.

Thoughts: Blade had a good showing as usual. BJ pretty much did basic rough heel offense here. I guess it was fine but nothing that good.

Je'Von Evans is interviewed in the back. He says Joe Coffey thinks he can't wrestle. He says he can and can throw the hands too. 

Hank Walker and Tank Ledge watch some videos they made in the back. They say their youtube show is doing great. Hank asks Tank if he believes in Joe Hendry and Tank does. OTM go up to them. They say they don't know anything about winning tag titles. Nima said they already checked that box. Price says they aren't hungry for the gold, just BBQ. They argue and Nima says when they eliminate them, they will get their title shot.

Je'Von Evans vs Joe Coffey

Joe cravates him and knocks him over. Joe takes him down by the wrist. Evans kips up and is taken down again. Evans armdrags him. Joe shoulders him over. Evans sunset flips him. Evans flying headscissors him then does a seated springbord headsicssors.

Evans dives on the rest of Gallus outside. Evans dropkicks Joe. We go to PiP break and return. Evans headscissors Joe. Evans is dropped on the ropes throat first. Evans lariats him over.

Evans hits a flying forearm then corkscrew kicks him off the ropes. Evans springboard crossbodies him for 2. Joe hits a german then a flying shoulder to the body. Evans superkicks him. Joe comes off the ropes and takes a utter. Evans double jump os cutters him for 2. Evans then flip dives off the top onto all of Gallus.

Evans flips over Joe. Wolf gets on the apron and Mark Coffey takes a springboard diving cutter for Evans. Joe headbutts and spinning lariats Evans then gets the win.

Thoughts: It was mostly all shenanigans here with Evans fighting Wolf and Mark as much as he did Joe. Evans did his usual flying here and they didn't have a bad match together. I was shocked Joe won this one.

Tony D walks through the kitchen of a restaurant. Tony is told someone took his room. Tony walks in and Oba Femi is seated at a table. Tony asks if this is how he wants to handle things and says he has balls. Tony says when you are powerful and mean, you can walk in and make someone do things they don't want to.

Oba says Tony is the Don of NXT and exists in this world where he's a powerful man. Oba says he's the Ruler of NXT and doesn't need his acceptance. He says he doesn't accept disrespect. Tony says he doesn't accept it either. Tony says he gets the message. He says they can talk it out like men or keep running around. Oba then gets up. He says he can lay waste to him and all these people but he will wait until Sunday. Tony says this was inevitable. He said Oba had a hell of a run but he says he will show everyone that he is mortal. Oba says many have tried but none succeeded. He says Tony will be no different.

Joe Hendry comes out to do a concert. He says he has a career defining opportunity against Ethan Page. Joe sings about Page, showing him buying toys, showing some video where he fought himself and showing him dressed up in a Bowser costume while working out.

Ethan Page comes out and says we are done with this. The crowd sings the Ethan Sucks song that Joe just sang. Page says he's the NXT champ and asks who Joe is. Page says Joe is not an NXT superstar and says he (Page) is. Page complains about the fans singing. Ava then comes out.

Ava says it's kind of Joe to write a special song for him. Ava says the Joe/Page match will have a special ref due to Page beating up referees. The special ref is Trick Williams, who then comes out. Page is mad.

Page goes after Joe, misses and takes a standing ovation. Trick then counts a pin for Joe on Page. Trick and Joe dance to Joe's theme after.

Pete Dunne says Trick should consider himself lucky and says he won't make it to next Tuesday.

Thoughts: It was a nice segment here with the crowd helping it by singing along.

Overall thoughts: It was average for the most part. Jaida Parker was probably the highlight of the night here which just kind of shows where NXT is right now. There was nothing must see here and I wouldn't really recommend it, though it wasn't hard to sit through.  NXT No Mercy is not really looking like one of NXT's best cards ever, but it's developmental, not NXT Black and Gold.

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