Monday, September 2, 2024

Stardom 8/24/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 9

Stardom 8/24/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 9

Day 8 is here:

Momo Kohgo vs. Waka Tsukiyama vs. Rian

They all shake hands. Both girls wristlock Momo. Waka is put in a double headlock then takes a double basement dropkick. Momo camel clutches Waka and Ri basement dropkicks Momo while she does it. Waka dropkicks Ri then hip attacks Momo on the ropes.

Waka gets on both opponents backs at the same time and pulls back on one of their arms each. Ri headscissors Momo out of the corner then basement dropkicks her. Momo takes hip attacks from Waka and Ri. Ri dropkicks Waka as she dances.

They trade chest forearms then Ri dropkicks her. Ri crossbodies Waka then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Momo hits a double 619 for 2. Ri hits chest forearms on Momo then Momo dropkicks her. Momo goes for a backslide, Ri backflips and does her own backslide off of it. Waka then northern lights suplexes Ri and wins.

Thoughts: It was a quick and entertaining three-way. We got a couple of creative spots here and they had some fun before ending this one.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block B Match - Ranna Yagami vs Hanan

Han wristlocks her. Ran does it back to her then Han side headlocks her. Han side headlock takeovers  her. Han hits a basement dropkick then leg lariats her on the ropes. Han crabs her and Ran ropebreaks.

Han stomps on Ran then hits a chop flurry. Han slams her for 2. Ran hits forearms to the chest and Han drops her with one. Ran running kicks her in the corner and back kicks her for 2. Ran armbars her and Han ropebreaks.

Ran hits chest kicks then Han hip throws her. Han is caught with a kick off the 2nd rope then Ran PK's her for 2. Ran then goes for the armbar and Han rolls her into a pin attempt. Han misses a euro and Ran goes for the armbar again.

Han leg lariats her then Ran does her own leg lariat for 2. Han hits a cuty special for 2. Han then fameassers her. Ran gets her back and does a surprise pin attempt and pins her for the upset win.

Thoughts: The work was mostly average but it worked out better than expected and Ranna got the upset which was cool. It was basically like a lower card match but I liked it. They kept cutting to one of the wrestlers in the seats watching this one during it. 

They both talk on the mic after and Hanan does not seem thrilled about the loss.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block A Match - Koguma vs Anna Jay

They shake hands. Kog does her taunt/dance as usual. Anna does it with her then boots her. Kog trips her and baseball slides her. Kog camel clutches her and does her taunt while doing it. Anna ropebreaks. Anna hits knees to the gut and bangs Kog's head off the buckles.

Anna foot chokes her then suplexes her. Anna foot chokes her on the ropes and does Kog's taunt while she does it. They trade forearms and Kog 2nd rope crossbodies her. Kog corner splashes her then stomps on Anna's back.

Kog gets on her back for a sleeper. Anna hits forearms then spinning heel kicks her in the corner. Anna northern lights suplexes her. Kog cutters Anna then Kog 2nd rope dropkicks Anna. Anna side kicks her then they roll each other up. Kog rolls up Anna for 2.

Anna sleepers her and grounds her with it. Kog is out and the match is stopped.

It was just an average and somewhat light hearted match. They got out before it got boring or bad and I guess it worked, but it was little more than a midcard match. It was your usual Koguma match.

Cosmic Angels (Aya Sakura & Sayaka Kurara) vs. God's Eye (Hina & Saki Kashima) vs. HATE (Natsuko Tora & Rina)

This had a lot of people coming in and out real fast with lots of double team manuevers. It was completely hectic and too hard to properly transcribe. Hina pinned Rina here after Saki hit a double facebuster. It had no boring moments to it and there was no lack of action.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block A Match - Starlight Kid vs Miyu Amasaki

They tease a handshake but both back off. Kid rolls her into a leg lock. Miyu rolls her with a front facelock and rolls her into another pin attempt.  Kid armdrags Miyu then twists her leg with her feet.

Kid standing moonsaults Miyu's knee then rolls her into an indian deathlock. Kid footchokes her on the ropes. Miyu boots Kid out of the corner then tornado facebusters her. Miyu hits a short ddt for 2 then pull on her neck while tying up her arms.

Kid works on Miyu's knee and dragon screws it over the middle rope. Miyu pendulum ddt's Kid then Kid cross-legged fisherman suplexes her. They hold each other by the hand and trade forearms. Miyu hits elbows on Kid and Kid hits a big chest forearm too. 

Miyu 2nd rope ddt's Kid. Kid holds her neck and seems like she's in real pain after it then Miyu basement dropkicks her out. Miyu tornado ddt's her on the floor. Miyu hits another tornado ddt for 2.

Kid blocks a facebuster and dragon screws Miyu's leg. Kid flying double knees Miyu in the back. Kid rolls up Miyu for 2 and stretch mufflers her. Kid puts her in a texas cloverleaf. Kid 180 splashes Miyu then misses a top rope moonsault. Miyu gets a 2 count on a pin attempt then Kid dropkicks her. Miyu hammerlock ddt's her then lifts her in the air for a ddt for 2. Miyu does a pedigree style move and the time runs out.

I liked this one and thought it was one of Miyu's better matches. Kid worked Miyu's knee and Miyu worked Kid's neck. Kid did some good selling of the neck here.

They talk on the mic after and walk out with each other.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block B Match - Risa Sera vs Thekla

Thek beats up on Risa during intros and hits her with her title belt in front of the ref. Thek top rope double stomps her back and bangs Risa's head off the post. Thek gets sent into the seats. Thek throws chairs at risa, who blocks them with a chair. Thek grabs a crutch, Risa tries to hit her with it and the ref stops it.

Back in the ring, Risa giant swings her. Risa hits forearms and Thek knocks her down with one. Thek facekicks her on the ropes. Thek hits a spear for 2 then crossfaces her. Thek hits foot slaps then Risa drops her while she's across her back. Risa puts a high crab on her and Thek ends up slapping her to get out.

Risa hits the ref on accident. Thek chokes her with a weapon. Thek whips her with it and Risa chairs her many times. Risa kicks the ref and continues to chair her. HATE then try to break it up as Risa pounds on Thek.

Thoughts: It was short and had a rare DQ finish here. I don't really get the logic of why Risa was DQ'd when Thek hit her with a belt to start. This wasn't much.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block A Match - Syuri vs Xena

They lock up. Xena wristlocks her and Syu tries to roll out. Xena throws her down by the arm and armlocks her. Xena fireman's carry takeovers her. Xena backslides her then hits another armdrag. Syu rolls her up off of it. Syu dropkicks her and takes a basement dropkick after missed strikes. Xena euros her on the ropes and double underhook suplexes her. Xena corner basement dropkicks her for 2.

Syuri flying headscissors her then bulldogs her off the casadora. Syu fujiwara armbars her and switches to a normal armbar. Syu knees her through the ropes. Xena is laying on the 2nd rope and powerslams Syu on the apron. Xena plancha's Syu.

Xena is pulled off the apron and goes head first on the apron. Syu then tornado ddt's her on the floor. Syu top rope diving guillotine legdrops her on the back of the neck for 2. They trade forearms. Xena chop flurries her. Syu hits chest kicks. Syu germans Xena. Xena hits a chop and a fisherman's suplex variation. Xena running lariats her for 2.

Xena dragon suplex lifts her into a high german. Syu ddt's her then grounded sleepers her. Syu bridging ddt's her for 2. Syu pump kicks her then flying knees her for 2. Syu buzzsaw kicks her then hits an emerald flowsion for the win.

Thoughts: There was no story or even face vs heel storylines here but the work was okay. Xena's improving and didn't look out of place here with Syuri. It was better than I expected.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block A Match - Saya Kamitani vs Suzu Suzuki

They each avoid a lock-up. Suzu side headlocks her. Saya eye rakes her from the apron then bangs her head off the buckles. Suzu springboards and somehow Suzu does offense to her off of it? Suzu chokes her on the ropes.

Suzu kicks her in back then drive-by kicks her on the ropes. Suzu hits knees to the head then Saya hits a nice dropkick. Saya springboard plancha's her outside then springboard splashes her inside. Suzu hits a big forearm and Saya fires back. They trade. Saya blocks kicks and a tequila shot then spinning high kicks her. Suzu superkicks her.

Saya 2nd rope hurricanrana's her. Suzu germans Saya then Suzu spinning heel kicks her. Saya hits a top rope dropkick for 2. Saya grabs the leg and suplexes her then Suzu ddt's her. Saya hurricanrana's her but Suzu rolls through with a pin attempt. Suzu hits a tequila shot for 2. Suzu germans her and rolls into another german for 2. Saya poisonrana's her for 1. Saya hits a ki krusher then pump kicks her. Saya hits another ki krusher and wins.

Thoughts: It was an athletic match here. The work was okay but there was no story or anything and heel Saya isn't that much different than face Saya. I was fine with this.

Saya talks to Suzu on the mic after and Suzu has some words for her as well.

Overall thoughts: There was nothing must see on this one. It had a bunch of average to okay matches here though Kid vs Miyu was good. I wouldn't recommend this.

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