Thursday, September 12, 2024

Marigold 8/31/2024 Dream Star Grand Prix Day 1 Night Show

Marigold 8/31/2024 Dream Star Grand Prix Day 1 Night Show

Myla Grace vs. Kizuna Tanaka

Myla ducks shots, hits a forearm and hits legsweeps. Myla basement dropkicks her then Kiz hits dropkicks. They trade shots and chest forearms. Kiz armbars her then works Myla's arm on the ropes. Myla lariats her and hits a corner euro. Myla backdrops her for 2.

Kiz cradles her for 2 then sunset flips her for 2. They try pin attempts on each other and Myla superkicks her in the chest. Myla michinoku drivers her for 2. Kiz fisherman suplexes her for 2 then rolls her and pins her.

Thoughts: It was odd that Myla lost here after losing earlier in the day. It was fast paced and it was one of Myla's better efforts. It's not like it was great or anything but it wasn't boring and everyone looked okay.

Mai Sakurai & Victoria Yuzuki vs. Kouki Amarei & Minami Yuuki

Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

Yuuki's team attacks their opponents before their entrance is done. Yuuki corner dropkicks Mai and Kouki misses a corner facekick on Mai. Mai pushes the two into each other then hits a double dropkick.

Yuz corner dropkicks Kouki and Mai corner facekicks Kouki. Kouki takes a sandwich basement dropkick. Kouki facekicks Mai then slams her. Kouki misses a falling splash on Mai and takes a basement dropkick. Mai paradise locks Kouki.

Yuz flying headscissors Kouki and dropkicks her. Yuz dropkicks Kouki against the bottom rope. Kouki powerslams Yuz and falling splashes her for 2. Kouki double backdrops her opponents. 

Yuuki running dropkjicks Yuz then Yuz slams her for 2. Yuz sleepers her. Yuuki slams Yuz then does arm throws. Yuuki takes a double suplex and a northern lights suplex. Yuuki rolls Yuz up and cradles her for 2. Yuuki backslides her and does another pin attempt for 2. Yuuki goes for a roll-up and Yuz crucifixes her for 2.

Thoughts: It was interesting as Kouki and Mai really aren't all that different from each other wrestling wise. It was also interesting to see these girls pair up with different partners than usual. It wasn't that great. 

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Misa Matsui vs. Bozilla

Misa runs at her and Boz puts her on her shoulders. Misa tries forearms and Boz forearms her over. Boz side slams her for 2. Boz does a cartwheel back elbow then short arm lariats her. Misa dropkicks her in the knee then hits forearms.

Misa double chops her then hits mounted forearms. Boz hits mounted forearms then Misa double stomps Boz's gut. Misa ankle locks her and Boz rolls out. Boz shoulders her over. They fight outside and Boz forearms her over on the floor.

Boz cradle shocks her on the floor. They go back in and Misa leglocks her. Misa hits knees to the chest and Boz powerslams her on the apron. Boz F-5's her when they get back in then piledrivers her. Boz then gets the win.

Thoughts: I wasn't a fan of it. Misa took a cradle shock on the floor and it didn't mean anything and it just lost whatever it had going for it in the second half. 

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Miku Aono vs. CHIAKI

Chi misses a kick in the corner to start. Chi eye pokes her then rubs Miku's eyes on the ropes. Chi hits facewash kicks. Chi bangs Miku's head off the apron. Chi slams Miku on the floor. Chi misses a facewash kick and Miku pulls Chi's leg around the rope. Miku kicks Chi's leg then Miku kneebreakers her.

Miku ties up Chi's legs and half crabs her. Miku lariats Chi on the ropes and kicks her in the leg. Miku his the ref on accident and Chi chairs Miku. Chi chokeslams Miku on the chair then sitout burning hammers her for 1. Miku rolls her up for 2 and double underhook suplexes her. Miku running lariats her for 2. Miku headkicks Chi and wins it.

Thoughts: I wasn't a fan of it. It had shenanigans with ref bumps and weapons. A burning hammer meant nothing and it was short.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - NORI vs. MIRAI

Nori hits leg kicks and Mirai hip throws her. Nori hits mouned shots. Nori grounded sleepers her. They go to the mat and don't really do much but some mounted shots.

Nori hits leg kicks then takes her down with a fujiwara armbar. Nori hits knees to the head and chest kicks her. Mirai hits a nice dropkick then curbstomps her. Mirai basement dropkicks her.

Mirai pulls on the leg then shoulders her over. Mirai goes up top and Nori throws her down. Mirai nails Nori up top. Nori top rope dropkicks her. Nori hits kicks to the back and leg then Mirai does a drop on her. They hit each other on the ropes then Nori spin kicks her. Nori high kicks her then Mirai lariats her.

They trade kicks for short arm lariats. Nori high kicks her and Mirai hits a lariat. Mirai ties her legs up and does an STF with an armlock. Mirai backdrops her then Nori backdrops her. Nori hits a step up enzugiri then suplexes her for 2. Nori misses a spin kick and Mirai hits two big lariats. The time limit expires.

Thoughts: The first half was slow with nothing happening. The second half got better. It went long and was just not Mirai's best work. They didn't start to figure this out until they were trading kicks for lariats late in the match.

They fight some more after.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - Utami Hayashishita vs. Chika Goto

They test strength. They shoulder battle with weak shoulderblocks and Utami knocks her over. Chika shoulders her over got 2 then Utami slams her. Chika slams her then hip attacks her on the ropes. Chika giant swings her then Utami swinging sleepers her.

They trade forearms. Chika butt presses her down in the corner then hip attacks her in the corner. Utami spinebusters her then sliding lariats her for 2. Utami lariats her then hits an air raid crash. Chika rolls her up out of it for 2.

Utami lariats her twice for 2. Utami germans her and wins.

It was too short and ended before it really got going. It seemed like we were half-way through the match and that was it. What we got wasn't that good.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - Nagisa Nozaki vs. Natsumi Showzuki

NN = Nagisa Nozaki, Nat = Natsumi Showzuki

Nat running dropkicks her. She dropkicks her and meteora's her against the ropes. Nat is thrown into the seats outside. NN stomps Nat then curbstomps her. NN shotgun dropkicks her and facekicks her in the corner.

NN hits her reverse pendulum kick on the ropes. Nat fisherman's suplexes her on the floor then running knees her on the floor. Nat drops her with a knee to the head on the inside.

NN superplexes her then meteora's her for 2. NN basement dropkicks her for 2. They trade kicks/dropkicks to the head and both go down. They trade forearms on their knees then get up and trade. Nat dropkicks her then corner meteora's her.

Nat fisherman suplexes her for 2. Nat misses a double foot stomp off the top and NN single leg dropkicks her. Nat cradles her for 2 then NN flying dropkicks her. Nat high kicks her. Nat rolls her into a pin attempt and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like the finish. It didn't feel like we were really on the finishing stretch at all here. There was nothing wrong with it, but these girls are midcarders and it was a midcard match in a main event. Neither one of these girls are super exciting wrestlers to watch but they don't botch a lot. I thought it should have been better than it was and it was not as good as Nagisa vs Utami was earlier in the day.

Natsumi talks on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: I didn't like this at all and nothing really impressed. The main was the best thing on here and it was average. I would not recommend this.

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