Thursday, September 12, 2024

Juggalo Championship Wrestling 9/11/2024 Lunacy Episode 3

Juggalo Championship Wrestling 9/11/2024 Lunacy Episode 3

Last week's show is here:

Alex Taylor calls James Storm a dumb SOB. Kerry Morton asks who he is and what he's trying to do. Silas Mason said James aligned himself with a bunch of clowns, the word kind of people on the planet. He says James will understand why they run this entire business. 

Manny Fresh (no, not that one) and Joe Galli are on commentary. Geeves comes out. He says to pay homage to a JCW legend, Breyer Wellington. Breyer comes out. He says the Richie Boy is here forever, calls the crowd trash and tells them to suck his d!ck. The fans throw trash at him and he calls them cousin f-ers. James Ellworth comes out to fight Breyer. He's dressed up as The Ultimate Warrior and is called, "Ultimate Ellsworth".

"Richie Boy" Breyer Wellington vs James Ellsworth

James hits punches, slams him and shakes the ropes. James hits a flying shoulder and a flying splash for the quick win.

Thoughts: It was silly but I find Ultimate Ellsworth to be really amusing.

Joe Galli says Officer Colt Cabana is on his way to the building. He comes through a metal detector and sets it off. Joe says he heard Colt wants to put someone in handcuffs. Colt says he should put Joe in handcuffs. Colt says he has a warrant for Nick Gage. He says Nick did time but he hasn't served long enough. He said he hasn't served the strong arm of the law of Colt Cabana. 

Dani Mo vs Alice Crowley

This is a rematch from the first show. AC hits her while she poses on the buckles. AC high kicks her and slams her. Dani handstand elbow drops her off the bottom rope. AC swinging side slams her.

Dan push kicks her out of the corner then is crotched up top. AC superplexes her. AC running knees her then pins her while pulling the tights.

It was a quick one and wasn't anything great. They did show a litle aggression here.

Joe Galli interviews James Storm at the bar. James says he's here to drink beer and party. He says he heard there is no party like a JCW party. James says he doesn't know much about The Southern Six but they remind him of him as a youngster. He says if they stay out of his way, there will be no bloodshed.

Kongo Kong vs "The Babushka Baron" Jeffrey John

Eric Smalls is managing Kong. John is wearing a babushka as the name suggests.

John hits shots to the gut then chest forearms. Kong shoulders him over then John flying shoulders him. John hits a top rope diving euro. John tries to sunset flip Kong but Kong butt drops him. Kong hits a top rope swanton/side senton and wins.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash here as expected. IT was what it should be. I don't know why John is wearing a babushka.

Santana Jackson comes out after doing Michael Jackson impersonations. He tries to get him to dance with him. Santana spins and Kong punches him out.

Nick Gage is interviewed. He says f-ck all the cops. He says he will beat the sh!t out of Colt and send him back to jail. He says the king is out and will never go to prison. Nick then makes Joe do his line.

Officer Colt Cabana vs Nick Gage

This is from a San Antonio taping. Colt tries to arrest one of the commentators and comes out to the COPS theme. Colt grabs the mic and says the crowd has the right to remain silent. He says he will take each and every one of the fans downtown after this is over and f--k each and every one of them. He says he has rights and his right is to beat the sh-t out of the felon, Nick Gage. He says he believes in police brutality.

Colt pats down the ref and sticks is finger in his butt. The ref pats down Nick and finds a chain. Colt puts the chain in the evidence bag. Colt goes to put it away at the commentary desk then Nick goes up and hits Colt. Nick sends Colt into the rails. Colt is sent into the rails.

Nick hits him with something in the seats and chops him. Nick throws a chair at Colt then hits him with a title belt. Colt goes to run up the ramp and is thrown in. Nick gets back in and Colt kicks the rope into his crotch. Colt pounds on him and says "love the police".

Colt chokes Nick with his bandana. Nick fires up and they trade shots. Colt boots him out of the corner. Colt rakes his eyes then does a half camel clutch. Colt misses a corner charge and takes a spinebuster. Nick ddt's him.

Nick hits a facewash kick in the corner. Nick grabs the evidence bag with the chain. Nick headbutts Colt and hits a chain punch. Nick then gets the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't super serious because it's Colt, but I liked the general idea here and I think everyone got what the deal was in this one.

Nick gets on the mic after. He thanks the fans and says it's MDK all f--kin day.

Shaggy's Spotlight

Shaggy 2 Dope says we will take a look at Willie Mack. We see clips of Mack
Matt Cardona talks. He says he will see us all soon and that's it.

James Storm and The Brothers of Funstruction (Yabo and Ruffo) vs The Southern Six (Silas Mason, Alex Taylor and Kerry Morton)

Alex takes an atomic drop then gets hit with a tie. Kerry takes a double back elbow and a double stomp. Silas is pulled over the top. Ruffo has the flannel on and puts popcorn in Alex's face.

Alex holds Yabo for a shot from Kerry. Yabo takes a double suplex then has his head banged off the buckles. Yabo gets his legs split. Alex takes a step up enzugiri. Storm is hot tagged in and he nails one of the clowns. He then superkicks the other clown and has turned on his partners.

James celebrates with The Six then pulls his pants down and moons the crowd. James beats the clowns up more outside.

Thoughts: This wasn't much here and had a weak finish with James turning on his partners.

Overall thoughts: It was an easy show to get through. The main wasn't much and had James Storm turning on his partners. Gage vs Cabana was okay. I was entertained by the Kong and Ellsworth matches, but they were both short squashes. The women's match was just average. It was about an average show overall, but I thought it provided some of the entertainment that comes with ICP a little better than the prior shows did and we'll have to see where things go from here.

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